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Mid-term gameplan


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Hey guys,

After a few days playing and a few summons, I'm starting to develop my gameplan for the next few weeks, assuming my roster won't change dramatically during this time. Due to game design, promotions from 4* to 5* characters will be very rare and will take so long, so I want to be very sure of what to do with feathers. I see people mass promoting 3*s to 4*, which I think is not the most brilliant strategy thinking long term; in a few months time everybody will have a full 5* team due to pulls and promotions, so 4*s with be outclassed.

At the same time, at least with my current skills, I can`t clear high level maps without levelling my 4*s way over level 20. I think I will need a pretty wide and fully levelled roster to clear them all in lunatic. At first I didn`t want to level too much over 20, as those levels will be wasted experience once the character is promoted to 5*. But being realistic, only one or 2 of my 4*s will ever be promoted, so it's not a bad idea tu just max them and just leave them like that. I have two 5*s... maybe not the best ones, but enough to carry another two companions to fully clear the maps: Raven (green, axe) and Catria (blue, lance).

Then I have a bunch of 4*s, some of them decently levelled (all around level 25): Nowi, Felicia, Lilina, Maria and Peri; and some others in progress: Fae, Merric, Hana, Oboro, Sheena, Serra, Lisa, Lon'qu, Tiki and Gaius. The rest are 3*s.

My plan is like this (and I'd love to have your opinions here, as I'm relatively new to the series):

1) Max out my 5*s.

2) Level up my most useful 4*s at least as neccessary to clear the higher level maps, but no more. I think Nowi and Fae are my best ones, followed by Felicia, Lilina and Merric. Sheena should be levelled for utility too, as she's my only pure tank and I have a lot of supports and buffers/debuffers.

3) Save feathers to promote my most valuable 4* to 5*. For what I have now, I would probably choose Nowi, who would get Lightning Breath+ as a 5* weapon and is quite compatible with Raven as a frontliner (good defense, RES debuff and Rally Defense for Raven, who dishes out a lot of damage but dies easilly). Fae as pure support or Lilina as pure damage dealer would be close second options. I just pulled Tiki, it could be an option (now I have 3 dragons...).

4) as for 3*s... my God, I don't even know if it's a good idea to invest in them. I have characters I like, such as Laslow, Gunter, Donnel, Florina (I really like this char!) or Cecilia... but hey, it's a lot of investment and summoning 4*s is not that difficult. Should I just send them home? Pick one and try to invest in him?

I'd like to hear your thoughts and knowing how's your growth strategy in this game.





Edited by Pimalai
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Level up everyone and combine duplicates, including the units on the special maps.  May not be the world's most efficient use of feathers, but I like having options!

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Hi eclipse,

As I understand, when you increase the rarity of a character, you lose the +N boosts granted by merging with duplicates. So, it should be done with 4*s you don't plan to rank up to 5* ever, right? Otherwise, the merging should be done after increasing rarity. I have duplicates for some of them (a couple of 4* Oboro, for example) and the ones from the events (the past ones, as I can`'t clear the current one).


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2 minutes ago, Pimalai said:

Hi eclipse,

As I understand, when you increase the rarity of a character, you lose the +N boosts granted by merging with duplicates. So, it should be done with 4*s you don't plan to rank up to 5* ever, right? Otherwise, the merging should be done after increasing rarity. I have duplicates for some of them (a couple of 4* Oboro, for example) and the ones from the events (the past ones, as I can`'t clear the current one).


Yes and no.  The other perk of merging is that it lowers the cost to promote a unit.  The question is whether or not the stat boost is more valuable than the lower promotion cost.

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The only reason you might not want to merge them if is:

A: You want to sell the duplicates for feathers, but want to keep one of them for future references / collecting.

B: You want to make all of your duplicates 5 stars so you can all merge them at 5 stars and get the best possible unit.

For the rest, don't be afraid to duplicate. If you decide to want to sell them, you will still get the same amount of feathers as if you send them home together. And the cost of upgrading gets decreased by the amount of feathers you would have gotten if you send the unit home.

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That's good to know, thanks guys.

I will merge a few then. Just more question... should I merge with a level 1 "sacrificed" unit? Or the result is better if the sacrificed unit is levelled up? The stat increase is the same regardless of the remaining hero's level?



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Well, my game plan is not really "mid-game" as it is for current "end-game." I have more or less finished the story, so now it is all about doing the special maps, leveling up characters, and messing around with team compositions. As for some more details...

1. Level up a magic-user. My main team (Ryoma [+SPD,-ATT], 4* Sakura, Cain [+DEF,-HP], and Camilla [+RES,-DEF] // Alt: 4* Felicia) are struggling against Armor units in chapter 9-2 and Xander in 9-5 on Lunatic difficulty. I just need to finish up 9-2, 9-4, and 9-5 on Lunatic and I can officially say I completed Story Mode.
Currently I am raising a 4* Tiki and a 4* Nowi (alongside a 5* Chrom and 4* Clarine) up to Level 40. The only other magic people I have are a 4* Nino, 3* Robin, and a 3* Cecilla.

2. Unlock Felicia's potential so she can become a 5* unit. She has been my favored Dagger user and I have her on my Arena Defense team, so buffing her up would help in defending. (Arena Defense: Ryoma, 4* Felicia, Cain, Camilla || Not the best composition, but it these are the "best units" I have. I would love to join the Takumi and Hector train, but I fear it has passed me by.)

3. Unlock Sakura's potential so she can become a 5* unit. Sakura is my current favored healer and "carry," meaning she helps out my lower level characters when doing Tower runs. I know she does not gain much being a 5*, but personally it would be nice to have. (Waiting on Elise to see if I like her better, but I have Sakura for now.)

4. Unlock Alfonse, Sharena, and Heros!Anna potentials to 5*. This has to be done eventually as there is no way to get them up there otherwise. However, these guys are fairly low priority for me, if another unit comes along I really want to promote, that unit will likely take precedence.

5. Perfect my "Cavalry Team" (Gunter, Jegan, Cain, Cecilla). This mostly involves upgrading everyone besides Cain who is already a 5*. I want to see how ridiculous the +6 buffs are and plan on making a "Flier Team" and "Armor Team" eventually. (Fliers already have some cool characters,but  Armor will need some people I actually like and care about, like Kellam, Brom, or Oswin)

6. Generally collect favorite characters, upgrade them to max, and mess around with team compositions while waiting for the next story installment or character set.

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im not sure if i want to mass upgrade my 3* to 4* since its only 2k feathers or wait until i can upgrade my 4* felicia to 5*. ive already got a team of 5* (linde, minerva/camilla, maria, lilina), and a lvl 40 4* serra and olivia. ive got sharena to 4* and might get around to upgrading alfonse and anna just for storyline purposes. 

im torn between spamming pulls while takumi is a focus unit or saving my orbs for the tellius/genealogy units when they arrive. if shinon is a confirmed unit ill just pull for him instead but no ones been confirmed other than ike...

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As of now I intend on occasionally promoting to 4* and leveling up 4*'s and otherwise great units. That's essentially the game in its entirety and it's still fun. 

I'm going to try holding out on promoting to 5* unless feather costs are lowered or power creep starts to bite me. 

And I'll probably start tossing duplicates if I'm nearing the unit cap. Or maybe start to slowly invest in expanding.

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I have a decent team with decent characters to level and rank up still. That will take some time. Only have 1 or 2 free pulls left and even though I'd love to have Robin or Takumi I think I'm gonna wait for the next batch. Would love to have some top tier units.

I really hope there will be a steady flow of orbs for one pull a week at least though. Else I might just buy some orbs instead

Anyway, I need to get some serious Arena wins to get the feathers i need!

Edited by Chelone
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