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All Hail the Dancing Manakete: New Banner Revealed


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2 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:



Ana, you can't misinterpret quotes like these. You were bashing Elibe fans.

And your justification is "He's number 1, give him to us NOW."

And acting selfish.

You're not sympathizing with other fans. Calling the banner shitty just because it isn't what you want is the definition of uncaring for others' opinions.

I should honestly take a lesson in maturity from Ice Dragon and ignore the childish banter.

Eh, she already apologized earlier about it. I admit maybe she's acting a bit greedy, but as long as she stops bringing up Elibe so often I don't see too much harm in it. I do personally think it's within their rights to discuss Tellius stuff since it's related and clearly many people enjoy the game (I've never played it, though I did look it up a bit). And Ike coming out is something many people want, so I do think it's fair that IS should listen to the majority opinion of its playerbase and go release his normal version already. Although it does feel like there should be a thread for 'upcoming focus summons' or something since this one is supposed to discuss the new banner with Ninian and friends. Does feel like it's getting super sidetracked although I'm not really familiar with the rules here.

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1 minute ago, fangpoint said:

I'm fine not having Ike right now. Or rather,  I should say that I'm used to it.  I've played enough gacha based games to know that you don't blow through all of your popular characters in the first month. I'm sure less people rolled for the current sibling gacha than they wanted since  no western release for FE4 and 5 so they need to go back into a more popular game's set of characters.

FFRK literally launched with FF7 and Sephiroth.

Also made by DeNa...

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9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

No, thank IS and poor writing.

Well of course, Ike is not a real person, I can't literally blame him, but you should catch my drift.
Including him and the gang stole the spotlight from the Dawn Brigade and deprived both them and the Greil Mercenaries of character development.


1 minute ago, Ryu Yuki said:

Although it does feel like there should be a thread for 'upcoming focus summons' or something since this one is supposed to discuss the new banner with Ninian and friends.

Well, there kind of is.

Edited by Vaximillian
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10 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Oh, I'm still playing the game. Just not much because I don't have much to do in it right now. I'll probably just do those daily quests and that's it for now. It is silly to play just for a few characters. I wanted to see the story and original characters too, as well as see some existing characters I'm not familiar with.


That's a great choice. I do recommend limiting playtime if you're not enjoying yourself, just focus getting your favourites such as Frederick to max level. A Tellius banner will come soon enough and even though Ike will likely be on it, I'm sure even if he's not, you'd be interested in getting the other iconic Tellius characters, right? We can't be sure what's next, but I'm hoping for Tellius or Magvel personally. 


6 minutes ago, Eselred said:

It's not just that they are uninteresting and undeveloped, which they are.  They are BAD.  Micaiah might be the worst Lord in the series, which is crazy because Roy exists.

I basically just rely on the PoR holdovers and emo Sothe to carry the day for the FB chapters.

I like most, if not all, of the Fire Emblem games, but IKE is my favorite.  He's also the favorite of most people too.  The fact that he's not in the game yet, even just a regular old vanilla version of him, is pretty bad.  I enjoy Heroes, but I haven't pulled since the launch banners, and most of my usable characters are level 40.  I'm already running out of things to do and often let my stamina go to waste, and these...uninteresting banners aren't helping matters any.

We have plenty of Elibe and Fates characters.  FFRK launched with an FF7 event and kept the FF7 content flowing in much more often than the other games.  Tellius might not be the "most popular" FE setting, but IKE is the most popular FE character.  It's time.

That's completely normal for Gacha games. Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius saved Cloud for more than a year and released him in a special event. I think we should all be thankful that this will likely not happen to Ike since he likely needs to be released before they do the special costume banner and also at around the time the second season of the story is released.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

Well of course, Ike is not a real person, I can't literally blame him, but you should catch my drift.
Including him and the gang stole the spotlight from the Dawn Brigade and deprived both them and the Greil Mercenaries of character development.


The Greil Mercs had character development in the previous game. The Dawn Brigade didn't deprive them of any. I don't think Ike and his gang should've had less chapters, I think the DB should've had more. More than what we got for them anyway. Meaning, the game should've been a little longer than it was. Or the DB should've had a separate game to themselves.

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4 minutes ago, JJ48 said:

Anyway, I hate to harp on the Rebecca thing, but I really, really hope her actual, in-game image looks better than the teaser banner's.  Also, is it just me, or does Jaffar look much younger than he does in FE7? 

Actually Jaffar is most likely to be very young, about Nino's age or a little older, he's probably between 14 and 16 years old, so him looking young makes sense.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

The Greil Mercs had character development in the previous game. The Dawn Brigade didn't deprive them of any. I don't think Ike and his gang should've had less chapters, I think the DB should've had more. More than what we got for them anyway. Meaning, the game should've been a little longer than it was. Or the DB should've had a separate game to themselves.

Exactly. And Radiant Dawn should have been that game, not “have a filler protagonist until Ike saves everybody again because screw you.”

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21 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

lolwut? I don't see any of those statements in those posts. Not even a mention of Ike or Elibe fans. You're seriously nitpicking things that aren't even there and I'll say again, STOP. I'm not childish at all and you're blind if you think I am.

> "shitty banner"

> not bashing

I had no idea that voicing disappointment required calling what other people like shitty.

37 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

...What? I haven't been saying Heroes is a bad game.


On 02/10/2017 at 4:06 PM, Anacybele said:

It is a bad game. It's not simply because I got really unlucky. I pointed out a number of other things, some of which people agreed with too.


You made an entire topic about it. You need to stop having selective memory.

Again, my point is you're spreading unneeded negativity from uneducated rants resulting in from impatience. Like seriously you're fine with the game now.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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1 minute ago, Water Mage said:

Actually Jaffar is most likely to be very young, about Nino's age or a little older, he's probably between 14 and 16 years old, so him looking young makes sense.

I thought he was supposed to be 18. He definitely doesn't look 14 or 15 to me in FE7.

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2 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

> "shitty banner"

> not bashing

I had no idea that voicing disappointment required calling what other people like shitty.


You made an entire topic about it. You need to stop having selective memory.

Holy lord dude XD. Calm down a second. This isn't where we talk about other people. We are here to talk about the next focus. Take a chill pill my guy :]

Edited by Arcanite
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1 minute ago, shadowofchaos said:

> "shitty banner"

> not bashing

I had no idea that voicing disappointment required calling what other people like shitty.


You made an entire topic about it. You need to stop having selective memory.

agreed holy shit xDDD this person is really dampening the hype for me personally and i dont know any of the heroes that will be released. :)

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5 minutes ago, Ryu Yuki said:

Although it does feel like there should be a thread for 'upcoming focus summons' or something since this one is supposed to discuss the new banner with Ninian and friends. Does feel like it's getting super sidetracked although I'm not really familiar with the rules here.

What else is there to say, really?

"This is the new banner coming tomorrow, here are the new characters, I REALLY HOPE NINIAN IS GREEN!"

Did I miss anything?  :P:

Also, discussing Ike/Tellius is somewhat related, because we got...this banner instead of the most anticipated one.  Like I mentioned earlier, this would have been the best opportunity for Ike because the previous two banners are both expiring at the same time (tomorrow).

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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Holy lord dude XD. Calm down a second. This isn't where we talk about other people. We are here to tall about the next focus. Take a chill pill my guy :]

I am talking about the next focus. Defending it from people who say it's shitty because Ike isn't in it.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

I thought he was supposed to be 18. He definitely doesn't look 14 or 15 to me in FE7.

Remember that Jaffar is an emotionally stunted young man, that was raised to be a killing machine, plus we don't know his height, it's very likely that he looks and acts older than he is.

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Someone may have said this already, but...

Why on earth does Lucius have a staff?!?

He can't even use a staff until he promotes! What's up with that?

I don't think anybody asked for another healer, much less two.

Edit: I like the Jaffar changes. It makes his relationship with Nino a TON less pedophiliac.

Edited by dragonlordsd
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i came in here to mention how cool manakete ninian is

i got a "where's tellius/ike" cryfest

this is the sort of thing that shouldn't surprise me anymore

6 hours ago, Ryu Yuki said:

Some time in the extremely vague and distant future. Intelligent Systems is doing their utter best to not tell us when it's coming. We do know it's coming for absolutely sure though. I plan on hunting the special Lucina and Roy when the time comes. A small part of me is hoping for a Manakete Roy since his implied mom (Ninian) is a dragon, but I'll try getting him even if that's not the case. 

I'm also kinda hoping for Manakete Roy, but in that case it's less because of a cool "what-if" and more because it's pretty much the only thing they can conceivably do with Roy to make a second version of him not dreadfully boring. Lyn also has bows, Ike also has axes, Lucina also has lances, but Roy is always sword-locked. And we have soooo many sword-users.

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1 minute ago, dragonlordsd said:

Someone may have said this already, but...

Why on earth does Lucius have a staff?!?

He can't even use a staff until he promotes! What's up with that?

I don't think anybody asked for another healer, much less two.

everyone is hoping that is just his artwork and maybe just maybe will be a blue mage like how raven is green axe with sword or catria with spear

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5 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

I am talking about the next focus. Defending it from people who say it's shitty because Ike isn't in it.

No, you nitpicked again and brought up a quote from OVER A MONTH AGO. That topic was from over a month ago too. I haven't said this game is bad since.

Also, calling the banner shitty is not the same as calling its fans shitty. I'm not calling any fans shitty at all.

Another thing, two other people just called you out. Don't you see there's a problem here?

Edited by Anacybele
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4 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

Actually Jaffar is most likely to be very young, about Nino's age or a little older, he's probably between 14 and 16 years old, so him looking young makes sense.

What?  Really?!  I had him down for early-to-mid twenties!  This is at least as big a shock as finding out that Cid Highwind in FF7 wasn't in his late 50's/early 60's!

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1 minute ago, Iridium said:

i came in here to mention how cool manakete ninian is

i got a "where's tellius/ike" cryfest

this is the sort of thing that shouldn't surprise me anymore

Go back 3 pages.

Ryu Yuki and Ice Dragon (lol fitting names) contributed some Ninian discussion.

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7 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

It's revealed. FE7's Karel, Priscilla, Jaffar, Lucius, Rebecca, and Ninian join us tomorrow, along with a paralogue amd a set of quests.

Finally!! I've been waiting for this moment! Hope I can pull myself!:lol:


On another note, I think Lucius should be a blue tome user... unless they give him *eherm* aureola. Ahhh I love this banner! I'm pretty sure all my orbs will go down the drain in just 1 day! :wub:

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

No, you nitpicked again and brought up a quote from OVER A MONTH AGO. That topic was from over a month ago too. I haven't said this game is bad since.


That was the pont, ana. You changed your opinion because time passed. You were being impatient and had an uninformed opinion that you went and ranted about.

Causing friction between you and members here.

Also you never addressed how calling a banner shitty isn't an insult to people who like it.

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Just now, shadowofchaos said:

That was the pont, ana. You changed your opinion because time passed. You were being impatient and had an uninformed opinion that you went and ranted about.

Causing friction between you and beers here.

No, I changed my opinion because I became a little more familiar with the gacha system and as I kept playing, the game grew on me more.

There's always been friction between me and beers. Beers don't taste good to me. ;)

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