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Do you like the idea of a story based on Valbar, Leon, and Kamui?

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Here is the link to the new website if you haven't seen it:



It was announced on April 1st for those who are wondering.

I was just wondering what people thought this could've been or if they want it as paid DLC later down the line.

For those wondering the story would follow Valbar the knight, Leon the archer, and Kamui the mercenary. The game's setting is inspired by the late Edo period of Japan. There would also be DLC that follows a "Running Marth" storyline.

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An origin of the Chon'sin would be cool, considering I quite like Say'ri and Lon'qu and wondered how their country came to be.

Edited by Jedi
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I'd play it. The Meme Team (my affectionate name for Valbar/Leon/Kamui) is my favorite squad in FE as a series, so there would be a good chance I'd easily put hundreds of hours into it over the course of a few weeks.

I'd also play a game based on Clive/Luka/Fols/Python, but half of that team doesn't even have a face yet. Crossing my fingers for a site update in 2 hours to remedy that.

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24 minutes ago, BlizzardWolf95 said:

I'd play it. The Meme Team (my affectionate name for Valbar/Leon/Kamui) is my favorite squad in FE as a series, so there would be a good chance I'd easily put hundreds of hours into it over the course of a few weeks.

I'd also play a game based on Clive/Luka/Fols/Python, but half of that team doesn't even have a face yet. Crossing my fingers for a site update in 2 hours to remedy that.

It's funny, the first thing I thought of when I saw that April fools joke was your signature.

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Well, it'd be more of prequel and I'm not sure what the style of play would be, but they're awesome and I love their design. A sequel could also work.

A part of me wishes the "joke" became real and they were the stars of a completely satirical FE where it kind of makes fun of the series and features 2-3 characters from each game/timeline. And their names are really similar to their originals (maybe just one letter off), and the designs would be retro.

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I mean, I dunno if I'd be up to a full game for them, but if they got their own story DLC covering their actions prior to meeting up with Celica's army I wouldn't be opposed to it.

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I was thinking of a special DLC map that focuses on Valbar, Leon, and Kamui with the outfits from that April Fools artwork and might use Celica's party for the DLC only? But, I just wondered if the development team could use that April Fools idea by using one of Celica's allies or Celica herself saw the ad and play showed the three and have told Valbar, Leon, and Kamui having Anna scamming those three by using a false April Fools advertisement for a play that focuses on the three with using that April Fools artwork that we saw in the site that could be used on the billboard and the three could be like they get shocked to see it's them in the Billboard. And Anna explains the three that they are chosen as the perfect role for the Play.

I kinda wondered if Valbar be like "Wh...wha...what....? Is that us?", Leon: "What a second... is that painting of me?", and Kamui: "Did someone made a painting of us without permission?" during in the intro of the DLC and Anna be like smirking to the three that like she planned on having the three for the play and the other allies from Celica's army be the extras for the play. And I wondered if Celica be like agreeing on joining the play just for one time only and the three of them be like shocked to see Celica agrees on Anna on joining the play for one time and Valbar asks Celica like "Why Lady Celica?" and Celica answers like it be rude to not audition for the play since Anna and her sisters that already settled up the play already.

As for the map, I wondered if the map will have enemies interfere the play and Anna notices the bad guys of the play are not their actors for the show and Celica tells them to have her allies act like this is really part of the play and not scare the audiences. And Valbar, Leon, and Kamui has to do their best to perform in the play to give their all to defeat the stage crashes that would ruin the play and if Valbar, Leon, and Kamui manages gets the play good and the audience is cheering theme really good and Anna will give the Swordmaster scroll and Valbar's Samurai looking class scroll that will be a Swordmaster DLC class and the other class to Celica as a reward for helping the play getting really good.

But, a prequel DLC would be good also.

Edited by King Marth 64
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