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"So... Who's Coming Tomorrow?" Prediction Thread


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Sibling Bonds 2 wraps up tomorrow, which means that we should be getting an entirely new set of heroes. (And a free set of 20 orbs for the ridiculous amount of points accumulated which we can use to grab them)

So... who's it gonna be? Is Ike finally going to make an appearance? Or Micaiah? Or is it going to be someone else entirely?

Place your bets, people!

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My Prediction Checklist (I'm betting at least one of these are checked off):

Micaiah & Sothe

One character from Awakening or Mystery of the Emblem

More characters from Thracia 776

Innes & Tana

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I imagine it’ll be another Sibling group judging by the wording on the last one.

If so, Ike would be nice. I’d like to hope they’ll properly introduce him to the game before his “Choose Your Legends” variant comes out.

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i think micaiah has to be one of them

the siblings added so far have been seliph and julia, ephraim and eirika, eltshan and lachesis, klein (whose sister was already in the game), and sanaki

she could come with ike or sothe or elincia or whoever but i think she's gonna be one of them

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Copy & Pasted from the General Thread.


Isn't the theme going to still be something about (x) Bonds? We had Family Bonds and Sibling Bonds, so it makes sense to close them out with a third Focus.

As for some ideas...
- Micaiah (due to Sanaki's inclusion and the hint)
- Kaze (Saizo is already in)
- Flora (Felicia is already in)
- Priscilla (Raven is already in)

- Rebecca & Dart (Blazing Sword, Dart is totally Dan)
- Innes & Tana (Sacred Stones)
- Geoffrey & Lucia (Tellius)
- Ike & Mist (Tellius, but unlikely. I think they will be in a Tellius focus.)

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Well, if we continue the family trend, I could see maybe a parents/children thing, focusing on some of dual generations that haven't been shown yet. There are a lot of options with the generation split in Genealogy and FE6/FE7, and of course Awakening and Fates.

I could also see a Romantic Bonds thing with some of the canon in-game partners, such as Sigurd/Deirdre, Quan/Ethlyn, Pent/Louise.

Mostly I'm just hoping it's characters I like, though, because I have a lot of Orbs saved up...

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1 minute ago, Kirie said:

Well, if we continue the family trend, I could see maybe a parents/children thing, focusing on some of dual generations that haven't been shown yet. There are a lot of options with the generation split in Genealogy and FE6/FE7, and of course Awakening and Fates.

I could also see a Romantic Bonds thing with some of the canon in-game partners, such as Sigurd/Deirdre, Quan/Ethlyn, Pent/Louise.

Mostly I'm just hoping it's characters I like, though, because I have a lot of Orbs saved up...

I guess if it's characters I don't really like, that will be a blessing in disguise, since I really splurged to get Leo, finally.  We'll all get at least 20 Orbs, tomorrow, too.

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22 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

It seems there's more characters that have siblings than don't to be honest.

Well, I think in real life this is the case too. I've met hardly anyone that's an only child.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Well, I think in real life this is the case too. I've met hardly anyone that's an only child.

Yeah, so it could be months before they exhaust the supply of siblings, if they keep going with the sibling theme.

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9 minutes ago, KadenTheKitsune said:


I wouldn't mind Oscar and Boyd, but it would be weird not to have Rolf in there, too.

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1 minute ago, KadenTheKitsune said:

Oh yea.


Also known as the Green Hair Banner.

I would gladly spend Orbs on that banner.  I married Kaze in Revelations.

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I reckon they should finish the sibling theme with Ike and Mist... but since I really, really want Geoffrey and Lucia and I don't think they'll do a focus all on one game, I'll hope this theme continues a bit longer. 

I want them to also include other siblings so I can have Glen and Cormag ^.^''

Hmm... How about Ewan and Tethys? We can finally see how they handle a dancer than never had a sword... 

I do think Micaiah is likely due to Sanaki's inclusion...

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In Japanese, the last two Focus groups were named "sibling love" and "sibling bonds". If they're continuing the theme, it's probably still going to be siblings.

Alternatively, since March 14 marks the end of both Sibling Bonds and the launch celebration events, it might be time for a larger update.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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