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Videogame questionnaire

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  1. When were you introduced into videogames?
    My first memory is me playing Pokémon Blue.
  2. How did you get introduced?
    I don't know. I imagine I watched the anime?
  3. What was your first videogame?
    Pokémon Blue.
  4. What was your first console?
    Game Boy Colour.
  5. How many consoles have you owned yet?
    For handhelds: Game Boy Colour. Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Advance SP, DS, DS Lite, 3DS XL; consoles, I've owned: Gamecube, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3 Slim, Wii U, PS4 Slim. My brother and I shared an SNES, PS1, and a PS2.
  6. How many games (guess) have you played yet?
    Well over 200.
  7. What's your favorite game?
    Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3.
  8. What's your favorite series?
    Can't say. I want to say Persona, but I've only played 3 and 5, and a little of 1. My safe answer would be Pokémon.
  9. What was the last game you played?
    Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia.
  10. Any game you're looking forward to?
    The big one now is Sen no Kiseki III AKA Trails of Cold Steel III. I'm also looking forward to Monster Hunter Stories, Fire Emblem for the Switch, Project Re Fantasy, among others.
  11. What was the last console you bought?
    PS4 Slim.
  12. How many games do you buy per year in average?
  13. How much money do you invest for videogames per year in average?
    £200-£250? When a console is being brought, the price goes up.
  14. Have you ever downloaded a game?
    Multiple times.
  15. Do you prefer to buy physical or digital copies?
  16. Have you ever imported games because they haven't been released in your area?
  17. What's your opinion about region lock?
    I understand the reasons why region-locked games and consoles exist, but I'm personally against it.
  18. When do you buy games?
    When I... buy games?
  19. Where do you prefer to buy consoles and games?
    Online retailers. I have a preference to base.com.
  20. What's your opinion of DLCs?
    Day 1 DLC should not exist--it should be included in the main game. Otherwise, as long as it is reasonably priced for whatever it offers (subjective, I know), I have no problems with it. It's a great way to inject new life into an existing product.
  21. Do you buy charged DLCs?
  22. Any game you wished it was released for a console you own?
    Not really, no.
  23. What's your favorite boss fight?
    I don't know.
  24. What's your favorite OST?
    Trails in the Sky SC, probably.
  25. Who's your favorite protagonist?
    Estelle Bright, from the Trails in the Sky series.
  26. Who's your favorite antagonist?
    Lorence Belgar, from the Trails in the Sky series.
  27. Have you ever cried in a videogame?
    I did when I was younger. Nowadays, no. I think the last time I shed a tear was at the ending of Persona 3's The Journey.
  28. Which chcaracter death in the story has been the saddest for you?
    To not give a name, the last death in Persona 3.
  29. Which genres did / do you play?
    JRPGs, mostly. Thankfully, that's pretty broad. I do dabble in shooters, also.
  30. Which genres do you dislike?
    None, really.
  31. What do you do, if you stuck in a certain passage of a game?
    Turn it off and go back to it some other time, usually.
  32. What has been the hardest game for you?
    I don't know.
  33. Have you ever blown up because you were frustrated?
    Due to gaming? No.
  34. What's your opinion of remakes?
    Great way to bring back an old game, especially if said game is difficult to acquire.
  35. Any game you like but most others hate?
    Nothing comes to mind.
  36. Any game you dislike but most others like?
    None, despite some people saying I dislike Trails of Cold Steel II.
  37. Do you play mobile games?
    Not really. I'll log into Fire Emblem: Heroes now and then.
  38. What do you think about the future of videogame and videogame companies like Nintendo or Sony?
    Sony, I can't see going anywhere any time soon. Nintendo have the most fun first-party games, in my opinion, and I hope it stays that way.
  39. If you had a child, would you introduce them into videogames?
    If I ever get a child, yes.
  40. Are you rather a single player or do you often play with others together?


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  1. When were you introduced into videogames? Pretty young, around 7 or 8.
  2. How did you get introduced? My family got a Sega Genesis.
  3. What was your first videogame? Probably the first Sonic the Hedgehog game.
  4. What was your first console? Sega Genesis.
  5. How many consoles have you owned yet? Nintendo
  6. How many games (guess) have you played yet? My Backloggery says 434 total, but it's not 100% up to date.
  7. What's your favorite game? Persona 2: Innocent Sin.
  8. What's your favorite series? Probably Shin Megami Tensei.
  9. What was the last game you played? Tokyo Mirage Sessions, I'm replaying it for kicks.
  10. Any game you're looking forward to? Not at the moment.
  11. What was the last console you bought? My Wii U.
  12. How many games do you buy per year in average? 8-12, probably.
  13. How much money do you invest for videogame per year in average? Far too much.
  14. Have you ever downloaded a game? Yup.
  15. Do you prefer to buy physical or digital copies? Whatever's more convenient, usually digital.
  16. Have you ever imported games because they haven't been released in your area? Yup. I imported the original PSX version of Innocent Sin and the three DS Super Robot Wars games.
  17. What's your opinion about region lock? A dumb, outdated thing that should be done away with.
  18. When do you buy games? Usually around the holidays.
  19. Where do you prefer to buy consoles and games? GameStop, usually.
  20. What's your opinion of DLCs? To tl;dr it, I'm okay with DLC as long as it adds to the gameplay experience, even if it's just a new map/level whatever. Though this hasn't stopped me from shelling out cash for costume DLCs, especially for Falcom games.
  21. Do you buy charged DLCs? On occasion.
  22. Any game you wished it was released for a console you own? The PSP remake of Eternal Punishment.
  23. What's your favorite boss fight? The final boss fight from The Wonderful 101.
  24. What's your favorite OST? Metal Gear Rising.
  25. Who's your favorite protagonist? I don't think I can do an absolute favorite, so I'm going to go for top three: Aya Brea from Parasite Eve, our boy Roy, and Gig from Soul Nomad & the World Eaters.
  26. Who's your favorite antagonist? Top three again: Nyarthalotep from Persona, Albert Wesker from Resident Evil, and The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3.
  27. Have you ever cried in a videogame? More than I care to admit, I am prone to getting emotional.
  28. Which chcaracter death in the story has been the saddest for you yet? Maya Amano's death at the end of Innocent Sin.
  29. Which genres did / do you play? RPGs and strategy of both the turn-based and real-time variety, mostly.
  30. Which genres do you dislike? FPS games generally bore me.
  31. What do you do, if you stuck in a certain passage of a videogame? Keep trying until I'm on the verge of ragequitting, then stop and take a breather.
  32. What has been the hardest game for you? Probably The Wonderful 101.
  33. Have you ever blown up because you were frustated? Yup.
  34. What's your opinion of remakes? Generally a good idea, but easy to screw up.
  35. Any game you like but most others hate? Final Fantasy X-2.
  36. Any game you dislike but most others like? Outlast is a steaming pile of hot garbage and I hate it, but most people seem to like it.
  37. Do you play mobile games? On occasion, but my phone is old and doesn't run them well, so I don't play them a lot.
  38. What do you think about the future of videogame and videogame companies like Nintendo or Sony? Consoles are probably going to die at some point, while handhelds and PCs remain.
  39. If you had a child, would you introduce in videogames? Probably.
  40. Are you rather a single player or do you often play with others together? Single player.


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On 5/29/2017 at 8:48 PM, アリサ ラインフォルト said:

It's the second and last time i'm doing this kind of thread because I have no ideas of so many questions for other topics.

  1. When were you introduced into videogames? When I was still wearing diapers
  2. How did you get introduced? Dad showed me his PS2 and he had a lot of PS1 games sitting around.
  3. What was your first videogame? Bob the Builder: Can We Fix It? for the PS1
  4. What was your first console? PS2
  5. How many consoles have you owned yet? A lot. PS2,3,4, All Ds except DSi, PSP+Vita, Wii and WiiU, Xbox 360, and Gameboy Advance SP
  6. How many games (guess) have you played yet? Kek, more than 100 for sure
  7. What's your favorite game? Super Mario Bros. 3 for the NES/GBA. Excellent game. Runner up is Romancing SaGa 2
  8. What's your favorite series? As of right now, the SaGa series. This will definitely change in the near future, though.
  9. What was the last game you played? Der Langrisser
  10. Any game you're looking forward to? No
  11. What was the last console you bought? Last one my family got IIRC was the PS4?
  12. How many games do you buy per year in average? Maybe about 5 or 6. I just play old games on emulators nowadays
  13. How much money do you invest for videogames per year in average? Idk
  14. Have you ever downloaded a game? Yup
  15. Do you prefer to buy physical or digital copies? Physical
  16. Have you ever imported games because they haven't been released in your area? No
  17. What's your opinion about region lock? No bueno.
  18. When do you buy games? When I feel like it; I'm an impulse buyer. Also when a friend recommends a game I might get it.
  19. Where do you prefer to buy consoles and games? Target, GameStop, Amazon
  20. What's your opinion of DLCs? Eh
  21. Do you buy charged DLCs? Not really. 
  22. Any game you wished it was released for a console you own? Not really
  23. What's your favorite boss fight? The Seven Heroes in Romancing SaGa 2
  24. What's your favorite OST? IDK. There are too many good OSTs I can list.
  25. Who's your favorite protagonist? Idk
  26. Who's your favorite antagonist? Idk
  27. Have you ever cried in a videogame? No
  28. Which chcaracter death in the story has been the saddest for you? I felt bad for Sigurd. Guy got cucked hard.
  29. Which genres did / do you play? All except music games (like Guitar Hero) and puzzle games. I play RPGs the most though.
  30. Which genres do you dislike? Music, puzzle
  31. What do you do, if you stuck in a certain passage of a game? Time to go to GameFAQs
  32. What has been the hardest game for you? Romancing SaGa 2, because you're constantly stressed out about the final battle.
  33. Have you ever blown up because you were frustrated? What? Uh, I've raged before, if that's what your asking.
  34. What's your opinion of remakes? Yes
  35. Any game you like but most others hate? Zelda II. I like its difficulty.
  36. Any game you dislike but most others like? Not that I know of? There's none I can say off the top of my head.
  37. Do you play mobile games? Yes
  38. What do you think about the future of videogame and videogame companies like Nintendo or Sony? Stable.
  39. If you had a child, would you introduce them into videogames? Hell yeah. I'll show 'em Super Mario Bros 3 for sure.
  40. Are you rather a single player or do you often play with others together? Single-player. I used to play with my friends all the time though.
  41. Have you ever bought other videogame merchandise like figures (amiibos included), soundtrack, art books or clothes? Yup.
  42. What's your opinion of amiibos? Don't care. They seem like a waste of money
  43. Do you use any other hardward besides your controller / mote (joystick, steering wheel)? No
  44. Have you ever been in a videogame trade fair? No
  45. Is there any videogame character you'd like to cosplay? Hell no


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