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Musings of a Jester

Thingy Person

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I reviewed it.

I really, really liked it. I think you're better than me. ._.

I'm too lazy to reiterate the rest of what I said in review, but yes, I loved it very much

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...wow. That's a whole lot of praise. Thanks a bunch.

Third chapter up. It takes a while to show up on FFnet, so here it is.


Fortune has smiled upon me! While I sojourned in a local tavern, the barkeeper enlightened me about the liberators' whereabouts. “You've got a fine beard”, he said. “Kinda like that guy in the army.” Who else could match my facial hair other than the stout Tauroneo, Lance Gentleman and patron to the greatest mustache of Daein? In a great feat of negotiation, I managed to convince the barkeeper to direct me toward their camp, for the mere sum of 23000 gold. Fine job, I say!

Huzzah! I can see the tents already, like fallen blossoms after a spring rain. As I approach the camp, I ride towards good news. And of course it is good news, for a cause lead by such a fine-groomed character must be just! No more wallowing in my own thoughts, for my quest shall expire anon! I shall see to it that I obtain a pass-time for the journey back. Now then, where were we? Ah yes, the white-clad general. A group of onlookers assembles to behold my magnificent posture.

“Who are you?”, asks a man with a gruff voice.

“I am Count Fayre, an emissary from the Kingdom of Crimea!”

The masses are rendered speechless, save for a collective gasp of amazement. The crowd goes wild!

“What is your business here”, asks a man of presumably higher hierarchy.

“I shall spare you the petty details, though I must see your commander.”

“Go away! We owe nothing to you Crimean pigs!”

What is...? Has my reputation not preceded me? No matter. My charm shall conquer all!

A hesistant voice resounds from behind me. “...Bastian? Is that you?”

I turn to this person to see wether I can recognize this fan of mine... Blimey, it is none other than Sothe, the splendid rogue I met three years past! A maiden with curious silver hair stands beside him. “Sothe, you know this rider?”

“Yeah, a Crimean noble. Don't mind his speech, he's a few arrows short of a quiver.”

What a devoted fan, to praise my distinguishing speech patterns for all to hear! “Well met, maiden! I fear introductions will have to be postponed.” My eyes wander. What a vexing assembly of warriors, not unlike the days of yore! I see a priest, a girl encased with armour, and-

Forgive me, our lord and saviour, for I am unworthy of breathing within thine magnificent presence!

“Bastian? Are you alright?”

“Hmm? Whot?” Oh dear, I phazed out for a moment there. A face so splendid caught my attention that I was drawn into a fit of pure bliss. That mesmerizing beard...on a visage so mundane! “I-I am quite alright, thank you. I must speak with General Tauroneo post-haste.”

The onlookers exchange looks, until all are focused on an unimposing green-haired man clad in black armour. “Are you serious?”, he retorts. “Oh fine, I'll go get him.”

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This was great. Will you be doing anything more like this?

I might, in the form of other fics. I'm thinking of doing a corssover between FE and Team Fortress 2 where Bastian is the spy =P

Oh and:


Fucking awesome.

Hear hear.

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