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Do you think Warriors OC's will make it in Heroes?

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Of course, they did the same with Echoes. Too bad the officially revealed OCs are infantry sword.

Edit: Now that I think of it, Warriors might give them different weapons to wield. Unless they have pref swords, then there's a chance they both won't be sword infantries.

Edited by KongDude
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I think they have a chance, a better chance than the TMS Bros at least. Even if they are stuck with swords in FE Warriors they might be given a different weapon if they do show up in Heroes. Faye is a colorless bow unit in Heroes, after all.

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16 minutes ago, KongDude said:

Of course, they did the same with Echoes. Too bad the officially revealed OCs are infantry sword.

All this time, I've been trying to trick myself into thinking that Lian's weapon was a Lance....

Sharena in Heroes tho?

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Warriors made it a point to focus on Shadow Dragon, Awakening, and Fates characters to avoid flooding the game with sword users. There's a chance that the Warrior OCs may not be sword infantry. But let's be real - I'm not going to hold my breath on it.

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14 minutes ago, Emeraldfox said:

I think they have a chance, a better chance than the TMS Bros at least. 

Agreed. But hey, I wouldn't complain if TMS characters got in.


15 minutes ago, Emeraldfox said:

Even if they are stuck with swords in FE Warriors they might be given a different weapon if they do show up in Heroes. Faye is a colorless bow unit in Heroes, after all.

I hate that, personally. I don't see why they couldn't make her a different class in Heroes... or hell, give her the option to be an archer in Echoes.


8 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

The real question is whether the Heroes OCs will make it into Warriors. 

I just wanna run around wrecking stuff with Sharena

I like how you think, but personally I want Axe!Anna

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2 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

The real question is whether the Heroes OCs will make it into Warriors. 

I just wanna run around wrecking stuff with Sharena

Less likely, since Heroes is "across the series" while Warriors is generally SD, Fates, and Awakening. No reason to choose a spin-off lord than a main series lord. I won't complain if they make it in though.

I'd be surprised if Anna isn't in. Wonder what she'd wield, as she's cycled through swords, bows, and axes. Personally, axe Anna seems the best.

Edited by KongDude
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I kinda made a prediction when the FE Warriors characters were revealed; when FE Warriors releases, there's going to be a banner in FE Heroes with Shion, Liane, and two other Warriors characters, and they'll have skills that promote an aggressive playstyle, reflecting the Warriors style of gameplay with all it's "one person taking down swarms of soldiers by themself" stuff.

The first part seemed obvious to me, the second part was my real prediction. Then again, I don't know much about the Warriors series so maybe that doesn't fit them as well as I think it would.

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1 hour ago, KongDude said:

Less likely, since Heroes is "across the series" while Heroes is generally SD, Fates, and Awakening.

Make up ur mind bro

But yeah, characters are much more likely to cameo in Heroes than be added to Warriors. Especially since it's easier to push in new units in a mobile game that just need new sprites, stats then skills instead of full movesets in Warriors.

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I have no doubt we'll get a banner with them around the game's release. I don't think there's really any chance of Heroes characters making it into Warriors, though.

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3 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

The real question is whether the Heroes OCs will make it into Warriors. 

I just wanna run around wrecking stuff with Sharena

I want that to happen because Sharena and Anna wield weapons other then swords.  As to Warriors characters in Heroes I can see a banner happening, what I really want is a banner combining Warriors and TMS but I know I am dreaming.

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Honestly, I have my doubts. I'm sure they'll at least do a special login bonus. But if I recalled, spin-off exclusive characters were hard to implement into the story according to an interview (which is why TMS characters are sadly unlikely). However, I'm down for Shion and (especially) Lian.

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I don't see why not.  Personally I'm disappointed Warriors won't be expanding on the Heroes setting.

You can definitely expect the new lords in Heroes though, I hope it's the same for Alfonse/Sharena/Anna in Warriors.

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Definitely since Heroes works as free advertising for other FE games. The would-be banner is almost complete with Shion, Lian and Darius. All of them would be red unless...FE Warriors makes them branch out and get different weapons or...pull another Faye. 

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