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New Units

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Are they still consistently adding units to this game? It's been a while since I've played, honestly... I played as much as I could (without spending too much) the first month or two it was out, but since, I've just been collecting the freebies and waiting for them to add one of my only favorites that's not recruitable yet. Though it's highly unlikely unless they're putting new characters in frequently, as my favorite is Shura. lol

Thanks for any replies--and sorry if I'm not supposed to ask this here, I just couldn't find any other questions similar so I was hoping for an answer or two.

Edit: didn't mean to double post, I suck with my tablet. Please delete? lol

Edited by AutumnShantel
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Yes, very often. Usually every month there are two new banners.  This month there is only one cause it is fan service.  We also get roughly 2 GHBs with one new character a month and now tempest trials which gives one new character once a month.  So 11char/mo minimum.


We also have an "Ask a question thread" for these, it's stickied.

Welcome back xD

Edited by Lushen
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