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List of Characters & Skills


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Is there a resource where we can fill in the skills and weapons of our summoned characters? If not we can populate the wiki here.

My summon characters so far

Roy: Binding Blade Mt 16 (+2 Def/Res When attacked), Shove, Triangle Adept (Gives 10/15/20% weapon advantage and minus if disadvantage), Seal Def

Robin: Blarraven Mt 11 (Grants weapon advantage vs colorless foes), Glowing Ember CD:4 boots damage by 50% of units Def, Bonfire (Glowing Ember but cooldown 3 turns), Defiant Spd (plus 3/5/7 if less than 50% hp), Spur Def (grants adjacent Allies Def 2/3/4)

Chrom: Falchion Mt 16 (Effective against dragons, every third turn gain 10hp), Aether CD:5 (negates 50% of targets Def & recover 100% damage dealt), Daylight CD:4 heal 30% of damage dealth, Sol CD:4 Heal 50% of damage dealt, Defiant Def 1, Spur Def

Lon'qu: killing Edge+ Mt 11 (ooldown count -1) Glimmer CD:3 +50% damage, Speed +1/2/3, Vantage (unit attacks first if under 25/50/75% hp)

Beruka: Killer Axe, Glimmer, Defiant Def, Lunge (if unit attacks swap places with foe)

Anna: Noatun Mt 16 (unit may move adjacent to any when under 40% hp), Night Sky CD:4, Astra CD:5 (+150% damage), Vantage, Spur Res

Alfonse: Folkvangr Mt 16 (+5 atk when below 50% hp), Daylight, Sol, Death Blow, Spur Atk 

Sharena: Mt 16 (inflicts atk-4 on foes within 2 spaces), rally atk, speed +, Fortify Def

Sophia: Fenrir+ Mt 13, Dragon Gaze CD:3 +30%, Dragon Fang CD:4 +50% atk, Warding Blow +Res when imitates attack, Fortify Res

Hinata: Ruby Sword+ Mt 12 (+20% atk if weapon advantage, -20% atk if weapon disadvantage), Pavis CD:3 reduces damage inflicted by 50%, Fury (grants atk/spd/def/res +1/2/3, unit takes 2/4/6 damage after combat), Brash Assault (unit automatically makes follow up when below 30/40/50% hp)

Mathew: Rouge Dagger+ mt 7, Reciprocal Aid (swap hp with adjacent ally), poison strike (inflicts 4,7,10 damage after combat if unit initiates), Hone Spd

Raigh: Raudrwolf Mt 10 (effective against cavalry), rally atk, hp + 3/4/5, seal res -3/5/7

Viron: Silver Bow+ Mt 13 (effective against flying units), night sky, astra, Defiant Res, Seal Spd

Gunter: Silver Axe+ Mt 15, Harsh command (converts penalties on target into bonus), Armored Blow, Hone Atk (C Slot), Hone Cavalry (C slot, adjacent cavalry gains +6 atk/spd)

Nino: Green Mage, GronnBlade+ Mt 13 (Cooldown on special attack +1, Adds total bonuses on unit to damage dealt), Draw back command, Resistance +1/2/3, Hone Atk

Arthur: Emerald Axe+ Mt 12 (gives +20% atk if weapon advantage, -20% atk if disadvantage), Swap command, Hp +3/4/5, Lance breaker

Tiki: Red Dragon Lightning Breath+ Mt 11 Rng 1 (enables counter attack regardless of range, cooldown +1), Glowing ember CD:4 +50% of unit's def added to attack, Bonfire - Glowing ember but CD:3, Defiant Atk, Spur Res

Catria: Killer Lance+ Mt 11 CD-1, New Moon CD:3 ignore 30% def, Luna CD:3 ignore 50% def, Armored Blow, Seal Atk

List of skills:

Hone Stat: Adjacent allies plus 1/2/3 Atk/Def/Spd etc)

Stat Blow: Grants 2/4/6 Atk/Def/Spd etc if unit initiates attack

Fortify Stat: Grants adjacent Allies +2/3/4 Atk/Def/Spd etc through their actions at the start of each turn

Defiant Stat: Grants +3/5/7 Atk/Def/Spd etc if hp less than 50% hp

Spur Stat: Grants adjacent allies Atk/Def/Spd etc +2/3/4 during combat

Weapon breaker: if unit's hp > 90/70/50 and unit attacks lance/axe/sword unit makes automatic follow up attack foe cannot.

Seal Stat: After Combat foe suffers -3/5/7 Atk/Def/Spd etc

Edit: Did more pulls, added names to the list.

Edited by Raybrand
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Don't double-post.

Don't know if there's a SF wiki page yet, but there should be one eventually.  While I think you're on to an excellent idea, the formatting on the first post is really painful to read.  Would you mind if I went in there and cleaned it up?

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Edit: Added some characters - Hana, Virion, Sophia. || In general, if min-maxing, it may be better to ignore 3* units and focus on 4* or 5* instead. Unless there are characters that are exclusively 3* or lower (such as the three "main lords"), it may be better to wait on "unlocking potentials" until drawing a higher star version of your favorite unit.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Well, this is not related to characters and skills, but I went ahead and (selfishly) compared star ratings to drop rates for some of my favorite characters. The main purpose of this is to see if it is worth training a favorite character or wait until one gets a 5* or a 4* version of them.

Remember, this is not a comprehensive list, just the characters I am interested in. This information is taken from the main Serenes Forest Heroes section, but is simply displayed differently.


5 Star Only (Some Focus characters reappear here.)
- Azura
- Elise
- Hector
- Hinoka
- Leo
- Linde
- Lyn
- Minerva
- Ryoma
- Takumi

4 or 5 Stars
- Hawkeye
- Jakob
- Jeorge
- Kagero
- Nowi
- Ogma
- Raven
- Roy

3 or 4 Stars
- Cherche
- F!Corrin
- Draug
- Effie
- Est
- Fir
- Hana
- Fredrick
- Matthew [Starter - It may be better to wait until one draws a better star version of this character.]
- Nino
- Olivia
- Palla
- Saizo
- Selena
- Setsuna
- Shanna
- Sophia
- Stahl
- Subaki
- Sully
- Tiki (Adult)
- Virion [Starter - It may be better to wait until one draws a better star version of this character.]
- Wyrs

Edited by Sire
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I'm interested to know if there's a resource as well.

At the moment, I'm coding a page that displays detailed information for each Hero, but the flaw in my plan is that I don't have a lot of usable data >___<

So I think I'll make a topic requesting for data very soon.

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1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

I'm interested to know if there's a resource as well.

At the moment, I'm coding a page that displays detailed information for each Hero, but the flaw in my plan is that I don't have a lot of usable data >___<

So I think I'll make a topic requesting for data very soon.

Does this help?

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