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My initial thoughts on all the character portraits...

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9 minutes ago, KongDude88 said:

I know, it's just that Python is the angrier looking one. :/

Oooooooh my bad. Misinterpreted. Yeah I was going by the wiki when it came to the characters. They could've been labeled wrong.

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Alm: Still holding on to a bit of his old nerd look. Pretty good though.

Grey: Mousy face. I get a teenage Peter Pettigrew vibe.

Tobin: Basic, but good. The one guy who pulls off the acorn hair.

Kliff: Alright.

Faye: Cute, but her colors are rather dull. Makes sense though given the story.

Lukas: I wanna have him as a roommate. Best bro.

Silk: 100/10. Succubus in Holy Woman's clothes. Marry me! I love how the female designer made the fanservice subtle. We don't see her butt, but it's implied to be nice. Classy woman.

Clair: Looks like the stereotypical popular girl, but is so sweet.

Clive: Dutiful soldier.

Python: Perfect, effortless hair. I want his hair style.

Forsyth: Not much to say. Looks like a nice guy.

Mathilda: Kinda wish she was brunette. Otherwise, perfect for Clive.

Tatiana: Pure beauty. Perfect match for Zeke.

Zeke: It ain't broke, so it wasn't fixed. Better than ever.

Luther: Like his edgier look and fiery hair. Thought he was a girl in Awakening.

Delthea: Younger than expected. Thr tooth is odd.

Mycen: Best Pure Jagen.

Celica: Flawless princess. Not my type though.

Mae: Spunky, stylish, confident. Tasteful fanservice too.

Boey: Recolor Ricken and make him taller! Lose the hat too!

Jenny: Meh.

Saber: Cutthroat with a heart of gold. Or maybe just a lover of gold with moral standards.

Valbar: Here comes the Champaign Chin! DUH DUH DUHHHHH!

Kamui: Cool guy with epic hair. Chon'sin justification.

Leon: Typical pretty boy, but with substance.

Atlas: Why SoV needs an axe class playable.

Palla: Perfect beauty. Not Silk level though.

Catria. A bit more mature than I would like, but still good.

Est: Classic Est.

Dean: Epic look. Not much else needed.

Sonia: Femme fatale with morals. I like it.

Conrad: About what I'd expect for someone in his role. Well done.


Did I miss anyone?



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1 hour ago, John_of_Valentia said:

Silk: 100/10. Succubus in Holy Woman's clothes. Marry me! I love how the female designer made the fanservice subtle. We don't see her butt, but it's implied to be nice. Classy woman.

Pretty sure we stated that Hidari was a male already... anyways, you're missing Nomah and Mycen. Some of us also mentioned Fernand, Berkut, and Rinea.

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4 minutes ago, KongDude88 said:

Pretty sure we stated that Hidari was a male already... anyways, you're missing Nomah and Mycen. Some of us also mentioned Fernand, Berkut, and Rinea.

He has Mycen. Though, he said he's a Jagen, when he's more like a Gotoh

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1 minute ago, KongDude88 said:

Pretty sure we stated that Hidari was a male already... anyways, you're missing Nomah and Mycen. Some of us also mentioned Fernand, Berkut, and Rinea.

Could've sworn Hidari was a woman.

Mycen is right before Celica on my list.

Nomah: Typical Sagely old man.

Fernand: Othello's Iago anyone?

Berkut: I got a major Pokemon rival like vibe from him day 1.

Rinea: Too pure for Rigelian nobility.


BTW, sorry if this should be marked a spoiler. I'm new here and don't know how.

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1 hour ago, John_of_Valentia said:

BTW, sorry if this should be marked a spoiler. I'm new here and don't know how.

It's fine. But for future reference, click the eye and type in the box. I'm putting it as a spoiler just so people don't have to scroll through my entire review to see other posts.


Edited by KongDude88
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Honestly, just looking at how the Pegasus Knights (Est, Catria, Palla, and Clair) are drawn really shows one thing I really appreciate. Each one of them has a very distinct look in their appearance and clothing, even going well beyond just color swaps.

I mean, for comparison's sake, look at Sumia and Cordelia. Pretty much the exact same clothing with color palette being the only difference. Same with most characters across the franchise that share the same class.

Yet here, each character looks distinct, even those that share the same class. That's one thing I really appreciate here.

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This is easily my favourite art style in the series yet, so I'll weigh in, too. I won't be factoring in personality or competence as a unit in this because I don't know much about any of that yet. This is based purely on physical design.


Alm: It's a nice design, and a clear improvement over his previous designs. A bit generic aside from the colour scheme, though. I do appreciate that he's a lefty. Don't see too many of them around, particularly in Fire Emblem.

Lukas: Another solid design. The red is understated and it looks good.

Gray: Great, I like how casual and easygoing he looks. It's nice to see more characters with a darker skin tone in Fire Emblem, too.

Tobin: This is an interesting one, because although he looks really plain and generic, it's such a neat and tidy design that I don't mind. His haircut is particularly nice.

Kliff: I like how spacey he looks. He has a nice colour scheme, too, I'm a big fan of purple. He looks a bit like a butler, though?

Silque: Easily one of the best Cleric designs out there. Her clothing is richly detailed without being flashy, and she's really pretty to boot.

Clair: Just beautiful. Her colour scheme is great, I really like her helmet, and that wavy blonde hair and those tights omg. Definitely a standout. I love the sass in her portrait pose, too.

Clive: Now that is a gentlemanly looking chap. Really has the "noble knight" look down pat.

Forsyth: Ehh. I like his hair, but I'm not a fan of the shade of green.

Python: I like the two-tone hair, and the blue is a lovely shade. His pose and face give me Innes vibes. I hope I like him more than I like Innes, though!

Luthier: His hair is absolutely magnificent, and those are some of the coolest mage robes I've seen.

Mathilda: Great, I love her outfit and armour. She looks tough. I'm not sure what's up with the helmet, though.

Delthea: Absolutely adorable. The super cute, way-too-young-to-be-at-war mage returns once again.

Tatiana: Just wonderful. Love the shade of green and the colours of her gown.

Zeke: Fantastic. His haircut is just perfect, and his outfit's incredible. By far his best design yet.

Mycen: Mustache perfection. He really has that wizened old warrior look down.

Celica: My absolute favourite. Her design is just perfect, her hair style and colour are incredible and her outfit is fabulous. She looks elegant, smart and charismatic, and her look perfectly captures her sword-and-sorcery fighting style. I can't sing her praises highly enough.

Mae: Really cute. Love the red-pink-and-white colour scheme, she looks appropriately bubbly and energetic from what I've seen of her dialogue.

Boey: Another one of my favourites. His colour scheme is marvelous, his hair and skin tone match wonderfully, and his outfit is the picture perfect mage look. Great stuff.

Genny: She's a pink Lana, even right down to the age! Really cute.

Saber: Good. Has a cool, gruff look.

Valbar: Ehh. Honestly, I don't like the armour that much, it looks way too clunky and the helmet looks silly. Impressive chin, though.

Kamui: Really, really good. He carries off that easy-going look perfectly with a distinct Asian flair. What a perfectly chiselled face, too!

Leon: I love all the purple, he looks fab. He reminds me of someone, but I just can't put my finger on who...

Palla: Absolutely stunning, undoubtedly her best design yet. Her green colour scheme is just as tasteful as always, and she's incredibly pretty.

Catria: Absolutely stunning, just like Palla. I can't quite decide if I like this design or her NMotE design more, but either way her new design's fantastic.

Atlas: Whew! If any man could turn me gay, I think he'd be it! Truly, he just looks incredible. Like people have said, his new design certainly matches his base Strength! I don't think I've seen anyone else mention this, but he actually really reminds me of Galzus. Does anyone else get a Galzus vibe from his new design?

Jesse: Good. His hairstyle and chin are certainly impressive.

Sonya: *fanning self* Be still, my beating heart. Just... gorgeous. Absolutely ravishing. That purple-black-and-red colour scheme is splendid, her face is beautiful, and her outfit... whew! Anyway, she's stylish, she's elegant, and she really gives off that skilled magician vibe.

Deen: Not a fan. I actually do like his colour scheme, but I don't like his hair much, and the spiked pauldrons just look a bit silly.

Est: As adorable as always.

Nomah: Very good. Probably the most faithful to the original Gaiden design of the cast, and perfectly captures the wise old sage look.

Faye: Completely and utterly adorable. Her design is cute and understated. Of all the Villagers, she best captures that simple villager look.

Conrad: Looks cool. The messy hair is a surprisingly good look, and his armour looks great. 

Berkut: I like his design, if only because he really, really reminds me of younger Simon Blackquill from Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies.

Fernand: Looks okay. Nothing particularly stands out to me about this design.


Linea: Really cute. The shade of blue is perfect, and I love the braiding.



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I'll bite:

Alm: Looks really good. Long gone are the days of round heads and penis armors.

Grey: He looks much better than the original. His skin color, his expression and his pose all speak about Grey without a single word. 

Tobin: RIP pink hair. He is more recognizable now that Kliff and Grey are different at least. 

Kliff: The butler outfit grew on me. I love how clueless he looks.

Faye: Too bad she is Camilla's lost sibling because she looks cute.

Lukas: He no longer has a round dork face so that's something.

Silque: She went from a generic loli healer to a good looking woman. Nice departure from the common trope and a nice hair color on top of that.

Clair: She went from being a bland Catria clone to a more recognizable character with lots of personality in her design.

Clive: Same old. 

Python: He has a better hairstyle...

Forsyth: Sadly I won't remember him by Monday.

Mathilda: I like more her curly hair from Gaiden but she still looks good.

Tatiana: Went from looking like a old cleric to someone actually pretty. 

Zeke: He is Camus, he always looks good.

Luther: Edgelord intensifies. 

Delthea: Didn't expect her to be a loli. I don't get the fang.  

Mycen: Looks good.

Celica: Finally she has something resembling a priestess. Long gone are the amazon type clothes.

Mae: The same except that she has more personality.

Boey: Nice change of pace although I liked his redhead dork appearance.

Jenny: The old one was too much like Mae so this expressionless Jenny looks more interesting by comparison. 

Saber: Massive improvement over the old one.

Valbar: He no longer looks like a creepy pedophile with penis armor, so that is great.

Kamui: Massive improvement. How do you go from the blandest thing on Earth to something easily recognizable?

Leon: Pretty boy archer is better than bland as hell archer I guess. 

Atlas: The hell happened?

Palla: She is Palla, she always looks good.

Catria: ^

Est: She doesn't look like a loli or has cone boob armor, so that's great.

Dean: Looks too much like Shura.

Sonia: She has a better outfit although I will miss the red hair. 

Conrad: He looks like Artur. 

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