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How does game testing in FE work?


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Ok so this has been making me wonder a whole lot and I can't seem to find any bugs in nearly every FE game that I've played so far and its making me wonder how to find bugs in these types of games... like how to make sure the whole RNG works as it should, or how movement should work etc.

I'm asking this because I need to practice game testing skills. I'm able to report games besides TRPGs but here in this genre, I'm not sure as to how I should report bugs since again, The RNG is like completely random. How is movement of each unit tested alongside the weapon triangle?


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I know Path of Radiance has a debug map for sure. It has a lot of terrains, event tiles, and bonkers units with skills way over their capacities and, on occasion, outside their classes (there's a Norris with Flare).

I'm not sure how the bonkers units help with RNG testing, but I'd imagine this debug map helps with terrains and event tiles.

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Yar, there are presumably lots of debug tools to mess around with that we normal gamers don't get access to. So stuff like debug maps and debug menus, etc.

The latter is particularly helpful for testing parameters. One useful setting is infinite movement, which you can use to test movement, clear maps really easily and other things. (If you ever used the infinite movement cheat codes before, I imagine it's like that)

For RNG, you can use the debug menu to adjust hit rates, critical rates and skill activation rates. I am guessing they have a debugger on hand to check the RNG formulae in real-time as well.

Actual bug reports are usually done via spreadsheets I think. Even staff members who aren't bug testers often submit bugs this way.

Edited by VincentASM
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2 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

For RNG, you adjust hit rates, critical rates and skill activation rates. I am guessing they have a debugger on hand to check the RNG formulae in real-time as well.

Idk...that RNG testing doesn't sound so straightforward if you ask me. I mean you have to do it so that the RNG is balanced enough that you won't get screwed for something so silly while at the same time, the RNG shouldn't make your hit rates very accurate all the time.

Then there's the growth rates....


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2 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Idk...that RNG testing doesn't sound so straightforward if you ask me. I mean you have to do it so that the RNG is balanced enough that you won't get screwed for something so silly while at the same time, the RNG shouldn't make your hit rates very accurate all the time.

Then there's the growth rates....


...You've just described the pain of playing Fire Emblem. "RNG giveth, RNG taketh away", anyone?

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1 hour ago, phineas81707 said:

...You've just described the pain of playing Fire Emblem. "RNG giveth, RNG taketh away", anyone?

Well I didn't mean it in a bad way..its just that for something like this to be tested, it probably needs a LOT of playtesting time and whatnot.


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