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Hype moments from heroes

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1 hour ago, salinea said:

Sanaki coming to Heroes before Ike or anyone else from Tellius.


Of course now that i've pulled Ike, and continue to fail to pull Sanaki it's a bit less fun... :(


Just now, salinea said:

I know, I know. But I used all my orbs to try to get Soren (and failed) so i'm not super hopeful about managing to get my fave characters on this gacha.

I mean I guess at least I get good units, so I shouldn't be complaining.

But I want my faaaaaaaaaves :P

(lol, good thing i don't hate Tharja)

I.... have almost the exact same problem, but also slightly different

i too have been wasting my orbs trying to get soren

but every time there are no greens I pick red if there's one since I'd be cool with getting ike too

and the last time that happened (which was yesterday),  I got sanaki

i like sanaki and I did try to get her when she was a focus unit but somehow when I was on a different focus where I wanted a different color I managed to get her

as such, I still haven't gotten a single focus unit since the very first focus

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2 minutes ago, unique said:


I.... have almost the exact same problem, but also slightly different

i too have been wasting my orbs trying to get soren

but every time there are no greens I pick red if there's one since I'd be cool with getting ike too

and the last time that happened (which was yesterday),  I got sanaki

i like sanaki and I did try to get her when she was a focus unit but somehow when I was on a different focus where I wanted a different color I managed to get her

as such, I still haven't gotten a single focus unit since the very first focus


well, at least you got Sanaki :D

I did get Julia and Eirika on their focus, as well as Ike, oh, and A!Tiki on the first GHB banner. That's... 4 out of 8 of the natural 5* I've pulled I guess; so... perfectly normal odds given that it's 3% and 3% each.

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Most of my hype in this revolves around pulling stuff:

  • Y.Tiki being my first pull ever
  • Pulling from the Camilla banner, seeing a green orb, thinking "hey getting a cam would be amazing" and then immediatly pulling her of that green orb
  • the exactly same thing happening with BunnyCam during her banner
  • during the lucinabanner, I showed a friend who doesn't know anything about Heroes (or gacha in general) how pulling works, just to immediatly pull a Lucina on the first orb and a 5* Lilina on the last. Lilina being my absolute favourite character in FE, I started laughing like crazy with my friend questioning my sanity.
  • later learning that said Lilina is +Atk,-Hp
  • started to pull from the PoR banner, just to instantly get a Titania, an Hector and another Titania from the first 3 Orbs I pulled.

Other than that, burning down the entire Lunatic ZephielGHB with Lilina, any LunaticGHB in general, and my first advanced deathless streak in the Arena were pretty hype for me. Also, everytime IntSys decides to give us orbs for free (like the ones for the Switchrelease).

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Getting Camilla and Lucina with my last remaining orbs was just awesome (on the first and princesses banners respectively).
But overall the best moments of heroes to me happen in the arena when you're completely screwed and somehow manage to find a strategy to stay alive, like my 4* Olivia getting Reinhardt RKT today.

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1. Anytime I beat Grand Hero Battles (Particularly Navarre's quest, Zephiel, & Xander)

2. Anytime I beat Veronica or Bruno (not actually hard but satisfying nonetheless)

3. Somehow rolling Takumi & Sakura, still can't believe my luck on that.

4. Rolling 3 star Robin & promoting him all the way to 5 stars. The best feeling I have for this game yet,

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Most hype where i was actually physically celebrating was pulling Hector earlier this week. The victory dance/yell lasted for few minutes. It also helped i pulled Minerva first thing a few summons before Hector.

Greatest achievement hype was finally beating Ursula lunatic on the morning of the last day- i didn't even had a lot of time because i was doing consecutive overtime that week and kept failing. Good old Frederick pulled through after finally having enough defense to take nothing from the ninjas, and poor Olivia had 1 HP by the end of it.

other clutch moments was last night in Arena when Hana had to quickly kill a Nino with a Ninian behind her. I was expecting Hana to fall to Ninian because she had Life and Death 2, but she surpisingly lived with single digit HP despite weapon triangle disadvantage! 

another was when i was using Odin as bonus unit in arena. unfortunately Lucina and i think Minerva was down, leaving Odin and Olivia against 3 units (i think Lucina was one of them). I was expecting to lose because Odin kept disappointing me with his Attack but because he was in Defiant Attack range his Blarblade managed to win me the battle thanks to Olivia! I was so impressed since he was deadweight for the arena battles beforehand.

also anytime i pull my favourite characters, especially wih a good star rating or boon. I remember being so happy getting someone like Lon'qu or that 5 star Cherche with +Atk.

And i guess getting the first 5 star- 2 in one roll with Lyn and Merric! Getting Lucina in my second account was also hype

oh and everytime i win the battle with only the healer left- Azama/Lissa being clutch. Also a priscilla who I thought was gonna be deadweight in the last gauntlet

Edited by mcsilas
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1. Completing the Cavalry Team Tenth Stratum Quest the first time it came out with a team made of all 4* Jagen, Gunter, Gunter and Clarine. They were my only cavalry units and it was the hardest challenge I ever had. There was no Skill Inheritance at the time, and Jagen was -HP so he died to everything including Reds. Clarine was my MVP, being +3 at the time.

2. Finally pulling a Nino trying to get Hector on the Hero Fest banner. I've wanted her since I started playing during Eirika banner. I literally jumped from the chair when I summoned her 3*. Not the best IVs, but is Nino!

3. Getting two Hectors after that Nino.

4. Discovering the second Hector has good IVs (+Def/-Spd), the first was +Res/-Atk.

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