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This is actually more of a question topic than a discussion, but the latter is perfectly reasonable... have you ever intentionally sacrificed some kind of gameplay mechanic because of the lore surrounding it?

I realise this might seem an odd question, so I'll give my example: I have never used a Wyvern Knight in Sacred Stones because the idea of a pegasus knight changing from a pegasus mount to a wyvern one feels wrong, and whenever I've gotten a Cormag to work, I always choose Wyvern Lord for uniqueness and to follow in his brother's footsteps. Perhaps at some point, I'll challenge the postgame and get Valter, but in the meantime, it's an entire class that never sits right with me.
(Not like Valter's a paragon of anything, he's just the only Wyvern-Knight-By-Default).

With that in mind... I'd be interested in seeing what other lore reasons keep you from agreeing with some mechanic, especially in some of the games I don't remember as well.

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3 hours ago, phineas81707 said:

This is actually more of a question topic than a discussion, but the latter is perfectly reasonable... have you ever intentionally sacrificed some kind of gameplay mechanic because of the lore surrounding it?

One word: reclassing.

Also yeah, making riders change the whole species of their steeds doesn't sit right with me. Minerva ditching a pegasus in favour of a wyvern is explained in the game though, so yeah. I don't even know anymore. Still, I go for Elysian Whip in New Mystery.

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I too, can't bring myself to go with anything but Falcoknight promotion for Tana and Vanessa, or Wyvern Lord for Cherche/Gerome.  These characters do have attachments to their steeds, replacing them with wyverns/griffons just feels really wrong.  Also the griffons are never explained anywhere ever.  

One of the things I disliked about Shadow Dragon was locking Falcoknights behind the Wifi-shop, so Caeda/Palla/Catria/Est can't keep their Pegasi...

That's really about it though.

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All the time.

I don't reclass units, ever and when promoting, I go for the 'canon' option e.g. Virion always goes Sniper, Miriel goes Sage etc.

Same with SS. I tend to make the trainees the same classes as their masters, so Ross goes Warrior (Garcia), Amelia goes Great Knight (Duessel) and Ewan goes Sage (Saleh).

I purposely cheat to get Elysian Whips in SD since it doesn't make sense, when you add Gaiden to the equation, Peg Knights go to Dragon Knights and not Falcon Knights IMO.

There is more, but that would make me have to go through every game in the series so yeah.

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19 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Girl paladin though.

I now it's statistically better but, but..... I just can't not have my three destroying Great Knight in Duessel, Amelia and Franz ;___;

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Thankfully Cherche is good as a Wyvern Lord, Tana is good as a Falcon Knight and Miriel is good as a Sage. If one option is significantly better than the other, I go with the better option.

For example, in Birthright, Elise says how she disguises herself as a maid to seek to the underground (I believe this is also mentioned in her supports with Effie). She can promote to Maid, but Strategist is easily the better option of the two for her stat build. Therefore I never once promoted her to Maid. This might not be a great example but it's the first thing that popped to mind for me. 

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I believe the only character I've ever made change their steed when promoting has been Sumia, when I made her a Dark Flier. Outside of that, it's always been Falcon Knights for Pegasus Knights and Wyvern Lords for Wyvern Riders. It just doesn't sit right with me to take them away from their mount, especially if they mention it during supports.

I also don't reclass characters outside of their starting class tree. I mean, I'll happily promote characters into classes that might not seem like the most natural progression for the character in terms of personality and such, but I won't taking them out of the tree they started in, because I feel like that's no who the character is.

Can't really think of any other gameplay aspects other than reclassing/promotion that could be effected by perceptions of lore, though.

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On 2/10/2017 at 11:20 AM, Azz said:

All the time.

I don't reclass units, ever and when promoting, I go for the 'canon' option e.g. Virion always goes Sniper, Miriel goes Sage etc.

Same with SS. I tend to make the trainees the same classes as their masters, so Ross goes Warrior (Garcia), Amelia goes Great Knight (Duessel) and Ewan goes Sage (Saleh).

I purposely cheat to get Elysian Whips in SD since it doesn't make sense, when you add Gaiden to the equation, Peg Knights go to Dragon Knights and not Falcon Knights IMO.

There is more, but that would make me have to go through every game in the series so yeah.

By canon in air quotes, what do you mean?

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8 minutes ago, Gima said:

By canon in air quotes, what do you mean?

What I mean is, the class they would normally go if branching promotions weren't a thing.

I put canon in air quotes since canon is rather subjective in FEA, with pairings and of coarse promotions and the like, and arguably, any promotion for a character in FEA could be canon.

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Let's see...

I'll generally ignore "canon" promotions (in this case, classes that keep the characters' unique color palette) if I feel that they don't make sense for the character or because I don't want more than a certain number of a class. In some cases, for characters like Caeldori and Shigure, I'll ignore their normal class line entirely and reclass them to an inherited class (Hoshido Noble for Caeldori, Nine-Tales for Shigure).

I don't think I've ever re-classed anyone who's normally a flier to Griffon Rider, but that has less to do with lore and more to do with the fact that I don't like them.

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