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I wish there were cross-route supports

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One thing that kinda disappointed me was that they decided not to do any cross-route supports. Now, I know Alm and Celica sides don't intersect for 99% of the game, but part of me wishes that they implemented these for postgame, because I feel like there could have been some interesting interactions between people from the two sides. Also gives me something to do after I'm done with the main story.

Some convos I would have liked to see:

Alm and Celica (duh)

Alm and Conrad (overprotective brother?)

Silque and Jesse (literally what is the point of their Memory Prism if all they get is a Passive Support)

Celica and Faye (Faye doesn't hate Celica, so I guess it would have been interesting for them to talk. It could have redeemed her in people's eyes, depending on what exactly they talk about.)

Kliff and Atlas (A kid who's bored with his village life, and a man who has a family to return to at his village. I think there could have been interesting development for Kliff.)

Mathilda and Palla (both are older sisters, but one of them got what they wanted...)

That's all I can think of for now, but what cross-rotue convo do you think would have been interesting?

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What about Mycen and Celica since Alm has a Support Conversation with Mycen and Mycen did rescued her from Desaix when she is little?

Also, I do have some wishful things that I like to see that it should happen for characters between Alm's and Celica's routes are:

  • Alm and Celica
  • Alm and Conrad
  • Mycen and Celica (that I mentioned in the first sentence)
  • Silque and Jesse
  • Faye and Celica
  • Clair and Est (being youngest sisters for Clive and the Whitewings)
  • Kliff and Boey
  • Lukas and Saber
  • Luthier and Sonya
  • Delthea and Nomah
  • Tobin and Mae
  • Tatiana and Genny
  • Clive and Valbar
  • Python and Leon
  • Forsyth and Kamui
  • Gray and Atlas
  • Zeke and Deen
  • Mycen and Nomah

Edit: I forgot to add Mycen and Nomah

Edited by King Marth 64
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I would've enjoyed some cross-route supports too, considering they can all talk after finishing Act 5.  I would've liked to see:

  • Zeke and the White Wings (any of them considering, y'know..the connection)
  • Sonya and Delthea
  • Genny and Silque
  • Python and Kamui
  • Mycen and Domah
  • Alm and Conrad
  • Faye and Celica


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1 hour ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Silque and Jesse (literally what is the point of their Memory Prism if all they get is a Passive Support)

I need this.

I need the flirting to continue.

Also, I want Luthier to have a special support with Atlas if he' a mage. "You need a certain bloodline to cast spells, otherwise...wait, excuse me, whaaat!?"

If that'd be too convoluted, they could just bond over Luthier being an intellectual and Atlas being a very simple and straightforward man, and they could both rub off on each other without it being too exaggerated (I absolutely can't stand Bartre's support with Canas or Largo's with Tauroneo, where Bartre and Largo come across as too stupid to even function).

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When I saw all the Celica supports during the datamine, I was disappointed to find out they were passives only. I would've definitely wanted some cross over supports.

Alm/Celica and Jesse/Silque are the only ones I really want, anything else would be cool.


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Yeah, cross-route Supports should've been a thing. Or at the very least, Faye and Kliff should have Base Convos on Celica's route. Because then there'd be reason to recruit them with Celica outside of challenge runs.

1 hour ago, Thor Odinson said:

Silque and Celica---actually why can't you get silque on celica route the same way with Faye and Kilff? They know each other


Because then you could use Warp to cheese the desert and swamp maps and the game doesn't want that (though the swamp maps weren't that bad. Not even Dolth's fortress. Falcon Knight Palla+forged Blessed Lance (not even fully forged) took out the Necrodragons like they were nothing, and took little damage in return).

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Cross-route supports, you say? Don't mind if I do!

-Alm and Celica. More relationship development for them would have been nice.

-Alm and Conrad. Preferably not involving Celica and her relationship with Alm, because the overprotective brother cliche is dumb and kinda creepy. Instead, I'd like to see them bond over their similar experiences.

-Celica and Silque. They have a pre-existing history, and it would have been nice to know more about Celica's life in the monastery.

-Celica and Mycen. They have dire few interactions, and it would have been nice to see more of them sharing the same dynamic as Alm and Mycen do.

-Silque and Jesse. I ship it.

-Mycen and Nomah. Another pair with a pre-existing history. It would have been a good opportunity to learn more about Mycen's time in Zofia.

-Sonya and Delthea. I'd like to see them bond as the younger siblings of a magic-inclined family, even if Sonya's story is much darker than Delthea's.

-Clair and Est. The baby Pegasus Knight sisters could have a lot to talk about.

-Palla and Clive. The responsible older siblings could share an interesting dynamic too.

-Mathilda and Catria. A bit of a stretch, but perhaps Catria sees some of Minerva in Mathilda? I mostly just want more supports for both of them.

I have other supports I'd like to have seen, but none of them are cross-route.

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53 minutes ago, AzureSen said:

-Mycen and Nomah. Another pair with a pre-existing history. It would have been a good opportunity to learn more about Mycen's time in Zofia.

Huh, I don't remember this, actually. Was it in a Memory Prism or something?

53 minutes ago, AzureSen said:

-Sonya and Delthea. I'd like to see them bond as the younger siblings of a magic-inclined family, even if Sonya's story is much darker than Delthea's.

I feel like Sonya would probably encourage Delthea's feelings of not wanting to be tied down by her lineage.

54 minutes ago, AzureSen said:

-Clair and Est. The baby Pegasus Knight sisters could have a lot to talk about.

I actually can't think of what they'd want to talk about that isn't already covered with the Clair and Delthea support, honestly.

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7 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Huh, I don't remember this, actually. Was it in a Memory Prism or something?

From Nomah's second base convo: "I mentioned that I’d traveled to Rigel previously, yes? That was when I first met Mycen. …What, didn’t you know? Oh yes. Mycen originally hails from Rigel. We were both so young back then… Ha! Those are fond memories." Mycen also mentions in the prologue that he's taking Celica to "an old friend" for shelter, and they have a passive support.

7 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I actually can't think of what they'd want to talk about that isn't already covered with the Clair and Delthea support, honestly.

Fair enough. Admittedly I just wanted them to have more supports, which I can say for a lot of people.

Edited by AzureSen
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Yup, when I saw the memory scene, all I wanted was Jesse x Silque -.- 


Overall, just more supports in general. The ones that are there are well done, if short (they don't need to be long), and they add so much to the game. It's so disappointing to me that many characters only get one, like Genny, who is the worst example, since her one conversation is with Sonia, who I don't want to recruit over Deen -.- 

Luthier's also a bad example. I was so disappointed to find out his one conversation was with his sister. 

Conrad - a new character, also only gets one. Cross-supports might have helped with that. I reckon he'd've found a lot in common with Zeke if given the opportunity. Maybe they could swap masks? xD 

Edited by Cute Chao
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5 minutes ago, AzureSen said:

From Nomah's second base convo: "I mentioned that I’d traveled to Rigel previously, yes? That was when I first met Mycen. …What, didn’t you know? Oh yes. Mycen originally hails from Rigel. We were both so young back then… Ha! Those are fond memories." Mycen also mentions in the prologue that he's taking Celica to "an old friend" for shelter, and they have a passive support.

Huh, I see. Goes to show how much I've bothered with Nomah lol.

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Luthier with any of the mages on Celica's side.

Silque/Celica and Silque/Genny, as mentioned before.

Faye/Celica would have....been quite interesting.

Palla/Clive. Older siblings stick together and such. Though honestly any of the pegasus sisters should have had someone else to talk to.

Atlas/Lukas would have been good too. Lukas is a prim & proper backwater noble while Atlas is a ...backwater lumberjack. It's a classic!

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6 minutes ago, KongDude said:

I just realized we're missing out on supports from opposite sex also. Most of them are between couples, with the exception of Nomah/Celica, Delthea/Luthier, and Faye/Alm.

Celica/Conrad and Zeke/Tatiana too. But yeah, not sure why there aren't many opposite sex supports aside from the ones that do lead into romance. Maybe to make those feel more special? Maybe they felt like putting potential shipping fuel would anger retro fans? That second reason is a bit of stretch though lol.

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