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The Map Matchup Thread

Magical Glace

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Okay, now we have another Paralogue. And... I'm stumped. Paralogue 2-2 seems to be Thracia C22: Across the River, but I can't figure out the other two. Help? Anyone?

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2 hours ago, Seafarer said:

Okay, now we have another Paralogue. And... I'm stumped. Paralogue 2-2 seems to be Thracia C22: Across the River, but I can't figure out the other two. Help? Anyone?

Maybe Hero of the West for Klein and Sanaki's map?

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2x-3 is IMO, FE4 Chapter 3, specifically the forested area between the Agusty and Silvail castles, where the player is likely to fight Eldigan and his knights. I might be wrong though.

2x-2 is definitely Crossing the River... *horrible flashback* At least it's not as unfairly difficult as it was in FE5.

2x-1 does seem to resemble Hero fo the Western Isles.

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Somewhat minor point, but I think 5-3 is more of a reference to FE3/12 Chapter 8 rather than the FE1/11 map. They both take place in the same location, but you start at the north of the map in the FE11, while 5-3 has you start in the middle like FE3/12. Also, Jeorge is present like in FE3/12.

No idea why it uses the FE3 Book 1 music, though. Especially considering that was one of the maps cut in Book 1.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What about Grand Hero Battles?










Now Ursula's map is very definitely based on Battle before Dawn (FE7 Ch. 26E/28H); Robin's looks like that Morgan paralogue (Disowned by Time, FE13 P12, dark and watery); and Narcian's… The Dragon Girl (FE6 Ch. 15), but with the mountain range spiraling to the opposite direction for some reason?

Edited by Vaximillian
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The whole paralogue is inspired by FE7, which is kind of obvious.

P3-1 looks like Ch. 16E/17H (Whereabouts Unknown), where Raven and Lucius are recruited and a red gemCaelin soldiers are saved.

P3-2 is definitely Ch. 25E/27H (Pale Flower of Darkness, Kenneth's version). Snow not included.

P3-3 again looks like Ch. 26E/28H (Battle before Dawn).

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4 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

The whole paralogue is inspired by FE7, which is kind of obvious.

P3-1 looks like Ch. 16 (Whereabouts Unknown), where Raven and Lucius are recruited and a red gemCaelin soldiers are saved.

P3-2 is definitely Ch. 25E/27H (Pale Flower of Darkness, Kenneth's version). Snow not included.

P3-3 again looks like Ch. 26E/28H (Battle before Dawn).

Updated with this info.  (Quick note, WU is 17 in Hector mode, since there's a defense map inserted before the chapter Lyn is recruited).

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8 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Updated with this info.  (Quick note, WU is 17 in Hector mode, since there's a defense map inserted before the chapter Lyn is recruited).

You're right indeed. I've forgotten Talons Alight.

Also, in the section for Chapter 7 you don't repeat the word Chapter (e. g., Chapter 22E/23H), while in the section for Paralogue 3 you do (e. g., Chapter 16E/Chapter 17H).

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

You're right indeed. I've forgotten Talons Alight.

Also, in the section for Chapter 7 you don't repeat the word Chapter (e. g., Chapter 22E/23H), while in the section for Paralogue 3 you do (e. g., Chapter 16E/Chapter 17H).

Derp, I also alternated on including "The" in FE6/7's titles.  Fixed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Glaceon Mage Oh right, maps. The Navarre map is probably supposed to be based on FE1/11 Ch. 3 (A Brush in the Teeth) because of the man himself and all the bandits around him.

It does resemble the mountain hideout, if the north in SD is aligned to be east in FEH, like so:


Spring Festival paralogue maps (4-1, 4-2, 4-3) might all be original, dunno.

No idea about Gaiden though. Need to dig through some LPs or something.

Okay, Paralogue 5-1 is pretty obviously Rama Woods or whatever it's called now, the very first battle of Chapter 1.
Paralogue 5-2 is something I'm not sure about yet. Thief Woods, maybe? Second battle of Chapter 1.
Paralogue 5-3 is something I'm not sure about either. Rama Valley? Fourth battle of Chapter 1.

Zephiel's map is pretty much the throne room of FE6 Ch. 22 (An Undying Dream), right?

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3 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

@Glaceon Mage Oh right, maps. The Navarre map is probably supposed to be based on FE1/11 Ch. 3 (A Brush in the Teeth) because of the man himself and all the bandits around him.

It does resemble the mountain hideout, if the north in SD is aligned to be east in FEH, like so:


Spring Festival paralogue maps (4-1, 4-2, 4-3) might all be original, dunno.

No idea about Gaiden though. Need to dig through some LPs or something.

Okay, Paralogue 5-1 is pretty obviously Rama Woods or whatever it's called now, the very first battle of Chapter 1.
Paralogue 5-2 is something I'm not sure about yet. Thief Woods, maybe? Second battle of Chapter 1.
Paralogue 5-3 is something I'm not sure about either. Rama Valley? Fourth battle of Chapter 1.

Zephiel's map is pretty much the throne room of FE6 Ch. 22 (An Undying Dream), right?

Thankee, and yeah, Zephiel is likely Neverending Dream Aka the best map in the series obviously no bias at all I swear.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A whole new story chapter is coming tomorrow, called World of BlueheadRadiance, based on Path of BlueheadRadiance (duh).

There's a glimpse of one map in the trailer. All the four Greils are on it, so I'd guess it is 10-5.
The map looks like a recreation of Ch. 8 (Despair and Hope).

For the rest of the maps, will have to wait for tomorrow.

(it isn't considered a double post, if my previous post was eleven days ago, right?)

Alright, everything's been datamined, time to play match-up!
And I already lost. @Glaceon Mage? Anybody?

Xander's paralogue I leave to somebody who's played Fates.

10-1 I have no idea.
10-2 I have even less idea.
10-3 is probably one of the Serenes subchapters? Ch. 17.
10-4 looks like RD Ashera battle but it absolutely shouldn't be.

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6 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

A whole new story chapter is coming tomorrow, called World of BlueheadRadiance, based on Path of BlueheadRadiance (duh).

There's a glimpse of one map in the trailer. All the four Greils are on it, so I'd guess it is 10-5.
The map looks like a recreation of Ch. 8 (Despair and Hope).

For the rest of the maps, will have to wait for tomorrow.

(it isn't considered a double post, if my previous post was eleven days ago, right?)

Alright, everything's been datamined, time to play match-up!
And I already lost. @Glaceon Mage? Anybody?

Xander's paralogue I leave to somebody who's played Fates.

10-1 I have no idea.
10-2 I have even less idea.
10-3 is probably one of the Serenes subchapters? Ch. 17.
10-4 looks like RD Ashera battle but it absolutely shouldn't be.

The designs on the floor seem to indicate this is in Zenith for some reason...

It's been a while since I last played FE9 because I find it boring though.

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11 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

The designs on the floor seem to indicate this is in Zenith for some reason...

It's been a while since I last played FE9 because I find it boring though.

Which makes me incredibly confused indeed. If it's the World of BlueheadRadiance, why are the ornaments Zenithean?
Guess we will still have to play the actual chapter to find out.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Which makes me incredibly confused indeed. If it's the World of BlueheadRadiance, why are the ornaments Zenithean?
Guess we will still have to play the actual chapter to find out.

Since this is main story instead of Paralogues and we left off of the main story with Veronica dragging a ton of characters into Zenith, she's probably at it again with us chasing them back into Tellius for 10-5.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So the Celica story chapter and Lloyd grand hero battle maps have been datamined, yay!

Lloyd's map is pretty obviously his version of Ch. 23E/24H (Four-Fanged Offence); we will probably start on the left.

Damn, all of Celica's boat maps look the same! Anyway:
11-1 looks like Novis Cemetery (Celica's first battle in Chapter 2) (or any fucking graveyard map at all);
11-2 looks like Celica's second battle (or the fifth, lol, still Ch. 2);
11-3 is Fear Mountain mid-chapter 4 Alm's route where Mara the witch is fought,
11-4 is Celica's third battle (or the last before disembarking in Nova Fort). Chapter 2 again.
11-5 is Nuibaba's Manor from chapter 4 Alm's route again.

Hey, at least Celica's story chapter has more maps from her own game than Ike's had from his!

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

This looks like either Mila Valley mid-chapter 3 where Bly is fought or Fear Mountain mid-chapter 4

It's Fear Mountain. You'll notice the mountain range coming down from the north-east, which isn't present in the generic Valley map.

Also, Novis, not Nova.

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4 minutes ago, Seafarer said:

It's Fear Mountain. You'll notice the mountain range coming down from the north-east, which isn't present in the generic Valley map.

You're right, of course. I surely didn't have enough coffee when I posted this. Still, Celica has three maps from her game and route while Ike only had one.
Take that, Ike!

On 06.02.2017 at 3:28 AM, Glaceon Mage said:

Paralogue 2 - The Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776, The Binding Blade, and Radiant Dawn

  • P2-1: Hero of the West (FE6 Chapter 11 Lalum Route)
  • P2-2: Across the River (FE5 Chapter 22)
  • P2-3: Eldigan the Lionheart (FE4 Chapter 3, portion)

Radiant Dawn in P2, really?

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