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so difficulty


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What are you thinking about it so far. Is it too easy, or does it definitely improve. I see people talking about using stat-boosting things like Rallies and stuff, but, if anything, I stay away from those because it's very easy as it is (which the one exception being one of those HM "Special Battles"). I actually also throw in my weaker characters into chapters so my stronger main team doesn't become too strong to completely destroy maps- which, ironically, if I did try their HM versions, I feel that'd end up making them even stronger and so on. 

If characters leveled-up slower, I could probably see it giving it considerable difficulty. I can't say I didn't have trouble with certain chapters (the way they're designed makes it so). That was actually pretty cool.

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A bit easy TBH. It was correct as long as I used Alfonse and Sharena, but after they got the bench I went through the story without difficulty in Normal with a 4* team. Even Hard doesn't make a big difference, at least until Binding Blade since I did not try the rest. Did not try lunatic either yet.

Sometimes the AI is smart, I got 3 units killed by the remaining Bow Knight since he shot and moved wisely, but sometimes it is just stupid and go attack your stronger unit and get killed whereas they could kill one of your units.

Edited by Brand_Of_The_Exalt
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As a rule of thumb, it's easy to get you characters to somwhere a bit higher than 20 lvl and way harder from that point. 5* characters progress nicely, though. The rest fall behind. Lunatic maps and quests made me think on my team setup and movement quite a lot even with two 5* units in the party. Of course the problem mainly was getting kills with other units (for quests), but some teams on 8th stratum gave me hell even when trying just to defeat them.

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The strategies it can make you think of actually pretty good, if only they're about the same strength. HM works as long as that stands, otherwise, general strength-level is what matters.

I also don't know what people are saying about Sharena, she's one of my best characters. She also seems to prioritise something like Spd/Def, and even some degree of strength. She's strangely durable for a speedier-side unit, which kind of lives up to the Soldier class. 

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1 hour ago, Soul~! said:

I also don't know what people are saying about Sharena, she's one of my best characters. She also seems to prioritise something like Spd/Def, and even some degree of strength. She's strangely durable for a speedier-side unit, which kind of lives up to the Soldier class. 

Shareena is just not competitive in the damage department until she reaches 5*. 4* and below, she is mainly a supporter. A decent one, mind you, but nothing more than that. Getting her personal 16 Might Lance makes her damage much more relevant in 5*, and it also has an extra support effect, so she will become quite useful then. At the moment, though, putting Shareena on your team gives you a unit that's weak to Green, but doesn't pull her weight in combating Reds. You could bring an extra Blue (Robin is great, because he kills both Reds and Typelesses), which skews balance, or let your Red handle other Reds, which could be too much pressure for your Red, unless he/she is a 5* beast. It's very hard for Shareena to function right now without two or more good 5*s on your team to begin with.

At the same time, Azura, another foot Lancer, is also in the game. They do completely different things, but Azura's Sing is so valuable in this low movement environment, and she also brings hefty damage to the table. Once we are able to get 5* Shareena, I'm confident she won't be inferior choice to Azura, but Azura is much more usable out of the box, and is much more effective at 4* compared to 4* Shareena.


Anyway, I think the difficulty curve for Story mode is kinda wack in this game. Chapters 1 to 5 are a breeze, then 6 somehow causes trouble, especially 6-5, which can become extremely difficult if you didn't know that your first unit would be stuck with Ryoma, and is the first taste of 4v5. Then, 7 and 8 are easy again, but Chapter 9 throws things like Zephiel's high Defense platoon at you, and Veronica is quite threatening damage-wise. It's mostly hard when going in blind, since you can't move your units' positions around after going into the level.

The Arena AI seems to be smarter? And probably also because players have more threatening units. They know how to organize themselves to cover their weaknesses and force trades, so you have to plan around all of that. The small maps and limited movement really narrows the window of execution for strategies, such that one sub-par move before you engage the enemy could already have cost you the game.

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Just finished the second Akaneia quest, and the difficulty is definitely here. Knights keep getting about +1 HP/Str per chapter, and I can't double most of these guys. Is it the time to hit the sidequests? I mean, as hard as they were, I've managed so far.

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Remember, FE is a strategy game at heart!  Every unit has something they're designed to do, so take advantage of that!  For example, I brought a 3* Raigh all the way through the story.  Why?  He murders horses, hinders enemy Res, and has Rally Attack.  Nuking Res doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but my strongest unit is Tiki.

Will a team of 3^ units be able to handle every last story chapter?  Probably not.  Can they be helpful?  Yes, if you're willing to play to your team's strengths.  Get to know your units, and they'll serve you very well.

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the games been getting more difficulty on me, i was trying to mixed up units to get thougher... but once the pegasus trio appeared... even my main team kept getting defeated. it wasnt till my latest draw getting a team of 4 and Fae that i was able to progress... but i still lack a 5 star unit.... i cant help but feel thats biting me in the butt at this point with how evil birthrights placements were...

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15 hours ago, Thany said:

the games been getting more difficulty on me, i was trying to mixed up units to get thougher... but once the pegasus trio appeared... even my main team kept getting defeated. it wasnt till my latest draw getting a team of 4 and Fae that i was able to progress... but i still lack a 5 star unit.... i cant help but feel thats biting me in the butt at this point with how evil birthrights placements were...

Level up a variety of people!  The pegasus trio gave me no problems whatsoever, because I had a very strong archer to deal with them.

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Just now, eclipse said:

Level up a variety of people!  The pegasus trio gave me no problems whatsoever, because I had a very strong archer to deal with them.

my only archer at the time was a level 2 virion.... there really was nothing i could do. the only way i was able to beat em was to bring an armored gwuendlin and burn em with fae. still it was really unfortunate i got such terrible draws earlier for situations like that.

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4 minutes ago, Thany said:

my only archer at the time was a level 2 virion.... there really was nothing i could do. the only way i was able to beat em was to bring an armored gwuendlin and burn em with fae. still it was really unfortunate i got such terrible draws earlier for situations like that.

I dealt with them using Virion.  The other alternative was Arthur, who hits really hard against lances (this solves Catria/Est).  Gwendolyn/Fae works, though Fae his Res, which is unfortunate.  The beauty of Heroes is that there's no "right" way to clear maps - just different strategies.

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I haven't felt like I needed a 5* unit through most of hard mode. I'm still leveling for lunatic and some of chapter 9 hard, so dunno how that'll play out, but for now I'd say 5* is mostly for arena and even that should change once it's properly tiered and all of the 5* having people--especially the full team of 5* people--shoot up and away. The main thing is having a good variety of units at 3* or 4* to match-up to each map's challenge and the only advantage of a good 5* like takumi or hector is potentially needing to grind up less characters to succeed. 2* is fine for normal mode, even, until 9-x.


You have 23 days to get people to level 35 and not miss out on monthlies though, which is plenty of time.

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