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Do You Think Kamui Was Renamed To Corrin Because of Kamui?

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Just a random thought I had today, because IS said in an interview they began development on Echoes after Fates was finished.

So I thought IS may have told NoA that they were doing that and wanted to keep names as simmilar to the original gaiden, and thay made that change for consistancy.

just a random thought.

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I doubt it. Otherwise, Leo and Leon wouldn't have switched names. Or something. Or maybe in spite of...? Unless that was due to levels of protagonism...

Or more like, considering what name changes happened, I don't think it's consistent if there had really been conversations about what to do or not. Maybe.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I think Kamui is a little too Japanese sounding for a broad western audience. Corrin has a bit more of a western feel even though it's a very fantasy sounding name, but hey that's just my opinion, I honestly don't care THAT much, he could have been called "Tom Sawyer Huckleberry Finn Jones Jr." and I'd roll with it.

(P.S. If any of you actually know what I'm referencing in the joke you are awesome.)

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They chose a gender neutral western name. I think it's kind of funny how people theorized that "Corrin" was the new name that Garon gave him but then the game implies that that was his original name after all.

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5 hours ago, TheGoodHoms said:

I think Kamui is a little too Japanese sounding for a broad western audience.

I can see that. 

I went ahead and named my Corrin "Nina". I thought it was perfect; not too eastern and not to Western... Then I encountered Nina.


It'd be funny if that sparked Nintendo to remake Gaiden though...


Nintendo: "Oh hey! We totally just released Fates in Japan!"

Avid Fire Emblemer since Shadow Dragon: "Oh cool... Hey wait... Isn't Kamui from Gaiden? Wait, Leon's here too? How the hell did they end up in Fates?"

Nintendo: "Uh... right... About that-"

Avid Fire Emblemer since Shadow Dragon: "NO! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE >:( FATES SUCKS" (storms off)

Nintendo: (at the next boardroom meeting) "... So... I guess we're remaking Gaiden..."

Nintendo employees: "Sweet."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kamui is pretty Japanese, yeah, and beyond that I think it's to make the character seem slightly less tied to Hoshido specifically. "Corrin" could probably be from either side (if slightly out of place in Hoshido,) but to an English-speaking player, "Kamui" as a Nohrian would sound weird. Gotta preserve that early-game twist that isn't at all a twist, yo. 

Every time I see them referred to as "Kamui" my brain just goes "KAMUI!!! SENKETSU!!!" and that's no good at all.

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