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-ATK +SPD Cecilia worth It?


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I got 2 4 stars Cecilias in one summon, merged them ignoring stats( my mistake) and now I have LV 35+1 -ATK + SPD Cecilia. Is It worth It to rarity up to 5 stars? She has been quite easy to level up, I had no problens, she does her job done, but really, -ATK is something you don't want on a tome user. What about your thoughts?

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I've got a Cecilia (admittedly a 3*), and she just doesn't do enough damage for me. I prefer my mages to be nukers in the vein of Tharja and Julia (M!Robin is the only exception that I train, and I'm not crazy about him; he's got decent attacking power, and I use him as an off-tank if I absolutely need to in a pinch to due his bulk). Escape Route can help her be something of a hit-and-run unit, but...eh, she's just never been all that useful to me.

Her very low speed is the biggest problem; I have a similar problem with my 4* Merric, whose speed is mediocre and whose attacking stats are comparable to hers, and a bit too low overall. Granted, she's the only mounted mage in the game, so she's got a mobility advantage. But I just think there are too many mages who do her job better; if I want an advantage over colorless units, I'll just use M!Robin, especially because he's got an attack boost in Bonfire. Defiant Speed is pretty good, and quite possibly enables him to double units he wouldn't otherwise double (and who Cecilia definitely wouldn't double).

Edited by Extrasolar
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26 minutes ago, Rapha666br said:

I got 2 4 stars Cecilias in one summon, merged them ignoring stats( my mistake) and now I have LV 35+1 -ATK + SPD Cecilia. Is It worth It to rarity up to 5 stars? She has been quite easy to level up, I had no problens, she does her job done, but really, -ATK is something you don't want on a tome user. What about your thoughts?

I've got a bunch of Cecilias since she and Shanna are the two units I keep rolling all the time in that cursed Gacha system. I've even trained two of them at the very beggining... And let me tell you, her speed stat is a major letdown... Her attack never gets too high either. Maybe your Cecilia is pulling through because of the merge and because she's +SPD, but in the end, she's not going to make it. You will certainly draw a better mage, like a Nino (that's also available 3-4 stars) or a Lilina. IMO, she's certainly not 5* material unless you're really a fan of the character or something.

6 minutes ago, Extrasolar said:

Granted, she's the only mounted mage in the game, so she's got a mobility advantage. But I just think there are too many mages which do her job better

She's not the only mounted mage, as we got Leo too in that role, and also the newly released Owen and Reinhardt (shes the only green mounted tome user, though). Mounted mages in general need a lot of baby sitting to work. The latter three still got some tricks, like Leo's Brynhildr and the brave spells. Cecilia only has neutral advantage, but not even in that regard she performs all that well.

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17 minutes ago, Brand_Of_The_Exalt said:

Well, she's rather good in Atk and bad in speed, so -Atk/+Spd is clearly not optimal. If you really need a green tome right now, and you're sure you want her to 5*, I'd recommend waiting until another Cecilia with better IVs shows up. 

Sucks that she ia already LV 35+1, well, at least she is worth 600 feathers If I get a better one. I will level her to 40 anyway, keep at that and save my feathers. Honestly I am asking this because she was so Fun, easy to level and I like her art. Her movement and range helps A LOT, and she deals good damage, even If It is just one hit, and her +SPD helps her not being one round killed.

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7 minutes ago, r4v1sh said:

She's not the only mounted mage, as we got Leo too in that role, and also the newly released Owen and Reinhardt (shes the only green mounted tome user, though). Mounted mages in general need a lot of baby sitting to work. The latter three still got some tricks, like Leo's Brynhildr and the brave spells. Cecilia only has neutral advantage, but not even in that regard she performs all that well.

Ah, you're right. My bad, they slipped my mind. Cecilia was the only one of her kind for a good while after the game first released.


1 minute ago, Rapha666br said:

Sucks that she ia already LV 35+1, well, at least she is worth 600 feathers If I get a better one. I will level her to 40 anyway, keep at that and save my feathers. Honestly I am asking this because she was so Fun, easy to level and I like her art. Her movement and range helps A LOT, and she deals good damage, even If It is just one hit, and her +SPD helps her not being one round killed.

Imo if you've already invested all that time into her and if she works for you, keep using her. She's not awful or anything; there are just better options out there. Of course, you can say the same for most units, and at the end of the day it depends on who you're lucky enough to pull.

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5 minutes ago, Rapha666br said:

Sucks that she ia already LV 35+1, well, at least she is worth 600 feathers If I get a better one. I will level her to 40 anyway, keep at that and save my feathers. Honestly I am asking this because she was so Fun, easy to level and I like her art. Her movement and range helps A LOT, and she deals good damage, even If It is just one hit, and her +SPD helps her not being one round killed.

1 minute ago, Extrasolar said:

Imo if you've already invested all that time into her and if she works for you, keep using her. She's not awful or anything; there are just better options out there. Of course, you can say the same for most units, and at the end of the day it depends on who you're lucky enough to pull.

Oh yeah, I may have exagerated a little in my comment, since I expected a little more out of my two Cecilias. But I believe she will serve you better as a 4*+1 that's already trained than as a 5* that you will have to grind up.

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11 minutes ago, r4v1sh said:

Oh yeah, I may have exagerated a little in my comment, since I expected a little more out of my two Cecilias. But I believe she will serve you better as a 4*+1 that's already trained than as a 5* that you will have to grind up.

Yeah, I will just keep her at 4 star LV 40+1, she is still good enough, until maybe when I get one that doesn't have -ATK. There are other priorities at the moment anyway(+SPD - DEF  4 star Nowi), but I also really wanted a ranged Magic user, I still have no good one.

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I have a +Atk, -Def Cecilia. At lv. 40 4-stars, she caps at 42 Atk and 17 Def. 42 Atk is pretty respectable but it doesn't land OHKOs and she can't guarantee ORKOs except against lance armor units and some axe armor units since she caps at only 23 Spd at lv. 40 4-stars; she'd have a hard time doubling anybody else aside of perhaps having Spur Spd support or similar and that's usually against staff units. At the very least, she can at least deal nice burst damage on those she can't OHKO or ORKO and aren't red units.

Gronnraven tome is nice on her but Cecilia, even having WTA, is ORKO'd by almost any Brave Bow archer who gets the jump on her during enemy phase due to her pathetic Def. Her 27 Res doesn't mean much either when fighting against anti-cavalry mages, including those who have WTD against her unless she has a significant level advantage. Most encounters, assuming she actually survives, usually puts her low enough to use Escape Route to teleport to a spot adjacent to any ally.

Cecilia (+Atk/-Def)

Lv. 40 4-stars

34 HP

42 Atk (using Gronnraven and Atk +2)

23 Spd

17 Def

27 Res

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Cecilia's attack is okay, but the rest of her stats are awful.  The +Spd nature isn't worth it - if possible, shoot for +Atk, so that her one redeeming feature shines.  If I cared enough to use her, I'd have her act as a mini-Lilina - snipe when possible, otherwise stay out of the way.

I found Raigh to be infinitely more useful - Seal Res solves his relatively low attack.

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6 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

I have a +Atk, -Def Cecilia. At lv. 40 4-stars, she caps at 42 Atk and 17 Def. 42 Atk is pretty respectable but it doesn't land OHKOs and she can't guarantee ORKOs except against lance armor units and some axe armor units since she caps at only 23 Spd at lv. 40 4-stars; she'd have a hard time doubling anybody else aside of perhaps having Spur Spd support or similar and that's usually against staff units. At the very least, she can at least deal nice burst damage on those she can't OHKO or ORKO.

Gronnraven tome is nice on her but Cecilia, even having WTA, is ORKO'd by almost any Brave Bow archer who gets the jump on her during enemy phase due to her pathetic Def. Her 27 Res doesn't mean much either when fighting against anti-cavalry mages, including those who have WTD against her unless she has a significant level advantage. Most encounters, assuming she actually survives, usually puts her low enough to use Escape Route to teleport to a spot adjacent to any ally.

Cecilia (+Atk/-Def)

Lv. 40 4-stars

34 HP

42 Atk (using Gronnraven and Atk +2)

23 Spd

17 Def

27 Res

Good reply. I am surely keeping her at 4 stars after this. I think she has been only easy to level because Magic damages hard anything lol, so she can finish off enemies easily like any other tome user. she is the only decent tome user I have ( I had Robin 3 stars, but sent home, I think I regreat this). 

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28 minutes ago, Rapha666br said:

Good reply. I am surely keeping her at 4 stars after this. I think she has been only easy to level because Magic damages hard anything lol, so she can finish off enemies easily like any other tome user. she is the only decent tome user I have ( I had Robin 3 stars, but sent home, I think I regreat this). 

Yeah... M!Robin is a pretty good tome user in my experience, and he's definitely one of the tankier ones, to the point that you don't have to worry about him getting one-shot by physical units most of the time. Though he only really shines once he's 4* and gets his special tome.

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My Cecilia is also 4* and -ATK +SPD. I only used her when I started to play this game since I didn't have any other mage. Now I'd rather replace her with a healer to heal other high ATK units. She dies a lot and is hard to level up, for she can hardly kill any enemy with a higher level.

This game is not like traditional FE games such as FE11, where most melee fighters have a relatively low RES. Here almost everyone have a decent RES, so mages really really really need high ATK. In addition, I don't like Escape Route. Because attacking before being attacked is so important, escaping is a waste of moves.

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Generally, -Atk is bad on most units with the exceptions being Healers and Dancers (at least Olivia).

Spd is great on most units, because even if they aren't offensive, like Healers, it prevents them from getting doubled.  The exception to this is units whose speed is so low that they'll get doubled anyway, so you might as well get a Bane Spd to maximize your other stats.

HP, Def, and Res are the most common "good" banes to get, and it will depend on the unit which as to which is best.

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7 hours ago, Rezzy said:

HP, Def, and Res are the most common "good" banes to get, and it will depend on the unit which as to which is best.

My 4⋆ Cecilia is +Atk, −Res. She works well as a green mage. Too bad her speed is nothing to write home about.

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3 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

My 4⋆ Cecilia is +Atk, −Res. She works well as a green mage. Too bad her speed is nothing to write home about.

Yeah, -Res doesn't hurt most Mages, since they usually have pretty good Res to begin with.  I know of a few exceptions, like Merric, though.

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