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Super Robot Wars ∀: Deep Space IC Thread - Part 2: Of Dire Tides


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Well, Elaine hadn't tried to break loose yet, and with the Captain's order to confirm, Kim stepped back from Elaine, allowing the woman to right herself away from the table, keeping an eye on her, though it likely wouldn't be necessary. While Elaine was radiating anger, her emotions didn't give off the impression she was intending to lash out in any way, just that she was not particularly fond of her situation, which was understandable.


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Nikolai's chest felt vaguely hollow as he tried to think of an acceptable answer. The truth was that he'd never really considered a time when the fighting would be over. They had tried to rehabilitate him in the system, first through prison then through the medical system, but like many of the children that had been passed through the overburdened, exhausted system, he simply never left the war. The bureaucracy had gotten tired of trying and simply thrown them back outside and, true to form, most people like him ended up right back lined up like pawns on a chessboard, moving one space at a time towards the end of the mortal coil.

The only place that felt like home was the one that was on fire.

He looked into the expectant eyes with a frown, almost as though the other boy was lost as well and was looking for some sort of guidance.

"I do not know..." He finally said, rubbing his temples as he thought, "I had a friend, he was a bit like you... used to talk about nice place. Somewhere quiet, somewhere near the sea... maybe that. I would try to find that, da?"

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Juria started to shake in her anger at the decision she wasn't even there for. "Why is this... what Jess captain possibly be thinking?! Abby horrible person, Juria's home under attack because her, and now expect for trusting? Juria not want ever have her with us, and now three days after being attack maker, Jess captain think okay for her to have free reign! This not what should be allowed. Juria not help making Heion Riese ship for house of bad people like her... am not like being mean, and want trustingness. But fastness like that of being forgive, that not kind, that just... stupid!" She hid her head behind Reo, pretending she wasn't crying about the situation and that they wouldn't notice if they couldn't see, the mechanical cat only meowing once. "Not ever trust Abby, ever... maybe not Jess captain can be trust either if she say things like that!! And, and, Chrissy, she said... she said was pilot in training when Juria met her, but she lying about that too? It not fair. Nobody care what Juria think. They just thanking for work on space boat, laugh at bad speaking, cute robot cat, but no regard for anything else am feeling... If Jess care about nice, should be nice to people here first!"

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Nikolai hadn't really given Tarquin the answer he was hoping for, only one that created more questions. Did Nikolai really have no place to go? In that case, it would be up to Tarquin to help him find one. Tarquin wasn't too sure about the sea, he'd never actually visited a coast, but it seemed to mean something to Nikolai. It was a little surprising that Nikolai had made a close friend before, even more so that he was similar to Tarquin. Tarquin felt like he wanted to know more, but an unspoken order seemed to hold his curiosity back - as if he wasn't meant to probe further.

"When everything's all sorted... I can ask the Professor to help! He said that I could have anything that I asked for. He's always been really nice to me, and he's from Germany so he knows all about Europe." Tarquin replied quickly, hoping to give Nikolai something to look forward to. "When I used to live with him, we weren't near the sea, but I'm sure we could find somewhere."

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Immediately, Elaine placed her now free arm in front of her and felt her wrist. Feeling came back into her hand, and with it a slight pain, but she could move her fingers, again. She looked at Jess one last time before stepping outside the room. Out in the hallways, the first thing she saw was the infirmary, and thought about Makoto. If he was anywhere, he should still be there. But, instead of paying him a visit, she turned to the elevators.

She saw several groups separate from each other, conversing with themselves. Elaine was still far too heated, and so she stayed away from all of them, hoping to get to the elevator unnoticed. She felt like she was going to explode, staying so silent like this, but there were far too many people around. Including the goblin boy, still speaking with that bloodied and broken nose she had given him. She grimaced at the sight of him, and turned the corner towards an open elevator.

As much as she didn't want to admit it, she was uncomfortable, no...she was scared around Nikolai. Afraid that he would open her up, again, and look inside. She didn't trust him not to, even after his apology. An apology where she was sure he called her a whore. All she knew about him was that he knew enough about her to press every button she had...and that he smelled terrible. She stepped in, the door closed, and she brought her arms up and hugged herself.

"Dammit...Dammit!" Deep down, she was thankful that Jess hadn't even brought up the jail time, which Elaine was still kicking herself for being so stupid as to tell her that. But, she couldn't get over how infuriated she was at the captain, either. "No more mistakes," She said, quietly. "No more mistakes." They weren't mistakes. Not to her. But no one wanted to listen to that. No one wanted to know how she was standing up for her beliefs. Her temper was all that mattered.

The door of the elevator opened, and she quickly walked out and towards her room, praying still that no one saw her. She counted the doors in her head as she walked, keeping her from breaking down further, until at last she reached her own designated room. Her head turned to the side, and she though of taking the captains advice and speaking to Cheryl. She was a therapist, and one of the few people on the boat who gave her thoughts the time of day. It was her job, after all.

The door to her room opened, and Elaine, slowly, stepped inside, deciding that she would rather be alone. It was not wise in the slightest, not that she had been one to make such decisions, according to the captain, but it was one she made, nonetheless. She sat down on her bed, trying desperately to calm herself. But, like before when she had escaped from the prison back in Italy, she felt alone. Truly, completely, alone.

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Jess was hoping Elaine would at least agree... But the silent treatment was the last straw for the captain's backbone, shrinking back into one of the table's chairs as the Sergeant walked out. Jess buried her face in her hands and groaned, shaking her head. "What am I doing wrong? Lieutenant? Wh-What is it? I-Is it the stutter, the orders, th-the situation... No one respects me, on th-the ship... At least th-the vocal people don't. My XO tries to b-back stab me, the sergeants are so o-overly emotional and stuck behind th-their personal feelings, I... I don't know how to d-deal with it. I wish they taught this s-stuff... They just expect you to h-have a presence, I guess. And I g-guess I don't have one..."

Jess let her hands fall, collapsing back against the chair, staring up at the ceiling. "Maybe Roxanna would make a better captain... At least she's an adult. Sh-She'd garner some level of respect... I'm just playing at commanding, when I should be any o-other ensign on the bridge, just manning the guns..."

Knockity Knock

Not as soon as Elaine fell onto her bed, there was a gentle knock at the door. Whoever could be bothering her?

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As Elaine left and Jessica flopped back into her chair, asking Kim what she was doing wrong, the Lieutenant considered the question for a few moments before answering.

"Think combination different thing. Captain not feel very assertive most time, but not main problem. Everyone tension high, crew still not used eachother... recipe not best times, especially with decision like that, clear not going be most favourite, some people. For what worth, not feel Abigail lying when talking, story feel consistent words, no wayward thought... willing trust judgment on her if Captain feel best decision." Kim began, as she turned towards Jessica, before shaking her head a bit.

"But others not have that. Only Brant able to read captive same way, and spend time her now looks like, will be able give own assess later. Nikolai and Chrissy work out, but not exact likely to have prisoner all work out that way. I think mix of own apprehension along Jessica still fresh Captain, not enough time to show everyone what made of, what make so commotion... if make sense." Kim concluded, stepping forward and gently brushing Jessica's shoulder as the Captain leaned back in exasperation.

"Definite think right fit Captain, Captain. When push come shove, your decision not wrong yet. Beside, Central had have reason choose you to Captain Riese instead XO, despite previous experience."

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The knocking upon her door snapped her to attention. Who could have been bothering her, now? After what just happened? Was is Nikolai or Tarquin, come to put her down some more? Or was it Cheryl, being sent by the captain to evaluate her? Either way, Elaine wanted to be left alone.

The knocking persisted, as Elaine lay down on her bed trying desperately to ignore the sound, hoping that whoever was at the door would get the hint and go away. They didn't, and the knocking continued. Eventually, she caved in.

"Alright! Alright!" She said, hopping back on to her feet and walked back towards the door. She undid the lock, and opened it. "Just what the hell do you-" In front of Elaine was an unfamiliar, yet recognizable face. Christina, one of the people that they had captured from Apotheosis, now free to roam the entire ship, was at her door.

"...Hey." The situation could not be any more awkward. She had just come back from a discussion about suspicions of Christina, Nikolai, and Abigail. She felt uneasy. Not scared, like she was of Nikolai, but after the entire conversation, of which she had mostly spent breaking down, it was...ironic. Perhaps this was a higher cosmic power telling her to give people a chance. "...So. What do you need?"


The Velite Mk. II stood proud among the metal walls of the Riese, properly cleaned and fully reloaded, ready for the next fight that could happen at any time. But that was not why the red-headed pilot was approaching the mobile suit, today. Elaine and Makoto walked onto the lift next to the Velite, and Elaine stepped to the control panel for them to be raised higher and closer. "Well," She said, "Here it is. The Velite Mark Two M. Fully customized to the pilots needs, and a weight limit to put on just about any weapons you can think of. Not to mention its thrusters are way more powerful than a Legionairy, so this baby can move across the battlefield in a snap. Ain't bad at dodging, either." Of course, Elaine was hyping up the most standard of military mobile suits, but she was still trying to impress Makoto, She walked over to the railing, placing her arms across it, and looked back at him. "So...What do ya think?"

"Hwaah..." Stepping onto the lift, the boy looked in awe at the Velite. "It's already up to shape again? You guys work fast!" He leaned against the railing, taking in the sight of the steel giant. "It's so cool, all polished up like that. It's really amazing how fast it can go even with its size and weight --and the weapons it can carry around, too!" The boy seemed a moment away from hopping in place, completely mesmerized by the machine. With a moment of surprising thought, Makoto turned to pay attention to Elaine. "How's the cockpit on this one? It must be pretty big... well, compared to a Phalanx." It wasn't really high praise, a crowded elevator seemed more spacious than the Phalanx cockpit, but the boy had his expectations.

"The cockpit, huh?" Elaine looked back at the Velite. "Well, it's bigger, that's for sure. And it's got better cushioning, too. Plus, it actually folds so you don't have to make it a puzzle just to get out of thing." She chuckled, remembering the stories some people had back at the Academy. "Truth be told, I haven't piloted a Velite in a while. Not since-" She stopped herself, then shook her head. Makoto didn't need to know anything about her past. "Nevermind. So, got any other questions?"

"Oooh, so it is more practical..." It made a lot of sense, for the Velite's size, still, it seemed so much more convenient! "Guessing you still need lifts to hop off of the mech once your mission is over, huh..." It wasn't as big a drawback as feeling like a sardine at times, though.

Elaine sounded like she'd struck a chord talking about her past, which was really unfortunate. "Ah... so, you use just the legionaries now... right? They're very sturdy... how long did it take for you to get used to one?" Hopefully that topic was tangential enough to bring a chace at further conversation.

"Hmm... I'd say it didn't take too long. Sure, it's not fast, but it packs a punch, all the same. And it's much easier than having to dodge everything, I can tell you that. Heh." Elaine chuckled, turning her head back to look at the Velite. It was true, it was easier to simply let the Legionary absorb everything, but there was a thought in the back of her mind that it wasn't the one meant for her.

She had designed Marionne to be fast and nimble, and the closest thing to that was the Velite model that they had on the Riese here. But, for some reason, she had chosen the Legionary, instead. Elaine wanted to say that she chose it because of the weapons it had mounted on it by default, but the more likely reason was that it reminded her too much of the incident that sent her down that spiral in the first place.

"So," She said, standing straight from her leaned position. "You wanna go see one? I can show you the Legionary I pilot, if you want."

"Not very long, huh? You must be a natural." Makoto continued impressed by Elaine's prowess, to a civilian like him, the use of mechs was very much restricted, and military grade ones were against the law. In his little experience, no thanks to the lack of opportunity, driving a Phalanx was already an Herculean effort.

Today was his lucky day, as yet another chance to examine a military-grade mech was in order, "Really? Of course!" To see one of the same mechs that saved the Colony? Count him right up! "Say, why did you become a pilot, Elaine?"

"...Throwing the hard hitting questions at me, aren't ya?" Elaine scratched her head, and, for a moment, was silent. Eventually, she decided to simply tell him the truth. "...Well, I'd lying if I said my interest in robots and engineering didn't have something to do with it. But, mainly I...I wanted to be the one on the front lines, hunting down guys that would be looking to hurt people. I wanted to be the one to stop them." That was certainly one way of saying 'I wanted to be a hero', but, for some reason, Elaine felt self-conscious about it. So, she tried to word it as differently as she could. 

It didn't take long for them to arrive at one of the Legionary mechs, this specific one being the one Elaine currently piloted. Stepping onto the lift, Elaine raised them up as high as the cockpit. "Here it is. The Legionary Mark III - M, a much more durable suit, if a bit less mobile." She walked over to the railing of the lift to get a closer look with Makoto. It had been cleaned and shined to the best of the crew's ability, which was pretty damn good, in her opinion. It was definitely presentable, that was for sure. "Any questions about this one, then? I can probably answer them better than anything involving a Velite."

"I see..." Even with her story dressed, it seemed like the boy could relate strongly to it, nodding with a content look. "Sometimes it really sucks to just look at things and... hope for the best. I really wish I could have done something more about these rebels that sneaked into the colony myself. And old Phalanx model couldn't do much though, that was risky, wasn't it?" He chuckled, seemed aware of his own stubbornness. Perhaps he saw a bit of himself in Elaine, or was it the other way around?

Finally met with the Legionary, Makoto beamed another smile. "That's the heavy one, right? How many missiles can it carry? Does it walk fine underwater?" There was maybe a misconception in the boy's impression of the bot, was he thinking of another? "So, you prefer the heavier kind of mechs?"

"Missiles? Ehhhhh I'd say about...fifty? Wait, water? What?" Makoto was piling on more questions without waiting for her give him an answer before giving Elaine yet another question she had to genuinely think about. 'Did she prefer heavier mechs?' She looked back at her Legionary, and weighed the pros and cons. It was powerful. Really powerful. And while it was the most standard of Heavy ANF Mechs, the reinforced plating that was able to withstand so much abuse had protected her from death several times. Plus, the Legionary itself had two weapons that she had specifically wanted: Wrist Mounted Gatling Guns and Shoulder Mounted Beam Cannons. And it's not like it wasn't fast in it's own right. It had a good enough top speed to get to places quickly. And she only couldn't move out of the way as easily? Her armor was able to cover any damage she would take! What wasn't to love?

...And yet...There was something unfulfilling about it, to her. She thought back to the day on Colony 2, and, for a rare instance, looked upon it fondly. She remembered acceleration she could achieve and how it helped her maneuver around the enemy so much, in addition to incredible top speed that it got. And how it made her feel. She was fast. She was accurate. She was powerful. And it was what she and Jane built the Marionne to achieve, in the end. With a small frown, Elaine shook her head, and said "No".

It took about three seconds to realize she had spoken aloud, and, trying to play it cool, turned to Makoto. "No, I don't think I do. I'll easily pilot any kind of mech, but...I think I prefer evasive, light mech suits. It's-... How do I describe it?" She paused, and held her chin with her thumb and forefinger. Finally, she was able to find a comparison. "You know the phrase 'float like a butterfly, sting like a bee'? It's like that. Except for the 'bee dying from losing its stinger' thing. *cough* Anyways! With those kinds of mechs, you fly around their attacks like they have the same magnetic pole as you, your entire being absolutely refusing to even get close to whatever they through at you. Then," She said, slamming her fist into her other hand. "You lay into them! Hard! And then get away so fast that they can't even react quick enough. That's the kind of mech I prefer." Elaine crossed her arms and nodded, satisfied with her explanation.

"Ohh, I see..." Makoto's line of questioning sure brought a lot of words out of Elaine this time, but that didn't bother the teen any. If anything, he seemed pretty interested in the level of detail she went to. "So you'd prefer a lighter mech, huh? I guess the Velite wasn't as much worth it compared to the Legionary, then?" It was just a simple question, but the boy couldn't help the curiosity with how strong an opinion Elaine seemed to have on the matter.

"If I had to choose..." Before Elaine could answer, Makoto seemed to go for a tangent of his own. Perhaps thinking it wouldn't do good if Elaine was the only one to answer questions. For as passionate as she was, she didn't seem that proactive when it came to people... not that it was an uncommon thing for tech nerds. "Well, I wouldn't know, honestly. There's very cool things about each type. Being able to carry a big punch and a lot of ammunition is just straight to the point, but an agile mech can also be really flashy..." Makoto's inexperience had him stumped at the same question.

"Who says the more flashy mechs can't carry a punch, too? I mean, sure, they can't carry as heavy weapons, but it doesn't mean that we can't have weapons that are just as dangerous." She crossed her arms and leaned forward on the railing on the lift. "You just need to make modifications to the weapon itself."

"Of course, your preference is your preference, and it's not my place to change that. Especially when it's the thing that keeps you alive." Elaine was silent for a moment, letting Makoto think up any more questions for her, before speaking again. "Alright, here's a question from me to you. How did it feel, out there? When you were piloting that Phalanx model out in the open battlefield? And don't just tell me it was 'awesome' either. How did you really feel out in that dangerous situation?"

"Hah, I guess that's true." The teen seemed agreeable with Elaine's assessment. If anything the vacant look in his eyes probably a testament to some cool action scene only a teen nerd would whip up going on in his mind. "It's more about what style you prefer... a fast mech is a goner if they are hit, but a heavy mech needs to parry really well, armor doesn't last forever, so it's not like one is definitely better than the other." It seemed the teen had come to a prudent conclusion after all.

Then Makoto needed to stop and think about Elaine's question. It was a tough one, because it entailed the rollercoaster of emotions that was that day in general... waters past was much easier sid than done when one knows their father was abducted! "I guess it was... I was pretty scared, everything that day was so much bigger, I won't lie." Makoto looked at her, though it seemed more like he was looking through her. That was very much a situation that demanded his thoughts. "Honestly... right after, I felt exhausted, I wanted to crash, and cry... the mall was horrible, all broken. Dead people under the rubble." He gulped, "But... being able to stand up against them, when you guys showed up, I felt a lot better, the rush wasn't just fear. I thought I could... could do something. I probably just got in the way, heh." He scratched the back of his head, a bit self-conscious. "It was aw-- uh, um... liberating, to try to beat up the rebel's mechs. Just like a justice fighter..." Makoto knew it was sounding silly, averting his gaze. These were likely his inner thoughts.

"A justice fighter? What, is that one of those newer cartoons, these days?" Elaine chuckled a little. I suppose it wasn't that different from how she wanted to be a hero, but the name 'justice fighter' just seemed really silly to her. Still, she contained her laughter and kept her composure. "Still, I get ya. Being able to stand up and fight back is...well, like you said, it's liberating. It's definitely how I felt when I got to sit in a robot and take on those terrorist bastards." She was purposefully vague about which terrorists she spoke about, though she doubted Makoto suspected her about anything related to Colony 2.

"Well, I think we've been up here long enough." Elaine said, changing the subject. She walked over to the lift controls and brought it down to the floor. "It's high time you got back to see your mother, again, so this is where we'll end this little presentation. I got stuff to take care of, so I'll bring you back to the infirmary, alright?"

"What, no, justice fighter is like, a concept!" Makoto raised a balled fist up over his head, a sign of conviction rather than violence. "To fight to make things right! Who doesn't want to be a hero? I mean, in the end we all fight for something, right? So... we're trying to grasp our justice with our hands, we can't just sit around and hope good things happen, that's not how it works." It seemed Makoto took the mantra seriously. "See, you stop terrorists with a mech, you're a justice fighter too!" He nodded, though perhaps his logic wasn't the same as Elaine saw it. To Makoto, they were all doing good, anf fighting for the sake of something good, and that applied.

"What, already?" It seemed Makoto wasn't as happy about the sudden decision, sighing and looking a last time at the mech. Though he opened his mouth in protest, something in him caved in. "Well, okay. I should see if mom is better." And that was probably why.

Edited by Dandragon
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Oh. Thorvald saw how it was now. It wasn't necessarily that Astin had calmed down and begun to be a little more rational about the situation, so much as they'd been barely holding themselves back as to avoid upsetting a friend, one who had every reason to be even more upset by the developments in question. He couldn't say he appreciated the eyeroll, or the other continuations of their childish demeanor from before. The worst of it though, was that despite the young pilot's behavior, some of the things they were saying certainly carried some truth to them. Thorvald couldn't guarantee that if everyone had had a calm, reasonable discussion--with none of Elaine, Roxanna, nor Astin's antics disrupting things--that the outcome would have been materially different. However...

"It's not necessarily that, but I think you're too focused on the short term. There will always be decisions that don't agree with you, but if you don't handle how you deal with them in the beginning, you'll lose any leverage when trying to deal with those that come later on..." he began, but paused as he heard footsteps advancing from behind them, turning to take a look and confirming the worst. They'd tarried too long in front of the lift instead of just getting in and on their way. That break in the action gave Juria the moment she needed to say her piece, and oh boy was it something. The bit about Christina having claimed to be a pilot in training was news to him, and he didn't know how to address that, or some of her other issues, so he shifted to try to handle what he felt most comfortable addressing first.

"Juria, I don't know that anybody's been laughing at you for how you speak, if they have I haven't been around for it. And I'd imagine Jess would be the last person to do so, given her own tendency to stammer. But come on, let's get in the elevator first and we can keep talking this over, don't want to clog up the hall now, do we?"

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Looking down the hall, Astin saw why Thorvald was encouraging them to get into the elevator and rationally they knew he was right. Sighing quietly, they nodded in agreement. "He's right. Come on Juria, you were headed somewhere specific, right? No sense in just sitting around here." Heading past her into the elevator, they could only hope she would follow.

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"Maybe... I don't r-really know. We'll find out, I guess... I was never given a reason by Central, so I d-don't know if anything like that will ever come up, again... With how b-busy they are, they wouldn't have time to sit me down and e-explain why I'm on this boat, anyway... Ahh, sorry for b-bothering you, Lieutenant. You should have some time to go cool off after this m-meeting. I'll let you go, now... And probably stay here for a little bit longer. I have to sort through some f-files and make sure we're on course to the base, a-anyway." And try not to cry, thinking about the mess between myself and Roxanna... Even if I started it, this time. But isn't that what you're supposed to do with bullies? Stand up to them? Ugh... Adulting conventions are so stupid and confusing...


Christina shrunk a bit as the door opened, waving at Elaine with a small smile. "H-Hi... I, you seemed upset, coming down the hall. I was, going to go see about something to eat, see how the crew was doing... And, well, you... C-Came stomping down the hall, so I wanted to make sure things were alright... A-Are you alright, Sergeant?"

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"I'm..." Elaine had been stomping, that was true. And she couldn't well deny that she was in a terrible mood. That much was plain to anyone looking at her. Subtlety was out of the picture, as was lying about how she felt. She couldn't even force a smile. So instead, Elaine huffed, and took a moment to find the right words to say. "...I've felt better. Would be better if I didn't have to-... Just...I've had a rough day. Hasn't been getting better. At all."

Another moment of awkward silence as Elaine stood in the doorway, with Christina still outside her room. And as they stood there, bits and pieces of what Jess had said back in the briefing room began to come back to Elaine. Specifically, the ones that had been drowned out at the time. Comments on how no one had had any issues with Nikolai and Christina wandering the ship before. Well, Nikolai hadn't stepped up and tried to talk her down in the worst possible way, nor had he gone as far as to taunt her about being hero. But...Christina wasn't Nikolai.

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Long Overdue Retro  


There had been one thing that Jessica had been avoiding since their victory in colony one. Something that she had to do, even just as a formality as captain. But, after Nikolai, she didn't know if she had the temperament to speak to another prisoner without buying into anything they would tell her. She'd gotten lucky with Nikolai. The boy had turned out to be damaged, hurt, but not evil, or against them.

What about this Abigail? Was she against them? Did she hate them for what they'd done to her? Did that mean she'd try anything to get back at them? Jess paled at the thought, slowly walking the corridors towards...

"Containment..." Abigail's cell was the one they'd only previously kept Nikolai in, center stage for anyone to see. She didn't know if anyone else had spoken to them yet, but it was now or never. If she put this off again, she wouldn't have the courage to try once more.

With one foot forward and a hard swallow, she stepped into view of their captured rebel, who didn't quite seem that bad off... She even had reading material. "So someone had been here," she mumbled to herself. The press of a button turned on the speakers, Jess nodding once more in her determination.

"Hello. I am... ANFSF Captain Jessica Gefalscht. And this introduction is well overdue."

Oh, this was new. Someone aside from the doctor actually seemed to have finally realized she existed and had come for a visit. Abigail had been lounging on the prison cot, her legs bent in an inverted vee with one hooked atop the other as she'd continued reading from the pad Megumi had lent her. It was the sort of laid back position that gave the impression she owned the place, was just relaxing in her apartment, rather than an accurate reflection on the reality of the situation. But I mean, why not try to get comfortable? This now, though, here we had something interesting to focus on again, rather than just trying to put a positive face on things and stave off the boredom.

Making a little "whup" noise as she sat up, Abby unhooked her legs and swung them down to the floor, then set aside the pad and took a good look at this latest visitor. Unlike the doctor, who had a few inches on her, it appeared to Abigail as though she could actually look down on the newcomer. Actually... why just guess about it, time to put theory into practice.

Yup, she definitely had some on the other girl. Who was apparently the captain. Really?

"Finally managed to clear a space in your busy schedule for me, huh?"

Oops, speaking before thinking just put to waste all of those tips she'd been reading up on. Well, at least it wasn't the worst thing she could have said, right?

She almost looked like she was enjoying her time in there... Whatever she was reading, it was taking up all her interest. Could someone on death row really get that casual? Or maybe that was why. Jess didn't understand it, and thinking further on it would make her more confused.

"I guess... You could say that. I'd been meaning to see to the leader of the rebels, but I'd been scared," she admitted, almost bravely, "thinking you to be some terrifying monster... Yet here you are reading. Nothing on your conscience?"

Jess bit her lip, that was too on the nose. Still, she wanted to ask about that-- confront, about it. She had to know why someone would join in with Apotheosis to do something like this. It was an idle curiosity and she wasn't owed anything by this person. Maybe she wouldn't even get an answer, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

"Tell me why. That's all I need to hear. I don't think there's anyone or anything that will change Central's mind on executing you when things have finally calmed down, but I... I just need, to know. Why? How could... How could you do something like that? All those people, they didn't have to die..."

"Oh, that's rich, you, lecturing me on my conscience," Abby snorted. This Jessica had not only chosen to make things confrontational, but she'd picked the worst possible point of attack. "Just how many of my men did you gun down the other day, your hands certainly aren't exactly clean either. And, shit, this is without taking into account the fact that I split my forces to try to help evacuate the surrounding area after shit got real and the assholes we were working for went off script." She could feel her hand balling into a fist. If there weren't a solid glass door separating them, Abigail couldn't be sure she wouldn't have decked the little bitch.

What? "O-Of course we did! I... Are you serious?" Her hands were dirty, with whose blood? Though, going there, a frightening thought hit Jess' mind, wondering if she thought the rebels working with Apotheosis suddenly didn't matter. Of course their lives mattered, they were still people, but...

A defeated look slipped onto her face already, though Abigail had done nearly nothing. Jess was just doing what she did best; tearing down her own stance on things. "It's our job... To deal with terrorists, a-and threats to the colony. Everything w-would've been lost, had we not stepped in... We all sign up to die when we do this, anyway. Don't tell me how dirty my hands are, when I already know that. B-But you knew, kn-knew that! And you still did it!" Jess felt her voice raise, taken aback by the emotion contained inside.

"Why? Why!? How many innocent people died, that day? How many people, not involved in any of this!? How many families were torn apart because of your stupid decision!?"

Abigail could hardly believe her ears. This? This stuck-up, stuttering, self-centered strumpet was the captain who'd been responsible for her complete defeat? She crossed her arms in front of her chest and continued to glare down at her opponent, who seemed to be desperately rationalizing her actions.

"Everything would have been lost? Please, you're overstating the case. Even after those fucks made a mess of things, by the time you arrived it was essentially over and we'd have been gone and on our way. Hell, the ensuing additional battle you started only made things worse for the civilians you claim to be so worried about. So worried about that unless there's some headline making incident you ignore the families scraping by in crushing poverty, as the ANF extorts and exploits the colonies for their own benefit, milking them dry with its vicelike grip. So worried about that you ignore them at the first sign of any trouble down here on Earth, your precious home, beating your cheeks to fly back down immediately and fuck any colonists who might also be in a pinch!"

Abigail was seeing red now, and could hear the roar of the blood rushing through her ears. "The only stupid decision I made was trusting that that bullshit shadow group actually gave a damn either!" She slammed her fist into the wall next to the door, and the sudden pain was a welcome slap back to reality. This wasn't good, she'd let herself get goaded into sprinting toward the electric chair here, rather than finding some way to avoid it. For all her posturing about not saying anything without a lawyer earlier, she'd certainly gone and cocked things up at the first provocation. Just like always. Disappointment and regret were starting to set in, now.

"Don't tell me th-that I don't care! But I'm j-just one person... I can't help everyone! And yes! It was... Th-The..." Oh no... If she brought that up... And she was already riling her up so far... "Th-The ANF was going t-to destroy the colony... If, w-we didn't stop you." Too little too late. Jess was only acting brave because of the wall between them, really... If that wasn't there, she'd be horrified enough to say a word. This woman seemed... Easily angered.

"So yes... W-We did save it. If you're g-going to act like you, w-weren't at all in the wrong, then know th-that you put the whole colony at risk with your stunt. A-And you still haven't told me why!" Extorting and exploiting indeed... The ANF wasn't that bad. Not at all... The people on the Colony lived good lives, they even had someone from there on their ship, right now! And he, he hadn't said anything of that... What was she talking about?

The captain had started up the same old tired lines about how she could only do so much, yada yada etc. Then she said something completely unexpected. The ANF was going to destroy the colony if we didn't stop you. It was ludicrous, yet there was something...

Abigail felt her butt-cheeks clench, a knot form in the pit of her stomach, and the blood drain from her face. If punching the wall had been a wake-up slap, then this was getting drenched with a bucket of ice water. Jessica was still pestering after her with a five-year old's repeated cries of Why, why, but at this point she was barely listening, could hardly hear her.

"Destroy the colony?" It was a soft echo, low but impossible to miss. "You're lying." Abigail's words had a heavy finality to them, as if nothing could sway her to believe otherwise, but inside, the seed of doubt was breaking all sorts of records for quickest growth. "The ANF would never do that. They need the colonies. That's why the issue of self-governance and independence has always been dead on arrival. Why are you lying to me? What do you have to gain from it?" Abby's voice began to rise back, approaching the level of shouting from before, but failing to quite reach it, the hint of quaver that was creeping in betraying her lack of confidence.

"Wh-What?" Lying? No! Not at all. Why would... What? "I'm not lying. D-Do you have any idea what Apotheosis is doing right now? Has a-anyone told you? And if we h-hadn't been there to m-make the damage less, do you have a-any idea what they would have done with all of Colony One's w-work?" Jessica scanned her face for any signs of understanding, any whisperings of an 'oh no'.

"I guess y-you don't... They're running all o-over us. No discrimination f-for military or o, otherwise... Killing a-and destroying everything in sight, a-as they demand the whole, world surrender... A-And they might, w-win." The thought was chilling, causing her to tense up.

"They have insane t-technology. They have resources, p-people, they always... Have th-the jump, on us. And you're t-telling me, we're the bad guys? B-Because we, can't do what a-any organization, has e-ever been able to do? How would y-you help everyone? Self righteous... Stupid..." Jess was only angry from how ignorant Abigail sounded while shouting her down from some supposed high horse.

"Are y-you going to tell me why, yet?"

And so the captain confirmed the ANF were every bit the dicks she'd thought they were, and then some. It wasn't a lie, she'd seriously been going to pull that trigger. But it would have been Abigail's fault, and that chilled her, kept the twisting and churning going in the pit of her stomach. On top of the lives of the men she'd lost, knowing now that she could have ruined everything was sobering. She felt like she needed to vomit. But not in front of her.

"I don't know who to hate worse: them, or you feddies. You just got done telling me you were going to blow up the whole colony with your megaparticle cannon, or whatever, if your strike team failed to wipe out me and my men, and you have the nerve to play the 'who's worse' card right now? I'm disgusted with you. And shit, girl, I've been telling you 'why' over and over already, but I guess I haven't been using small enough words for you." Abigail raised her hands to her head in frustration, pressing the heels of her palms into her temples and digging her fingers into her scalp in exasperation.

"We were contacted with a lucrative offer. On top of the money, they claimed to be sympathetic to our cause. Turns out it was a 'you scratch our back we stab you in yours' deal all along. Fuck, are you getting this now? What more do you want?"

"I-I wasn't going to do anything! They w-were going to blow it out o-of, orbit... I'd, never do something like that... E-Even if, I was ordered to. We risked our lives to s-save that colony..." Of course she had the nerve to play the who's worse card... Jess would never agree to anything like that. She'd done the mission to avoid it! At least she was getting somewhere, though...

"Y-You haven't been... And I, I see." Still annoyed, but trying to think, Jess closed her eyes. "A-Are you, willing to help us, then?"

Jess was still scowling, only slightly, but it must've come across as weird. "One of th-the other kids in your employ, N, Nikolai... I, I don't know if his name r-rings a bell... But he's been h-helping, us... Another girl, Christina, we... We pulled her out of an Apotheosis craft, sh-she'd been taken by them... And is turning into best friends with our lieutenants. I know..." Jess had to pause to collect herself, trying to breath. The stuttering had to stop.

"I know... Who you are. I know you're, the ring leader, of the mercenaries, a-at least," she took another breath, looking up at Abigail, locking their eyes. "And that means you have to take the fall for your faction's actions. It's the same for me and everyone on the ship. If they make a mistake, I take the hit... That aside. I don't know if I'm an amazing judge of character, but considering who w-we're letting help us, it wouldn't be fair, leader or not, to not give you the same opportunity."

Jess hoped that made sense. She wanted it to make sense. "I... I don't want to kill you. I don't want someone in the ANF to kill you. I'd rather you work to make amends than die for mistakes, even as grave as this... And this isn't about i-ideals, or pro-ANF, pro-EU. The whole w-world, is facing a threat. If we c-can't, help each other... Then, there's no way we can h-help ourselves." It was too sobering a thought, that things were happening across the globe, as she spoke.

"So that's... Why I had t-to know why. To know, if you were doing this because you agreed with them... Or, b-because you thought they were something else. And now, I know..."

Abigail narrowed her eyes as Jess attempted to clarify her comment. The whole scenario was a bit farfetched, but then again, it helped explain why she might have shared that information. If she could trust her, if they really had put their lives on the line for the colony's sake... where was Megumi when you needed her? The rebel leader frowned, and then was caught by surprise with the captain's next words.

Are you willing to help us, then?

She blinked several times, and struggled to contain herself, but a bemused "Haaah?" leaked out regardless. Was this woman seriously off her rocker? Her reaction seemed to have elicited a scowl, but Abigail managed to keep herself from any further interruptions as the explanation continued. Nikolai was alive, hot damn, so he could follow at least one order. She was glad to get confirmation both that he hadn't been killed, and that he hadn't deserted in spite of her warning him not to do so. There was something off about the kid, but he didn't seem a bad type. Well that was a relief. The talk about Christina, on the other hand, was a bit of a mystery. She could... maybe remember assigning someone by that name to one of the patrol squads when Apotheosis had insisted on integrating forces, but couldn't recall anything further than that. Still, if true that made two, plus herself. Jesus Christ, how many was this crew trying to save? If there was stronger proof of the pure-hearted naivete behind this captain's motivations, Abigail was hard pressed to think of any. Even she herself wasn't likely to go that far during the course of battle, and Calina was always complaining about what a softie she could be.

Abby locked eyes with the captain, gauging her, curious to see what surprising thing she might say next, or if she'd finished and was waiting on an answer. Oh, a boring lecture about responsibility. Did this Jessica think she was trying to run from what she'd done? And then a further confession, putting words to the captain's moral compass, though the way it spun was obvious enough to anyone with eyes to see it.

This whole fucking whirlwind ride. Abigail felt dizzy, she needed time to think. She was furious with the ANF, now more than ever. Could she seriously serve in their ranks, even to fight those Apotheosis fuckers? But what good would saying 'no' do her? Save her a little pride maybe? If that.

"I think... I'm going to want to see them, both of them, before I can give you a yes or a no. I'd also like to speak with..." with Megumi, Abigail thought, but cut herself off before saying it. Did the captain already know? If she didn't, Abby didn't want to be the one to let that slip. "No, nevermind. It's not that I don't believe you, Jessica, but..." she trailed off, trying to figure out how to continue, if she should continue. "I'm sure you'll agree this is quite the change from our, ah, heated back and forth just now."

"Wh-What?" Was it really that ridiculous of a request? That they try to work together when it mattered? If this Abigail proved herself useful enough, she might even be able to receive a pardon in the eyes of the military... It was highly unlikely, but Jess would vouch for her... Or they might just... Not receive a report. Jess shivered, thinking about doing something like that, but what the hell, right? The world was at stake! Making sure to send a report to get some random rebel leader executed was... Not even worth considering, right now.

"Gonna need to see both of them, huh... Th-That's your fault, anyway. You should've j-just answered me right away." Jess folded her arms and almost pouted, biting back the overly friendly gesture. Needs to see them... Okay. I can get at least one of those... I have no clue where Nikolai is, though.

With a hefty pause, eyes focused solely on one thing, Jess finally started to move again. A quick inputting of code, and the door to Abigail's cell slid open. Jess tensed up, expecting some sort of reaction, whether it be running, an attack, anything... And simply hoped that it didn't come.

"Th-Then come, with me. A-And don't... Just... Don't, do anything stupid. Please... I know I-I'm a stuttering mess, but I'm perfectly trained in CQC, and I h-hit a lot harder than I look. And running... Y-You'll just, get yourself shot. If you want t-to see Christina, right now, I can take you to her. She's likely in her room." Jess was still gauging Abigail, for any signs of a reaction that was less than favorable. Hopefully this gesture was enough to foster trust, but she doubted it would be that easy. I probably just look stupid... I am, being stupid. Roxanna would try to slap me again, if she was here.

Apparently that wasn't the answer she'd expected, clearly not the one she'd hoped for. But had it not even crossed her mind? Was the captain so focused on what she wanted, that she hadn't considered anyone else's feelings on the matter? She hadn't... she hadn't talked this over with her crew yet either had she... Megumi would have said something if she'd known this was the plan, right? And-- Oh. my. god.

Jessica was opening the cell door, without even calling for guards, without a second thought. Just going right for it. Disbelief was reaching critical levels, and Abigail's palm covered her face. There was no way she could turn her down, not now. It would break her heart, and it was resigning herself to sure death by execution later. But, this far into things, Abigail figured she might as well see it through to completion. Christina wasn't the choice she could have hoped for, but it would have to do, and would be just going through the motions at this point anyway.

"Oh, don't worry," Abigail answered back. "I know someone who's probably a worse stutterer than you, and how dangerous they can be when they need to be. I'm not going to do anything stupid."

How was Sena doing now, she wondered. She'd managed to escape that mess, right, with Calina, Hilling, and everyone else they could muster. She'd followed that order, right? It wasn't the sort of thing she could ask Jessica, no chance in hell. But now Abigail was worrying over it, fresh reminder being a hard one to shake.

"Good. Good... Then... Come along. I'll, uh... If we run into anyone, I'll explain things. I'm still the captain, if anyone disagrees." With another moment's hesitation, she turned her back on Abigail, expecting her to follow. Christina, then... She was down two floors. "We're going to have to take an elevator." Slower than normal, and making sure to check corners, Jessica led Abigail down the pristine halls of the Riese.

"Did... Uh... D-Does your, group have their own ship?" Was it right to ask about them? Start small talk, and the like? It felt awkward, but there's no way it would've felt natural. It still had to happen, right?

Luckily no one had turned a corner, even if Jess was still incredibly apprehensive. Ugh, Megumi would be giving her the lecture of a lifetime... She pressed the call button, waiting for their ride. "I-If you'd rather I just be quiet, I c-can do that, too... I don't really... There's no, procedure for this sort of stuff."

Megumi stepped out of the infirmary, feeling she could tolerate a walk if it meant she'd be seeing Dwight and Nikolai at something resembling her own pace. Really, she could use one after all of the sitting around she'd been doing. With no plan in mind for getting Nikolai back to the infirmary peacefully, the doctor had brought her stun gun, accepting it for the comically extreme last resort that it was, but planned to enlist either Tarquin or Jessica to persuade the beast child, first. She'd considered retrieving Christina, as well, but the girl had already joined the ANF once, so the onus was on the last batch of doctors to put her through any necessary examinations. No, technically that wasn't true, not after Christina was recruited by Apotheosis, however temporarily. Still, Nikolai, a potential ticking time bomb, and Dwight, their senior navigator, were Megumi's higher priorities.

The doctor only made it three steps out of the infirmary before spotting two women coming down the hall. She froze on the spot. These weren't people she was expecting to see, but they were by no means people she didn't want to see, at all. Clamping her jaw shut once she realized how stunned she must have looked, Megumi cleared her throat and addressed the captain and Abigail. "This is ... unexpected." Obviously ...

Megumi's mind began to race, trying to figure out what the captain was doing, and trying to figure out how she should feel about it versus the somewhat smug satisfaction that was trying to claw its way to the surface. She's walking with Abigail behind her, unrestrained and unguarded, which means there's some serious trust being shown, but there was no announcement or advanced notice, so I'm probably the first person seeing this. I suppose I should be annoyed and disappointed. She wasn't, this once. If Jessica's brand of stupidity was a counter force to the unfairness of the universe, then Megumi could support it, if only in secret. "Where are you two headed, exactly?"

"This is... unexpected."

Jess wheeled around instantly, staring at Megumi, stuck on the spot. A thought passed through her mind-- repeatedly. Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap... "Th-This... I... This... Is exactly what it looks like." Jess had no possible excuse for what this was, especially for Megumi. Roxanna was going to find out about this, and she was going to get such an earful... Or a face full. Of her fist. Again... Ugh!

No, Jess! Y-You have to stand strong with your decisions! "I... I'm just doing what I think is right! Sh-She's, stupid, a-and she did something unforgivable... B-But, she regrets it, and, a-and it's not like we're n-not fighting alongside people wh-who have done stupid things themselves... O-On a different scale, but... But! That's... Anyway! I'm... She w-wanted to see Christina, a-and Nikolai..."

Where they were headed was downstairs, hopefully before any other prying eyes got a hold on Abigail's presence. If Megumi was going to try and stop Jess, she was going to pull rank so hard! Stuttering rank, but still...

When Jessica had asked if her crew had a ship, Abigail's heart lifted a fair amount. There'd have been no point to that question if they'd shot down the freighter, so to her that confirmed at least some of the company had managed to escape. With that hope alive, she didn't want to answer, not and risk having them be hunted down, but it didn't feel right staying silent either. The young captain was going out on an awful limb for her, and awkwardly attempting to get along even. A slight sidestep seemed to be the way to go, they were here until the lift came anyway, no point being bored the whole time.

"They sent you to fight us without even giving you that sort of necessary information? I'm surprised."

She became even more surprised when she heard Megumi's voice from down the hall. Turning almost at the same time that Jess did, Abby gave a slightly embarrassed wave to the ship's doctor, as the captain began to stammer out an excuse. Actually, did it still qualify as an excuse if she just... admitted to it? Abigail had to frown a bit being called stupid by someone so dim as the captain, but at this point she wasn't exactly in position to protest, nor did she want to draw any further attention. Notably from anybody who'd be less receptive to the current situation. Which... was probably every other living being on the ship.

"I've promised to behave myself, but if you don't trust your captain to handle me alone, and your other business isn't urgent, I'm sure you'd have plenty of ways to keep me in line," she addressed Megumi as neutrally as possible. She wasn't going to let Jessica know anything she didn't already, not for free, not if she could help it.

Megumi returned a near microscopic wave while listening to Jessica's explanation. With that, and Abigail's promise to behave herself out in the open, Megumi was free to drop a completely vapid reprimand and then move on to more important matters. This was simply too good, and too fortuitous to waste time on play acting.

"Well, Captain, this is once again very reckless and inadvisable. Please consult the crew in the future." Her tone carried all the emotion of an answering machine.


"Okay, since you're going to see Nikolai, I'll accompany you both. I was just going to drag him back to the infirmary for that examination, but not having to literally drag him would make my life much easier. I trust at least one of you can convince him to cooperate?"

Jessica squinted at Megumi's stock answer to end all stock answers. "A... Are you, not actually mad at me?" What? Why? How? In what universe? It was great, but she didn't at all get why... Unless they'd spoken before? Megumi couldn't have any vested interest in their prisoner, right? Whatever, Jess didn't get it, and Abigail was acting like she'd never seen the woman, so she didn't press it further.

"A-Alright. Come with us, then. We're gonna see Christina first, so... If you don't mind the wait, we can all go see Nikolai after. I... I think I can get him to come along. He doesn't like me, but... Well, he seems to tolerate me, at least." Hopefully Christina was up to seeing Abigail... She didn't know if the girl had any extended interaction with the rebels, or if she was just in touch with Apotheosis.

Megumi supposed she could give Jessica something to work with regard to Abigail's release. "Assuming all goes well with Nikolai's examination, the previous two releases will have proven to be an overall benefit. I can't be too hard on you in good conscience." Of course Nikolai's examination might turn up something unpleasant, though the chances of that changing anyone's opinion on having the boy roaming freely were slim. It might change various opinions on whether or not he should be piloting, Megumi's especially, but even that might not be a major issue in the end. With any measure of understanding came some measure of control.

Convince Nikolai to submit to an examination? How hard could that be? Thinking back Abigail remembered him being on the bristly side, and without much in the way of respect for authority. Perhaps Megumi had tried and failed before? That was actually plausible. If so, would he listen to anything she had to say to him. It wasn't entirely likely, given how he no longer really worked for her, and was probably higher in the pecking order with whatever new arrangement they'd lined up for him. Plus there was the matter of her threat about desertion, but she was pretty sure she could clear that up without any misunderstandings at least. All in all, she was giving it low odds, not as good as an even coin flip, but not too terrible.

"Well, I'll give it a shot, anyway," she shrugged and stated aloud. The captain seemed to be a little bit more optimistic about her own chances, so between the two, it was probably a done deal. And if he didn't comply, and managed to get away without any stiff reprimand, well that would also be informative, a rough indication of how much leeway Abby might have in other similar matters, perhaps. All in all, the situation was a good one.

With a ding, the elevator arrived, empty, and Abigail quickly stepped inside, hoping to avoid any other potential onlookers turning this whole affair into a fricking circus. "Let's not keep her waiting then."

And then she thought. While initially, visiting Christina hadn't really attracted her interest, she'd barely known the girl after all, the closer they got the more curious she was finding herself becoming. How had this crew turned one of the members of the shadow group, and not only that, by all accounts made her into the more compatible member of the two compared to Nikolai? Would she be able to hold back her own rage at how the organization the girl had belonged to had fouled everything up, costing her many men and landing her here, walking the razor's edge? How was the other girl going to react upon coming face to face for that matter too? Lots of question marks. And Jessica seemed to be fine with them all.

"Yeah... Let's." This was so weird... But better an understanding Megumi than a terrifying Roxanna. With the doctor and Abigail in proper tow, Jess got into the elevator, a bit packed with the taller women. Never before had Jess been so happy to be wearing heels. She'd be disappearing without them. How do you get that tall anyway? That's so... Unfair! I guess I'm not done growing, but... I almost am. Don't think I'll be getting more height...

Their doors opened, and it was only a short stroll down the hall to get them to the pilots quarters. Christina's room was at the end of the hall, and still, there was no one else around. How fortunate. With a knock on the door, Jess waited, Christina only opening after a moment. She... She didn't look great, all things considered. And seeing Abigail wasn't exactly pleasant for the girl.

"Wh... Wh-Why is... What do you want?" Rather than be angry, Abigail's presence was more terrifying. Why she was out of her cell and walking with the captain was beyond her.

And this was likely a problem that Jess wasn't sure she could solve. "Uh... Well. She wanted to talk to you. And Nikolai. We're... Trying to get her to trust us."

"Why... Why would you, ever... F-Fine." She didn't seem to have much fight in her. Had something happened? Whatever it was, Christina kept the door fairly shut, staring at Abigail.

"I thought you said she was enjoying herself here," Abby looked to Jess briefly and wryly quipped before turning to address the Apotheosis agent. She locked her under a hard stare for a couple of seconds, trying to weigh what exactly her deal was. Honestly, it would have been easier if she had been beaming from ear to ear, easier to be angry at her for what her organization had done. Probably not better, given that she needed to control herself and keep a good impression, but certainly easier. But this? Fear, melancholy, and resignation?

"I guess I can take it that you remember me then, huh? That'll cut out the need for introductions and other such pleasantries," Abigail said, resting one hand on her hip and the other on the back of her head. "You planning on letting us in, though, or making us stand out here in the hall?"

"I-I thought..." Christina had been having fun here, hadn't she? She seemed chipper walking around the colony and even after they were besieged by killer robots... Was it something with Kim? Did they fight? Jess didn't know... Whatever the case, maybe bringing Abigail here was a bad idea.

"I'd prefer if you stayed in the hall... And I'll ask again, wh-what do you want?" Whatever had happened to her, she'd gone from shy and friendly to cold and distant. Jess would have to ask the TK at some point. 

Abigail sighed, no luck with that. Well, time to keep things short and to the point then. A real interrogation could wait until later, after she was properly established as provisional crew, or whatever this moonbat captain officially called it.

"Look, I just need confirmation that Jessica here is on the level, really. They shot you down, took you in, and now they're treating you like one of their own? Or so she claims, and is offering something similar to me, but... It's kind of hard to believe. What's the catch?"

"Oh, come on... Pretty far for a r-ruse. What sort of people do you think work in the ANF...?" Jess didn't know what Christina was going to say with how she was right now, but seriously... Did she give off that sort of impression? That she'd just use this girl as leverage? What sort of bull crap... I mean, honestly...

Christina seemed to cheer up, if only slightly, looking down. "No catch. I even have a friend or two here now. I... Sorry, for looking this way. Just had a hard day. But... There's no catch. That's exactly what happened. The captain here is... Probably way too kind for her own good. Sorry, Jess."

Jess had nothing to say to that, shrinking her shoulders down some, blushing and grumbling.

"If she's giving you the same... Even... Even if I don't think you deserve it," she managed, using her moment of happiness to give herself a hint of bravery, "then you should take it. With how things are, now... Better with the Riese than with Apotheosis. ANF or not..." It seemed she had her own hangups with the ANF, which only made Jess more confused.

I guess I really do need to get to know everyone better... I thought she seemed so happy to be here, just the other day... Geez. "There. Is that good e-enough for you? Seriously... I, I know who I work for, but... B-Be honest with me-- do I s-seriously look smart enough to try and trick you?" She didn't want to put herself down that far to make her point, but with even Christina cracking a smile at it, it was probably for the best.

"What sort of people? I dunno, the type that were willing to blow up an entire colony just to deal with little old me..." Abigail grimaced and fired back without thinking. "Sorry, nothing against you personally. Yet."

Christina's response was about as expected, though Abby glowered a little upon receiving somewhat more animosity than she'd felt she'd earned from an Apotheosis agent. And apparently she wasn't even all that invested in the shadow group, which was interesting. In the end she nodded, and turned back to the captain.

"I told you, that stutter is making you remind me of someone. And yes, she is quite intelligent, and might employ a trick or two like that if she thought it'd benefit her. Also please, like you'd be the captain if you weren't qualified?" There was a bit of a squeeze in Abigail's chest at this last bit. She'd felt a little unsuited for the job of leader of the company herself, and given how things went down, maybe that was the truth. "Actually, I guess that might not be so farfetched. But still, the first point stands. Can't blame a girl for connections her brain's making without her thinking about it."

"... I wonder that myself, sometimes." Jess put that out without her normal stutter, as if responding to her qualifications had become routine.  It didn't matter who it was, it was always hard to say without a doubt that she deserved to be flying this ship... Especially in this time of need. 

Christina looked between everyone there before clearing her throat. "If that's all, then..." Her cheer had been fleeting, as she shut the door on the three of them, quietly returning to her bed, and some TV.

Jess made a mental note to check on the girl later, but for now, Abigail had to make one more stop. "N-Nikolai's room is just over there," Jess started, turning and pointing. "He's... N-Not a very sociable fellow... But, y-you should be able to g-get what you want.. Don't be, uh... Alarmed. If he calls you a s-slut." Jess slowly began making her way over to his room, hoping this would continue to go just as smoothly as it had been so far.

Megumi scowled as Christina shut the door. She'd been about to ask a question that'd save them both some time. "One moment." Stepping to the fore, the doctor knocked on the door, two good raps to make sure she was heard, regardless of how far back into the room the girl had gotten.

Christina shuddered as her door was knocked on again, sighing. Megumi hadn't said anything-- rather, she hadn't been given the chance to... If it wasn't her, then she'd messed up somewhere, but...

Slowly opening the door again, there was the pink doctor. "Yes?" She hoped this wasn't leading to a 'come to the infirmary I need to examine you' order...

"You were enlisted before," Megumi began, "so I trust you were already put through an initial examination." That was what her file seemed to indicate. "If that's the case, then we shouldn't need to perform another if nothing significant happened to you while you were with Apotheosis. If something did happen that might negatively impact your performance in the field, on the other hand, I'll want to see you in the infirmary, shortly." Christina was awfully shy, but if it wouldn't affect lead to any immediate problems, the doctor would rather let her be. Of course, if there was an issue and it was psychological in nature ...

"If it's stress or anything like that," Megumi held out her palm in a gentle halting gesture, "that wouldn't warrant an examination by me. Instead, you should see Doctor Hart if it might cause any problems."

"I don't think they did anything to me. I was never out, or... Or put through any examinations. To the best of my memory, anyway... I don't know if anything happened to me when I was sleeping, or anything like that, but, I feel okay... Physically." The comment on seeing Doctor Hart was expected, but not something she felt up to right now. Or at all. Could she solve this by herself? Or with friends? She didn't know, but that was the problem, wasn't it...

"I'll think about it..." she offered to Megumi. "Just had a... A bad day. That's all. Need to focus on a few things. Think things over. That sort of stuff. Sorry, to make you worry, Doctor. I hope Nikolai is agreeable." She left the door open this time, just in case there was something Megumi had to add.

A bad day? Maybe ...

"That's all, then," Megumi said, deciding to worry about whatever was bothering Christina at a later time. "Try not to retrospect too much." Turning to face the captain and Abigail, she said, "I'm not going to say anything unless prompted, so once you're finished talking, try to convince Nikolai to come back to the infirmary."

'Not a very sociable fellow' jived pretty well with Abigail's recollection of Nikolai as well, but she had to keep from laughing when Jess warned her that he might be liberal with his profanity and insults. Did that sort of thing get under her skin? Megumi had apparently a little more business with Christina, who had shut the door on them by this point. So, while Abby had begun to follow Jess down the hall, when the doctor called for them to wait a moment, she held back a bit. That business was quickly wrapped up, and just like she had for this previous conversation, Megumi mentioned that she'd be holding back on intruding until after Abigail and the captain had finished their business with Nikolai, though this time more than just a chat was needed, she wanted him up to the medical center for a full work up.

"Right, sounds good then," Abby acknowledged, then went ahead and knocked on his door. If Jess had wanted to do so herself, that was too bad, but what did it really matter anyway? It's not like it would make the difference to Nikolai.

Nikolai grunted indifferently as he waltzed over to the door. He didn't expect any visitors but then again, he never really expected much of anything. Life was easier that way, simply taking things as they went, although frankly some considered it foolish and irresponsible. It was survival, and survival was the ultimate directive.

He wrinkled his nose as he observed the figures on the other side... both of them were familiar, disgustingly so. He didn't particularly feel as though his new game plan of playing nice applied to the blonde though, so he allowed himself to sneer petulantly in their direction. Crybaby Captain would surely forgive his attitude, and if not well, he didn't particularly care.

"So are we having slumber party now?" He asked, his eyes narrowing suspiciously as he folded his arms over his chest, "we braid each other's hair and giggle and talk about which boy we want to make out with?"

Megumi's stance on things was just fine, she was here for medical reasons. It made sense that she'd be waiting to speak. Her nodding back at Megumi did give Abigail time to knock instead, which made Jess flail somewhat, folding her arms as Nikolai opened the door... As pleasant as ever. Honestly, the sarcasm was almost charming, if it wasn't for the venom behind it.

"No party, Nikolai... Abigail just, wanted to talk to you. See if you were okay. If we were... Treating you alright."

"Bullshit," He said, his eyes turning towards the doctor. He trusted her about as much as he would trust a viper with a knife strapped to its tail and a PHD. He allowed his eyes to trail over the three women for a moment, honestly considering locking the door and bailing on this conversation. He was not exactly equipped to deal with this much estrogen...

No, he wouldn't be a coward.

"No one visits me for no fucking reason..." He continued, his lips twitching into a dry, tight, thin smile as he put on his most superficially affable tone, "I mean, is not like I have a winning personality and charming affect. What is real reason?"

Oh, well, he really was laid back and relaxed. Jess's slut comment from before should have given it away, but they really were letting him just do what he wanted, weren't they? Maybe she could loosen up a bit herself?

Abigail waved her hand dismissively at his first comment, "You can keep the boys, don't need 'em. Though it has been a long time since anyone's braided my hair... Haha." She then lowered her voice a little, slightly more serious. "And don't worry about my earlier threat, a POW is definitely different than a deserter. It's good to see you're still alive, considering many of the others..."

The captain and Nikolai had passed a few other words between themselves, and the boy certainly did seem to be on guard, so hopefully that lowered it. Abigail wasn't sure if that's what he'd been worrying about, but it couldn't hurt to clear the air at least.

"Anyway, what the captain says is true, for the most part. She was trying to offer me a deal, and I didn't believe her, demanded she let me see you. Frankly, was surprised she accepted. They been treating you well so far?"

He pulled back, vaguely incredulous. This was starting to look more and more like a daycare for wayward souls than an actual military operation. It was strange, but he shrugged it off. He was sure it was some hidden subterfuge, but he would play along for now.

"I mean, they're all fucking crazy and never shut up but... they're good enough," he muttered with a roll of his eyes, "it's better than war criminals, but not as good as madhouse. I must admit though, I am interested in this deal."

He furrowed his brow as his eyes unblinkingly flit between the captain and the doctor. He would figure their angle out.

"Yes they do..." Jess didn't really want to push anything while Abigail was trying to talk to him, so she kept mostly quiet. Would Megumi's request to see him in the infirmary after set him off? Especially with how suspicious he was... It wasn't like she'd lied. She and Abigail were there to see him, just for that.

He cocked a brow at the captain, pulling his lip up in a derisive smirk.

"I mean, you have been such graceful hosts. I remember fond memories of time you come to bitch, or other time you come here to bitch at me," He said flatly, shaking his head and resting his hands on his hips.

"Is that all you wanted, a social call. I am alive, I am breathing, I am very much wanting to be left alone from peering eyes. I can go back to sulking alone now, da? That is kind of my new thing, not dealing with squawking old ladies gossiping... especially if is not about cute boys or pop bands or whatever."

"Never shut up? Could've fooled me, though I guess they didn't give me much experience... I was basically ignored, but it didn't seem like they were actually trying to break me with solitary or anything..." Abby turned to the side, looking at both Jess and Megumi who were coincidentally nearly lined up with each other. "I mean, I didn't have to resort to talking to myself or anything, but..."

She shook her head, "No, it's good to get a second opinion at least. Maybe some of them are nutters, but if they're passing out second chances, like you say, how bad could it be, right?" Abigail paused, and since it looked like he was trying to close things off and retreat decided she'd have to try to hold up her end of the bargain and see if she could get him to accept a visit to the infirmary.

"Well there is one catch though, the doctor wants to examine us, it seems like yours got put on hold because of some emergency or other," she turned to the side again, as if looking for confirmation, "But I guess they need to make sure we're safe, healthy, and don't have bombs planted in our innards or anything." Abigail shrugged at that before quickly continuing. "I don't know if you'd prefer to go first and get it over with, or if you'd rather watch her do me so you'll know what to expect, but they do want us to follow them to the infirmary."

Abby was ready to slide her foot forward and block the door if he tried to close it on them.

"If I had bomb in my guts I would fucking love for it to go off now..." He groaned. This was their angle after all... Not one he expected, but not something he was exactly looking forward to either. He made a mental note to continue not trusting any of these people. He smiled tightly, his sneer turning into something more akin to the panicked snarl of a trapped animal. His first instinct would've been to say fuck this and lock himself up in his cloister, but at the same time he figured there was something innately cruel about chucking Abigail out to the wolves like that.

Despite himself, despite the flight instincts, he stepped into the hall.

"Am used to getting poked at by medical professionals da." He rolled his eyes once more, locking them onto the doctor, "No fingers in my asshole though, you hear?"

Megumi had been about to speak when Nikolai began his verbal retreat, but Abigail headed off the little gremlin and explained what could indeed be described as a 'catch'. Her wording was quite considerate, though the doctor noted that she didn't really need to examine Abigail at this point. She knew based on her time in the infirmary and her follow up readings that, when she recovered, Abigail would be fit for any kind of work that needed doing. Still, there was nothing official about it, just reasonable conclusions based on emergency procedures. Megumi could use the excuse of an official examination to chat. Taking care of that and Nikolai's at the same time might even make dealing with his more bearable.

To the doctor's surprise, Nikolai agreed--in the most irritating way possible, after stepping out of his room. As far as rectal exams, they were quick and only slightly uncomfortable, but just the same, Megumi had no intention of doing one, even if there was a bomb or something else relevant fixed in there. She'd just get one of her assistants to prove their mettle. The doctor wasn't letting Nikolai off that easily, though. "We don't use our hands for those kinds of examinations anymore. Machines are much more precise."

"Ugh... Oh, Megumi, come on-- Ugh!" Jess had to cover her face and walk away from all of this. Between Nikolai calling her worries bitching, Abigail jumping the gun on the checkup, and both Nikolai and Megumi going too far into detail on something she wanted to hear nothing of, she was pretty done with things.

Stepping just a few feet away, Jess waved her hand at all of them, groaning. "Just-- Just, follow her... I didn't need to hear half of that," she muttered.

Nikolai almost laughed, reveling in the discomfort and disgust on the captain's face. Sometimes it was the little things that brought him joy.

"Oh no doctor, I only let them ram a machine up my most private crevice after the second date." He said sharply, eyeing her with distrust as he made to follow her down the hall, "I mean I would make an exception but you are most definitely not my type. Too much estrogen, not enough trustworthiness."

As Megumi took the lead on the way back down the hall and toward the lifts, Nikolai started on his preferences ... either in medical professionals or sexual partners; Megumi was too distracted by her own private musings to discern which. She wasn't sure what to make of Nikolai's trust issues given the situation. Did it really matter as long as he sat still and didn't touch anything?

"Well, at least you have your preferences all figured out. Now, I need to do a general examination to make sure you're fit to be piloting in the first place, but there is something specific I'm trying to learn more about, Nikolai."  She half glanced over her shoulder as they reached the cafeteria and holodeck lounge. "Were you on any medications or do you have any implants that affect you during combat?"

He felt his eye twitch involuntarily as the doctor immediately started probing him, trying to peel back the layers with her words. Her tone was strangely casual, as though she was simply asking about a benign foot fungus or something mundane and not poking at something that was obviously, obviously terribly wrong with him.

He reflected for a moment, ruminating on how to proceed. On one hand, he wasn't thrilled about the idea of divulging his dark and troubled past, but on the other he had more or less just agreed to allowing the snake in front of him to perform her thorough medical exam. He almost would preferred getting reamed by the industrial strength fuck-o-tron or whatever.

"Implants? I mean, there is... one thing." He said tentatively, "Is the Apparatus. I am sure you are probably aware of the PRLA and the bad shit they did to poor little boys like me... anyway, is nothing special. Just a metal machine in my fucking brain and some fake kidneys to try to parse the extra adrenaline it makes. A baby's toy, da?"

He felt like laughing even though it was honestly the least funny thing he could think of.

Ha! It worked, and all it took was a little white lie. Abigail hoped Megumi wouldn't be upset at having to give her another look over, wasting her time, but it had felt like the best option to have things work out smoothly. Nikolai of course had no shortage of quips for the situation, and Jess was taking them so poorly it was almost comical. Really? It also looked like she might not be following them along from here on out, guess she considered her work here done. Or maybe she just needed some distance. It was six of one and a half dozen of the other to Abby, as she followed Megumi to the lifts. The good doctor was trading barb for barb pretty well herself, and Abigail stopped even bothering trying to hide her grin. It looked like in the absence of a complaint, Nikolai would be the first to be looked at, only made sense given that was her original plan, and Abby wasn't going to insist otherwise, content just to wait it out for now, and let her thoughts wander back over just how crazy this situation really was.

The talk of implants and the PRLA made Jess remember why she'd been so trusting and pitying to Nikolai in the first place... And they should have gotten that addressed before sending him out into battle, but they hadn't the time. Now, though, hopefully Megumi could do something about it. She didn't know how well the doctor knew about anything like that, but however much it was, it was more than Jess.

While Nikolai informed her, Jess slid up to Abigail, still mildly bothered at how every woman on board seemed to manage to be taller than her. "I-Is any of this a bit easier for you, now? I know I-I'm pushing, but... I, If you're going to help us, I need you to know th-that I'm not trying anything. And... I-If you can at least trust me, that'll m-make defending you tomorrow, e-easier... The crew is... N, Not going to be pleased..."

Oh, nevermind, the captain was still coming along for the ride after all. Must've just needed a moment to compose herself or something. Megumi had begun questioning Nikolai already, before they'd even reached the lifts, and Abigail was surprised to learn a thing or two she hadn't known about him in the process. What kind of commander did that make her then? A desperate one, probably. Her mouth slipped into a bit of a thoughtful frown when Jess decided that since the doctor and patient were occupied with each other then that meant she should probably be keeping Abby company. Well, that may not have been her exact thought process, but it was still a little, ugh, to deal with, regardless of the reason. She really was an unapologetic nag about things, wasn't she, and not good at reading context clues at all.

"You really do need things spelled out to you cut and dry don't you? I'd've figured I'd made my decision clear enough for you back at Nikolai's room. Hell..." Abigail paused, wondering if it were really alright to tell the truth before just giving in and doing so. "The fact that you were willing to just unlock me and take me on a stroll through your ship in order to fulfill the request I'd been sure you'd refuse had pretty much settled things for me. That's... not exactly a risk you take if you're not genuine. Not unless you're extremely overconfident, which... if anything, you seem to be the opposite of."

Abigail reached up and brushed some loose hairs back behind her ear, leaving her hand to rest at the back of her neck. "So, whether I can trust you to always make the right call or not, I'm at least feeling sure you don't aim to pull the rug out from under me, which counts for a lot. For a feddie, you don't seem that bad, Jessica. As for the rest of the crew... well, that could be interesting. Hopefully none of them says or does anything stupid, I can get a little hot under the collar from time to time." Being honest here, it would be harder to find times she wasn't than those she was.

"Yes... I-I do. I'm not good at dealing with people, I'm n-not good at reading things... I need straight answers. E-Especially to important things like this. I, If we weren't in war time, doing something like this would get me c-court martialed..." Jess hoped Abigail knew just how far out she was sticking her neck. Maybe the ex-rebel didn't care, but even still. She was bringing the woman off of the execution line, and putting herself there instead. It was a scary thought, so Jess did her best not to think about it!

"I hope I never get overconfident, then," she sighed, taking the mild insult in stride. "You'll find most of us 'feddies' aren't bad at all. If you have issues to pin, it always lays with the top brass... Not something easily changed, f-from inside or outside an o-organization." There could be rotten rungs along the way to the top, but when there were big ideological problems like Abigail's, they tended to stem from the root.

As for the crew... "Just, uhm... L-Let me do the talking, tomorrow. You're p-probably going to get slammed with a-a lot, and... J-Judging by my coaxing in the cells, you, f-fire off pretty easily. Oh, and, d-do you know how to pilot any ANF m-machines? I could have one of the l-lieutenants walk you through things, if not..." There was one more thing, hoping it to be something positive for Abigail to hear. "And, once w-we're done with Nikolai, I'll show you to your room. Has a ch-change of clothes, washroom, bed... I-It's all stark white, but you can at least m-manually change the wall colors. There's TV, internet... L-Limited, but, it's there. I hope that's all alright."

Abigail found herself nodding along, of course there were some who'd argue Jess's behaviour was treasonous. They'd be the ones that'd wanted to blow the colony sky high, er... sky higher, perhaps would be the better phrase in this case? Likely even joined by some of the more moderates of the upper echelons. Though something in what the captain was saying didn't sit quite right, and it took Abby a while to figure out just what was bothering her. She decided to address that issue after the more immediate issue, of defending herself somewhat.

"Look... I think we can both agree that the, ah, exchange of tempers back there was pretty much mutual. Sure, you pushed my buttons good, but once fired upon you were just as eager to get right up in there in the action. But, fine. I'll try to keep quiet, and as long as any grade A assholes don't cause a stink, neither will I." Abby grimaced in annoyance and puffed at one of the stray hairs that had managed to avoid her earlier culling, before moving on to address the quite topical question concerning her future contributions. "As for ANF craft, we did have a few Legions and Velites that we'd uh, liberated, and I did my fair share of touch up work on them. It'd be a lie to say I had any formal training, but you pick up a lot when forced to on the fly. If you feel you must put me through the courses with one of your aces, I guess it's not impossible I could learn something new. I'll be fucked before you stuff me into one of those metal coffins you use for planes though, Accenture, was it? Just straight up no."

Then it was time. Abigail realized she probably wasn't going to get any satisfying answer, but she couldn't just let it eat away at her. Turning and facing the smaller woman at her side, she reached out and put an hand on Jess's shoulder while coming to a momentary stop. "Why though? Why are you doing this? You said out of fairness, sure, but then why did you do it for the other two first? If you're such a bad read of conversations you need things given to you clear as crystal, what made you go out on that limb?" Then, unwittingly she squeezed a little harder. "And why did your gambles on who to trust pay off, while mine failed?"

"I know... But, as I said, I'm not, g-good at dealing with, people... So I got into an argument w-with you on purpose. I was upset... But, I-I don't think you'd have opened up as much to me, i, if you weren't as well. Maybe I'm wrong... But it's working out, now. So I'm o-okay with it." It had been a rough plan on her part, and wouldn't have worked with someone like Nikolai. She didn't know if it would've worked with Abigail either, but she made a hard assumption that being the leader meant having a lot of pride. That's how these groups always were in movies... And she was already doing enough unsafe things, so there wasn't anything wrong with doing one more.

Abigail's awkward knowledge of ANF mechs was good for them. "No planes, huh..." That part wasn't. "That rules out Brant... And I d-don't know how pleased Kim would be, with this. I don't think Brant would be happy e-either, but at least he might be able to do it otherwise... Hhhhh. I'll h-have to ask someone else. Just, anyone but Elaine... A-Abigail, if you do me one favor, please avoid the short haired, loud ginger. She's... She's opinionated. And really big on the colonies... She's probably going to be the biggest voice of dissent during the meeting." Jess' biggest worry, angry and waiting. She could just hear Elaine yelling already...

"Huh? Why?" Jess hadn't really stopped to think of a why, this whole time. Not for Christina and Nikolai. "Well... Christina's Christina Troy, she's the d-daughter of the late TCI head... She was taken hostage after g-getting shot down by Apotheosis, so I felt it was a no brainer t-to see how well she fared with the crew. Not regretting it so far... And, a-as Nikolai said, he's a victim of the PRLA... And, I didn't want to lock up someone who'd just been used a-and abused his whole life." She blushed faintly, knowing she was too much of a bleeding heart on her part.

"As for you... You're clearly not, a bad person. You've got issues. You d-did some stupid stuff... It hurt people. But, there's more important things going on. You can make amends, o-or ignore it all later, but... I, feel like I can trust you. So if I can trust those two, and I get that from you, then... It's only fair, right?" For the first time talking to Abigail, Jess smiled some, mostly pleased with her explanation. The last thing Abigail mentioned soured that, though.

"I don't know," she said, flatly. "I guess... You were just gambling with th-the wrong people. If I keep doing this, I'll probably get h-hurt someday, too. But... I can't let that stop me."

The lift arrived soon enough and greeted them with its audible ding. Megumi had been quietly mulling over multiple issues since summoning the elevator. Firstly was Nikolai's implants. At present, it wasn't clear to her whether they were working as intended or not. It also wasn't clear if their functionality couldn't be improved, let alone safely. She wasn't even going to suggest removing the 'Apparatus' while Nikolai was still piloting for them. Even if it was a major health risk, its exact contributions and its very nature were still unknown. There were too many unknowns in general, right now.

Nikolai's mention of the People's Revolutionary Liberation Army certainly cleared some things up. While Megumi had never had encountered them during her time working with Nicholas and company, she had heard plenty about them. That didn't foster any sympathy in her, but she did make a mental note to factor the boy's horrific past into any future interactions. How that would actually affect her, she wasn't certain, but her previous advice to Nikolai had been surprisingly on point.

Jessica's reasoning for her individual prisoner releases sounded about right, though they only really looked good in hindsight. At the time, they all had glaring risks involved: Christina might have been a fine actress, Nikolai to this minute wasn't particularly trustworthy, and Abigail was capable not only of lying but probably of taking a hostage, which didn't mesh well with Jessica's release method. It was just a shame that she was not only knowingly vulnerable, but not planning to do anything in particular to remedy that weakness. That might be just fine, though. After this latest stunt, Roxanna, and probably a half dozen others, would be vigilant with any captured enemy combatants from now on. The doctor was all but certain the captain would have to win her arguments ahead of time, or pull rank and hope for the best.

Stepping inside the lift, Megumi continued with her previous questions. "Is there anything else relevant you can tell me about these implants, Nikolai? Main functions for the 'Apparatus', maintenance requirements, life expectancy on those kidneys, design flaws in either system, things of that nature? For some of this I can make reasonable estimates after some scans, but it's better to be accurate." Wherever possible, at least.

Nikolai felt vaguely trapped in the confined space of the lift, his back pressing against the cold metal walls of the tiny box. If he'd wanted to ditch the entire enterprise, he was too late. There was no escaping the ghost again.

What was it with people and wanting to dig into the shallow grave he'd thrown his past into... did they not realise that all they'd find inside was rot?

"Like I know any of that..." he muttered, his eyes glued to the floor as he felt his body tense, "we weren't built to last. Am not the good doctor, but judging on experience I've maybe got a year or two left on the kidney. Apparatus is self-sustaining, plug into brainmeat and play."

Not made to last ... the opposite of Megumi herself, she noted. Also not the least bit surprising. "Lovely. That means we might have some problems depending on how long you remain with the ANF." Megumi doubted the fighting with Apotheosis would last for an entire year or longer, but anything was possible ... save for perhaps Nikolai surviving completely unassisted beyond that point.

"I'm not a cybernetics specialist--not yet at least, but if doing so becomes necessary to keep you alive, would you consent to maintenance operations? Possibly kidney replacements, if and when the time comes?"

Nikolai shrugged noncommittally. He had long since come to terms with his nature as something entirely ephemeral, something that was to be used and cast away to die when he was all used up. Sure, he had more of a reason to kick around the mortal plane than usual, with the thought of keeping Tarquin alive and safe from the claws of the military machine, but regardless dying had never struck him as something terrifying.

He'd already died that day anyway. The bullet had been meant for him.

"If is what you want, Doctor." He muttered grimly, "don't go out of your way though. Eventually the trash has to be taken out, before it rots."

Well that was a mildly depressing response. Still, if Nikolai wasn't going to object to his own survival in the short term, Megumi could work with that. "Everyone dies eventually, Nikolai. There's no need to rush things. For now, I think everyone would be better off if you were in good health, so I'll look into your implant situation when I have the time."

So that had all been a calculated stunt? Abigail mused in response to Jess's explanation. She seemed to have gotten really into it though, so perhaps it had grown legs and run a little further than she'd intended. Either way, it was a ploy a little more shrewd than she'd have given the captain credit for, based on the other displays of naivety. A few names were dropped; that wouldn't do her much of any good without faces. The fact that this Elaine, though, was big on the colonies actually gave Abby a little bit of hope, though for it to ever bear fruit she'd have to make the girl see past the dismal results and toward the bigger picture. Maybe it was worth working at, despite the advice to stay away. She'd have to see as things developed.

Hearing a bit more about Christina especially was eye opening. So the Apotheosis pilot wasn't actually an Apotheosis pilot after all? That would certainly explain the extra leeway the captain had given her, especially if she was name brand goods on top of that. The follow up to these facts became: Would Abigail be able to convincingly explain the similar distance between herself and that group of rat bastards to the rest of the crew, or not? Probably not... But no getting discouraged before even trying!

Still the sting of getting rolled by that bad choice hurt, and Jessica's reaction to the comparison didn't honestly make her feel any better like she'd hoped it might. Hell, Abigail didn't know what answer she'd really expected, or even how it could have, but a part of her had needed to ask anyway. Maybe just the asking was enough? No, not really? In fact, seeing how it deflated the captain's balloon like it did was having a bit of an opposite effect. Abby stopped squeezing her shoulder and offered a quick pat, before sliding back into motion, and quickening up the pace to catch up to the elevator Megumi had caught before it got away.

"I guess time will tell, in the end. I don't know whether that's strong of you, or reckless, but... if everybody had that same trust and faith in others, heh," Abigail couldn't really bring herself to fully compliment the captain yet, but that was pretty close to one.

Listening in on the medical details on the ride up was a bit uncomfortable, so Abigail scratched the back of her neck and tried not to look at either the doctor or her new patient. Which meant if she didn't want to spend the whole time staring at the walls or the door, most of the trip had her concentrating on Jess. The closer she looked, the younger she seemed, though the captain's attitude might have been subtly influencing that assessment as well. After a while of relative silence (between the two of them, the other conversation was still going strong enough), she decided to ask. "That was your first command back there at the colony, wasn't it? Just out of the academy?"

"Probably reckless... Though, everyone k-keeps telling me that I'm doing a good job. Maybe I can try to believe I'm just a bit strong, too." She knew her decisions weren't normal. They weren't in line with the ANF's rules, any other captain coming onto her ship would throw a fit for having THREE captured enemy pilots trying to fight with them. Jess' eyes went wide as she thought she'd realized something, but calmed down when it was probably coincidence.

As if Alphonse picked me because he saw something like this happening... That'd be ridiculous. "Huh? First? Uh... Well, we ran into a s-small patrol group before that, that's... Where we picked up Ch-Christina and Nikolai. But otherwise, yes... F-first time. They don't give live trials for b-battleship captains, unfortunately..." Abigail had tried to start some small talk, which made Jess smile, just a bit. While Megumi and Nikolai spoke, it at least meant she was getting somewhere.


When the fellow confirmed his name, Brant, Abigail's mind shot back to something the captain had said during their earlier talks. He would have been one flying a plane back then, if she'd understood Jess correctly. And they'd only fielded one of them, which meant... how many of her men had he killed again? That question had come unbidden and unwelcome, as she'd been desperately trying to avoid thinking such things throughout the course of the meeting. But it had been too much to hope for that her previous explosion at Jess over the matter had lanced the boil completely, though, because harkening back to the engagement at the colony, she clearly remembered seeing a plane take down one Heracles, then another... Abigail's breath caught in her chest, it felt like someone was squeezing her lungs with a vice, and her vision grew a little dark. She found herself having to clench her jaw and to try focus on something else, anything else, to hopefully distract her before she did or said anything terrible. For now, at least, he was being decent to her. Why spoil that if she didn't have to? It had just been a part of his job after all, and it's not like he hadn't been in the crosshairs too. But...

Such a sentiment was easier said than done, though. While Abby had nodded as Brant mentioned they'd need to head to the mid-decks, she was obviously distracted, busy trying to mentally enumerate the methods for winning friends and influencing people. With her having fallen mostly out of the conversation, her tour guide appeared to have run out of words as well. The silence would have been awkward as they walked along, except things weren't actually silent. Tense and angry voices began filtering back to them from somewhere up ahead. Intrigued, Abigail looked up to see a small group had gathered in front of the elevators, and she quickly recognized one of them as the petulant one from before, 'Doyle' was the name Jess had used, right? Just who'd peed in her Happy-Os anyway? Like, sure, maybe this arrangement isn't going to be easy for you, but you're not the only one having a hard time here! Certainly they'd make a much better target than Brant to divert the wave of negative feelings that had been building up.

"You know, Doyle," Abby called out to them as she and Brant were passing by toward a free elevator. "Given how upset you seem to be about all this, maybe you should have finished the job out there instead of letting them drag my dying ass back here to fix me up. Or was picturing me trussed up in a noose too juicy a sight for you to pass up? Whatever the case, just wait till we've finished putting Apotheosis in the dirt before you go trying to take another chance at it, OK?"

Abigail had no idea what craft they'd actually been piloting during that mission, as unlike with Brant's case she had a grand total of zero clues to work with, but given that her Heracles Custom had been virtually gangbanged by every one of the ANF mechs in quick succession, it seemed like her remark could be reasonably enough on target to score a mark. And if it wasn't, who the fuck cared, it blew off some much needed steam, and she was feeling a little better already. There was a twinge of guilt for abandoning the teachings of Megumi's book, but one can't be perfect all the time. Nobody was going to make friends with everybody, so it was kind of 'pick your battles accordingly', basically.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Astin had been trying. They really had been. They'd tried to be careful about how they explained things to Juria, they'd tried, and mostly failed, to control themself when talking to Thorvald, and they'd tried to just get in the elevator and avoid an incident with the newest recruit to this mess of a unit. But Abby's taunt had pushed them over the edge. 

Whirling back around, they glared at the rebel, and shot back, "What makes you think I wouldn't have been perfectly happy letting you die? If I'd gotten luckier, that last shot would have taken you out and I wouldn't have felt one bit of remorse. But in case you missed it, my opinion isn't the final one around here. In fact, from what I've seen, your opinion matters more than mine. So you can piss off to your fancy new mech and room and leave me alone. I'll fight with you because I have to but that doesn't mean I ever want to talk to you."

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Done Talking

There was this trust talk again, while it merited a proper response, it hit the same note Jessica did, with her speech... and the way she undermined the pilots to the XO. "No... I'm sure that's all I want to talk about." Roxanna insisted, trying to shut down the topic. "Her decision caused some amount of backlash... but she's stubborn for it." Last I saw, at least. "And is asking people to trust her on that." Despite not trusting her own pilots, hmm. The XO sighed, leaning against the door. "That's about it, I shouldn't really show my face around her right now, so you should go see her instead."

Going up!

"Gan! Gan! Gan! Gan!" Blissfully unaware of the tensions in the top deck, Makoto was marching to a tune of one of his many favorite cartoons, enjoying a stroll out of the hangar after spending a good time observing the mechanics. It was nice to know how these mechs operated, even if just a little bit more than before. And no yelling at me to scram, worth! I wonder how Elaine is now, weren't the pilots busy? There was some commotion in the meeting room when he left the infirmary, but Makoto had no idea what it was --it was better not to pry, or was it? 

Ah, surely it was nothing too big. Whistling, Makoto made his way to the elevator lift, lucky enough that it was just on the way to the middle deck. People were moving around, so maybe the meeting had ended? Hopefully that means everything went okay. Taking the lift back up to the top deck, Makoto had plans to check his mother in the infirmary again.

...Of course, when reaching the top deck, he didn't quite expect the party of people hanging around near the elevator. There was a bit of a tense atmosphere right as the door opened, one of the pilots seemed to mouth off at... that wasn't another pilot, a prisoner? Now he was confused. "Uh..." He knew he shouldn't raise his voice, so he watched the exchange warily.

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"B-but... everyone thinking it. And you not say anything about other stuff, people not respect for me. Maybe people more nice than think about that part, but nobody really care for Juria. What am thinking not matter anymore. Help make boat, help fix boat, that all anyone want." Juria clearly wasn't very happy with Thorvald's answer overall. "Why not Jess captain care what other people say then! It not fair to expect us want to work with, with colony terrorists! How she want us forgive so easily?"

The presence of Abby herself brought a fury upon Juria she didn't really know she had, but she grabbed at her collar before her shouting. "Shut up!!! You not mean to Astin friend, big jerk! Juria never, EVER forgive you for what did to colony home!" Even Reo made a vaguely angry growl. "I am not understand why Jess captain think this at all smart... but Juria not trusting at all, even if means not listen! If you keep mean to Astin... Juria design ship and head engineer. If mean and try hide after, maybe lock not work for you!" In truth she didn't necessarily know the exact details of the door system, but she was too mad to consider the logistics of the scenario. "You not smart to make everyone trust even less! But maybe you not smart anyway for get capture on ship. But... would be even less smart to learn about how well Reo claws work. So be staying away!"

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The question made Megumi pause as she logged into her console. She supposed they should be here any second, now ... "... if they bother showing up at all," the doctor winced at the thought. There was a chance Tarquin had placed getting distance between Nikolai and Elaine over everything else. "Just be ready for them," she said, focusing back on the console's login screen. Last time she'd perused crew member profiles, Megumi hadn't always gone the extra mile in trying to fill in the gaps in the ANF's database with some research or request access to encrypted files. Given the current situation, she was reconsidering doing so.

Any chance of quietly reaching a separate elevator were dashed when Abigail decided to chime in and goad Astin. The backlash was instantaneous, severe, and two pronged. The whole thing had blown up so spectacularly, it put real fireworks to shame. That was partly Juria's doing, as she seemed good and ready to instigate some violence, using her robotic cat, Reo. That was one of the more unpleasant surprises Brant had run into aboard this ship. What had gotten into her? Was it because of the colony? Of course it was, he realized. It all came back to Colony One.

Brant had been waiting a moment, his hand on his forehead, hoping for an opening to try and guide Abigail away from this meaningless confrontation. By the time it arrived, though, he could feel his blood boiling. Why were they doing this? The situation was bad enough as it was, so why did anyone, Astin, Juria, or Abigail, insist on making it worse by spouting off insults and trying to ignite a bridge that was still being built? Why couldn't they just make the best of the situation? Why yelling? Why anything resembling a threat?

A crimson veil fell over Brant's vision, but was gone as soon as he'd noticed it. He was angry--furious now, but it was a quiet, festering thing, the only hint of it to be found in the pilot's exasperated sigh. Brant could barely wrap his head around this ... rebellious attitude. He'd never seen it to this degree, and this up close before. He couldn't help but wonder if this was why the old man, Dima Alkaev, acted the way he did, not suffering questions or dissent, making life a living hell for those stupid enough to try. Brant had already been broken, he knew that, but now he was beginning to see why such cruelties had been thrust upon him in the first place. He'd never agree with what they'd put him through, not ever, but that was beside the point. He felt like he was finally witnessing the other side, the ultimately pointless and ugly combativeness Dima and his kin were trying to rid their people of. Brant couldn't stand Dima and his tyrannical nature, or Rosa and hers ... but he couldn't stand what was happening here, either. They both disgusted him to no bloody end.

Makoto's arrival had barely registered in Brant's mind. All that mattered now was convincing Abigail to back off for the time being and get to the hangar. God help them if that was where Astin and Juria were also headed. The thought nearly made Brant cringe. They were all stuck on this ship together, with relations breaking down further by the second, and the ship suddenly felt far too small and cramped. Pleading like an idiot wouldn't speed things along, would it? No, it wouldn't, and so almost on instinct, Brant purged everything else from his thoughts, and repelled the aggression, the distrust, and the hatred that had been bombarding him. He let it all go so that he could quickly subdue his own emotions ... and then he started again for the next lift. "I'm not waiting around for you to wrap up this catfight, Abby. Come on or go grab another guide."

It was better this way, Brant mused. There was nothing else he could have possibly done that would have improved the situation. If that was how they wanted to conduct themselves, then fine. He wouldn't even try to stop them, not past what he'd already done, but if they were lucky, the reminder that they all had places they'd rather be might encourage someone on either side to break things off. Either way, this had been quite the experience for Brant. Quite the frustrating experience. Having other people's anger strengthen his own so strongly was a terrible feeling. That was a contagion he didn't want to be infected by, again.

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"Not need put front, Captain. Can tell not feel well... not busy, if need something." Kim replied, Jessica no doing very well to hide her feelings, if she was even trying to at this point. Giving the Captain a sympathetic expression, Seung-Min didn't move to leave the room just yet.

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"No, no, L-Lieutenant... That's fine. Go, relax yourself, I just... I just need to c-cool off... That's all. I'll head back to the bridge once I'm sorted, so please." Jess smiled, not too convincingly, before staring up at the ceiling again. She had far too much to think about.

Helping Hand

"Oh... I-I see. Is there anything I can do to help, then? I... Don't really want to be useless here. If I can do anything to cheer you up, then..." Christina shrank down a bit more, quietly knowing there was likely little she could do. It didn't hurt to offer, but what good was she for near strangers facing military issues?

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Nikolai smiled weakly as he listened to the other boy speak. Somehow, he didn't particularly trust anyone who offered anything you asked for, it seemed too easy. Still, if Tarquin trusted him, it couldn't be too bad, and if the guy was sketchy then he could easily take care of the situation.

"That would be nice, although am not entirely sure what kind of place that would be anyway. Then again, I am not entirely sure about anything." He shrugged, "could be dead tomorrow, da? Things happen. Do not hold too much stock in uncertain future, only makes fear. That is why girl punch, me in face, is because faced with uncertainty when ideas challenged."

He tried to give the child a nonchalant expression, although he was fairly certain his nonchalant expression was the same as his weirdly apathetic one.

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"Hmm... the Captain holds authority, but if there is a lot of opposition, especially to a decision as potentially dangerous as this one..." Dwight paused to think. It was true that Nikolai had been fairly under control, and Christina seemed to be adjusting enough, but Abigail was more extreme than he approved of, and he hadn't liked the other two decisions much at first, either. "... In that case, then I will depart and speak with her about the situation. Still, I'd prefer to speak with you more at some point, Roxanna, but if you insist on that not being now, then I won't press further on the matter." He headed towards the elevators, surprised to find that it took some time for one of them to arrive- likely due to lots of moving about after the meeting, he thought.

The scene Dwight arrived on was more tense than Roxanna had described. Some backlash. "What's going on here?" he asked sternly, giving a glare to some people very clearly in the midst of an argument, most surprisingly Juria, who looked angrier than any other times he had seen her upset combined.

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That was an odd request. They barely even knew each other, and the only time Elaine ever really saw her was in the cockpit of the Mark III with Kim. And even then, there wasn't much of a conversation, as Christina had just moved past her to get out while Elaine spoke to Kim. So, she wasn't entirely sure how to respond to Christina's offer for help. She certainly wasn't Cheryl, someone who was paid to listen to people like her vent. Plus, she had wanted to be alone in her room. Yet, so many others on the ship seemed to trust Christina. But what could she do?

"As nice of an offer that is, I-" She was cut off by the sound of her own stomach growling. She had eaten breakfast earlier than others that morning, and hadn't gotten a chance to get some lunch, herself. With an embarrassed sigh, and a slight flush on her cheeks, Elaine looked back at Christina, once more. "If you really wanna help...Can you, like...I dunno, get something for the both of us to eat? Then we could just talk for a while, or something. Down here, preferably." While Elaine didn't want to turn down Christina's offer, she also wanted some more time to herself, so she could cool off. If she was going to give her a chance, might as well do it over a full stomach. "Is that alright with you?"

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As obvious as it was that Jessica wasn't being forthright with her, there wasn't exactly anything she could do to make the Captain open up more than she already had. Letting out a sigh, Seung-Min gave her Captain a quick salute before replying.

"Very well, Captain. If need anything, let know, okay?" Kim noted, before turning towards the door, not hearing any notable response from the Captain. Once she was outside, Kim flipped on her communicator, connecting to Avery's console.

"Avery, how go work on MK.III? Need for anything?"

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Tarquin had always believed growing up that he didn't need friends. Now, not only did he have one, but two... admittedly they were a robot and a mentally unhinged ex-child soldier, but they were good friends regardless of their backgrounds - all the "normal" teenagers he'd met had been impossible to connect with. He could only imagine the Professor's sly smile when he told him, or even showed him Nikolai. He was so good at so many things, it would be incredible to prove he'd begun to develop social skills too. There was work to be done, but with time and effort, surely he'd be able to learn.

"Whenever I was sad growing up, he always knew what to say. He said that I was like a son to him." Tarquin replied, deciding to keep his own origin quiet for now. Thinking about it, technically the Professor was one of his parents, the only difference is that he had eleven others. "You can speak to him too when I next call him... if you want to. We should probably get you to the Medbay... punches hurt no matter what the reason for them."

Thankfully, the trip to the medbay had been uneventful, Tarquin hadn't even been aware of the drama around Abigail's crowd. Approaching the medbay reception, Tarquin couldn't say he recalled the attendant's name... or anything about her. "Is Doctor Amparo busy? I've brought Nikolai Zelenko to have his nose tended to." Tarquin requested, wondering if it were a task that they could handle.

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"Oh... Oh! Something to eat. Sure. I can... Do that." And actually finish, this time. "Just give me a little bit to get something ready, okay? Feel free to relax... You look beat." Christina gave her a small, playful salute, trying to smile, and started off down the hall, messing with her fingers as she went.

And then Elaine's communicator rang. The one mounted in her room. Had she been expecting a call?

Business as Usual

As Kim left Jess to her machinations in the meeting room to give the mechanic a ring, Avery picked up her communicator, hearing the familiar voice come out of it. "Hey, Kim," she radioed back, standing up from her desk. "Actually, I got a real surprise fer ya, iffin yer all done with yer meetin'. How'd that go, anyway? Was just pilots only, didn't ask us mechanics over."


Olivia gave a bit of an empty stare towards the boys as the walked in, undisturbed by Nikolai's bloody nose. "Nice hit," she commented, placing her own, new bookmark on the page she was on and setting the book on a nearby shelf. "The doctor's right there, but she's left you two to me and Valerie. Come on over to the table, we'll get you cleaned up, see if anything's broken. Val! Bloody nose, pretty bad. Get the disinfectant, and some cloth. Might be broken. Gonna need a pretty decent clean up." Seeing at the younger boy was helping Nikolai with walking, Olivia just motioned for them to follow her, walking over to one of the empty beds.

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