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What might be the next "Echoes" game?


Which title do you think IS will try next?  

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  1. 1. Which Title

    • Genealogy Of the Holy War
    • Thracia 776
    • Binding Blade
    • Blazing Sword/Blade
    • Sacred Stones
    • Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn

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9 hours ago, Slumber said:
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I mean, ignoring all of the incest that people typically jump to when saying "Man, FE4 would NEVER get localized!", the main character's wife is brainwashed and forced to be breeding stock by the main antagonist(Who is also her brother) of gen 1. Plus, it's pretty heavily implied that Lene is raped during her imprisonment by a random tertiary villain, and you see this develop IN the chapter you recruit her. Then there's stuff like Sylvia being 14 and trying to seduce Claude(Again, heavily implied to be her older brother) by telling him how "experienced" she is.

And there are crazed rulers causing genocide. The Lopto Sect's main way of giving Loptyr power is by rounding up and sacrificing nearly every young child across the continent. Thracia gets a lot more into this part than Genealogy, but it's still there.

FE4 isn't grimdark Game of Thrones or anything, but it's far darker than anything Nintendo's ever brought to the west.

I wasnt saying it wouldnt be dark, my only point was I dont think it would be controversial to bring it over. There has been far worst material in video games and cinema, so I doubt any conroversy would come from a FE4 remake.

And I would imagine if a remake was being looked at, they would probably clear up and change/get rid of entirely some of those concepts like that character trying to seduce her brother. That just doesnt seem to tie into the story anywhere. Cercei and Jaime Lannister's relationship at least tied into the story, that just seems like straight up incest for the sake of there being incest. Kind of like how SoV got some major upgrades in writing, I would imagine Genealogy would get some upgrades/changes as well.

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I think FE6 is the safe bet.

From what I see, the 3DS is dying and IS is moving FE on to a new platform, as evident by the announcement of a new main title to the Switch and a remake of a side title/old game to the 3DS. I don't think they'd make a complex game for the 3DS at this point, but something simpler (but not, by any means, worse) like Shadows of Valentia might be fair game. Genealogy and Thracia are complex and the latter is a sequel, it makes no sense to release it without Genealogy to cover background story relevant details. Furthermore, FE6 was never localized and Roy and co. were never given proper introductions, even though he appeared in Smash Bros and the fanbase at large knows about the cast at this point through Heroes. There's a lot of potential to introduce that game and the characters while not spending much of a budget in its making, because FE6 is simple and follows much of the traditional FE mechanics.

The other titles would be remakes of already existant games. While fair, judging from the possible trend of bringing old and unknown games back to life, I don't think FE7+ titles will get the Shadows of Valentia treatment.

So, FE6 or FE4. I really hoped for FE4, but FE6 is easier to make, safer and would probably bring the results they'd expect for making the game to start with.

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