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Is Anankos killed at the end of all routs?


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Choosing Birthright or Conquest indeed dooms the world, as the Omega Yato doesn't come into being.

Killing Garon achieved pretty much nothing, since he was only Anankos' familiar, not the man/dragon himself. Same goes for the possessed Takumi. Although you could argue that he gave most of his power to his 'Garon' familiar, as Revelation... uh, reveals, so he would need a lot of time to recover before he could act again.

Azura's death doesn't matter either way. She and her song are as superfluous as a fridge on the north pole.

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DragonFlames is right and I hate to admit it so, considering Revelation is my (and most others') least favorite Fates path, so to see that the worst overall path has the most satisfying conclusion just makes me so frustrated.

I feel more tempted than ever to write fan fiction sequels to both Birthright and Conquest.

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The others are correct in that you only defeat the True Boss in Revelations, but I like to be a bit more optimistic in that the world isn't doomed, it just still has a fight ahead of it.  Azura's plan was the get the world to a united peace one way or the other; that way the countries would be ready once Anankos attacked again, or they needed to go after him.

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Anankos is still alive in Birthright and Conquest, but Heirs of Fate states that he is sealed away within Valla (somehow, it's not explained when this happened) and it's suggested that without a proxy (Garon/Takumi/Gunter) he can't really do anything on his own unless the seal is broken. In addition, he's much weaker outside Valla so he can't attack Hoshido and Nohr directly. Azura seems fairly confident that the world is at peace after Birthright and Conquest, since Anankos is still stuck in Valla and Hoshido and Nohr can probably fight off any soldiers he sends at them.

Of course, one version of Anankos does break free from his seal, but ultimately he's defeated and everything is restored to how it was before.

Edited by Lightchao42
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6 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Anankos is still alive in Birthright and Conquest, but Heirs of Fate states that he is sealed away within Valla (somehow, it's not explained when this happened) and it's suggested that without a proxy (Garon/Takumi/Gunter) he can't really do anything on his own unless the seal is broken. In addition, he's much weaker outside Valla so he can't attack Hoshido and Nohr directly. Azura seems fairly confident that the world is at peace after Birthright and Conquest, since Anankos is still stuck in Valla and Hoshido and Nohr can probably fight off any soldiers he sends at them.

Of course, one version of Anankos does break free from his seal, but ultimately he's defeated and everything is restored to how it was before.

"Pay money to find out whether or not the non-DLC routes doomed the world!" 

We have no idea how easily he can get agents or just how much power he'd have outside of Valla; why would he be able to pump Garon full of dragon steroids that renders him almost invulnerable but wouldn't be able to do anything himself? 

Also, at the end of Birthright and Conquest, Arete and Sumeragi are still running around, one of which with the power to blow up cities in an instant.

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Didn't Heir of Fates comfirmed that after Conquest and Birthright, Anankos pulled a Grima and killed everything except the kids from certain timeline or whatever (As if we needed more incoherent babling about time travel and world trave) ?
Well from what I understood, the ending of Heir of Fate 3 retconed that too, giving it as much story telling interest than the 3 idiot DLC, so...


Edited by B.Leu
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33 minutes ago, B.Leu said:

Didn't Heir of Fates comfirmed that after Conquest and Birthright, Anankos pulled a Grima and killed everything except the kids from certain timeline or whatever (As if we needed more incoherent babling about time travel and world trave) ?
Well from what I understood, the ending of Heir of Fate 3 retconed that too, giving it as much story telling interest than the 3 idiot DLC, so...


I'm pretty sure Anankos pulled a Grima in Heirs of Fate!Shigure's world, which is based on Revelation. Now I'm confused.

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2 hours ago, twistedxgrace said:

I'm pretty sure Anankos pulled a Grima in Heirs of Fate!Shigure's world, which is based on Revelation. Now I'm confused.

The Corrin in Heirs of Fate!Shigure's world was a newb playing on Lunatic Classic! :P:

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Anankos knew he was slipping into madness, so he actually sealed himself and made the song centuries prior to the start of the game. Azura's pendant is even a piece of his dragonstone.

But, becuase the song needed more and more power as Anankos deteriorated, the singers started injuring themselves, and eventually died from helping Anankos retain his senses.

Considering no one but Azura knew any of this, or how to get to Valla, or even who/what Anankos was, even after uniting the kingdoms, it would be a nightmare.


Plus, no matter which path you choose, one of the divine weapon users is dead, and it's one you didn't bond with to unlock the Yato's next form.



It's definitely a bad ending even if it's a more enjoyable story....

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33 minutes ago, Altrosa said:

Anankos knew he was slipping into madness, so he actually sealed himself and made the song centuries prior to the start of the game. Azura's pendant is even a piece of his dragonstone.

You know, I've always found that to be a ridiculous backstory. If he knew he was going mad and needed to be stopped, why didn't he just kill himself or something? His backup plan is far-fetched to say the least.

And great, now I can't help but to imagine Anankos sitting there with a quill and some parchment trying to come up with sick rhymes.

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Lol, I know!

1 hour ago, Thane said:

You know, I've always found that to be a ridiculous backstory. If he knew he was going mad and needed to be stopped, why didn't he just kill himself or something? His backup plan is far-fetched to say the least.

And great, now I can't help but to imagine Anankos sitting there with a quill and some parchment trying to come up with sick rhymes.



The Rainbow Sage is another ancient dragon, and he does commit suicide as soon as he could possibly do so to prevent himself from doing any damage.

It's repeatedly stated Anankos loved the people of Valla, and was even BFFs with some, particularly the royals..... So, it could be that he stuck around as he did still care when he was in the right sorts.


Or maybe he literally couldn't kill himself. Otherwise, why would he bury himself under a mountain and work with the Vallite's royal family to help keep him in check? 

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4 hours ago, Altrosa said:

Or maybe he literally couldn't kill himself. Otherwise, why would he bury himself under a mountain and work with the Vallite's royal family to help keep him in check? 

I think it has been stated in past Fire Emblem games that if a dragon or Manakete loses their sanity, their primal instincts take over and control them, hence we see Corrin acting like a wild animal in the Chapter 5 cutscene. Thus, it could be that Anankos' sense of self-preservation eventually became stronger than his sense of reason and/or logic.

Edited by DragonFlames
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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I think it has been stated in past Fire Emblem games that if a dragon or Manakete loses their sanity, their primal instincts take over and control them, hence we see Corrin acting like a wild animal in the Chapter 5 cutscene. Thus, it could be that Anankos' sense of self-preservation eventually became stronger than his sense of reason and/or logic.

While at the end of the day we have no solid facts to go on, don't you think it's just a little contrived that the villain was able to write an elaborate song that when sung with a piece of his dragonstone would weaken him enough to be killed, but he couldn't just kill himself outright or assume a human form or whatever? 

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3 hours ago, Thane said:

While at the end of the day we have no solid facts to go on, don't you think it's just a little contrived that the villain was able to write an elaborate song that when sung with a piece of his dragonstone would weaken him enough to be killed, but he couldn't just kill himself outright or assume a human form or whatever? 

Sure, but we have to justify Azura's questionable existence as co-protagonist somehow, right?

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1 hour ago, Thane said:

Do we? Do we really? I mean the game doesn't really seem to want to do that anyway.

*shrug* No, we don't.

I guess I should have made it clear that I was being sarcastic.

Including Anankos, Azura and Valla into Fates' story was a huge mistake anyways, but I don't want the topic to derail too much, so I'll leave it at that for now.

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9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

*shrug* No, we don't.

I guess I should have made it clear that I was being sarcastic.

Including Anankos, Azura and Valla into Fates' story was a huge mistake anyways, but I don't want the topic to derail too much, so I'll leave it at that for now.

I should have made it clear I was joking as well, hence the repeating of the words. Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude or anything.

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We're talking about a dragon who created the bubble curse and created a Falchion that only a few people knows about, and that will only gain dragon-killing power because of 'bounds'. :p
And that Corrin only have because he was there at this precise moment.

He's not the dragon of water, he's the convenient dragon.

17 hours ago, twistedxgrace said:

I'm pretty sure Anankos pulled a Grima in Heirs of Fate!Shigure's world, which is based on Revelation. Now I'm confused.

Wait, what ? Really ? I have to take a better look at that.


15 hours ago, Altrosa said:

It's definitely a bad ending even if it's a more enjoyable story....

Anankos confirmed Voldemort from another timeline. :p

It would've been fun if either Azura or Shigure said, 'yeah, no, I'm not gonna sacrifice my life for that.'

Speaking of Yato, I alway found that weird, all of Yato's final form weakens Dragonskin, which probably means that they are powerful enough to kill Anankos, just like Omega Yato, so what gives ?
And if the weapons are the problem, what stop Corrin to say 'Hm, divine weapons are the key, let's keep them and give them to other characters or something so we can fight the final boss without a paywall', but nope, no mention of it ever.

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13 hours ago, Altrosa said:

Lol, I know!



The Rainbow Sage is another ancient dragon, and he does commit suicide as soon as he could possibly do so to prevent himself from doing any damage.

It's repeatedly stated Anankos loved the people of Valla, and was even BFFs with some, particularly the royals..... So, it could be that he stuck around as he did still care when he was in the right sorts.


Or maybe he literally couldn't kill himself. Otherwise, why would he bury himself under a mountain and work with the Vallite's royal family to help keep him in check? 

The rainbow sage didn't kill himself to prevent further damage; he was constantly living in regret because he forged the Yato and brought humanity into the war of the First Dragons. Thus when he died (at least in Revelations), he did so because a) he put the last of his power into the Yato, and b) he could finally die in peace knowing that their would finally be a chance for humanity to be at peace.

Honestly, I wish they went into more detail about the First Dragons and that, as it would have aided in worldbuilding and helped explain a fair amount. Especially since the Rainbow Sage never succumbed to madness even though he was one of the First Dragons and had deep emotional scars as a result of his regrets.

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Well, in Conquest you kill Garon, who does have most of Anankos' power, but no. And Takumi is just possesed.

In Birthright, you also kill Garon, so no.

In Revelations, you kill the mad form of Anankos but you never kill the soul of Anankos I think? Y'know the one in those DLC ones about hidden truths or whatever

So I don't know but probably not.

Edited by asteroidbreaker
Error of grammar
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7 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

The rainbow sage didn't kill himself to prevent further damage; he was constantly living in regret because he forged the Yato and brought humanity into the war of the First Dragons. Thus when he died (at least in Revelations), he did so because a) he put the last of his power into the Yato, and b) he could finally die in peace knowing that their would finally be a chance for humanity to be at peace.

Honestly, I wish they went into more detail about the First Dragons and that, as it would have aided in worldbuilding and helped explain a fair amount. Especially since the Rainbow Sage never succumbed to madness even though he was one of the First Dragons and had deep emotional scars as a result of his regrets.

In Conquest, he just drops dead after you get to him after defeating Hinoka the first time. Iago commands Corrin to kill him so at he can't give power to anyone else, and then Sage kills himself first.

I'm pretty sure this is the spot he casually claims that living too long causes insanity in dragons.

Also.... I think at some point the Sage claims that HE made all the divine weapons. His poem implies it, at least.

The Alpha Yato's existence seemed odd to me because of this scene, as in CQ and BR, he doesn't make the Alpha but does apparently give us power before quickly kicking the bucket. My guess is gameplay/story segregation as the only divine weapon user with you at this point is Takumi and they needed a new shiny sword instead of just the BR ones again. 

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