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That's interesting...

Do you like it though?? I think those publishers don't know what's good when they see it.

I did not particularly take to Pride and Prejudice, but I read the book two or three years ago and did not understand it very well. I think I would get a lot more out of Pride and Prejudice were I to read it again. My father is very much keen on Jane Austen's works and almost certainly owns a copy of the book in question, perhaps I should borrow his copy from him this summer.
I'm reading a sheakespeare comedy for class now.

I liked his plays, and I even had this biggass book of his works, but I stopped reading it because it was in such bad repair...

Which play are you currently reading? I am not much informed about his comedies; the only comedies of Shakespeare that I have read are Taming of the Shrew and Twelfth Night.
Anyone read the Thursday Next series? It's really cool, too.
I haven't, what's it about?
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Thursday Next is about a woman of the same name who is a sort of literary law enforcement official in the 1980s in an alternate version of England. She usually ends up chasing evil dudes through old literature (and interacting with the characters thereof) and shooting at them. Really good for lit nerds, but good for everyone else too. The first book in the series is called The Eyre Affair.

As for Shakespeare, I read The Comedy of Errors. Good stuff. The Tempest is good too, but not as funny.

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That sounds neat, I find alternate histories to be quite fun. I'll inquire about The Eyre Affair the next time I find myself in a book store.

Do you know of Kim Stanley Robinson's The Years of Rice and Salt? I wouldn't think it to be in quite the same vein as Thursday Next as you described it, but it is, in my opinion, another noteworthy alternate history.

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I've read so much shakespeare I wanna punch babies when I hear the name... last one I read was I think Othello. I wanted to hang myself... but I'm glad you all like them :)

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I'm about to start reading Star Wars: The Last Command by Timothy Zahn. :)

I read the first two books in the trilogy so far.

Loved that trilogy. I have read all but 1 SW book from Zahn (but that was a comic/graphic novel). all good =)

I'm about to start reading the Wishsong of Shannara by Terry Brooks, hoping its as good as the first 2.


I cannot stand Shakespeare!!!!!!!! It will ruin my day if I think about him anymore!!!!!!! :o

at least you all like them, that must make English/Lit class easier...

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shakespear liked whores.

(its actually true, im not being stupid)

looks like you two have something in common :D

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i don't like whores. (well i like the good kind, not the kind that you gotta pay for)

there's a good kind?

aw dammit, i'm getting off topic...

uh... i hate books (whew)

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I'm thinking about reading the 5th Artemis Fowl book, but I never did because I thought i was too old for it.

Just read it and don't let anyone know. I still watch The Lion King every now and then.

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Zahn Star Wars. So...much...awsum...

Yes, however I still think his book "The Icarus Hunt" was better than many of his SW books, IMO. (excluding his Thrawn Trilogy, which was simply amazing) That said, I completely agree with you. I wouldn't have started reading again had it not been for Zahn Star Wars, lol! ;)

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What's that supposed to mean?

there are so many other things on harry potter like "the truth behind harry potter" and "the magic behind harry potter" and i even saw a broom in a book that had a bunch of descriptions on how it "really" flew. It looked like blueprints for a mansion. Plus I've seen encyclopedias, thoeries ad shit like that. Oh and I can't forget the Hogwarts they're building in Europe (I think). Yes, they are building an acutal hogwarts kinda like an amusement park type deal

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