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Things you want in next Wii game

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In the next Wii game, I want...

Online multiplayer (just like I said also for the upcoming DS game)

Controls that involve using the Wiimote and Nunchuk*

*I want to use the control stick on the nunchuk for camera movement (scroll through the map) and have a cursor on the screen that can be moved around using the pointer function of the Wiimote. With the cursor, I can select units, go through menus, and etc.

That's all I could think of for now.

What do you want in the next FE Wii game?

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something wifi. i dont really know what else I'd want. i can't think of anything

oh! if a magic user or fighter has no weapons, they could just punch or kick like untransformed laguz

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Ilyana as the antagonist.


Actually, I would like Wifi myself, but Nintendo doesen't seem to like supplying Online to titles unless they're worth it. Then again, by the time FE 12 is released, they could change their minds...

I sure hope the next game has Mii Support, so Gamespot doesen't have any reason to write an idiotic review.

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I want controls like you said.

I also wanna control animations. What do I mean? I mean that each unit would have 3 animations that you could control by either making a vertical slice, horizontal slice, or simply stabbing it forward. Anything else, or not doing anything, would make it random. This wouldn't effect damage or critical or hit rate or anything, just the animation.

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For Mii Support... I'm not sure if it's necessary. What can we do with our Miis in a game like Fire Emblem?

Send your Mii's into battle! :P

That was actually just a little joke. Gamespot's review criticized (of all things) Radiant Dawn's lack of Mii Support. ZOMG, EVERYBODY PANIC.

Seriously, what would you do with Mii's in a FE game. >_>

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-Multiple generations

-Capture system

-Actual support convo's

-More non-random skills

-Ability to effect plot

-Magic weapons

-No grid

1. Like, FE4 style? (Haven't played FE4)

2. What?

3. Yes, definitely

4. Like PoR vantage and parity and nihil?

5. Can't see how that would really work....

6. If Valkyries still use swords, yes.

7. What?

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- Real and proper character personality building support conversations.

- More alternate endings based on Character supports/plot events/gaiden chapters.

- Magic weapons (if we still have Sword + Stave weilding units).

- More Female Swordmasters.

- More Wayu

- A lot more Wayu

- Some form of Wi-Fi use.

- To maintain a full set of fully illustrated character portraits. As being FE8 sucks.

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1. Like, FE4 style? (Haven't played FE4)

Yes, except more than just 2 generations.

2. What?

Capturing is like rescuing, except you do it to enemies. A captured unit's weapons and items can be all taken.

4. Like PoR vantage and parity and nihil?

Yes. I can't see how 30% chance of attacking twice adds anything new to the gameplay.

5. Can't see how that would really work....

And it's a good thing you're not making the next Wii FE.

7. What?


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What I really want is for Ike to come back and admit he's an idiot.

But that's not gonna happen, so I'll settle for some real support convos again.

And if it's set in Tellius after Radiant Dawn, I absolutely DEMAND to see how Leanne and Naesala's kids turn out.

If they could somehow convert your Mii's settings into something cool-looking and make it a strategist or NPC, that would be cool. But improbable.

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-Multiple generations

-Capture system

-Actual support convo's

-More non-random skills

-Ability to effect plot

-Magic weapons

-No grid

You CAN turn the grid off in PoR and RD.

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But can you play without absolutely any grid, gameplay or graphical? No.

You mean do to Fire Emblem what they did to Shining? No. Just, just no.

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Something kinda pointless and cool would be able to have the option of controlling your character's attack with the Wii remote. Not that it would change the damage or anything, but it would give you something to do while your waiting.

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