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Flee Fleet!

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I started FE7 again and finally had the motivation to get till Ch19.


So, the problem is, of which units I should use.


The three lords are forced, so I need to choose 10 characters. Priscilla, Oswin, and Matthew are chosen. I still need to choose 7 other units.


According to the augury, I should have magic users. I chose Canas, Lucius and Erk, but should I have them all join? Both Canas and Erk are level 13, whereas Lucius is at 14.

The augury says to "not bring ones with timid hearts". I can only assume this means that I should either not bring the two pegasus sisters because of the amount of Archers and Nomads, or it means I shouldn't bring along people with poor defense. Should I bring one of the pegasus sisters at least? Or is it better if I don't?

Lastly, there are some lance enemies, so should I bring an axe user along? While I think I should bring Dart (level 11) along, should I also bring either Bartre and Dorcas (both are level 12)? Also, should I bring Raven and Lowen who are at level 12? Finally, should I also bring an archer or will my mages do the job of ranged attacks instead?


Thanks in advance for any advice and suggestion.


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Good to hear you're re-picking up FE7. I actually hadn't returned to finish this title until about 8 years after first playing it as a kid, and I was quite pleased with the final chapters.

19 is pretty straightforward. One recruitable character will show up at the far end of the map, and you must intercept him with Lyn or Eliwood. You can cram your entire party straight north, or break a few walls to reach the eastern corridor. Both paths will feature mounted units, so grab appropriate slaying weapons. This map isn't open enough for you to avoid archer presence while making effective use of the pegasus sisters, except perhaps to javelin some mages that appear as reinforcements. You can field them if you like, but the real heroes will be whoever can break through the mob of cavaliers and occasional armor knight.

On the subject of axe users, it's commonly said that the only axe user that you'd need and is worth using is Hector. Every lance using class in GBA fire emblem is vulnerable to a special weapon except the generic soldier unit. Armor knights are vulnerable to armorslayers, fliers to bows, cavaliers to horseslayers. Bartre and Dorcas have very bad speed (specifically, Dorcas has an awful speed growth of 20% while Bartre's base is only 3 despite an average growth at 40%). Speed not only dictates double attacking, but your avoid rate, and they're low on physical defense to boot. So even with high health, calling these characters tanky just isn't true in practice when they take more damage and are hit more often than other units. Dart on the other hand I personally really like. His Con is lower than the others, forcing him to take a speed penalty on any axe he wields that isn't iron. However, he's the fastest axe wielder by a wide margin if you level him up. The 60% speed growth is extremely promising, and he'll get the same high health and HP as Bartre/Dorcas. The real deal maker is his promotion into a berserker. Berserkers have an inate modifier of +15% critical hit rate on all attacks, something only they and swordmasters share. They are so fun to use, and I'd recommend trying out Dart as well as looking up where his promotion item is in chapter 22 (it's a secret).

Edited by Gustavos
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Oh man, the augury... The game developers aren't always experts at their own games, so their "advise" should be taken with a grain of salt. Sure the mages will hit hard on all of the low RES enemies but they will also get torn apart because of their low DEF stats. Canas will be the best of the 3 because his DEF is actually pretty good and even though his SPD is lower than the other 2 mages he will still be able to double the armors and any unit weighed down by their weapons.


You should always bring a large group (5+) of mounted/flying units since they are the over-all best units in the game. After that, you shouldn't really train more than 1 or 2 of any other type of unit. Sure the Pegi sisters are weak to arrows but you can always strategically keep them out of harms way and prioritize killing the archers to keep them safe. 


For axe users, I personally feel Dart is the best because of his amazing class and ridiculous STR and SPD growths. After Dart, i like Bartre more than Dorcas, because Bartre will actually gain SPD and Dorcus is just going to cap-ram his STR stat. Although you might want to ignore both of them in favor of Geitz or Harken later.


Is there any special reason you are using Oswin? He is generally regarded as being really bad because of his 4 movement, and on this map in particular, you are going to want to move quickly to recruit Legault and kill the enemy thieves. Plus Hector fills his role of be a tank while still having 5 movement. Having Serra as a 2nd healer would probably be more useful on this map.


As far as an archer goes, they are generally considered not good, but if you really want to train one, they have a niche on this map because there is a group of enemy mages/shamans? to the right of your starting position and an archer can use a pure water and camp on a forrest tile while fighting the enemies through the wall.


Guy or Raven just aren't going to be doing much here being swordlocked against all of the ranged enemies.


Of the 10 deployment slots i would take; Prisilla, Mathew, 2 of the 3 cavaliers, Marcus, Florina, Fiora, Canas, Dart, and an archer of your choice. And if you aren't using Marcus because "prepromotes are bad/exp hogs/ some other reason", substitute Marcus for either the third cavalier, Erk or Serra. You could also drop one of the pegi sisters if you are really worried about the enemy bow units for one of those 3 units.


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Ok..I'll admit, my memory's broken so I had to check what chapter you're referring to...

This chapter is pretty much a cakewalk. It might seem frustrating at first but you'll do just fine. You'll come across a thief who's better than Matthew later on and he won't harm you but stop him quick before he leaves with the goodies he stole.(i'm just saying it incase you forgot about it).

Also, I really think that you should have Raven at ALL times even in the final chapter. Also, make sure you have good units that can defend Merlinus here as well so Lowen & Oswin might fit that job here.

I haven't used mages till late game where you get a powerful one so Its your call on that. As for Archers, yeah sure why not? Its not like you get a lot of them in this game though I advise you use Wil here as he's pretty good.

I never used nomads so I don't know whether they are handy or not. Its a good idea though to use Dart here as much as possible if you want. Him and Hector will do nicely and Hector can easily kill the boss here.


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As far as mages go: Canas or Erk will suffice.

For axe users: Pass. Hector is all you need, and the other axe users are hardly fantastic... The only other good axe users are pre-promos.

Regarding archers: they aren't very good, so your mages should have range covered.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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On 2/1/2017 at 9:20 AM, Gustavos said:

This map isn't open enough for you to avoid archer presence while making effective use of the pegasus sisters, except perhaps to javelin some mages that appear as reinforcements. You can field them if you like, but the real heroes will be whoever can break through the mob of cavaliers and occasional armor knight.


On 2/1/2017 at 10:36 AM, Hawk King said:

You should always bring a large group (5+) of mounted/flying units since they are the over-all best units in the game. After that, you shouldn't really train more than 1 or 2 of any other type of unit. Sure the Pegi sisters are weak to arrows but you can always strategically keep them out of harms way and prioritize killing the archers to keep them safe. 


Well, to be honest, the major archer danger here is the one sniper and the four nomads, and another archer. All close to each other. Simply put, I'd rather not take the chance of accidentally having one of my Pegis killed for which I'll have to restart the whole chapter, as I'm not that good at making strategies (I have like, one star for Tactics in my rankings). So, yeah, no pegis in this chapter, unless a slot is left (Fiora would take that spot, since she has lesser stats than Florina). Besides, they're at the same level with pretty good stats, so I rather prefer the others to try their luck in this map. 


As for the axes users, I actually like them, so I rather have at least Dorcas and Dart to get good level ups. And I will obviously use Hector, because duh, he's a pretty good lord.


10 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

As far as mages go: Canas or Erk will suffice.



On 2/1/2017 at 10:36 AM, Hawk King said:


Oh man, the augury... The game developers aren't always experts at their own games, so their "advise" should be taken with a grain of salt. Sure the mages will hit hard on all of the low RES enemies but they will also get torn apart because of their low DEF stats. Canas will be the best of the 3 because his DEF is actually pretty good and even though his SPD is lower than the other 2 mages he will still be able to double the armors and any unit weighed down by their weapons.


Therefore, I'm choosing both Erk and Canas for this map. Erk has pretty much balanced stats, and his speed enough for me to use him despite his poor defense stat (and the fact he actually is getting good level ups in Eliwood mode comapred to horrible performance in Lyn mode). He also has a support with Priscilla. I'm taking Canas because of having more defense, and because I like dark mages. Thus, Lucius will be left out, for he is a level above the other two and has horrible luck along with defense, despite his nice speed.

On 2/1/2017 at 10:36 AM, Hawk King said:

Is there any special reason you are using Oswin? He is generally regarded as being really bad because of his 4 movement, and on this map in particular, you are going to want to move quickly to recruit Legault and kill the enemy thieves. Plus Hector fills his role of be a tank while still having 5 movement. Having Serra as a 2nd healer would probably be more useful on this map.

Despite the 4 movement, Oswin's a meat shield for me, thus being the perfect candidate to be the first one to move forward with no worries of him dying (or Lowen could just do that, but I like Oswin, and he has good skill and strength). Hector would work as the meat shield, but the nearest cavaliers wield swords, putting Hector at a disadvantage. Also, I think Priscilla is enough due to her being mounted, and I have enough vulneraries too, so...

On 2/1/2017 at 10:36 AM, Hawk King said:

As far as an archer goes, they are generally considered not good, but if you really want to train one, they have a niche on this map because there is a group of enemy mages/shamans? to the right of your starting position and an archer can use a pure water and camp on a forrest tile while fighting the enemies through the wall.


11 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

Regarding archers: they aren't very good, so your mages should have range covered.


On 2/1/2017 at 3:57 PM, Harvey said:

As for Archers, yeah sure why not? Its not like you get a lot of them in this game though I advise you use Wil here as he's pretty good.

I used Wil in the previous chapter, so he's not coming in this one. Therefore Rebecca will be used in this chapter.......that is, if I wanted to. Seeing as how every unit except for the bosses has really low res to ORKO them, the mages can do the range attack job fine. Besides, Rebecca has 9 attack, and while she can double, she might not ORKO. She also only has 3 Res, so despite her speed, she might still get killed by mages, if the RNG screws me up. For now, I'm still deciding for whether I should take her or not.

Anyways, current team is this:

The three lords who are forced in this map, Priscilla, Oswin, Matthew, Canas and Erk, Lowen (he's pretty much Oswin with less Skill and more Speed, in addition to having a horse), Dart, Raven (crappy Luck, but despite being swordlocked, he may do pretty well. But, it's still pending, so...), Rebecca (pending), and I guess Wil/Fiora (maybe Fiora).

What do you guys think?


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50 minutes ago, Flee Fleet! said:



Well, to be honest, the major archer danger here is the one sniper and the four nomads, and another archer. All close to each other. Simply put, I'd rather not take the chance of accidentally having one of my Pegis killed for which I'll have to restart the whole chapter, as I'm not that good at making strategies (I have like, one star for Tactics in my rankings). So, yeah, no pegis in this chapter, unless a slot is left (Fiora would take that spot, since she has lesser stats than Florina). Besides, they're at the same level with pretty good stats, so I rather prefer the others to try their luck in this map. 


As for the axes users, I actually like them, so I rather have at least Dorcas and Dart to get good level ups. And I will obviously use Hector, because duh, he's a pretty good lord.



Therefore, I'm choosing both Erk and Canas for this map. Erk has pretty much balanced stats, and his speed enough for me to use him despite his poor defense stat (and the fact he actually is getting good level ups in Eliwood mode comapred to horrible performance in Lyn mode). He also has a support with Priscilla. I'm taking Canas because of having more defense, and because I like dark mages. Thus, Lucius will be left out, for he is a level above the other two and has horrible luck along with defense, despite his nice speed.

Despite the 4 movement, Oswin's a meat shield for me, thus being the perfect candidate to be the first one to move forward with no worries of him dying (or Lowen could just do that, but I like Oswin, and he has good skill and strength). Hector would work as the meat shield, but the nearest cavaliers wield swords, putting Hector at a disadvantage. Also, I think Priscilla is enough due to her being mounted, and I have enough vulneraries too, so...



I used Wil in the previous chapter, so he's not coming in this one. Therefore Rebecca will be used in this chapter.......that is, if I wanted to. Seeing as how every unit except for the bosses has really low res to ORKO them, the mages can do the range attack job fine. Besides, Rebecca has 9 attack, and while she can double, she might not ORKO. She also only has 3 Res, so despite her speed, she might still get killed by mages, if the RNG screws me up. For now, I'm still deciding for whether I should take her or not.

Anyways, current team is this:

The three lords who are forced in this map, Priscilla, Oswin, Matthew, Canas and Erk, Lowen (he's pretty much Oswin with less Skill and more Speed, in addition to having a horse), Dart, Raven (crappy Luck, but despite being swordlocked, he may do pretty well. But, it's still pending, so...), Rebecca (pending), and I guess Wil/Fiora (maybe Fiora).

What do you guys think?


Rebecca is inferior to Wil. Trust me, Wil is just the better preference unless you decide to get Louise later on as she also does a fine job.

I don't see what issue you have with Raven though because this dude is equivalent to Dieck. Sure, you get him a bit late but he's still good regardless. I personally haven't gotten any issues using this guy. If you have a lancereaver, you can make him use it and he will tear down every lance unit.



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2 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Rebecca is inferior to Wil. Trust me, Wil is just the better preference unless you decide to get Louise later on as she also does a fine job.

In what way? We don't even know how they stack up now because the TC didn't bother to post stats. 

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Just now, Levant Mir Celestia said:

In what way? We don't even know how they stack up now because the TC didn't bother to post stats. 

Even so, Wil is still better because his con is higher than Rebecca's and plus his affinity fire being that he has the same support level than that of her so its obvious that he's better. idk, its just my preference because I found Wil better until Louise showed up, since Rebecca is kinda like a glass cannon.


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4 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Even so, Wil is still better because his con is higher than Rebecca's and plus his affinity fire being that he has the same support level than that of her so its obvious that he's better. idk, its just my preference because I found Wil better until Louise showed up, since Rebecca is kinda like a glass cannon.


He has better con... by a whopping 1, which isn't much help when you lose speed forever. Also, his affinity is wind, not fire.

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12 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

He has better con... by a whopping 1, which isn't much help when you lose speed forever. Also, his affinity is wind, not fire.

Sorry my bad in that. Still though, Wil's the better choice when you consider the fact that he can be trained during Lyn's mode and the fact that he starts out with Steel Bow..an item that she doesn't get at the start.

The thing about Rebecca is that you need to baby her inorder for her to do good kinda like Nino only not anywhere worse than that. Wil doesn't need that because he's got good strength and defense that Rebecca simply doesn't.

Again, i get that its a matter of taste. I'm just trying to convince the OP that Wil can still be used if effort is made for him since its much easier to train him than it is to train her.



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Friendly reminder that the OP did not mention this as a hard mode run, so no need to get all tier list on a casual playthrough. Using whoever you like adds to the fun of any playthrough

While not as balanced of a cast as later entries, you can get away with using just about anybody in FE7. The difference between Wil's extra Con and Rebecca's extra Speed won't even be relevant for the game's final chapters.

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26 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Rebecca is inferior to Wil. Trust me, Wil is just the better preference unless you decide to get Louise later on as she also does a fine job.

I don't see what issue you have with Raven though because this dude is equivalent to Dieck. Sure, you get him a bit late but he's still good regardless. I personally haven't gotten any issues using this guy. If you have a lancereaver, you can make him use it and he will tear down every lance unit.



Wil is pretty much the stronger archer whereas Rebecca is the speedy one. These issues can be easily fixed if they support each other, according to the wiki. They're both good, to be honest.


Dieck turned out bad for me lol  I guess I'll take Raven along. I don't have any issue with him, it was just that there's more lance units than sword ones, so he gets a weapon disadvantage. Of course, I could use the Lancereaver, and Knights are slow, so...

Yeah, I guess I'll take him. He has enough strength too to ORKO anyone with an iron sword. And he gets support bonuses from Priscilla too, which is neat.


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Raven gets axes when he promotes, so that's nice. Iirc, hand axes are still E rank in this game, so he'll be able to use them instantly, too.

Also, the difference between the strongest and weakest characters in this game is a good deal smaller than in Binding Blade. Nino is somewhat of a pain to rise (shouldn't be too bad on Eliwood Normal though), and Will+Rebecca are usually both considered to be rather bad (mostly because the effective damage bows deal against flyers isn't as valuable as it was in FE6 and), but as you've seen, they're both perfectly viable on lower difficulties. Rebecca suffers a bit on Hector Hard Mode because it's very tedious to feed her kills thanks to her low base strength, too, but that's obviously not an issue in your playthough here.

Finally - you've successfully used Wendy in your FE6 playthrough, ffs :D I'm pretty sure you'll be fine with whoever you like or whoever fits into your support schemata. I don't think FE7 even has any unusable characters, especially on ENM.

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Regardless of your playstyle, raising too many units is always a bad idea. If you are constantly switching out higher leveled units for the lower leveled counterparts, your army won't be getting strong enough. You will be slowing down the rate at which your characters improve but the enemies will be steadily improving from map to map.


As the OP said he started this game again after a previous run stalled, It leads me to believe that the game started to get too hard or there was a particular map that proved too challenging. This should only be happening if you are raising too many units.


For the highest chance of successfully completing the game, you should focus on a core of about 6-8 "super" units that you bring on every single map no matter what. Then with your remaining deployment slots you can cycle characters in and out. This way your "super" units can move around without worry and your healer/s can stick with the weaker ones to keep them, well, healed. Having those "super" units also helps as they will be promoted sooner and promotions help in many ways: your units gain nice stat and movement buffs which gives more flexibility, it gives your attacking units extra weapon types so you don't have to constantly be worried about being at a disadvantage, your mages will get access to staffs which helps in keeping everyone healed, and your healers gain the ability to defend themselves and go on the offensive from time to time.


At this point in the game, even if you're the type to wait until LV 20 to promote no matter what, you should have at least 1 cavalier and Florina promoted, with another handful of units within a few levels of reaching promotion.


You really should be dropping some units entirely. It is entirely possible to train up everyone, but you are only going to be making the game more difficult on yourself with no added benefit. The great thing about this game is that there are 2 story modes and multiple difficulties to play, and you can use the characters you passed on in one playthough on the next playthrough.

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I completed the chapter. with the team I listed before (yes I took Rebecca Sugar and Fiora).

This chapter was fairly easier than I thought it would be. I only didn't get the member card, but it's not like I would be needing it anytime soon. Besides, it's Eliwood mode. There's still Hector mode.

22 hours ago, ping said:

Finally - you've successfully used Wendy in your FE6 playthrough, ffs :D I'm pretty sure you'll be fine with whoever you like or whoever fits into your support schemata. I don't think FE7 even has any unusable characters, especially on ENM.

Yeah, heh heh. To be honest, so far only one character has performed horribly for me, which is why:

14 hours ago, Hawk King said:

You really should be dropping some units entirely. It is entirely possible to train up everyone, but you are only going to be making the game more difficult on yourself with no added benefit. The great thing about this game is that there are 2 story modes and multiple difficulties to play, and you can use the characters you passed on in one playthough on the next playthrough.

I think I'm going to ditch Kent. Kent has done horribly compared to Sain and Lowen. He has had so far very bad level ups, and while he's on the same level as Sain, only one stat (Skill) is in the 10s. At least Sain has three in the 10s. Either way, I think I'm just going to ditch him completely and make Lowen the new Red Cavalier (even if he's yellow!).

14 hours ago, Hawk King said:

As the OP said he started this game again after a previous run stalled, It leads me to believe that the game started to get too hard or there was a particular map that proved too challenging. This should only be happening if you are raising too many units.

Nah, the actual reason I left the game was because I "killed" Dart, and couldn't recruit him anymore (I rather recruit all the characters, obviously). Besides that, the plot till ch 16 was incredibly boring, and really didn't motivate me much (At least in Lyn mode, I sort of had a connection with everyone, especially Lyn. So it was nice enough).  . Hence, why I didn't bother to go through the game again for a long time (I used to save in all slots whenever I new chapter was to begin. Yeah, I know, it was noobish, lol).

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3 minutes ago, Flee Fleet! said:

Nah, the actual reason I left the game was because I "killed" Dart, and couldn't recruit him anymore (I rather recruit all the characters, obviously). Besides that, the plot till ch 16 was incredibly boring, and really didn't motivate me much (At least in Lyn mode, I sort of had a connection with everyone, especially Lyn. So it was nice enough).  . Hence, why I didn't bother to go through the game again for a long time (I used to save in all slots whenever I new chapter was to begin. Yeah, I know, it was noobish, lol).

Alright, well good luck seeing this through to the end. Make sure to check the main site for the character recuruitments so you dont miss out on anyone else. 

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45 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

Alright, well good luck seeing this through to the end. Make sure to check the main site for the character recuruitments so you dont miss out on anyone else. 

Will sure do. I also checked how many promotion items I'll get, which will make it easier for me to decide who is worth promoting.

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As for the member card, you need it to access secret shops, of which the chapter you can get it in has two. Though I'm sure you know the former already. 

Also of note: if you're planning on using Dart, you better not miss the Ocean Seal, else he'll be useless.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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12 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

Also of note: if you're planning on using Dart, you better not miss the Ocean Seal, else he'll be useless.

Yeah, will definitely keep an eye on that, seeing as how both the Ocean Seal and Fell Contract are rare.

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3 minutes ago, Flee Fleet! said:

Yeah, will definitely keep an eye on that, seeing as how both the Ocean Seal and Fell Contract are rare.

Speaking of, the Fell Contract is only available through a side quest. Said side quest is pretty annoying, too (remember the disappearing bridge bullcrap that plagued 14x? It's in the chapter in question).

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46 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

Speaking of, the Fell Contract is only available through a side quest. Said side quest is pretty annoying, too (remember the disappearing bridge bullcrap that plagued 14x? It's in the chapter in question).

You mean 14x of FE6? I seriously hated that annoying disappearing crap.....hopefully it's not too bad in FE7? Maybe? 

Also, I should mention, I'm going to give the Fell Contract to Legault, mainly for having better base stats than the stats that Matthew has currently from level ups.

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7 hours ago, Flee Fleet! said:

You mean 14x of FE6? I seriously hated that annoying disappearing crap.....hopefully it's not too bad in FE7? Maybe? 

Also, I should mention, I'm going to give the Fell Contract to Legault, mainly for having better base stats than the stats that Matthew has currently from level ups.

Yep, that was the one I had in mind. I'd say it isn't really that much less annoying, especially since you're forced to field Nino.

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On 2/4/2017 at 10:10 PM, Levant Mir Celestia said:

especially since you're forced to field Nino.

Nah, that won't be much of a problem, as I also picked Sophia as one of the units to participate in Ch14x. And the lords are better than Roy so they probably won't get ORKO'ed by long ranged magic (is there long range magic users in the 14x like chapter in FE7?).

By the way...about ditching Kent. I'm on Ch21 and he's one level above Sain. And is crap compared to him. Almost every stat of his hasn't reach the 10s yet except for Skill. Whereas Sain has most of his stats in the 10s, including speed.

However, they both have a B support, and Kent while being Level 12, could still improve. But should I bother and just have Lowen do his job instead, and Sain can also continue being awesome with no worries?


I'm thinking about ditching him, but let me know what you guys think I should do. Thanks in advance. 

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5 minutes ago, Flee Fleet! said:

Nah, that won't be much of a problem, as I also picked Sophia as one of the units to participate in Ch14x. And the lords are better than Roy so they probably won't get ORKO'ed by long ranged magic (is there long range magic users in the 14x like chapter in FE7?).

By the way...about ditching Kent. I'm on Ch21 and he's one level above Sain. And is crap compared to him. Almost every stat of his hasn't reach the 10s yet except for Skill. Whereas Sain has most of his stats in the 10s, including speed.

However, they both have a B support, and Kent while being Level 12, could still improve. But should I bother and just have Lowen do his job instead, and Sain can also continue being awesome with no worries?


I'm thinking about ditching him, but let me know what you guys think I should do. Thanks in advance. 

There are long range mages (and yes, the boss is one of them), and status staves to worry about as well. 

That's hard to say when I don't have stats to compare.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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