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4 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

With your team, just pick Intermediate for the most part and have a few Advanced.

If you have level 40s, you can probably make it in the 4000s points if you do it deathless.

That's basically what I do.

9 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

It isn't about what people like to use. It's a strategy game. I think you forget that sometimes. Maybe if you're really good at strategy, you can find ways to use only the unit that hits one type, but if you're not, then you work around that. You refuse to and then claim it's because it's all too hard. I suck at strat, but I use the units I have of all kinds available, even those I don't like as much (Bunny!Camilla isn't my number one but she is handy).

What if I wanted to only use swords? Should the game then cater to that? Should I claim things are too hard if I can't win? I don't like the axes/lances/bows/magic available to me so the game should make it so I can win?


8 minutes ago, Elieson said:

Then you're playing the game in a way that's designed to make you unhappy.

Then I guess I won't play. There's no reason to make myself unhappy. Goodbye, Heroes. (won't uninstall it though, because maybe I want to look at my units once in awhile.)

And wanting to use just swords is a bit more silly than just wanting swords, axes, and lances...

Edited by Anacybele
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Just now, Anacybele said:

That's basically what I do.


Then I guess I won't play. There's no reason to make myself unhappy. Goodbye, Heroes. (won't uninstall it though, because maybe I want to look at my units once in awhile.

And wanting to use just swords is a bit more silly than just wanting swords, axes, and lances...

I was taking it to the extreme for emphasis... Because that's how you are sounding to me. I won't use these three weapons (maybe six if you're including dragon breath in that) because I've decided I don't want to, and this means the game should be changed.

If I said the same thing to the extreme, you would find it ridiculous. It's the same thing, and not even on much of a lesser scale because you're discounting several things that can give you a nicer time. Plus, there's so many mages out there with all different types and personalities. They all really are that bad to you? You can't find a single one you like? You limit yourself to almost nothing out of a game filled with hundreds of characters...

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5 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I was taking it to the extreme for emphasis... Because that's how you are sounding to me. I won't use these three weapons (maybe six if you're including dragon breath in that) because I've decided I don't want to, and this means the game should be changed.

If I said the same thing to the extreme, you would find it ridiculous. It's the same thing, and not even on much of a lesser scale because you're discounting several things that can give you a nicer time. Plus, there's so many mages out there with all different types and personalities. They all really are that bad to you? You can't find a single one you like? You limit yourself to almost nothing out of a game filled with hundreds of characters...

I never said anything about the game needing to be changed. It's selfish to say it should change simply to cater to my desires. If it sounded that way, sorry about that, but it was not what I meant.

I mean more like, what about more physical units with higher res? (that aren't meh like Jagen though. I tried using him, didn't work out) I also hope future FE games actually give likable mages too.

And no, somehow I've not found a single mage to like. But the thing is, each FE game only has maybe three or four anyway. There are always a lot more physical attackers.

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22 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I never said anything about the game needing to be changed. It's selfish to say it should change simply to cater to my desires. If it sounded that way, sorry about that, but it was not what I meant.

I mean more like, what about more physical units with higher res? (that aren't meh like Jagen though. I tried using him, didn't work out) I also hope future FE games actually give likable mages too.

And no, somehow I've not found a single mage to like. But the thing is, each FE game only has maybe three or four anyway. There are always a lot more physical attackers.

Problem is, if they take the stat from one place, they have to give it to another. One problem is they took healers out the pool, or there would be more to choose from. That being said, I'm pretty ways going. I have one unit I hate and one unit that bores me out of the playable and even them, I would use if necessary. I can't see why anyone would take issue with Merric. He's not the most exciting, but he has few bad points. Leos usually well received. Cecilia seems to only have points against her cos of elibe now it's been pointed out to you that she marries Roy later. Elibe, itself, you do like some units from. Linde is okay as a character and Julia is pretty harmless. Then there's Olwen or Reinhardt,who, apart from being part of the siblings bond, are pretty cool with no sexualisation. Henry and Tharja can be creepy. Lilina is sweet, though, and again, apart from Elibe, I can't think of any horrors in her personality. Soren is pretty funny in his game, though I'm meh on him. Currently levelling him up though. The robins are nice enough. I quite like their characters in heroes... Sanaki is a good unit and she was a fairly strong character in rd I found, if standoffish. They've got so many different mages in heroes already, not counting the healers... I don't know how to make one appeal to you specifically. They've put in a fairly broad range, especially if you can get over the shock of using ones from games you haven't played...

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8 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Problem is, if they take the stat from one place, they have to give it to another. One problem is they took healers out the pool, or there would be more to choose from. That being said, I'm pretty ways going. I have one unit I hate and one unit that bores me out of the playable and even them, I would use if necessary. I can't see why anyone would take issue with Merric. He's not the most exciting, but he has few bad points. Leos usually well received. Cecilia seems to only have points against her cos of elibe now it's been pointed out to you that she marries Roy later. Elibe, itself, you do like some units from. Linde is okay as a character and Julia is pretty harmless. Then there's Olwen or Reinhardt,who, apart from being part of the siblings bond, are pretty cool with no sexualisation. Henry and Tharja can be creepy. Lilina is sweet, though, and again, apart from Elibe, I can't think of any horrors in her personality. Soren is pretty funny in his game, though I'm meh on him. Currently levelling him up though. The robins are nice enough. I quite like their characters in heroes... Sanaki is a good unit and she was a fairly strong character in rd I found, if standoffish. They've got so many different mages in heroes already, not counting the healers... I don't know how to make one appeal to you specifically. They've put in a fairly broad range, especially if you can get over the shock of using ones from games you haven't played...

I did 5 star male Robin just so I had a mage at that rarity. And I wanted to 5 star female Robin as well because I shipped her with Freddy. But then that leaves me without a red mage.

I can't stand Lilina's voice (I can't stand any of this actress's voices so far, actually, except for Sharena somehow), but she's cute enough that I might resort to her later. I've pulled like three of her now too because of the red pull spam I've been doing to get Ike and Ryoma (and still don't have the latter...).

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Just now, Anacybele said:

I did 5 star male Robin just so I had a mage at that rarity. And I wanted to 5 star female Robin as well because I shipped her with Freddy. But then that leaves me without a red mage.

I can't stand Lilina's voice (I can't stand any of this actress's voices so far, actually, except for Sharena somehow), but she's cute enough that I might resort to her later. I've pulled like three of her now too because of the red pull spam I've been doing to get Ike and Ryoma (and still don't have the latter...).

She wants you to use her ;)

I run Leo and Sanaki the most out of my reddie mages. Leo because he's cute and Sanaki because she destroys things. I think lilina might be similar to Sanaki in use but I could be wrong.

Celica is coming out soon, too. I reckon they might make her a mage and, if they do, she's red. She seems a pretty cool lord type :)

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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

She wants you to use her ;)

I run Leo and Sanaki the most out of my reddie mages. Leo because he's cute and Sanaki because she destroys things. I think lilina might be similar to Sanaki in use but I could be wrong.

Celica is coming out soon, too. I reckon they might make her a mage and, if they do, she's red. She seems a pretty cool lord type :)

Leo bores me... He looks like a blonde Marth with an attitude. Meh.

 I do like Sanaki, but she's a rare 5 star pull with no focus banner, so getting her is quite tough.

We don't know for sure if Celica is a mage though.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Leo bores me... He looks like a blonde Marth with an attitude. Meh.

 I do like Sanaki, but she's a rare 5 star pull with no focus banner, so getting her is quite tough.

We don't know for sure if Celica is a mage though.

Nah, it's just a guess.

Leo's not really got much of an attitude. I found him to be the sweetest of the siblings, personally. He pretends to be prickly but then does the most in helping out... Plus he makes stupid mistakes like his collar xD His level 40 quote is still my favourite :)

But oh well. Differing opinions. Better to use someone who can help that's boring than someone you outright hate, though ^^ Though Leo was more an example. I'm not sure he's a great unit compared to the others, though he helped me a lot in horse emblem quests. I just really like him :)

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8 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Nah, it's just a guess.

Leo's not really got much of an attitude. I found him to be the sweetest of the siblings, personally. He pretends to be prickly but then does the most in helping out... Plus he makes stupid mistakes like his collar xD His level 40 quote is still my favourite :)

But oh well. Differing opinions. Better to use someone who can help that's boring than someone you outright hate, though ^^ Though Leo was more an example. I'm not sure he's a great unit compared to the others, though he helped me a lot in horse emblem quests. I just really like him :)

The collar thing was the only thing about him that amused me, honestly.

And yeah, I suppose. And oh yeah, a mage on a horse would help a lot with Horse Emblem quests, huh? I guess in that case, I'd prefer Reinhardt the most.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

The collar thing was the only thing about him that amused me, honestly.

And yeah, I suppose. And oh yeah, a mage on a horse would help a lot with Horse Emblem quests, huh? I guess in that case, I'd prefer Reinhardt the most.

Oh definitely. And he's more likely to pull since he's 4* though Leo is when youre only pulling the reds ^^

Even Cecilia can help, but I personally found her hard to use until I realised she was all about the colourless :)

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24 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

 I do like Sanaki, but she's a rare 5 star pull with no focus banner, so getting her is quite tough.

Well, we'll be getting a focus banner with Sanaki in it for the voting gauntlet soon, so there's a chance at pulling her there.

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47 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Well, we'll be getting a focus banner with Sanaki in it for the voting gauntlet soon, so there's a chance at pulling her there.

My orbs will be gone though. And I don't find her worth paying for.

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6 hours ago, salinea said:

That's one reason I miss the daily arena quests. Having 6 matches a day rather than 3 (and making it worthwhile with feathers!) was pretty neat for additional practice.

Good times...
Also, overall I find the quests a better way to give orbs than just do a log-in, as it gives some incentive to continue playing.

If you have the skill fodder, give someone reposition to take Klein out of danger, and give Hone attack+3 to Azura (4* Olivia has it).
If you're facing Nowi and don't have any greens, watch Klein's special trigger countdown and make sure to land the Special on her. With +Atk seal, Hone attack and Glacies charged Klein must be able to 1RKO even a +def nowi. Most Ninian's doesn't even need a Glacies to die, just a Hone Attack buff should suffice.
Hope this helps you hitting that 4k+ arena points!

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3 minutes ago, Jason Funderburker said:

If you have the skill fodder, give someone reposition to take Klein out of danger, and give Hone attack+3 to Azura (4* Olivia has it).
If you're facing Nowi and don't have any greens, watch Klein's special trigger countdown and make sure to land the Special on her. With +Atk seal, Hone attack and Glacies charged Klein must be able to 1RKO even a +def nowi. Most Ninian's doesn't even need a Glacies to die, just a Hone Attack buff should suffice.
Hope this helps you hitting that 4k+ arena points!

I've already given my units Reposition. Azura doesn't have any room for Hone Atk and I like what I've given her already.

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As expected, this season will be awful for me.  Anna just isn't pulling her weight, but either don't have the others or they pull weight even worse than her for my team.  Hopefully ranks don't start going down until at least part 2 of this season ends.

Edited by GinRei
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2 hours ago, Silith13 said:

Orbs? ORBS? OOOOORBSASASGAFSAD! *starts foaming from mouth.*




*Picks up Silith13*

Don't worry Silith I've got you!

*Opens door and Puts in passenger seat*

Just hang on!

*Hops into Drivers seat and starts car*

We'll get you your orbs Sili!



That's basically how I felt too XD

I'm ready to kick butt and take orbs!

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11 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I never said that's how things should be done. I said, if they really wanted to put all players on an even field, that's the only way to do so. That you found the suggestion absurd in context is exactly what I was going for: It doesn't work in Heroes.

I think it can sort of work. I'm not saying it should be a perfectly level playing field, but rather, design it in a way that makes skill a bigger factor in scoring amongst the higher ranks rather than just stats.

Two possibilities that I mentioned are extending the maximum winning streak (the more wins in a row you go without any deaths, the more skill that takes, arguably) which would create even more differentiation based on skill at the high end. The other is separating matchmaking and scoring values; so players will face teams of a similar stat total to their own but get less of an advantage in score earned per battle due to having unit stats. So merged teams face off against merged teams, but their scores aren't significantly higher than teams without merges. Maybe if both of those were implemented and combined; it would reduce the differences in score based on unit stats and increase the differences based on skill (assuming some of the people who could get 7 deathless wins wouldn't end up getting 8,9,10, etc. in a row deathless).

While the latter would make scoring more fair and skill based, it would also give people less of an incentive to merge and max out units, meaning less of an incentive to spend, thus going against the dev's profit motive.

Ah well, this isn't really a competitive game anyway. For my competitive multiplayer kicks, I've got MOBAs and fighting games - games that start off players at an even footing at the start of every match.


8 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Not everyone likes or wants to use mages? I'd rather just stick with swords, axes, and lances, and sometimes bows.

That's ok!

I've gotten scores in the high 4700s and gotten in the top 10k regularly using 2 melee units and 2 bow users. So you don't need to use magic users! But you probably should have some sort of ranged damage.
I actually did not have a single 5* mage until a few days ago so I didn't have a choice, I didn't have mages worth using. I'll probably be switching one of my archers for a mage now (since Soren is a bonus unit) which might actually boost my score. Point is; you can make a team of your favorite characters work even if they're not the best, you just need to put some thought and creativity in.

Anyone with four 5* units should be able to get 4000 plus points. You don't even need four 5*, you could get by with a couple 4*s too.

12 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Thank you, but my main issue is that first one. I've never been good at calculations or formulas or anything like that. I barely passed physics in school because of it and while I did okay in math during regular algebra and geometry, as soon as I hit algebra II and trigonometry and stuff, I was just totally lost. I simply get confused every time I try to remember or use a formula or calculations. The only way I've been able to remember any formulas is either if they're very very simple (such as the Pythagorean theorem) or if I learn them through a song (I STILL know the quadratic formula because one teacher I had taught us a song to remember it).

The song thing is just awkward...  I would still try to use that method to learn Heroes calculations and formulas, but there's no song to use for it. Wish Azura could help. :P

You don't really need to know calculations and formulas. The only thing of that sort is Atk - Def or Res = Damage. Weapons triangle advantage gives you 20% more damage done and 20% less damage taken. And the whole speed being 5 greater than opponents speed lets you double. That's it. Heroes is nice and simple with those things. More than anything, it's memorizing individual unit matchups, and that comes with practice and observation.


The #1 thing I would recommend is learning how the AI behaves and exploiting it to take out enemies without suffering any damage yourself and positioning your units for favourable weapon triangle matchups.

Things like putting one of your ranged units at the edge of an enemy ranged unit's range so your unit will take out that enemy on the counterattack. Or positioning your ranged units to let you take out enemy melee units without any of your units suffering any damage.

For example, I use Takumi with Quick Riposte. If there as enemy Takumi (actually this goes for most enemy ranged units), what I do is put my Takumi in the enemy Takumi's range, so the enemy Takumi attacks mine on the enemy phase, and mine doubles and defeats him on the counterattack. Not only that, but my Takumi will then have taken damage and have Vengeance ready to activate on my player phase after.

Or when an enemy has a Hector, I've learned that he tends to fall behind the rest of the enemy team with his 1 movement. So I take out the other enemy units and avoid Hector, and then Eirika can just 1v1 Hector, possibly with some help from my ranged units if she's taken damage.

So that's how I've learned to easily deal with two of the most common and threatening enemy units I see in the arena. Part of it was just thinking and coming up with solutions, and part of it is just practice and experience.


Edited by Xaos Steel Wing
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