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EiMM: SF Warriors - Game Over, congrats to Kinumi, Gaius and Sylveon


When should game start? (Multiple choice)  

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  1. 1. When should game start? (Multiple Choice)

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##Unlynch Charlotte 

Lilliput Wrym

I get no pleasure in doing this, but I have to. In this moment, this is what I believe to be the best course of action for me, moving forward. I hope you will forgive this. Goodbye, my ally, my adversary, and my friend.

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~End of Night Votals Because It Actually Mattered Here~

Charlotte: honq, Random Player, Faerie Knight, Walrein

Lilliput Wrym: Makaze, Elieson, Tuvy, Gaius, Zeonth

Pisces: Jiac

Hence there was a tie and so noone was lynched! You're supposed to kill each other not come to peaceful resolutions damnit.

The first death of the night is Lucky who was pretty lucky to have made it this far honestly.

Dear Makaze/Lucky, you are Isaac Dian. You are a happy-go-lucky man with a happy-go-lucky sidekick with whom you travel the world with. After a string of robberies you are starting to feel bad for your crimes and have pledged to only do good. Thus you are here, to rob these no good mafiosos and make lots of friends in return.
Every night, you may Go free <alias1> from their cursed fortune. You will relieve <alias1> from having any items and money, and in the process of doing so find a copy of their role pm. If this is successful, you may Go out drinking with <alias2> to celebrate. The user behind <alias2> will become so inebriated that they will be deemed unfit to vote the following night.
The first time a user visits you, they will become so distracted by your antics that their action will fail. (This includes shots). Any future times they try to target you, however, will be successful as they will have mentally prepared themselves.

You win when you are one of the last three people alive or eligible for victory.

Makaze the Bringer of Happiness died. Rip.

Shaneika was not nearly as lucky as the one before them.

Dear Bandido Banderas/Shaneika, you are Zorro. A masked vigilante who protects the innocent commoners from villainous officials, you are basically teh left's wet dream. You are a very skilled swordsman, and your disguise if so impossible to figure out that your identity as a nobleman remains in tact.
Thanks to your foolproof disguise, any investigation on you will fail - you will not appear on any investigative reports and any investigation targetting you specifically will fail as if it were roleblocked.
You are very proud of your abilities and so for every person that visits anyone that you shoot you will gain +1 vote strength the following night. If three or more people (aside from you) visit this target, you will get a bonus kill.
To aid in this, once in the game you may put a bounty on <alias>'s head, publicly making it so that everyone that visits them that night will get +1 vote strength the following night. The night that you do this you will have to pretend to be a nobleman, however, so you will lose your investigation immunity and ability to shoot.

You win when you are one of the last three people alive or eligible for victory.

Bandidos Banderas the Fame Seeker died, his top tier role not enough to get them through to the end.

Much like in the show, Seto Kaiba went out like a Buster:


Dear Elieson/Buster, you are Seto Kaiba. You are a master duelist surpassed by very few people, and don't you know it. Your long time rival, Yugi, frequently gets the better of you but that doesn't stop you from being smug and cocky all the time. You do not believe in superstitions or magic, and are stubborn to accept it even when clear evidence of it is presented to you.

Annoyingly before this game began you felt the need to crush Yugi, so you only have 6 cards in your deck and no cards in hand. However, being the master duelist that you are, you have discovered that the cards that remain are in the following order, and once each night you may Use <card> on <alias> to activate it's effect:
Sword of Soul: If <alias> dies from any cause, draw the next three cards in your deck.
Trap Master: The first time <alias> targets you with their role, they will fail.
Blade Knight: <alias> will not trigger the first reflexive effect it hits, though you will not discover when this effect comes into play.
Lord of Illusion: First time <alias> targets you with a shot they will fail.
Blue Eyes White dragon: If <alias> would die at any point, this card will be destroyed instead.
Lord of D: Whomever Blue Eyes White Dragon is guarding will be safeguarded each night.
Obelisk the Tormentor: <alias> has a vote strength of 4, is unlynchable, and gets a one use shot.
You can only play one card per night and draw one at the start of each night, because screw the money, I like rules.
You win when you are one of the last three people alive or eligible for victory.

Elieson the Master Duelist found that children's card games can't stop mafia thugs. Who knew?

Mr Potato Head followed Cabbage into the vegetable-named grave.


Dear A Random Player/Mr Potato Head, you are Agent 47 aka the Hitman. You are a cold, calculated killer, very adept at what you do, even though half the world wants you dead. You are a master of diguise and a very stealthy assassin, but unfrotunately you are the main protagonist of a game. This means that none of these abilities are used to the fullest and instead you often go in guns a blazing, with everyone on full alert and you dressed up as a clown wielding an axe. But you silently put up with it because you know that you are the best.

Every other night you may Stalk <alias>, getting a full copy of their role pm and seeing everyone that they target the night you initiate it. If they do not target you with anything that night or the next, you will attack user and, if they died that night, be immune to kills. Otherwise, you will be vote blocked the following night (which will be the second night after you initiate the operation). <alias> will be told that they feel watched.

You win when you are one of the last three people alive or eligible for victory

A Random Player the Sneakman chose the wrong moment to blow thier cover (as usual if watching these let's players has taught me anything).

The Otter learnt that there are far outclassed by these predators of the night.

Dear Tuvy/The Otter, you are Bord. You are a mighty axe wielder from the Archanea series. You fought under Marth in the war of shadows, and again in the war of heroes. You have a fierce rivalry with your counterpart Cord, who looks and acts very similar to yourself. Despite being a minor character in the games, you fight valiantly and loyally for Marth.
Now that the war is over, you have become a woodcutter. Each night you may Cut down trees near <alias> (where <alias> is a living alias). You will cut a tree down which will "accidentally" fall into the road, causing any actions (either role or shots) that would target <alias> be delayed until the next night. You may do this to the same alias multiple times to keep delaying the same actions.

You are very strong. Because of this, anyone that tries to stop you from shooting someone each night will fail.

You win when you are one of the last three people alive or eligible for victory.

Tuvy the Strongman Delayer couldn't delay his own death. Now THAT would have been a broken self-target.

Additionally you all learn that Pisces is now dead, although no information about them seems to have survived! What a terrible night this has been. Or fantastic depending on your perspective.

~Night 5 has begun, and ends 2AM 26/02/2017 (just under 23 hours).~

Edited by kirsche
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