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FE Heroes poll


Fire Emblem Heroes  

62 members have voted

  1. 1. FE Heroes: Great game that was worth the hype? Or a disappointment.

    • Absolutely spectactular!
    • What a waste of space I'm deleting it now.
    • Its alright.

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i'm actually a bit surprised at how much i'm enjoying this. the combat isn't completely mindless, and putting together teams is fun. not sure how much a non-FE would get out of it. also, not sure yet how annoying grinding to level 20 in order to upgrade units is going to be, although i guess i'll just need to get over it and use shards and crystals on the characters i really like.

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28 minutes ago, geozeldadude said:

i'm actually a bit surprised at how much i'm enjoying this. the combat isn't completely mindless, and putting together teams is fun. not sure how much a non-FE would get out of it. also, not sure yet how annoying grinding to level 20 in order to upgrade units is going to be, although i guess i'll just need to get over it and use shards and crystals on the characters i really like.

Its not too Grindy but it can be a bit much at times.

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I've certainly been pleasantly surprised by it. Fire Emblem translates really well to the touchscreen, and the art is freaking amazing. I'm still not sold on the payment model, but I will admit that it's far less manipulative than most free to play games. All that said, I think I need a little more time with it before I can say whether I'm in love or not.

Edited by JetH7
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If it wasn't for the fact that I need to regenerate my stamina, I'd still be playing.  The pull system is hilarious, which is why I've been able to plow through the story.  Taking a slight breather to go through the chapters on Hard, since my units are significantly stronger now.

Rallies are great.  Swap is also great, though it takes a bit of thought to use.  Saving up a few more orbs so I can hopefully get a proper bow unit (and maybe a lance one, too).

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I got an update (1.2mb) that gave me not only the +2 Orb bonus but 10 stamina potions too. ^^ But I think you can only get after having the app for more than 24 hours, I'm not too sure.

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I played it a bit more now, and I still really like it.

I am just a little bit worried about the orbs. I am afraid that eventually, it's going to be really hard to get them in game so you HAVE to buy them. But with the ammount of free rolls you get, you must be extremely unlucky to only have bad units so orbs are not THAT important. I am glad that you cannot buy shards and feathers(As far as I know...)

I do think the ammount of stamina you have is quite low. I mean, early game you can keep playing but eventually you have to use 14 stamina to play a game that lasts what? 3 minutes? And then you can only play about 4 times and you're done in about 15 minutes. I guess I'm just too addicted and wanna play constantly. ;p

I did vote Absolutely Spectacular by the way. Because for a mobile game, this is really, REALLY good.

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47 minutes ago, Maddoka said:

I played it a bit more now, and I still really like it.

I am just a little bit worried about the orbs. I am afraid that eventually, it's going to be really hard to get them in game so you HAVE to buy them. But with the ammount of free rolls you get, you must be extremely unlucky to only have bad units so orbs are not THAT important. I am glad that you cannot buy shards and feathers(As far as I know...)

I do think the ammount of stamina you have is quite low. I mean, early game you can keep playing but eventually you have to use 14 stamina to play a game that lasts what? 3 minutes? And then you can only play about 4 times and you're done in about 15 minutes. I guess I'm just too addicted and wanna play constantly. ;p

I did vote Absolutely Spectacular by the way. Because for a mobile game, this is really, REALLY good.

Yeah, I'm hoping that they'll add a way to boost stamina amounts. as it is I just use an orb whenever I want to marathon.

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oh, yeah, i forgot to mention how good the art direction is. both the profile art and the map art are great. also, i'm amazed at how much writing is in the game, plus all the voice clips for all the characters. that must have been a huge effort.

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3 hours ago, Maddoka said:

I played it a bit more now, and I still really like it.

I am just a little bit worried about the orbs. I am afraid that eventually, it's going to be really hard to get them in game so you HAVE to buy them. But with the ammount of free rolls you get, you must be extremely unlucky to only have bad units so orbs are not THAT important. I am glad that you cannot buy shards and feathers(As far as I know...)

I do think the ammount of stamina you have is quite low. I mean, early game you can keep playing but eventually you have to use 14 stamina to play a game that lasts what? 3 minutes? And then you can only play about 4 times and you're done in about 15 minutes. I guess I'm just too addicted and wanna play constantly. ;p

I did vote Absolutely Spectacular by the way. Because for a mobile game, this is really, REALLY good.

This is pretty much exactly what I was thinking. I don't know what to think of the orb thing, because it seems like it would be better if it was a little harder to get good pulls but you got more orbs. It seems like with the current system eventually you can't get orbs without buying them, so if you just get really bad rolls you're screwed.

I haven't gotten too in depth yet, characters only lvl 11-16, and I'm at the second mystery of the emblem chapter, so it's kind of hard to judge, but it looks amazing so far, and I really enjoy it. My only complaint being it seems to focused on early game and I feel as though it's a little short unlike most games with this system, like Summoner's War.

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Just now, immatx said:

eventually you can't get orbs without buying them

Hey I actually thought that too but...

IF we keep getting 2 orbs a day. Only IF we keep getting those, we can do a full roll every 10 days. Include some daily missions, and other... Stuff... And you can get heroes relatively quickly.

I mean, a full roll is 5 units so you actually only have to wair 2 days for a new unit. Woah.


The thing that I hate most at the moment is the lack of Tellius charcters. XD But I guess we'll get those later.

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5 minutes ago, Maddoka said:

Hey I actually thought that too but...

IF we keep getting 2 orbs a day. Only IF we keep getting those, we can do a full roll every 10 days. Include some daily missions, and other... Stuff... And you can get heroes relatively quickly.

I mean, a full roll is 5 units so you actually only have to wair 2 days for a new unit. Woah.


The thing that I hate most at the moment is the lack of Tellius charcters. XD But I guess we'll get those later.

Oh that's true, when I was thinking about it I wasn't thinking of how you get 5 characters, just that you should wait 10 days to get to 20 lol. More Tellius characters would be great. PoR and Blazing Sword were my two favorite, sadly they aren't well represented.

I really wish you could slightly influence what games you want your pulls to come from. I really liked games 6-9, so it would be nice if I could get more of those characters (nintendo if you're listening 5* Erk please!) instead of the more recent characters from Awakening and Fates.

Also while I'm on the topic the * rating seems very unbalanced. Characters from Awakening and Fates seem to be rated higher. Examples being from what I've seen most of the, what 9 lords in Fates have 5*s? And then Eliwood is a 3* (and I think 4*). I guess I just want it to be more even, because to me it feels like the older characters are getting the shaft. I might just be biased because I liked the older games but I hope they address this.

Edited by immatx
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I am loving FE: Heroes at the moment, but I am definitely starting to see the flaws after sleeping on it for a day.

1. Your starting heroes (The three main lords and the other three bonus units, all 2 stars) will begin to fall off rather quickly after Chapter 3. It will become extremely difficult for these units to play the later chapters unless they are overleveled, and if they are overleveled, they get no experience from it.

2. The game highly encourages players to use many characters (as an alt-a-holic, I am okay with this). However, if one is trying to go the "pure F2P" route, it can become difficult to find enough members to form various teams for various difficulties. [I am trying to use my basic character set for the main story, but they are lagging behind enemy progression despite being similar levels. I do have an alt team for story and another team that can do Hard mode, but I am currently limited in my options.)

3. The game highly encourages players to use higher star units. I have a 4-star Felicia who is serving up anyone who comes her way (especially mages) but 5-star Marth and Cain are outright ridiculous with their power level. Lower star units (especially the starters) fall off rather quickly. They are still usable, but don't expect a full team of low star heroes to make it through unscathed every chapter.

4. Prepare for the long haul if one is looking to promote units to the next star tier. Not only they have to be level 20, the unit will require a lot of special materials mostly obtained from the Training Tower. Even then, once upgraded, I believe the unit goes back to being level 1, so it may have to be leveled multiple times to get to a 5-star ranking.

* * * * *

The negative points aside, FE: Heroes, despite its simplicity, it definitely a Fire Emblem game. Some levels I have to sit back and even think a few moves ahead on how I want to proceed, and there is the classic "Do I attack now, or wait for the enemy to attack me and finish them off next turn?" scenario. The callbacks to classic maps (the Birthright world has two maps that will definitely trigger memories from Fates) is also fun and enjoyable to see.

I would love expanded maps and an expanded roster (up to 6 or even 8 units), but considering FE:H is a mobile game, I doubt it will be added. Some of the character art is outstanding, and hearing the voices of classic characters is an easy trip down memory lane.

So yeah, overall I still love playing FE: Heroes and look forward to how it develops. Now, if only I had more orbs for more characters...

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