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Corrin Nohr Prince > Ninja > Master Ninja > Dread Fighter ?


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Ok so I have my level 10 Corrin Nohr Prince with Ninja as talent and I already have the Dragon Fang skill.

My goal is to have max level Dreadfighter Corrin with these skills: Dragon Fang, Poison Strike, Shurikenfaire, Draconic Hex & Aggressor.

I know using Heat Seal to change class to Ninja and leveling up to 11 is next to get Poison Strike. But then i want to get shurikenfaire as fast as possible while being promoted to Dread Fighter already as I advance in the game.

So should I then use heart seal to reclass to Ninja, level up one level to get poison strike, then use master seal to promote to master ninja and leveling up 1 level and the use the dread fighter scroll to learn shurikenfaire as dread fighter already or what's up ?

Thanks for your help.

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Well when you level up one level as a Ninja you'll get Locktouch first. At level 12 you'll get poison strike.

If you early promote (which I don't recommend) you'll still need to hit level 15 promoted to get Shurikenfaire. It would be wise to wait until you're level 5 promoted (thus, you've learned Draconic Hex) as a Nohr Noble to reclass to Master Ninja. Over the next 3 levels you'll get Locktouch, Poison Strike, and Lethality. Then, at 15 you'll get Shurikenfaire. At that point, you'd need to change into Dread Fighter and level up 4 times to get Aggressor. So by level 39 you'll have all your skills that you want.

It seems like it'd be very expensive and not all that worth it, though, to do this build for the main story (especially in Conquest) but if you're going to use it online then that's fine. I would recommend forgoing Aggressor, though, if you're just using this for the story, as it isn't all that necessary. 

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Last time I did Lv12 Ninja with Dragon Fang and Poison Strike to Dreadfighter and marrying Corrin with Jakob and reclass him to Master Ninja in Conquest and both kicked ass but I really wanted Shurikenfaire and couldn't get it since I really never promoted to second class. I lost that save and I'm starting again. Should I do the same, do what you say or Nohr Noble > Dreadfighter would be more worth it ? I'll do again Lunatic Conquest. Thanks for your help.

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16 hours ago, fega19 said:

Last time I did Lv12 Ninja with Dragon Fang and Poison Strike to Dreadfighter and marrying Corrin with Jakob and reclass him to Master Ninja in Conquest and both kicked ass but I really wanted Shurikenfaire and couldn't get it since I really never promoted to second class. I lost that save and I'm starting again. Should I do the same, do what you say or Nohr Noble > Dreadfighter would be more worth it ? I'll do again Lunatic Conquest. Thanks for your help.

Nohr Noble lv. 5 > Master Ninja is the strongest option between what you want, I'd say. Because you're doing Lunatic Conquest resources are very scarce and it's doubtful you'll go beyond level 15 anyway (I finished Hard Conquest with my avatar around level 10 promoted). 

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I would give him Swordmaster (For Vantage, Astra, Swordfaire, S-Rank in Sword.), Master Ninja (Have better Spd and Skl), or Lodestar if we had to go in the DLCs, as a final class, Imo Dread Fighter doesn't give a lot of good skills and doesn't have good stats imo.
(Beside Aggressor I mean, but it's given at level 35.)
Nohr Noble is a must have just to have Draconic Hex. -4 in all stats is very good to have on your side.

Nohr Noble is funny like that, you have crap Magic, but with Draconic Hex, you weaken ennemies even more than ninjas in all impunity, and if Corrin can tank things... eh.

Edited by B.Leu
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