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Official art for Ephraim, Eirika, Seliph, and Deirdre.


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I'm just hoping erika isn't as weak and useless as she was in the game. Unfortunately I already have a strong spear user (Broboro) but even so Ephraim's route for the win. Can't wait to get my hands on Seth too. *̶r̶u̶b̶s̶ ̶h̶a̶n̶d̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶g̶e̶t̶h̶e̶r̶*̶

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6 minutes ago, Jayvee94 said:

I'm guessing they will be the first focus. While another will be related to the poll results.

They may also be the primary characters for the next chapter.

Neither of these things would surprise me, though I'd think it's more likely that Seliph and Julia will be the focus of a Genealogy chapter and Eirika & Ephraim will be the focus of a Sacred Stones chapter. It's possible that they could split Genealogy into two chapters (first for Sigurd and Gen 1, second for Seliph and Gen 2) with a Sacred Stones chapter in the middle, but I think we'll only get two at most (plus I dunno if we're getting Sigurd next week, and if we don't then we can't have a second chapter for his gen now can we?).

And yeah, that makes sense for the next banner focuses... except that I'd expect Ike to come with the rest of Tellius... Unless he came early, thus freeing up a spot for another Tellius character to get in on the Tellius banner focus (I can think of Elincia and Micaiah getting on the banner in that event, possibly alongside Sigurd and maybe Leif if we don't get Gen 1 Jugdral characters with Seliph and Julia, and Leif getting on the banner could lead to some Thracia characters getting added then too). I'd like that, actually, and now I'm hoping that it happens.

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Have the link to the new Characters as we would like to see all of the new Illistrations?

On 2/11/2017 at 6:54 PM, Koen said:

Ephraim might, as he was a Great Knight in the Awakening DLC, whereas whenever Eirika was an enemy, she was a Swordmaster. Would be nice to have them on horse units, because they'd probably be the only horse units I want to use.

Well...then you'll have trouble with the Ninjas as they are even more broken with Poison Dagger which triple damages all foot soldiers units period.

21 hours ago, mewyeon said:

EPHRAIM I NEED YOU in more ways than one

...but, he'll probably be in another focus group as a 5 star focus character, which means there is practically 0 chance I will draw him.


7 hours ago, mewyeon said:

LOLOL that's what I tell myself ;): ...except I have like no orbs left T_T I SPENT THEM ALL TRYING TO GET 5 STAR HEROES FROM THE LEGENDARY HEROES FOCUS lolol.  It's okay, I'll work on grinding units until the next update is released so I can pounce on that stuff when it finally comes out haha

I think I missed it, but is there any indication as to when the next batch of heroes containing the 4 peeps will be released? Was it already released in Japan or something? :O

Luck comes best with full 20 orb summons. But...yeah...it'll be hopeless without either saving your orbs, or paying for some.

4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, I know. It's just hard to wait and then even after Ike is added, who knows how long it'll take me to be lucky enough to pull him. xP

Focus units are doubled the chance to get. Since their are two of them in the draw...you actually have at least a 6% chance to summon them. But...Ike and Black Knight will be rares since they are the utmost biggest wants in the Tellius packaging and that Nintendo wants you to spend a good amount of money to get them.

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10 hours ago, Thany said:

Im wondering, with only showing 4 characters, would this mean we are ONLY getting a focus summon of them and not a chapter around them yet? cause they would need more characters from the games before they add some chapters. or is the other units just hidden for now to not show who will be showing up during the chapters?

Yeah they are definitely going to have more characters. That's what the whole point of paralogues are right? If they don't I would be sad. I was waiting get my homeboy Seth.

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Wow, Julia looks almost void of all emotion. That's just dumb.

Ephraim looks very stiff. If people say my art looks stiff and sometimes they do, this guy is definitely not looking like he can move much.

Eirika and Seliph look fine though. Seliph's is the best to me.

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20 minutes ago, The Geek said:

Now that I get a good look at them, Ephraim and Eirika's designs (Eirika's especially) are quite busy, aren't they.

I'd call them ornate myself. Though Ephraim's art seems to work better because the armor doesn't pop as much against his greens and browns as compared to Eirika's red. 

Looking back at Seliph's official art, his tunic has always been a bit baggy. Don't like how much more I notice it in this art.

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