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Minor Conveniences You'd Like to See Added?


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Any minor things you'd like to see added to the game?  For me, there's two I can think of.

First: A way to swap units directly from the Battle Map Select Menu.  Right now, we have to go to the Allies screen, then go to Edit teams, then go all the way back through the Battle menu again.  A way to quickly swap out members would be appreciated.  We have 5 "quick slots" or whatever they're called, but I have a core team of 10 members that I swap around, depending on the enemy makeup, and it seems like an unnecessary hassle.  The only time I really have a "set team" is for Arena.

Second: A Unit deployment screen before the battles.  I'm not sure if it's intended, but I've been screwed over in several maps by having my units in the worst possible spots to start out in.  Sure, Maria's going to start locked in a room with Ryoma.  This will go well.


Anybody else think of minor changes to game mechanic that would be nice?

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One thing I'd like, which may be beyond what is considered minor, is for Healing to scale with attack power.  As it is now, Healing does the exact same amount of HP at level 1 as it does at level 40, making healing worthless at high levels.

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1) 100 stamina or a leveling system stamina cap. This is crazy. In 8 hours of sleep I get 96 stamina. I lose 46 instantly
2) Use of best friends other than 5 feathers.
3) Some form of feather grinding. I dont care if it's as minimal as 5 feathers per round. I need to train 2* -> 3*


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14 minutes ago, The Geek said:


A.  Lower stamina costs or

B. Higher stamina cap

Yeah, it's annoying to only be able to play 3 maps before running out.  They say the training grounds are half cost now.  I feel their current cost is about right, and dread when it gets doubled.

6 minutes ago, Ryuke said:

1) 100 stamina or a leveling system stamina cap. This is crazy. In 8 hours of sleep I get 96 stamina. I lose 46 instantly
2) Use of best friends other than 5 feathers.
3) Some form of feather grinding. I dont care if it's as minimal as 5 feathers per round. I need to train 2* -> 3*


I think Stamina caps out at 50, so anything above that never registers.

5 feathers seems insanely low, considering it takes 20K to go from 4* to 5*. 

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Just now, Rezzy said:

Yeah, it's annoying to only be able to play 3 maps before running out.  They say the training grounds are half cost now.  I feel their current cost is about right, and dread when it gets doubled.

I think Stamina caps out at 50, so anything above that never registers.

5 feathers seems insanely low, considering it takes 20K to go from 4* to 5*. 

Yeah... 50 stamina is wait too little. Espeicially if you wait 5 minutes for one. A levelling system easily fix this. (Higher level = More stamina -- and they dont even need to be 1:1).


I am here.. thinking of building all my 1* => 2* and so on...
The 20K feathers should probably be obtained via duelling.

I kinda understand the 20K feathers.. because they want to prolong the longetivity of the app. Dont know if that's a good way.

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  • Feathers, feathers, more feathers. (Seriously, I have too many feather needs and too few ways of getting them!)
  • More Free Orbs (RNG Gods are not that kind towards me.)
  • Dueling Sword restore clocks

I do like the idea of unit placement. That would be nice on some maps when Effie is at the far left of a map and watches the entire battle because of movement speed.


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I can already sense how many feathers I'm going to need, with me wanting to get my 4* Cherche to 5*, and my 3* Henry to 5*, among other units. We really either need to get more from dueling or to have a second way to get them.

Also, a battle prep screen would be great.

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A character gallery would be nice to have. Although the artwork have been ripped thanks to the dataminers, it would be nice if you can view the artwork of any character you have obtained at least once from the Misc. menu, not unlike how you can rewatch summoning movies for certain characters you have drawn at least once (currently Marth, young Tiki, Robin, Lucina, Lyn, Roy, Takumi, Camilla).

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Some limited way to get/apply statboosters other than merging, since p(getting the same 5* in the same file) = not high

My Robin has extremely poor speed (same level Gunther has more speed than him) and gets doubled by just about everything that isn't an armor. I'm pretty sure that's fairly outliery for Robin. It would be nice to just get some stuff to help units who got some really bad level ups out.

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Most of mine has been said before, but anyway.


  • Battle Prep screen
  • increased friend list
  • being able to increase the stamina (maybe new castle upgrades?)
  • more ways to earn orbs after everything has been done (I'm sure they'll add something sooner or later to fix this).
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I don't expect to see ways to add orbs unless it's events or something like apologies for maintenance. Orbs are how they get their revenue so I wouldn't expect them to really just freely hand them out except on special occasions.

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17 minutes ago, Ebony said:

I don't expect to see ways to add orbs unless it's events or something like apologies for maintenance. Orbs are how they get their revenue so I wouldn't expect them to really just freely hand them out except on special occasions.

Yeah, I don't expect a ton of free Orbs, apart from events.  My main issue would be with Stamina, I'd like to see an increased Stamina Cap, a better Orb to Stam Potion exchange rate, or some way to get Stamina Potions in-game, apart from the occasional mission.

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An increase to the stamina cap definitely needs to happen. Stamina costs here are worse than they were in Brave Frontier.


Feathers need to be much easier to get. Even if it is just a weekly feather dungeon, or something. It shouldn't take several weeks, even for the top arena participants, to take a single unit from 4* to 5*


Easy multipulls would be nice. Specify the number of pulls and your color priority, higher priorities get picked further into the pull.


Make ranks matter to the appearance of characters. 1* - 3* Raigh is a Dark Mage, 4*+ Raigh is a Druid, etc.


Battle prep/defense screen. We all want the prep screen back, I just want a screen to arrange my arena defense as well.

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28 minutes ago, Suichimo said:

Feathers need to be much easier to get. Even if it is just a weekly feather dungeon, or something. It shouldn't take several weeks, even for the top arena participants, to take a single unit from 4* to 5*

I think the feathers from friends should actually be a decent way to accumulate them.  It will literally take over 5 and half years to promote a 4* to 5* with just friend feathers.

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