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Your reaction: FE Switch adds a "breeding tent" feature


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A lot of us are tired of 2nd generation and think it's getting stale. What if it was implemented again in a slightly more realistic way? Think My Castle comes back, and adds a building/tent where the kids are made...you can add more to breed multiple couples at the same time. Couples at an S support will go in there on their own and there'll be something like hearts floating around above it to show it's occupied, but you can't tap it to see who's in there, you just have to guess. MU can refuse or welcome their partner's advances and initiate them too, which the partner can also refuse or welcome. You won't see anything for anyone but MU and their spouse, which since this will obviously warrant an M rating, why not have it look like any sex scene in a video game. Then there's some RNG to see if a kid was conceived, and if there was, after a certain amount of real time like a few days maybe, voila. There can be something like the female can't fight while pregnant or for a certain amount of time after the birth, or not, idk. The kids themselves don't grow up until after a story driven timeskip. After the timeskip, no more kids can be born, so you have to be careful how far you get. Each character will have their own set kid so every couple has the potential for two. RNG determines who's born first and who's born second. Maybe there can be items like aphrodisiacs to encourage a specific pair to go for it, and fertility treatments to make it more likely to work.

Non serious of course xD But yeah, if this was added, what would your reaction be?

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I feel the same. I mean if your just trying to "create" units the My Unit would still be the best route to take. I did a playthrough of Awakening where I created a bunch of My Units based on friends. I believe you can do the same on Fates even easier thanks to the online features. You can't go super in-depth with it but you'll get to pick classes and stats to a point. Though I agree the kids can be a bit much. Time Travel kids is already digging the bottom of the barrel plot wise. Baby dimension was a head scratcher. Still think they should just do a 1st gen followed by a 2nd gen story line. Start as parents and finish off as the kids.

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Well like I said, not serious lol. The only thing I'd like to see out of that is the timeskip idea because how they've done kids before...time travel was okay although a bit of a cliche, but the deeprealms was terribad.

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If such thing existed I would dedicate my life to a breed various soldiers, even brothers and sisters, so I could create the perfect soldier, and I finally be able to win all the races and finally get that damn Knights of the Round Materia!

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48 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

Well like I said, not serious lol. The only thing I'd like to see out of that is the timeskip idea because how they've done kids before...time travel was okay although a bit of a cliche, but the deeprealms was terribad.

Not trying to shut you down. I see what your going for. Perfect units is definitely something a lot of people shoot for. Especially those who do the lunatic runs. Just the way you described it just sounds like Pokemon breeding. And while FE genetics are kind of a thing. They aren't as deep as IVs can be in Pokemon.

I do like the idea of a RNG factor of having a child. Would add a little replayability with "child" playthroughs. Story wise though it would still probably be a nightmare trying to come up with a good excuse for children going forward.

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No worries, didn't feel shut down at all. The only game I've played with the breeding fleshed out like that is Pokemon, so not surprised there.

The RNG is one of the best things out of that, I agree. Maybe it could even sometimes give you both kids at once. Twins! But it won't give you the same kid twice. It's seemingly random who's born first and whether or not twins happen and I can totally see people hacking the game to get two of the same kid for whatever reason. Or maybe if one parent is a higher level or promoted, their kid will be slightly more likely to be born first?

Storywise, it could work like FE4 only without the parents dying, time skip, you know?

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6 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

First thing that came to mind seeing this was DW Empires and it's "Children" units in the CAW system, haha.

I have never heard of that and I'm intrigued.

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Just now, Dragoncat said:

I have never heard of that and I'm intrigued.

Starting from DW7 Empires, there's a feature where you can take two custom characters (or even use the actual characters), and create a new character. It will take physical traits from both parents, and I think their starting stats and skill will also be based.

Tried to find it in English, but couldn't. Anyway, here's an example with Lu Bu and Diaochan. I think the video description can explain it better than me, haha.

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Oh Dynasty Warriors! Sounds awesome. I played...a tiny bit of a Dynasty Warriors game. It was my friend's. I remember playing as one person and mowing down hordes of enemies. It was fun. I wonder how you level up other characters if it seems like you're only playing one at a time. Does the game control the others or something?

Back on the hypothetical idea...how hilarious would it be if one of the refusal lines for MU was "not now babe, I have a headache" lol.

Edited by Dragoncat
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