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why is takumi so popular?


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I could write an essay, but it basically boils down to: he's a really relatable character. Did you unlock many of his supports?

It also helps that he stands out in Fates for being one of the few characters not to fawn over Corrin.


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Like res, I could also write entire essays about why I consider Takumi to be my favourite Fire Emblem character, but since I am pressed for time currently, I will refrain.

Let's just say that he is an incredibly complex character with multiple facets to his personality that I and many people who share his issues can relate to. Look through his supports. Read some of his lines more closely.

Also he is the best archer in the game and maybe even the series. He is straigth up an amazing unit, and it is quite a shame if you didn't use him.

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For one thing Takumi is a both pretty and a tsundere which seems to be enough to be popular in Japan.

That aside its because he's one of the deeper characters. With a lot of tropey characters that might not be the biggest achievement but it does make it extra welcome when a character has more then his one trope. Takumi is both responsible enough when it comes to his duties but also clearly a teenager in most other cases. He also has the best dynamic with his retainers

Personally I like him in part because he's actually a good tsundere. His attitude to Corrin is somewhat justified and he doesn't often demand character to keep jumping through tsundere hoops to prove they are good enough for him. His behavior around his retainers are also an early indication of what's behind the rude act. Takumi doing some things to avoid the typical Tsundere pitfalls might prevent his being a tsundere costing him popularity in the west where they are somewhat less popular. 

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i guess from a story point of view takumi's reaction was more realistic in that he didn't just immediately accept corrin. i can also see how people would like the tsundere aspects. i'm using him in revelations so i guess i'll see if he grows on me.

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Because, in a cast of dubiously developed characters, he stands out as a piece of gold for being relatable and relatively consistent in his personality and portrayal. He isn't my favorite character, but it would be petty of me to deny he doesn't have pretty good characterization when compared to most.

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Apart from his insecurities, which many people can relate to, I find that Takumi comes off as the only sane man in the plot. In a game where everyone feels like they are being warped to agree with the Avatar at every turn, Takumi is there to lay down some much needed opposition.

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Oh, good points; the consistency of his character (perhaps the most consistent character in Fates - including in the drama cds) and being one of the few sane characters (I've remarked on this before; it's even evident in his gold-farming DLC dialogue) are two other big reasons why he's so likeable.


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8 minutes ago, Res said:

Oh, good points; the consistency of his character (perhaps the most consistent character in Fates - including in the drama cds) and being one of the few sane characters (I've remarked on this before; it's even evident in his gold-farming DLC dialogue) are two other big reasons why he's so likeable.


Yeah, Takumi is pretty sane. I think he's without a doubt the best of the royal characters in terms of consistency, screen time, and development. And most of his supports are good. I don't remember any bad ones from my playthroughs. 

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1 minute ago, Augestein said:

Yeah, Takumi is pretty sane. I think he's without a doubt the best of the royal characters in terms of consistency, screen time, and development. And most of his supports are good. I don't remember any bad ones from my playthroughs. 

His supports with Orochi and Camilla make me very uncomfortable, but not because of bad writing; the supports are actually fitting to the characters. Camilla/Takumi is probably my least favourite support in the game!

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On top of what everyone else has said (wonderful points!), there's also the fact that Takumi...well, at least to me, feels like he grows as a character throughout the story. If you look at him from his introduction to the end of the routes, he feels changed; he's grown and learned from his experiences. The cutscenes alone drive that point for me via his expressions and body language (the one at the end of Revelations, I think, is extremely sweet). This is especially coupled with how, as Corrin and him gain more supports, what he says while wandering around My Castle becomes softer/sweeter (if you talk to him outside...in the English version, even when you invite him into the room, he's still a bit prickly).

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Because we blame him for everything.

Aside from memes, Takumi is pretty much the royal unit who gets the best characterisation in story, he's kind of a monster in gameplay, hell a lot of his supports flesh him out better than most of the army (cough*Corrin). I'll admit I'm not as warm to him as many others, but he at least friggin' stands out from the Fates cast in a way that isn't fetishised (at least, overtly).

Maybe he's different in the other routes (my biggest caveat), but even if you had only Birthright it's easy to see why he's up there.

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2 hours ago, Res said:

His supports with Orochi and Camilla make me very uncomfortable, but not because of bad writing; the supports are actually fitting to the characters. Camilla/Takumi is probably my least favourite support in the game!

But those supports are bad because of Orochi and Camilla, not Takumi.

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Since nobody else seems to want to write an essay, I'll bite the bullet and write a half-assed one.

Takumi comes off as one of the most "human" characters in Fates. He's allowed to be flawed and allowed to make mistakes. While the game does end up taking a few missteps regarding his interaction with the avatar, for the most part Takumi is allowed to have a more believable approach towards them.

His hostility towards the avatar makes perfect sense. Corrin is essentially a stranger who was raised by the enemy, who could've been brainwashed to believe that Hoshido is the enemy, who could have been a spy of some kind. And in a way, Takumi is proven correct when the sword Corrin brought with them explodes in town and kills several townspeople and the Hoshidan queen. He blames Corrin for, well, existing after things settle down. He is the only one of the Hoshidan siblings who expresses grief and anger at the loss of their mother, compared to his siblings who only comfort Corrin that it's not their fault and never speak of their mother again. In the Japanese version, Takumi is the only one to bring up (before the chapter 5 cutscene) that Nohr killed their father, and is the only one who continues to bring up Mikoto as a reason for why he will fight against Corrin and Nohr. The rest of the siblings just don't seem to care about their dead parents in Conquest, just getting Corrin back.

In the supports and various pieces of conversation throughout the game, we get an idea of his crippling sense of self-esteem. He's distant from Ryouma and Hinoka (especially the latter), and he feels that he doesn't measure up to them. Takumi feels like he's not as strong of a warrior as Ryouma and Hinoka. He feels that he's not as kindhearted as Sakura. He probably feels the least loved of all of his siblings, and when Corrin comes back and is suddenly showered with all the love and attention he feels he had never gotten from his family, it's natural that he gets jealous. Takumi is kind of in a shitty spot where he probably didn't get as much attention growing up because he would've been old enough to not require it, as opposed to Sakura who would've likely been a literal baby and would've needed attention. In a way, he was almost robbed of his chance to grow up with people paying attention to him. He puts up a facade of being the "tough" guy who's going to beat down all of the stupid enemies, but it's still a facade that he wears because he doesn't want to show that he's insecure, and he thinks that being strong will get him the attention that he so wants from his family.

Of course, Conquest is a bit of a disservice to his character in the long run because despite his justifiable rage at Corrin basically coming into his country, killing the queen and several of his people, and then ditching Hoshido for Nohr in a very vulnerable spot, Conquest only cares about the pain that Takumi is causing Corrin. And it portrays Takumi's rage as being entirely in the wrong without even trying to understand why Takumi is so angry and why it's to a degree justified, and boils it down to "I just wanted to love you as a sibling". But other than that, Takumi is allowed to be a character that stands on his own and exists for a purpose other than to fawn over Corrin.

(And this may be one of the worst essays I've written, but I haven't given a shit about Fates and even Takumi in a very long time, so.)

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8 minutes ago, Res said:

Haha, I *want* to write an essay; I'm just mindful of appearing as too much of a rabid fangirl. 

I just like writing essays.

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9 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I just like writing essays.

I realize my post could be misinterpreted; I was speaking of myself, personally, as I feel as if *I'm* forever mentioning Takumi on these forums. I really do enjoy reading other people's thoughts!

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Admittedly, Leo is a a better character than him, but Takumi has a few more things that make me like him more:


- Prf Bows are my fetish


- He's in my favorite class


Character wise, there isn't much I can state about him that everyone else hasn't already said. He's relatable and well rounded. It sucks that his totally human reactions to Corrin were used to set him up as the bad guy, with his "redemption" being him finally riding the Corrin train. God forbid there is someone on the ally side that dislikes Cornflakes.

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I can understand why Takumi is liked, for the same reason people here are saying. I personally think his "greatness" as a character is a little over stated, mostly due to the way Fates is. He really stands out between a lot of Fate's characters (though there are a lot of characters that deserve a little more recognition for being good characters, like Nyx), but there are past characters who are FAR better than he is.

Overall for me, I am neutral towards him. I can accept that he is a good character, but there are some things about him that I just do not like. (I find him to whiny, and thinks he acts like too much of a dick. Its like IS was trying for Shinon part 2, but wanted to make him a little more likeable.)


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