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I'm in over my head - A bad player's first Ironman Fire Emblem 12 run (and first let's play)!

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xTth22d.png ...

ZyMLR0k.png Psst! Hey!

xTth22d.png ...who is it?

ZyMLR0k.png It is I, the murderous tactician!

TY6Bqbi.png Oh, good night! Forgive and forget is the golden principle of life. Please, feel free to come out of the dark.

ZyMLR0k.png Of course...

ZyMLR0k.png ...what? It was not a trap?

dmIsQgT.png Why would it be?

ZyMLR0k.png A-anyway, I need your help. Is there any way to repair an aum staff?

ZyMLR0k.png I... am deeply sorry for what I did... and I want to bring him back. That will be my atonement. Maybe after Pretzel is back I'll be able to forgive myself!

5FQS1sh.png You also fear Etzel.

ZyMLR0k.png No, I--

dRUBgTr.png Don't worry about it. Well, the hammerne staff can repair it, although it is more difficult than usual due to the Aum staff's awesome power, which is why most mages cannot use it while war clouds their minds.

ZyMLR0k.png Good to know, good to know. Well, the war is over. Thanks to me, I might add.

dmIsQgT.png Sadly, our hammerne staff is broken.

GlhBh58.jpg?1 What?! How!?

TY6Bqbi.png We used it to revive a few of our fallen soldiers.

BKi1eRT.png There you are, Father Wrys! It truly is wonderful to be alive again! I don't think I have thanked you yet--

BKi1eRT.png ...

LghVj9q.png M-my! Arran, I'm delighted to see you alive once again...

BKi1eRT.png You sent me to my death.

LghVj9q.png ...please don't call Etzel...

BKi1eRT.png But you did defeat Medeus. For that, I thank you. You need not tremble in fear.

LghVj9q.png T-too late for that, I-I'm afraid...

BKi1eRT.png I am aware of your situation. While I do not condone of your rather extreme way of taking care of the problem... that boy was not a good influence to Prince Marth. And Etzel has obviously been driven insane by his grief. I am willing to aid you.

xTth22d.png Likewise. As I said, forgive and forget. And you did say you wish to fix what you did!

LghVj9q.png Thank you, truly. Very well, then--

GlhBh58.jpg?1 No! Not now... GUAAAAAGH!




sNKm8cO.png So you thought you could escape, did you? It's too bad that I still have the rescue staff, right? Athena...

sGCa7Ez.png With pleasure.

GlhBh58.jpg?1 I was not trying to escape! Where could I have gone, huh? If I wanted to escape, I would've gone for the warp staff!

sGCa7Ez.png Ve don't care. Take this! FIRE!

GlhBh58.jpg?1 UNNNHHH! Gah...

sNKm8cO.png You are improving, Athena. I'm glad.

sNKm8cO.png And now, back to work.

GlhBh58.jpg?1 ...that staff has to go... I need to see Wrys again...

Part 46 - Redundancy. To be entirely honest, this update sucks ass and you should skip it, but please refrain from doing so. Reading replies is the best part of this whole LPing schtick.

I screwed up and wrote almost the entire update out of the spoiler box. I don't really care, though, it emphasizes the update's crap factor. Enjoy!

On 29/10/2017 at 11:14 AM, Dayni said:

Yep, of course it does. See this kind of thing is why people like Tatiana, especially with SoV.

She may have been kidnapped and imprisoned, but at least she didn't actively try to make his beloved's life miserable.

It must be the jackets.

I need to get my hands on one of those jackets. Most people wouldn't get the reference, of course, but I could always turn it around and say I'm very loosely cosplaying Peppy Hare.

Also, why didn't you give Camus the ridersbane if he'll be the one taking on the cavalry anyway? Weight's not an issue and unless you're certain that'd be suicide, it's another weapon that'll make the map easier for everyone else as the first wave would die faster. (I don't have stats in front of me to say it'd be suicide to be fair)

It doesn't really matter. Camus' silvers will 2-hit everything just fine with better accuracy, and he can't quite one-shot people with the ridersbane at base. And there's also Hippoman's point.

Also, the best excuse for telling Etzel to not bother with Rickard's chronicle is that you remove a princess from Gharnef's grasp for Mystery. However as I like Lena, I'd rather drop that excuse immediately.

That's true, but if every fictional time traveling ruleset ever is right, that would probably mean the world would implode fourteen years from now, so...


On 30/10/2017 at 3:46 AM, Hippoman said:

Yeah, Dragoon actually did give me the most trouble.  That southeastern corner with the bridge pretty much always ruined me until Hardin got the exactly correct amount of crits/misses to not get killed over there.  There may be a better way to handle that bit I haven't personally experimented with.

Yeah, that part is indeed the hardest. It takes some thought to get past it, but at least it's something one can figure out, unlike Rickard's bullcrap that requires you to be psychic.

Also Thieves has the best pre-map dialogue so I can't hate it, really.

Honestly, I love it as well. For once, I didn't hate Navarre's guts: he was truly awesome in that scene. My abridged version obviously doesn't convey that awesomeness, sadly. For those who haven't played the Chronicle (Franp), do read the script at serenes. It may be the worst chronicle gameplay-wise, and the most irrelevant plot-wise, but it's very enjoyable to read, unlike both of Nyna's... things.

I can't speak for Rubenio, but when I played this map, I actually found it sort of important to not take full advantage of how much Camus can wreck the enemy, because they're pursuing so quickly he'll pretty much always end up being a chokepoint.  If you let him kill people too fast, more and more flood into the spot, and eventually it's a death by a thousand cuts.  If you keep it to only one or two attacks per turn, it's smooth sailing thanks to the heal on Gradivus.  There's probably another way to handle it, though.

How does one do that, though? Short of handing him Leiden's iron lance or Belf's javelin, I can't really think of anything. And they need the weaponery, as they cannot use Camus' silvers.


On 1/11/2017 at 1:10 AM, Franp3 said:

The devs probably thought nobody would notice because they wouldn't even remember who Frost was.

...This sort of comment is getting really old, isn't it?

This LP is old enough in itself, don't fret.

Can't you see he is IN LOOOOOOOVE?

Sigh and this is honestly why I can't even bother to go out and fish some random, drunken bitch. I think I could, I'm tall enough, but just the thought of having to talk to her... urrrrk. No, thanks.

This is not related at all to what you said, but I just had to use this chance to mock love and fuckery like the repressed nerd I am.

Quote my friend when he played FE8 for the first time:

"Those children are about to be eaten by a giant spider and they WON'T. STOP. TALKING."

Bwahahahah. I wish I had friends who had any interest to play FE. I wish I had friends.


If you listen closely, you can hear Ruben's faith in the game's writing shattering to pieces.

And if you don't, you'll hear him screaming in pain.



We must get as much dialogue as possible.

:Quickly googles "captain haddock insults":

Antediluvian! Desoxirribonucleicacid! Megalomaniac! MRKRPXZKRMTFFRZ!

Excellent! I've shown somebody just how delightful it is to use Haddock's amazing insults! My work here is done.



Last time, Nyna died. I wish I could've left it there, because history would have been severely improved.


However, we must press on. This is the level-up Leiden got this time. Good! Those asshats are getting doubled.


Camus hands some junk to Belf so he doesn't have to drop something after...


Killing this Thief. The first few turns are the same as last time, really.


This happens, too. Hurray! Almost decent healing!


Then I send Camus ahead to kill the last of the Thieves. No, I still didn't know of the village's existance at this point. I just "didn't feel like the horsemen were too close to us yet".


Fighting ensues.


Robert, as usual, gets the speedwing.


Enemy phase. Nothing very remarkable happened.


I then act like an imbecile and attack Archers with my own Archer. That is fine, though. He didn't take much damage. It would've been worse to move out of the forest tile to stab the guy.



Jeez, I'm a slow learner, aren't I? What was I thinking, over two weeks ago when I played this?


You are too late, Ruben! Your screenshot is ruined!


I vent out my frustration by sending Belf to murder this upstanding citizen.


His efforts are rewarded with a ridersbane.


The next enemy phase went rather well.


Well, for Leiden and Belf, that is.


Robert, though...


(Yes, I did just poorly copy-paste his death edit from the main game, why?)


Again. Nice! That's about the best level-up he could've gotten.


Come now, past me! Why haven't you pinned down the correct strategy yet?! Are you braindead!?!

Well, if present me's IQ is any indication...


Two dodges and two crits in a row! Absolutely marvelous!


Setting things up. Camus is also heading back north, at last.


This is going well. Too well, almost.


This is what Camus' fights look like. He's inmensely powerful.


And he's getting better. Defense and HP are probably the best stats Camus can get. He has enough offensive stats to murder everything with his silvers: all he needs is the ability to survive it all.


He dodged this one, but he would've been in trouble had he not. That's why I like giving him the robe and dragonshield.


More Sabre Knights combat. It doesn't go quite as epicly as last time, but it's okay.


Also, I think I missed something, because I don't think that's how Robert's hair looks like.


And then I do a hilariously retarded move.

You see, at this point in time, I still had no idea the Gradivus could be used to heal oneself. Yeah. It took me 3 main game runs and 4-5 attempts at the Beginning chronicle to notice possesing the Gradivus made the "use" command pop up in the menu.

Well, we've at least confirmed the whole matter of my brain's deathness.


Past me promptly proceeded to murder this man in another hilariously dumb decision.


He would come to regret it in three...




Okay, two still.


...one point five?

Ah, forget the countdown.


This level is useless, Robert! You needn't anymore speed.


Oh, amazing! The brigands are down! If only I wasn't such an idiot... the Cavaliers are upon us because of my failure to leave Camus behind.


Oh, look everybody! I finally noticed Gradivus' healing power!




Okay, they should't be able to hit Nyna where she stands (behind Camus and Leiden, just so you know).


Of course. And she got doubled, too.


It was too much to ask, wasn't it? It was too much to ask that you dodged a 75% to save your life, wasn't it, you empty-headed bashi-bazouk?!

Urk... you know how this LP has made me grow fond of characters such as Matthis, Frost, Athena, etc.?

Well, it's also led me to hate Nyna's guys. She's just so useless and stupid! Understandably at times (I may have whined at the time, but I do understand that leaving your father behind to die a gruesome death would be a pretty harsh thing to be forced to do, especially without any time at all to prepare for it), but then there's stuff like this chronicle's opening that is, quite bluntly, unforgivable.

And then there's the fact that she's a walking event flag in these damned bonus chapters! Learn to ride a horse, you whore...se! Huhuhuh coughcoughcough.


Again, again, again! Leiden speeds up once more, which is what he needs the most, even though I would appreciate some defense and strength.


I don't feel like cropping this screenshot. See that title? Yeah.


This could almost be considered a dance, if you employed some imagination.


Man, I'm now picturing myself riding a horse inside one of those claustrophobia-inducing discos that teenagers like me love so much doing that shit while listening to this.

If only... I wouldn't abhor those places so much if I could do that without being thrown out and laughed at.


Enough of that, it's time to keep on slaughtering peopl--




Some more coordinated dancing later, people don't die because the Sabre Knights have low stats to balance out their incredibly OP jackets.


Camus also wastes time. Urgh...


Then Robert failed miserably to do what I wanted him to do, which was to kill that guy. C'mon! I especifically positioned you so that you would retaliate and kill him!


We're going to lose again, but here you can see why giving Camus the ridersbane isn't that useful. I suppose giving him the energy drop would work, but even then I'd have to pray the Paladins didn't spawn with one more point of defense or HP. It's not too reliable.


It, again, is too much to ask that you dodge, isn't it?

By the way, now that I'm seeing her statsheet again, I realise she actually does have a metric fuckton of luck. Huh. She's so bad at dodging, I'd thought she didn't have any.


Anyhow, I didn't even wait for somebody to kill Nyna and resetted inmediately.


Déjà vu, anyone?


Oh, my! Can it be? I cannot see Camus anywhere! Maybe I finally figured out the strategy!


Yeah, I did! Astounding!


This here is "the stabbin' ". I'm pretty sure this is a dance people actually do at the disco.


And here we witness Leiden's horse getting scared by a spider that's on the floor. No, I'm not running out of ideas, where did you get that idea?

These shots of Robert shooting at ruffians are the hardest to comment. There's nothing to say about this!

Maybe... the health counter is lying to us! Look, it's empty, but it says 1! I CALL BULLSHIT ON THE INTERFACE!




95% HP growth. Every other stat not called resistance or magic at 50% or higher. And he gets NOTHING.

Curse my luck, I swear to God... how many of these have I gotten? Often times, people go entire runs without ever seeing one of these, save for Jeigans and the like. I've seen, what, four? And this is FE12: Everyone Has Amazing Growths.



Okay, good. At least he lived.


I'm so sorry for the lack of cropping.


Oh my God, that Bandit is using the dark--

No, wait, I've already used this.

Although, I also have used every single joke because I am very one-note.

But hold just a second, maybe I am not as one-note as my severe lack of self-esteem makes me believe.


In any case, let's contemplate another non-cropped screencap that reveals Leiden didn't get any levels this time around.


As well as Robert using his bow to shield his upper waist.


For once, Belf did a better job at dodging and killing than Leiden. Good work, Vergil.


And then Leiden dies because the world hates me.


I just don't know how to react anymore. I'm afraid I exhausted all my reaction points back in chapter 23.

I think I'm going to add a reset counter for this chronicle alone. Jeez.


More of this. See the title? Yeah. Fret not, however, we will beat the chapter eventually.


More miscelaneous fighting.


I think I'm just going to skip all the boring crap I have stored in the Imgur album.


Level. Relevant.


This, too, is relevant.








Failing miserably...


Nyna surviving a round of combat! Now that's a rare occurence if there ever was one.


Stats. These are all great. One more point of speed and I believe he'll double Bulzark.


Also, I finally noticed the village.


Stats, strats and suckass. Trats.


It also seems like the silver lance ran out of uses. Will I remember to equip the sword and save the Gradivus for heals?


Mirrored worlds.


To answer the question I posed two paragraphs ago: of course I forgot to equip the sword! But at least Camus one-shots these two fools. All things considered, that wasn't so bad.


The Horseman sword animations are so weird. What's going on? Is Robert dabbing? Now I'm not so sad he died in the main game...


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand there we go, the mistake that would screw everything up.


But not all is lost. She does have 17 luck! She might dodge yet!



Well. Luck be with us...


This also happened, but at this point, if Nyna lived, I would've just kept on going. Screw the village, this chapter has enough things to be worried about as it is.


Of course, that's a pretty big "if", considering this is Nyna we're talking about.


I can't really summon any sort of emotion now, two weeks later, looking at all this misery, but if you can't tell by the particularly gruesome death edit, I was really, REALLY mad at the time.

And that's it. Remember when I said we would beat the chronicle eventually? "Eventually" is not today.

I'm sorry for wasting your time, everyone. I promise the next update will be better.

Reset count: 18 (Pretzel: 7 - Marth: 4 - Chronicles: 7 - Fucking Nyna (her negative influence is to blame for every other death in the Beginning chronicle): 6)

Death count: Linde




**Honorably discharged.

Edited by Rubenio
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6 hours ago, Rubenio said:

For those who haven't played the Chronicle (Franp), do read the script at serenes.

My thoughts:

1. Navarre switches very quickly between "Surprisingly likable" mode and "I could cut grass with that edge" mode.

2. Castor's con acting skills have come a long way.

2b. Someone sees through Castor's BS for the first time in the game. And it's in a DLC chapter. That take place before the actual story. That has no impact at all on any of the caracters.

(after typing that I realized I was being a little too critical with this scene. But come on, It's the one time anyone isn't having Castor's crap and it's forgotten 5 seconds later?)

6 hours ago, Rubenio said:

I've shown somebody just how delightful it is to use Haddock's amazing insults!

I'll make sure to read more Tintin books before the next (potential) LP.


6 hours ago, Rubenio said:

Learn to ride a horse, you whore...se! Huhuhuh coughcoughcough.

I'm giving this pun the official Franp3 Seal of Approval. Enjoy your newly acquired bragging rights.


6 hours ago, Rubenio said:

Déjà vu, anyone?

No idea why I did that.


6 hours ago, Rubenio said:

No, I'm not running out of ideas, where did you get that idea?


It's happening to all of us. See the above comment.

7 hours ago, Rubenio said:


Bro, I dodged that axe, and I was, like, in a mirror world. I could, like, feel it, bro.

I've heard people talk when high, and yes, they do talk like that. It's an experience I wouldn't like to repeat.


7 hours ago, Rubenio said:

I'm sorry for wasting your time, everyone. I promise the next update will be better.

It's not wasted at all, really. I got some good replies out of this one.

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Once again, the Chronicles remind us that everything is awful and repetitive. Don't think I need to say more than that, barring thinking you went too brutal in the end there.

Also that Ruben is not allowed any mercy unless they'd always show that mercy.

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ZyMLR0k.png ...very well. Tonight, we will set our plan into motion. Does that sound right?


ZyMLR0k.png ...yes, that sounds good enough. I'm sure this'll convince those two to help me kill Etzel and Athena.

BKi1eRT.png Sadly, I doubt our strength alone will suffice. Besides--

GlhBh58.jpg?1 ACK! Don't startle me like that! For how long have you been eavesdropping on me talking to myself?!

BKi1eRT.png My apologies. I simply heard my name and thought you'd called me.

TY6Bqbi.png Do not worry. I have the key to getting out of this little predicament of yours.

ZyMLR0k.png Tell me!

5FQS1sh.png Just do as they say. It doesn't look so hard!

GlhBh58.jpg?1 It's hard as hell! Are you kidding me?!

BKi1eRT.png He's right, though. And besides, we have neither the strength nor the will to battle one who has lost his child, and the only one bold enough to have dared to approach him in such sorrowful times.

ZyMLR0k.png So you're leaving me behind, is that it?

dmIsQgT.png Not exactly, we're just giving you another chance at redemption you'd have lost had we helped you with your twisted plans.

ZyMLR0k.png Of course. Just when I thought I had found some allies. But of coooourse you won't help me murder two people in order to save my own skin and get away with my crimes!

ZyMLR0k.png Very well then! I shall try, and when I fail and die, it'll be your fault! YOUR FAULT!

ZyMLR0k.png Hey Etzel! C'mere! Warp me away! Let's finish this!

sNKm8cO.pngWhy, you-- you are in no position to talk to me so rudely! Athena...

sGCa7Ez.pngHeheh, finally! It's been two hours since the last time...

BKi1eRT.png ...I fear for the future. Something foul shall soon befall.

dRUBgTr.png Let us go after him. I, personally, wouldn't want to see either of them dying so soon after the war.

Part 47 - Fuck the Chronicles.

Man, I never thought writing lame self-insert fanfiction would be so much fun. It's the best part of the whole thing for me! I doubt you guys like it as much as I do, but eehhh...

On 5/11/2017 at 8:09 PM, KnightOfNohr said:

Don't worry, I'm still around!

Good to know. I was fearing we'd lost our moral compass.


On 5/11/2017 at 9:16 PM, Franp3 said:

My thoughts:

1. Navarre switches very quickly between "Surprisingly likable" mode and "I could cut grass with that edge" mode.

It is nonetheless an improvement. This is way more than what the likes of Rutger can say.

2. Castor's con acting skills have come a long way.

And considering he sucks ass in FE12...

2b. Someone sees through Castor's BS for the first time in the game. And it's in a DLC chapter. That take place before the actual story. That has no impact at all on any of the caracters.

It's so bad, you got distracted and made a typo!

(after typing that I realized I was being a little too critical with this scene. But come on, It's the one time anyone isn't having Castor's crap and it's forgotten 5 seconds later?)

Oh I agree, I agree! But still, much like Navarre, it's still an improvement over FE12's "everybody ignores Castor's obvious scamming".

I'll make sure to read more Tintin books before the next (potential) LP.

A guy at my student housing mocks me for that. Keep it private. Don't be a fool and expect ordinary swines to understand. They never understand. Oh but they will, the day my plan comes into fruition and they are utterly ANNIHILATED!

Ahem, sorry, I mean the day I... Hmph... crap I can't think of anything please don't report me to the police

I'm giving this pun the official Franp3 Seal of Approval. Enjoy your newly acquired bragging rights.

I am satisfied.

No idea why I did that.

My favourite part is how, aside from the title, that has nothing to do with the LP at all. Man, going off-topic, breaking every self-imposed gameplay rule, foul language, spoilers... I'm almost feeling like leaving the LP for a year just so we can necropost as well!

It's happening to all of us. See the above comment.

I am not... more like, I'm running out of ideas for keeping the actual gameplay interesting. Jeez. It's so boring.

Bro, I dodged that axe, and I was, like, in a mirror world. I could, like, feel it, bro.

I've heard people talk when high, and yes, they do talk like that. It's an experience I wouldn't like to repeat.

Curious. The last time I was near a highman, he could barely stay awake, let alone speak.

It's not wasted at all, really. I got some good replies out of this one.

You might want to reconsider this statement, considering the random-ass video.

On 5/11/2017 at 9:38 PM, Dayni said:

Once again, the Chronicles remind us that everything is awful and repetitive.

Yeah, I still stand by what I said about them being good, but Jesus Christ I'm not a good enough player for this...

Don't think I need to say more than that, barring thinking you went too brutal in the end there.

It only gets better from here. Suffice so say, I went as far as to edit her Bishop sprite to reflect the gore!


Also that Ruben is not allowed any mercy unless they'd always show that mercy.

Wrys is a good guy like that. Except he didn't want to help me kill a Sorcerer who (at the very least) doubles up every one of his stats.


So, do you want to have lots of fun?

Then go elsewhere, because we're still stranded in the Beginning chronicle! No please stay here, interesting things shall happen...


I don't even know why this picture exists. Look! The javelin's tip broke when it hit the Thief! Attention to detail, or faulty graphic programming? I'd wager it's the second one.


Then I cut all the boring crap and... I think 2 resets? Yeah, sounds like a decent number, until we get here. No, Leiden's not in danger. In fact, he's going to be keeping those three out of commission while he still has enough map to run.


Dialogue! I wasn't expecting this. FE games don't tend to throw in random pieces of dialogue this late into the turn count.


Of course, it's a waste of time. I suppose Camus doesn't know about it, but I do! Who in the world would be idiotic enough not to notice the riders popping up behind Bulzark every turn? Why does this scene exist?!


Indeed, Nyna can shove that healing staff up her arse. Camus doesn't need it!

Oh, and by "it", I am refering to Nyna herself. Why the genderless pronoun? Because she's a tool, and a useless one at that. I could get more use out of a fucking weigh, and believe me, I am NOT the sort of person to get any use out of weighs or any other kind of gym equipment.


Anyway, time to visit the village. No, Leiden isn't going to die. I've got a plan. My plans always work!


But first, how about this? I didn't know that the canyon to the right belonged to Archanea!

64dj2E9.png Hey, guys! Come, come quickly! According to this elderly woman, this village is in Archanean territory! We don't have to go all the way to the fo--


64dj2E9.png AAAUUUGH!

Nah, just joking. I didn't actually grab the village, I just wanted to record the dialogue and...


This! If only this village wasn't so out of the way... giving these to Nyna more or less invalidates the rest of the chapter, since she's able to outrun the riders with the move boost.


Alas, good things never last. Time to reload the save-state and keep on riding ahead.


Belf got this useless level-up. To be completely honest, I like his hairstyle better than Leiden's or Robert's. It's like, Tomas but with some effort put into it. Hilarious. That's, sadly, one of the two things he's got going for him, along with him figuring out Camus in their support. Which isn't really that big of an accomplishment, and Leiden too figures him out in his ending if you remember. We can conclude Leiden is Belf but better in every meaningful way.


Nyna is so useless. Every time I see her being useless, I cannot help but grit my teeth in frustration.


Also, I screwed up and now Camus is almost dead and without the Gradivus. The future looks grim...


Especially so because the rest of the crew are just a turn worth of horse riding away from Camus. Dang it!


More useless levels. This is going nowhere!


Update on Leiden's whereabouts: just a bit ahead of these guys. He's running out of space, though: soon, he'll have to face them.


This is so cruel. Are you feeling the schadenfreude yet?


The enemies pursuing Leiden have decided to go after Robert and almost kill him. Good thing he missed. At last! Something went my way! Keep it up, game, and we might not have to resort to cheating.


That turn went seriously well. Is the game finally cutting me some slack?


Why, of course not, it was just getting my hopes up so the disappointment would be even sorer.


Uh... well...


He did tell us to keep going, did he not? Let's honor his... let's call it "sacrifice" by beating the chapter! To that end, Robert shall also generously give his life up. It's not as if he would've survived the War of Heroes anyway, according to LP canon.






Enough of this! I'm going to win if it's the last thing I do!


I swear to all that is unholy, if I lose again, I'm going to--


Calm down, Ruben, last time you got this mad over this game, it went nowhere at all...


Since the decoy strategy worked so well last time, I'm employing Belf to do it again.


Urrrrghh! Nynaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


Camus gets to slaughtering every--







ZyMLR0k.png Enough! Etzel!

sNKm8cO.png What?

ZyMLR0k.png Bring me back...

sGCa7Ez.png Vhy should ve? You have not finished your mission yet!


sNKm8cO.png ...you amuse me, Ruben. Do you wish to be vanquised?

ZyMLR0k.png ...

LghVj9q.png Better that than to keep on doing this.


sNKm8cO.png Huh!?

sGCa7Ez.png Etzel! Ve careful!



sNKm8cO.png If you so wish to die, then allow me to grant you your wish! For my son!

ZyMLR0k.png I could probably have planned this a little better...

GlhBh58.jpg?1 No! Wait! I was just bluffing! I don't want to dieeee!

sGCa7Ez.png Too late for that! Destroy him, Etzel!







sNKm8cO.png That's that.

sGCa7Ez.png Whooo! Good riddance!

sQUCJbe.jpg?1 Hrk...

sNKm8cO.png Oh, still alive, are you? You're quite persistent, did you know that?

sQUCJbe.jpg?1 ...unh...

sNKm8cO.png You know what, I think I will reward you for surviving such a wondrous attack.

sQUCJbe.jpg?1 ...gh...?

sNKm8cO.png Since you hate these little missions I've given you so much... I think I'll allow you to experience the past in a different way.

sNKm8cO.png I'll simply send you back to no particular place or point in time. And then, you'll be free to do as you please! Isn't it just swell? You are going to get away with it all!

sQUCJbe.jpg?1 N-no...

sNKm8cO.png Would you rather I killed you outright?

sQUCJbe.jpg?1 Hrrrkkk! Gaah...

sNKm8cO.png Have fun! Who knows, maybe one day you'll make it back!

sGCa7Ez.png One last time before you go: Screw you, Ruben! Hah hah hah haaaaah!

GlhBh58.jpg?1 No no no wait! You can't--


I'm sorry, I just don't have the willpower. Go read the Beginning finale on serenes. What a great LP this is. Have I ever fulfilled even just one of my promises?



GlhBh58.jpg?1 Oooof...!

ZyMLR0k.png Where am I?

LghVj9q.png Hey, just one minute... I can... I can feel my legs again!

X5SGs1H.png Hah! Yes! I'm still alive! But... I wonder how...

ZyMLR0k.png Huh?! Wrys?!?

xTth22d.png Looks like we made it! That was quite the rough journey.

 5FQS1sh.png We hurried after you. We were too late to stop the battle, but at least I could use my staff before you faded away. That is why you are healthy now.

ZyMLR0k.png So I owe you my life now... but why are you here as well?

TY6Bqbi.png The connection established between us through the staff's magic pulled me in as well. Sir Arran tried to save me, but we both were warped away with you instead.

ZyMLR0k.png Damn... I'm sorry.

 dmIsQgT.png Don't be. Let's instead try to find Sir Arran and discover where we are.

ZyMLR0k.png Of course...

ZyMLR0k.png Wait, isn't that...

GlhBh58.jpg?1 Hide! QUICKLY!!

dRUBgTr.png Oooooh! Oof...


It's great to see that Elrean was always the same unlovable asshole we know and love.

(Also yes I used the "hide" shenanigan to get plot!me and Wrys out of the way in order to comfortably nitpick the dialogue. Maybe next LP I'll take my own silly fanfics more seriously...)


Dark sorcerers never truly die. You should have known better than to believe him dead.

Although, considering Elrean was absent in FE11 (most likely under Gharnef's control along with everyone else not wearing the Pope Hat), I can forgive him for believing the official version. No such luck for everybody else here, though!


Also, this. I suppose only less than a year has passed since the War of Shadows, so it's understandable that Marth, Hardin and the others haven't had the time to arrest all of Gharnef's followers, what with all the reparations (which were, in Hardin's case, very agressive and violent as said back in chapter 1).


Also also, Linde is randomly here. Sure, why not. It's not as if anything can be worse than the plot of either of Nyna's chapters. Thankfully, she doesn't have any more. Thank fuck for that...


"She also wants me to stay away from her for the time being. She mumbled something about me standing next to her, Sir Camus returning and high temperatures ... I didn't quite get it".


Yeah, friends... heheh...


I find it interesting how, for once, the standard idling sprite is more suggestive than the blinking one. He just looks annoyed when he's in the middle of a blink.


BKi1eRT.png At last, I have found you-- Hmmmph!

GlhBh58.jpg?1 Hush, Arran! Etzel's right there!

TY6Bqbi.png I doubt we've any reason to worry. We're in the past. He does not know you murdered his son yet--

GlhBh58.jpg?1Then don't say it out loud! Do you want to ruin me?!


Not really, no. This chapter isn't that hard. At least it doesn't seem very hard. Famous last words I'm certain I will prove the previous statements to be true.


And Merric proceeds to follow his own advice by...


Falling asleep in the middle of a battle!


GlhBh58.jpg?1 What?! But he was still alive during the War of Heroes!

BKi1eRT.png Our presence must've altered the past.

ZyMLR0k.png This day just keeps getting better and better... is there anything we can do to fix this mess?

dmIsQgT.png I may have an idea...


Reset count: 18 (Pretzel: 7 - Marth: 4 - Chronicles: 7 - Fucking Nyna (her negative influence is to blame for every other death in the Beginning chronicle): 10)

Death count: Linde




**Honorably discharged.


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Pfft. Those two chronicles were so frustrating that it's come to..... this. That was also surprisingly graphic and thorough of you. Not much to say is there?

So now the whole thing's up in the air and anyone can now die (but can Marth die?). Just.... lovely. Now it's a question of how do you resolve this mess. Calling it now, Pretzel saves the day!

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Ooh, time travel paradoxes! Those are always fun. To an extent...

Another tidbit from my past: when I was younger, I saw the cooking show Chopped in a hotel room and became afraid that the losers were going to be decapitated. Young me had a very sick mind.

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3 hours ago, Rubenio said:

It's so bad, you got distracted and made a typo!


Also, KnightofNohr, this is the kind of thing you're supossed to prevent!

Seriously now, i am really honored that you quoted me in your sig.


3 hours ago, Rubenio said:

Who in the world would be idiotic enough not to notice the riders popping up behind Bulzark every turn?

I can think of a couple people off the top of my head.


3 hours ago, Rubenio said:

Why the genderless pronoun? Because she's a tool, and a useless one at that

I was told the genderless pronoun can also be used with animals! Ha! Take that, Nyna!


3 hours ago, Rubenio said:

Nyna is so useless. Every time I see her being useless, I cannot help but grit my teeth in frustration.

Ruben, you've been grinding your teeth for the last month or so. That can't be good for you.


3 hours ago, Rubenio said:

Maybe next LP I'll take my own silly fanfics more seriously...)

Please don't. It's way more entertaining like this.


PS: Yay, convoluted time travel shenanigans! My favorites!

PPS: NO WAY IN pluscuamperfect HELL AM I READING THE ENDING OF THE CHRONICLE. I refuse to put myself through more of Nyna's iconoclastics.

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WZyMLR0k.png This is a horrible plan! It will never work!

35fUEo4.png Come now, Ruben. Have some faith in me. Tend to the child while I'm away, will you?

ZyMLR0k.png But we have no idea how to--

BKi1eRT.png Speak for yourself. I have some basic knowledge on how to mend wounds. I should be able to keep him breathing until you return, Wrys.

35fUEo4.png Excellent. In that case, I shall be off before they notice his absence. Good luck.

ZyMLR0k.png Hold on! Merric's going to freeze to death without his oversized garb!

35fUEo4.png Just cover him with my own clothes, they're quite warm!

BKi1eRT.png Cough! Cough cough... haaack... sniff!

GlhBh58.jpg?1 A-arran! Not now, of all times...

BKi1eRT.png Fret not, for it's no more than this accursed sand. It got in my nostrils somehow, ugh.

35fUEo4.png Please, did you really think we would have brought him back just for him to perish to his sickness shortly after? The Aum's wondrous power cured his disease perfectly.

GlhBh58.jpg?1 ...but he's got blood pouring out of his mouth and nose...

BKi1eRT.png Oh, so that's still there? I haven't had any time to wipe my face clean, and I'm afraid hygiene was not on top of my list of priorities after coming back to the world of the living to begin with.

35fUEo4.png Oh! The others are heading into the castle! I must hurry. Please, Ruben, help me lead these people.

ZyMLR0k.png ...sure, I'll try. You take care of Merric.

BKi1eRT.png Of c--cooough haaack! Wretched sand...! This wasn't supposed to happen again!

Part 48 - The good sorcerer.

On 12/11/2017 at 12:48 AM, Dayni said:

Pfft. Those two chronicles were so frustrating that it's come to..... this. That was also surprisingly graphic and thorough of you. Not much to say is there?

I'm sorry. But I'll admit, I'm extremely proud of how well the "decapitated Nyna" edit turned out. It's almost impossible to notice the fact that I couldn't find FE12 assets anywhere, so I had to settle for copy-pasting the backgrounds from other battle screens.

So now the whole thing's up in the air and anyone can now die (but can Marth die?). Just.... lovely. Now it's a question of how do you resolve this mess. Calling it now, Pretzel saves the day!

Your guess is as good as mine, since I'm just kind of winging this story as I go.


On 12/11/2017 at 1:06 AM, KnightOfNohr said:

Ooh, time travel paradoxes! Those are always fun. To an extent...

Let's see how I write myself out of this mess. Probably not well.

Another tidbit from my past: when I was younger, I saw the cooking show Chopped in a hotel room and became afraid that the losers were going to be decapitated. Young me had a very sick mind.

Well, a loser did get decapitated in the last update. Consider your fantasies realized, young KnightOfNohr.


On 12/11/2017 at 3:35 AM, Franp3 said:


On 10/9/2017 at 4:32 AM, Franp3 said:
On 10/9/2017 at 12:21 AM, Rubenio said:

Please laugh at this so I can pretent it was a joke.

Ha ha ha ha

Ja ja ja ja


Also, pretend*

Ahhhh, revenge is a dish best served cold! BWAHAHAHAH!

Also, KnightofNohr, this is the kind of thing you're supossed to prevent!

Seriously now, i am really honored that you quoted me in your sig.

That's two people that have quoted crap you said in this thread in their signatures. How interesting.

I can think of a couple people off the top of my head.

I mean, the map zooms in on the reinforcements when they show up. Kinda hard not to see them. Then again...

I was told the genderless pronoun can also be used with animals! Ha! Take that, Nyna!

Fuckin' Nyna, she's even more hateable than Est!

Ruben, you've been grinding your teeth for the last month or so. That can't be good for you.

Meh, after the first week I got used to it.

Please don't. It's way more entertaining like this.

Well... okay, I suppose?

PS: Yay, convoluted time travel shenanigans! My favorites!

Everybody seems to be happy with this turn of events. I wonder just how badly will I let you all down when the time comes...

PPS: NO WAY IN pluscuamperfect HELL AM I READING THE ENDING OF THE CHRONICLE. I refuse to put myself through more of Nyna's iconoclastics.

Meh. You tried. But I can understand. Neither have I nor would I have done it, either.



With the plot out of the way, let's check out our units. The keen reader will notice that they are, in fact, identical to their in-game selves. Same goes for their growths. Next LP I'll actually list the growths and all.

In the context of this chapter, though, their usefulness obviously varies. Mostly, Elrean is the best frontline fighter while Merric is good against the fliers that will soon pop up, Etzel is better than either of them but will be too busy healing to do anything else, and Linde is, simply put, dead weight.


The new and improved Merric, unlike Merric, actually fights back. Good for him.


Place your bets on whether she'll be proven wrong by the end of the chapter.


Etzel.jpg. He won't be doing much else.


Other than to get attacked by a dragon and saying things that keep me wondering: why didn't they allow Etzel to settle down at Khadein in his ending? Was it so necessary to copy-paste his ending from FE11?


Anyhow, he destroys the dragon.


Look well indeed, he's better than you by a whooping one point in every stat that matters. But that's not saying much. You're both worse than the guy overthere.

Not that anybody can amount to be better than him.


Elrean fails to kill the Myrmidons, instead chipping them down to one health and getting demolished in return. Good job.


And suddenly, Michalis out of nowhere! And Feena for no reason at all!


Michalis: ladykiller, patricide, jacketeer.




What? What does this place have to do with Maria?


Let me get this straight: you followed Michalis all the way overhere after he rescued you from some off-screen bandits, with him presumably ignoring you all the way, and now you're complaining that he's leaving you here?

Not to be a mysoginist asshole but... why are there so many idiotic women in this game!?


Goodness gracious, the grey matter... where are you when you're needed so desperately?


Tough luck, darling. He's riding a flying beast.


Okay, now he's going to come back for sure. You, on the other hand, should probably start running.


Girl, this guy killed his own father, had his sister imprisoned by Medeus for him to use her as hostage to manipulate his other sister only so as to avoid conflict with her, seized control of Macedon... haven't you seen his eyes?! Don't mock him!


Oh. Well, now, that was underwhelming.


You're so dumb, it's not even funny. But at least you were intended to be dumb. I very much doubt Nyna's crap was intentional.


And so, Michalis just ignores the ribboned bimbo and just flies on to... what, exactly? Maria doesn't even appear in this chapter!


These two also have the same stats as in the main game. Which means...


Yeah. I don't think I have to say anything. If only his presence was at least somewhat justified... but nope. He's just here for the sake of invalidating the whole chapter.


The Myrmidon under Michalis' statsheet has a levin sword. Michalis will need his javelin to destroy him.


Anyway, back with the mage corps, Linde kills the Myrmidon.


I see even here you refuse to get magic, eh? Urgh... to think she had more magic than the other mages in FE11... I really have to play that one. Maybe when I finish Tear Ring.


Aaaaanyway, chest key. These are completely useless, since Michalis only needs his javelin to kill everyone in the chapter.


Etzel is still sporting the injuries the dragon inflicted on his body. Better do something about that.


I managed to catch the worst frames possible. It seems like Elrean is ready to bitchslap Sand Clan. Meanwhile, Merric can't control his own magic as it turns on him.


Michalis just gets more and more confusing. "You are not my enemy"? Then who is? Merric and co.? Feena?


Speaking of whom, jeez that's a lot of enemies. Good thing Michalis is there.


Honestly, this chapter is so easy, it's boring. There's exactly one troublesome thing to it.


These guys. In three or four turns, they'll be right on top of the magemen, and they're very capable of killing them.


So let's just keep on moving.


This again.


Oh, my! Let me guess. "Are you well, Elrean?"


Hahahah. Almost!


They are, but okay.


Cool as a cucumber? Bwahahahahah. Okay, I've got to hand it to you, Merric. That was a good one.

Oh, hold on, right. You're not really Merric. That explains it.


Elrean can't think of anything to retaliate.


He then shoves Mewryc out of view in order to monologue to himself.


This was better than any of the conversations of the Chronicles, at least. It helps that these two have an interesting relationship, unlike Nyna and Camus.


Up north, Michalis and Feena begin to move south. I'll try to regroup before moving ahead. I could just end the chapter in three turns by sending Michalis to the throne room, since he actually joins closer to the boss than Merric's group and has a dancer to boot but that would be boring.


I hadn't noticed this guy, but all things considered, it doesn't really matter. 6 damage. That's how much throwable weapons suck in this game.


Look at that! Why?! Why did they give us Michalis for this chapter? It makes no sense gameplay-wise, and rest assured, it doesn't make sense story-wise.


Annoying assholes... at least Wrys has experience when it comes to being killed by Wyverns in the desert.


Michalis will stop these guys from scattering about.


Feena's in range of one of the enemies, sure, but he can only reach her with his handaxe, and she can take the hit easily.


And while he's there, Elrean might as well throw some thunder at this dragon.


This is Etzel healing. I simply missed the mark by a mile.


But you can heal.


There we go. Poor guy didn't stand a chance.


Was that really necessary, Michalis? You already one-shot him. Did you need to disintegrate him as well?


Also I made a slight mistake.


Ergh... hey, Wrys, please pull off the same trick you did last time this happened...


Good, thank you.


Try again we shall, fret not. We'll win this time!


That's better.


Healing. Not that Elrean needs it, hmph! These dogs are no match to him!


Michalis is so good, holy crap. Why? Why would they insert his ass into this chapter?





...well, then. Leave. Leave and never come back.


Soooo I think we can cross out the (unspecified in the OP but established before starting the Chronicles) "bonus chapters must be completed without casualities" rule. It, too, has been broken. I'm sorry, I'd just like to finish this before the end of the year.


I also find it somewhat weird that they would just make Linde retreat, considering she doesn't speak again in this chapter. You could just kill most characters in the Chronicles, too.


Anyways. Nice, an empty level-up.


Yawn honestly, they should just have thrown Camus in here and argued that he was searching for Nyna. It makes just as much sense, and Masked Camus' stats aren't nearly as ridiculous as those of the prince of Macedon.


Annoying keys... out of the way!

Good work, Elrean. You sure did show Merric up.


That's it. There's pretty much no way to lose anybody else now.


Well, that is, if we keep everybody at full health. Let's take steps to ensure our victory, shall we?


Let's save Feena from her unwanted lover too.


Yes, of course, as if Michalis needed any more stats.


Michalis left somebody alive? Who could have possibly foreseen that?!

Hey, might as well...



Elrean needs it more.


Nice, more talking.


Yeah, apparently Merric didn't say anything about having met Michalis in the battlefield just some time prior to the War of Shadows.

This chapter does not fit well into the Archanean timeline.


Michalis, too, recognizes... "Merric".


Beautiful. Elrean and Michalis should have a conversation. That would be amazing.


I don't think that's going to work, my friend... but it seems you realized that yourself, considering you just sort of stopped in mid-sentence.


You just contradicted yourself! You're like a little kid who always answers "no" before stopping to think about what he's been told!

Ruben (the boss Dragonknight)'s opinions on the Macedonian royal family just keep on becoming more and more justified.


Sigh here, have some healing. Not that you need it.


Clean up, clean up, healing...


After some more cleaning up (this poor guy has been trying to catch up to Merric's group all chapter, hahah), Michalis uses one of his many keys to get uselessness.


Etzel takes a sip from his vulnerary.


And man, is Merric weak... good thing Elrean's there to keep his hated ol' pal safe.


Nice, but this is not necessary anymore.


More of this boring crap. This is just build-up to the boss.


There we go, everyone is dead. On to the boss.


Yeah, the DLC chapters suffer from FE12's "can't be arsed to design more throwaway characters", so the boss is just a more powerful sorcerer sporting a bolganone tome.


He's also pathetic because we've got Michalis.


But let's try to make it more interesting.


Battle of the sorcerers! Heretic's tome is vastly better than Etzel's, and yet he only outdamages him by 4 points, having much less crit and hit in return. Hardin this guy is not.


Sigh damnit Michalis.


Nice, but irrelevant.


There we go, he's on the ropes now. Also, not bad Etzel.


And now, Elrean tramples Merric in order to deliver the finishing blow.


Down you go... uh... bah, this doesn't work when the guy doesn't have a face.

Seriously, was it so hard to make a generic dark mage portrait and give him four or five lines of dialogue? Urgh...


Nice... if only you'd gotten some more of these in the main game...


And that's it! Boy, it sure feels great to finally beat a chapter after so long.


That thing must emit quite the bright light, considering it's night time, yet the room's perfectly illuminated.


Gosh, Gharnef's followers are using Gharnef's magic? What a twist!

Elrean does not look very impressed at "Merric"'s deductive reasoning skills.


Uh oh...


ZyMLR0k.png Think of something, quick!


ZyMLR0k.png Wrys, what in the world are you saying?

35fUEo4.png That this is dark magic to raise a dead--

ZyMLR0k.png No, I mean, you're almost right... how did you know?

35fUEo4.png It's obvious, what else would they be trying to do?

35fUEo4.png But hush, he's done inspecting the place...


Then again, it is here, trapped inside the darksphere.


Hurrah. We didn't get to play a chapter that would've probably been way more interesting than this one.


Bwahahah. Wrys, c'mon, stay focused. Don't mock the man.


But I thought you came here at Wendell's request... you are fighting for his sake.


Elrean's british all of sudden. That explains some things.


Oh, boy, here we go. "Prinsh Math is very nice and has lotta allies and he's gud guy". At least Pretzel's nowhere to be seen.


"Merric" then spits out Merric's backstory for the sake of it.


Yeaaaah the power of friendshit!


Hahahahahah. Yeah, you actually will fight again, just... not like this time.


Well, I mean, you do have a support together, but supports in the DS games are weird so it's not that great.


Hey, he finally managed to get through his hard skull!

Then again, it's not really Merric...


35fUEo4.png Come, quickly, bring the child to me.

ZyMLR0k.png Humph! Here...

BKi1eRT.png I did what I could...

35fUEo4.png Good enough. Hold him there, let me use my staff...


GlhBh58.jpg?1 Shit! Hide, Elrean's here!


Yeah, turns out the ritual wasn't a complete failure in the end.


C'mon, Elrean, you're smarter than this.


...then again, considering you do allow yourself to be manipulated...


And now Elrean suffers a stroke and goes delirious.


ZyMLR0k.png Well, he passed out... good enough, I guess.

TY6Bqbi.png Very well, this one should get better in no time.

BKi1eRT.png I say we leave him with his friend.

ZyMLR0k.png Sounds like a plan. But what do we do now?

BKi1eRT.png Hmm... well, there's nothing we can do in this decrepit keep.

dmIsQgT.png Maybe we could find something at Khadein that we could use to go back to our time?

ZyMLR0k.png Very well. Let us go, before Merric and the others return.



By the way, notice how Michalis didn't even show up at the end of the chapter? Yeah... I like this chapter, but outside of giving Merric and Elrean more chances to lash out at each other (in their own, very different ways), it's not that great.

Reset count: 18 (Pretzel: 7 - Marth: 4 - Chronicles: 8  - Fucking Nyna (her negative influence is to blame for every other death in the Beginning chronicle): 10)

Death count: Linde




**Honorably discharged.

Edited by Rubenio
I'm an idiot who confuses vastly different names. See Dayni.
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45 minutes ago, Rubenio said:

Michalis: ladykiller, patricide, jacketeer.

Also a regicide, robber of libraries and kind of an awful brother.

Michalis is a... mixed bag.

46 minutes ago, Rubenio said:



What? What does this place have to do with Maria?

Maybe he heard about Gharnef being there and looked to see if she was there.

Doesn't explain much for Feena, or why he stayed around.

49 minutes ago, Rubenio said:

He then shoves Mewryc out of view in order to monologue to himself.

Pretty good pun name there. Just wanted to acknowledge it.

53 minutes ago, Rubenio said:


Yeah, apparently Michalis didn't say anything about having met Michalis in the battlefield just some time prior to the War of Shadows.

This chapter does not fit well into the Archanean timeline.

Do you mean Merric seeing Michalis prior to the War of Heroes? Because this sentence needs fixing.

No, the involvement of this man confuses the whole thing, doesn't it?

54 minutes ago, Rubenio said:


You just contradicted yourself! You're like a little kid who always answers "no" before stopping to think about what he's been told!

Ruben (the boss Dragonknight)'s opinions on the Macedonian royal family just keep on becoming more and more justified.

Maybe he decided some possible decoys could be no bad thing? Rely might not be the idea, but making things easier for him could be on the cards.

It's still a good point that it doesn't fit correctly.

57 minutes ago, Rubenio said:


Yeah, turns out the ritual wasn't a complete failure in the end.


Yeah, these maps not bothering to balance its units is a problem. Michalis is OP isn't he? Also, the power of friendship compels you Elrean. Friendship is everything.......

I couldn't help myself.

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Wow, you and the other Ruben are more similar than I initially thought!

I would, however, advise against putting the decapitated Nyna's head on a plate. It is liable to end poorly for you.

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On 19/11/2017 at 2:20 PM, Rubenio said:

Place your bets on whether she'll be proven wrong by the end of the chapter.

She'll lose many, many, many times.


On 19/11/2017 at 2:20 PM, Rubenio said:


Forged Elfire burn right there.


On 19/11/2017 at 2:20 PM, Rubenio said:

Elrean can't think of anything to retaliate.

C'mon Elrean, if you could trashtalk Pretzel when nobody else could, surely you can find something to say to "Merric".

Or maybe Michalis already dried out the snarky comeback pool for this map. Why couldn't you be in Nyna's chronicle?

On 19/11/2017 at 2:20 PM, Rubenio said:


On 19/11/2017 at 2:20 PM, Rubenio said:


Completely unrelated to the LP, but I just noticed the Excalibur animation looks like one of the weapons from Megaman X. Can´t remember the name right now.


On 19/11/2017 at 2:20 PM, Rubenio said:


Oh, she only died once. Good thing, otherwise you would have grinded your teeth to oblivion by this point.


On 19/11/2017 at 2:20 PM, Rubenio said:

soooo I think we can cross out the (unspecified in the OP but established before starting the Chronicles) "bonus chapters must be completed without casualities" rule. It, too, has been broken.

I doubt anyone gives a crap at this point.

On 19/11/2017 at 2:20 PM, Rubenio said:



You know what? I'm just going to assume these chapters are a byproduct of Etzel screwing around with time travel. It's better for everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

BKi1eRT.png Has anybody found anything yet?

dmIsQgT.png Nothing just yet.

ZyMLR0k.png No luck... and this place is huge! No wonder everyone always speaks so highly of Khadein... so many useless magical trinkets and artifacts! At this rate, we'll be here all day, and we don't have all day!

ZyMLR0k.png Hm, perhaps this oddly shaped box...

cyU1NmJ.png YAAAH!

GlhBh58.jpg?1 What sort of bad joke is that?! This thing almost shaved my nose off!

dRUBgTr.png Hush... I think I have found something we could use.

LghVj9q.png Excellent! What is it?

TY6Bqbi.png A warp staff. There's a whole bunch of them here.

LghVj9q.png Whoa... an efficient player's dream... let's just borrow one, shall w--

ZyMLR0k.png Hold on, are they supposed to glow like this...?

BKi1eRT.png Yow! It's a trap!

dRUBgTr.png The staves were set up to all trigger at once if unwelcomed hands tried to steal them!

ZyMLR0k.png What is going on!?






To be continued

Imgur has been acting up again. I tried to upload the images twice last week, and another two times this week, and every time, Imgur went ape-shit and jumbled all the pictures without any rhyme or reason.

The good news is, I've finally been able to get it to work, so this weekend I'll be able to push the update. I could've just waited 'til then, but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging for two weeks. So here, have this tiny interlude. I apologize.

On 19/11/2017 at 7:31 PM, Dayni said:

Also a regicide, robber of libraries and kind of an awful brother.

Michalis is a... mixed bag.

Quite the understatement.

Maybe he heard about Gharnef being there and looked to see if she was there.

Doesn't explain much for Feena, or why he stayed around.

Feena isn't that bad actually. I can wrap my head around her being saved by Michalis on his way to the old keep, and with her personality, it isn't exactly out-of-character for her to follow him around just to be annoying.

Then there's everything else that's bad about the chapter.

Pretty good pun name there. Just wanted to acknowledge it.

Thanks, man.

Do you mean Merric seeing Michalis prior to the War of Heroes? Because this sentence needs fixing.

I am such a dumbass.

No, the involvement of this man confuses the whole thing, doesn't it?

It sort of does, yeah. Especially when they didn't even bother to give him a scene at the end of the chapter. He just... sort of vanishes, along with everyone but Elrean and Merric.

Maybe he decided some possible decoys could be no bad thing? Rely might not be the idea, but making things easier for him could be on the cards.

It's still a good point that it doesn't fit correctly.

Eh, that makes sense, but the wording could've definitely been done better.


Well, there's Rucke and the other Macedonian rebels who where instead manipulated by Hardin! And Dahl who's just a forgettable, unimportant bandit leader. I doubt Gharnef bothered to waste his time with that one.

Yeah, these maps not bothering to balance its units is a problem. Michalis is OP isn't he?

You haven't seen anything yet.

Also, the power of friendship compels you Elrean. Friendship is everything.......

I couldn't help myself.



On 19/11/2017 at 11:12 PM, KnightOfNohr said:

Wow, you and the other Ruben are more similar than I initially thought!

I would, however, advise against putting the decapitated Nyna's head on a plate. It is liable to end poorly for you.



On 20/11/2017 at 7:48 PM, Franp3 said:

Forged Elfire burn right there.

Michalis is excellent at those, at least.

C'mon Elrean, if you could trashtalk Pretzel when nobody else could, surely you can find something to say to "Merric".

Or maybe Michalis already dried out the snarky comeback pool for this map. Why couldn't you be in Nyna's chronicle?

Because Nyna strictly forbade her chronicle from having anything great. The Sabre Knights managed to sneak their jackets in, but at the great cost of their stats.

Completely unrelated to the LP, but I just noticed the Excalibur animation looks like one of the weapons from Megaman X. Can´t remember the name right now.


Oh, she only died once. Good thing, otherwise you would have grinded your teeth to oblivion by this point.

By this point, I'm kind of tired of resetting and want to finish my damned bad fanfiction already. It was nice to get to the breaking point of Etzel starlighting the crap out of me, but more updates of reset after reset would've gotten really tiresome.

I doubt anyone gives a crap at this point.

That's the tl;dr version of what I said above.


Not possesed, I'd say. I believe Gharnef just sort of pushed him into the "right" direction. Otherwise, Wendell wouldn't have been able to break him as easily.

You know what? I'm just going to assume these chapters are a byproduct of Etzel screwing around with time travel. It's better for everyone.

Good idea. Dang it, Etzel, you've broken time!


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ZyMLR0k.png Urk... my face...

xTth22d.png Think positively, my friend! At least this time we were not separated!

ZyMLR0k.png It's easy for you to say it, considering you and Arran fell on that river overthere...

BKi1eRT.png I almost drowned with all the heavy armor.

LghVj9q.png Right, but does your face hurt? It does not, am I right?

BKi1eRT.pngsigh in any case, where are we?

ZyMLR0k.png Hmm...

GlhBh58.jpg?1 Ah! Quickly! Find a place to hide!

dRUBgTr.png What's wrong?

GlhBh58.jpg?1 Look there!

BKi1eRT.png What? Who's that?

TY6Bqbi.png Bad news, I'm afraid...

ZyMLR0k.png Stop arguing and follow me into that forest! We should be safe there!

BKi1eRT.png Urk... and here I thought I was the most fortunate man in the world... then again, I am supposed to be dead...



Okay, now that plot!me and co. are out of the picture, I can once more butcher the whole thing.

I know, I know, "me being pessimistic about my storytelling ability" is getting old, but eh, what can I say, I'm also pessimistic about my comedic ability.


If I'm not mistaken, these were the guys Julian and Navarre were working for before Lena and Caeda conquered their respective fools.


Much like the Dragoon chapter, this one's all about bandits, because they had this awesome concept for a playable team, but couldn't think up an enemy for them, so they just threw in bandits for the sake of having red guys to beat to a pulp.


This chick is still just as she was months ago when Matthis one-rounded her.

That's what happened, right? I don't remember, but considering Matthis just murdered everything back then...

Good times, good times. It makes me realise that we're two updates away from the end, three if I do another one to finish off the fanficky stuff. Such sad.


Anyway, on to the nonsensical plot. Eremiah wants these guys dead. She really hates them. No, I don't believe it is ever explained why.


Oh, and even before they were sent after Marth, Eine was already exhibiting signs of free thinking. Why did they send her in as a double agent, again?


I can agree with her there, though.


Hurray, maskman! Remember him? Matthis murdered him. This one I remember, I early-promoted the guy especifically so he could destroy this man with ease.


These are different Roros, by the way. The portrait sort of blinked, to signify the different Roros going in to spit out their different lines.

I want to take a moment to appreciate that Roro's legion gets lines, while Wolf and Roshea didn't even show up at all in their Chronicle. Or Tomas in his. But Tomas is a given.






That's... hilariously puerile. Just for that, you don't deserve to take the lead.


Units. Kat's still the same as always, as well as the only healer and mage in this chapter, so she's useful. It's also game over if she goes down, so better be careful about that.

Kleine, meanwhile, is, surprisingly enough, the tank of the team, beating everybody else when it comes to defense. The Roros are more or less cannon fodder. The one with the inmortal axe has a death quote, but considering you don't lose control of anybody if he dies, I doubt he's the real Roro from 10x.

Then again, it's probably canon that everyone survives this chapter. So let's just say he is the real deal.


Here's the enemy. Lotsa Barbarians, Thieves and Hunters, and a handful of Mages.


Real or not, they all have the same stats. They deal exactly enough damage to 3-hit the Brigands. If only they didn't have the accuracy of a person trying to play a first person shooter with a gamepad. What, you disagree? Bite me!


Let's not waste Real Roro's (let's just call him Legion for convenience) good axe. I mean, I could really need it next chapter!


Down he goes! One guy down.


Kleine deals just enough damage to leave the Mages alive so she can eat a volley of ice to the overall body. Doggone it, Kleine.


Screw you, Mage.


We'll hear Katarina's battle quote another turn. It's not very interesting.


That's it for the player phase. Let's hope everyone survives, I wouldn't want to have to reset move on with one less Roro.


He'll live.


This one did way better than the other one. Look at him go! He's unstoppable!


He'll live.


Alas, 'twas too much to ask that he prevailed unscathed.


The Thieves fight to reach us. One turn, and we'll have everyone on top of us. Better think something, and fast.


Suddenly ATHENA!

GlhBh58.jpg?1 Gwooh!

BKi1eRT.png Hush!


Excuse me, what exactly is a "vee vuns"? I'm serious, I don't understand.


So, Athena. She's... not that great in this chapter. She's far too brittle, and doesn't really have anything over the others. She does bring some pretty sweet items, however, and she's Athena, c'mon, it's good to have her.


This is the problem, she gets killed easily.


Lose some, win some. Of course, had we won the first one, the second one would've been won automatically, so... meeeh...


Roro onslaught!


Kleine tries as well.


Here's Kat's battle quote. Well, at least she didn't fall asleep mid-battle, that's a relief.


Very well, now that these two have weakened the enemy, it's time for the Roro onslaught to continue!


It's all right, we got one of 'em.


Oh, crap. That's one Roro down, but it matters not!


Shit, that's Legion!


Does that mean...

ZyMLR0k.png ...he's not the real one, then?

BKi1eRT.png Look there. The clones are losing control already.

xTth22d.png We must have changed the past once more.

ZyMLR0k.png But for good this time, am I right? This means the whole asassination attempt on Marth's life will never happen!

BKi1eRT.png Think, Ruben. If the asassins cease to exist, Hardin might simply risk attacking Altea himself. Altea's military is no match to Archanea's great army. Marth's downfall would be inevitable!

5FQS1sh.png Not to mention, the butterfly effect--

ZyMLR0k.png I know, I know, Marth might die falling down some stairs or something random like that. So what can we do? That guy is truly dead, unlike Merric, and we can't get close.

dRUBgTr.png ...there is but one thing we can do.

2m1F9xK.png I shall become... the new Legion.

GlhBh58.jpg?1 Have you gone nuts? You cannot do that!

2m1F9xK.png Perhaps if the clones believed me to be their leader, they would follow my orders. It's a slim chance, but... we must try.

GlhBh58.jpg?1 But you were there! You know what will eventually happen to him-- to you!

2m1F9xK.png It is our duty, for we have caused this.

BKi1eRT.png Can't I do it? I was already dead...

2m1F9xK.png For this sort of full metamorphosis, I need all of my power. I'm afraid only I may do this.

BKi1eRT.png ...farewell, then...

GlhBh58.jpg?1 Just like that!? Arran--

2m1F9xK.png They are starting to notice something is amiss... I must go quickly. Survive, Ruben. Survive and return. May luck accompany you...

GlhBh58.jpg?1 Wrys!

BKi1eRT.png Let him go. You know he is right.

ZyMLR0k.png ...I... so sorry... if only I didn't... if only I didn't kill that kid...

BKi1eRT.png ...


ZyMLR0k.png It's working. They're fighting once more...


BKi1eRT.png Be safe, Wrys. May your sacrifice be not in vain.


Let's destroy these guys and be done with this, shall we? I need to go close the windows, it's awfully watery in here...


But before that, how'd you like some talking? Very surprising, the lack of "are you well?"s.


What's a vee vun!?


You were the best swordie in the last game, if I'm not mistaken. It's no wonder you're famous.


Had they already been ordered to kill Marth's comrades at this point? 'Cause if that's so, this is yet another instance of Katarina exercising free will that Eremiah and Gharnef utterly ignore.

Also, Athena is not pleased by Katarina's understimation of her combat prowess.


She doesn't respond, but she doesn't retreat either. Which is good, I wouldn't want to lose her. And her items.


And now, healing. I'll try to keep at least one Roro alive or something.


That one's irremediably doomed, I'm afraid. It's best to accept this fact and use him as bait to lure some guys away from the main team.


Leaving aside that one Roro, I think the others will be fine. Kleine can't do anything but speak to Athena, so let's do that.


Smooth, Kleine. You're a true charmer.


What's a vee vun!?!?!?


Oh, okay, thanks, Kleine. Thanks for not bothering to explain it properly for me, the player.

The one time I want forced exposition and they won't give it to me. Just my luck!


Don't you dare. I'll send you to your death!


That's it for the guy. You did... sufficiently?


Oh, crap, that was not supposed to happen!


Avenge Roro #4!


Your prologue levels were better than this. And I'm glad, the main game was more important than this.


Awesome. Our first and only Roro level, and it's awful.


How do you fail to one-shot unpromoted Mages as a silver bow Sniper?


Last talkie of the chapter. It's your customary "are you well?" deal.


But since it's Kleine, she inmediately flips her shit. She feels like a worse version of Elrean. She even looks like gender-swapped him!


Still makes no sense.


Katarina bugged Kleine so bad, she lost the ability to speak properly. "much more people"? I do believe it's supposed to be "many more people", lil' K.


Katarina's about as good at being snarky at Kleine when she's not around as she was with Luke.


Good news, everyone! The enemy has been killed.


Bad news, everyone! The new enemy is on approach.


Let's prepare to welcome them, shall we?


For now, only this guy has reached us, and he's been crippled by the one remaining Roro.


I would've prefered to do this last turn, but I feared Kleine's low HP. Oh, well.




If only we still had multiple Roros...


Nice! He'll just barely li--


Are you kidding me, RNG?!


As I said, win some, lose some.


In fact, it's a good thing we won the one we won, because had Athena gotten hit, the Brigand would've probably gone after her, and had he hit her... things would've been messy.


That's much better.


Not bad at all, although I would've prefered some more magic.


Jeez, good thing we're almost done.




That's that.


The only ones left are the Hero... bosses? I'm not sure, because they've the same stats and nonexistent portraits. FE12!


We move north to confront them.


Oh shit! It's a trap!


Heal up, heal up!


At first glance, this seems impossible. However...


We, too, have been reinforced.


And what reinforcements, hooo boy.


You'll do more than watch, Lensflareman.


Eremiah is amazing and invincible for 24 attacks. Gharnef is marginally less amazing but is invincible forever. You thought Michalis was overpowered? This map requires you to rely on overpowered units to win.


The main villains get to work. Hardin never shows up, but that's okay. These two are already invincible, the Dark Emperor would be complete overkill.


Great scott! Eremiah got hit critically, and then missed her nosferatu blast!

Too bad everybody else but a tenth of a Thief has already been disintegrated. But hey, good effort!


By the time Eremiah and Gharnef appear, the main team's mission becomes "run away from the enemy".


Still, I was able to nuke a Hero so as to give Kleine the chance to do something meaningful, at last.


That'll net her a level. Impress me!


How many does this make? 6 or 7 in the entire LP, I think...? Urk...


The team's being beaten quite badly, but it's okay. Gharnef and Eremiah are close. The map is all but over.


Athena leaves, and it is LP canon that she quits the map entirely due to her grievous injuries. Trust me, that's the only plausible explanation for later.

Meanwhile, the others hang back for Gharnef to take care of things.


Half the enemy goes after the main team, the others can't reach anybody but Gharnef, and because of the "MUST ATTACK THINGS AT ALL TIMES" AI, they're doomed to watch as they're forced to attack the invincible Sorcerer.

Athena's on her way out.


Eremiah and her favourite puppet team up to destroy the "boss"...


...and Athena finishes him off on her way out. I'm glad your true levels from the real game were nothing like this.


And with that, the map's over.


I must say, I liked it. It's an interesting concept, to have a map where you play as the bad guys. But, generic bandits? Really? It would've been amazing if we fought Marth in a sort of "alternate timeline" scenario. Controlling Gharnef is neat, but it doesn't change the fact that the plot is no more than "bandits are bad, kill them".

I'm saying this to drive your attention away from the fact that I forgot to crop the ending dialogue and can't be arsed to do it now.


What isn't a pain to you, Kleine?


Oh, cash! Please, do grab it, there might be stores in the next chapter.


Oh my, what could've possibly happened? Maybe next chapter they'll explain.

Sorry, I know, I've used this joke thrice in this update. Maybe in three updates I'll stop using it.


Gharnef and Eremiah, unlike Michalis, have a reason to be here, so they get dialogue.


Jeez, Gharnef's spell on Eremiah is only second to Fomortiis' on Lyon when it comes to being so effective, even the victim believes their own possesed bullshit.


Yeah, bombshell of a revelation! ...except it's not much of a revelation. It's never established who Kleine's parents are, just that they were killed by the Soothsires. On Gharnef's orders, apparently, because there really is no villain in the entire Archanea Duology who doesn't act on Gharnef's behalf.

Or maybe I misinterpreted this scene and she's actually Hyman's daughter. Now that would be amazing.


This scene becomes a whole lot darker when you know that Eremiah, too, has been screwed over by Gharnef.


More dialogue.


"You went for one full sentence without telling me how much I annoy you!"


Yeah, bombshell of a revelation! ...except it's not much of a revelation. It's never established who Kleine's parents are, just that they were kil--

Wait a minute, haven't I said this already?


This scene suffers because of IntSys' "nobody can have more than one portrait" policy. They already broke that rule enough by putting some dirt on her, Minerva and Michalis' faces after they were severely wounded. The result, I guess she's crying, but, well, I can't tell for sure.


She's starting to break out of the brainwashing! You can do it Kleine! You can--


Oh.. right...


Anyhow, more friggin' dialogue.


Oh, god, no... what's that face, Katarina!? Don't tell me you...


...oh, no, no no no don't you--


Yeah, that's where she got her fake name. A random kid, randomly held prisoner by random bandits that Eine and co. randomly slaughtered.


I don't know, I think they could've cut this scene out.


Considering she's never, ever mentioned again in any way, I guess she either lived on a happy life and wasn't involved in the war of Heroes, or tripped, hit her head and died on her way out of the Soothsire hideout. Whichever you like the most.


Oh, and Kleine's back to douchebag mode. Good things never last.



BKi1eRT.png ...there. They are leaving.

ZyMLR0k.png There's Wrys... what is he doing?

BKi1eRT.pngHe's coming here.

2m1F9xK.png My friends, I haven't much time. I told them I dropped my axe here when the enemy struck me. Where is the body?

ZyMLR0k.png There... Wrys, listen--

2m1F9xK.png Ruben, I found something interesting in the hideout. It's a warp staff. You might be able to use it to go back. Wait for us to leave, and then go find it.

BKi1eRT.png But neither of us are mages. How are we going to do it?

2m1F9xK.png Ruben is a mage. Or at least he used magic to... well...

ZyMLR0k.png Yes, of course, of course. I'll see what I can do.

2m1F9xK.png Good. And, please... don't worry about me. Knowing fate, if two people are tied together, they will meet again, sooner or later. Please, take care...

ZyMLR0k.png We will. Thank you for everything, Wrys.

BKi1eRT.png ...




BKi1eRT.png They're gone. Let us go.

ZyMLR0k.png Very well...

GlhBh58.jpg?1How am I going to explain to him that I have no idea how to use a staff?!

BKi1eRT.png Ruben?

ZyMLR0k.png Sorry, I'm coming.

Reset count: 18 (Pretzel: 7 - Marth: 4 - Chronicles: 8  - Fucking Nyna (her negative influence is to blame for every other death in the Beginning chronicle): 10)

Death count: Linde




**Honorably discharged.

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1 hour ago, Rubenio said:

Good times, good times. It makes me realise that we're two updates away from the end, three if I do another one to finish off the fanficky stuff. Such sad

Remember when Ruben's greatest fear was having to LTC Matthis' chapter? Good times indeed.


2 hours ago, Rubenio said:

Excuse me, what exactly is a "vee vuns"? I'm serious, I don't understand.

Undertanding her is already a pain 90% of the time, and I still have no idea what "Vun Voman" means. Maybe she's refering to some children the bandits have captured?


After reading: I was right! Sort of, because Athena just kind of vanishes at the end of the map.


2 hours ago, Rubenio said:

ZyMLR0k.png ...I... so sorry... if only I didn't... if only I didn't kill that kid...

Oh no! He's starting to learn his lesson! Quick, somebody praise Pretzel!


2 hours ago, Rubenio said:

You were the best swordie in the last game, if I'm not mistaken. It's no wonder you're famous.

You are, in fact, mistaken.


2 hours ago, Rubenio said:

It's best to accept this fact and use him as bait to lure some guys away from the main team.

Another dumb theory: What if the phantoms you can summon in FE8 are actually the ghosts of all the Roros that died during FE12?


2 hours ago, Rubenio said:

On Gharnef's orders, apparently, because there really is no villain in the entire Archanea Duology who doesn't act on Gharnef's behalf.

So, Etzel is responsible for yet more innocent deaths. How horrible!

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2 hours ago, Rubenio said:

That's what happened, right? I don't remember, but considering Matthis just murdered everything back then...

Rubenio's NMotE: Where Matthis destroys the world.

At least, I think that was what happened.......

2 hours ago, Rubenio said:


Excuse me, what exactly is a "vee vuns"? I'm serious, I don't understand.

I assume "Wee ones", which is referring to little kids.

It's an archaic phrase, doesn't come up much any more.

If that was just a joke and you did get it, apologies.

2 hours ago, Rubenio said:

2m1F9xK.png I shall become... the new Legion.

Now things get wild. This of course means things won't end well. For anyone. Of course, that means Wrys died twice.


2 hours ago, Rubenio said:

Eremiah is amazing and invincible for 24 attacks. Gharnef is marginally less amazing but is invincible forever. You thought Michalis was overpowered? This map requires you to rely on overpowered units to win.

YOU WERE NOT KIDDING. I DIDN'T THINK THIS WOULD BE THE CASE. WHAT IS BALANCE, RIGHT? What was the person who thought adding Imhullu to a map was the right idea on?

So, the timeline's strung out like a piece of melted cheese, Ruben's about to screw up leaving and we still don't know how this is supposed to resolve everything. 

Who wants to bet on Pretzel being the hero we needed?

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Actually, "much more" is considered acceptable when the object it refers to is a continuous variable. (e.g. much more apple juice). The usage of it in this chapter is still incorrect, however.

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BKi1eRT.png What do you mean, you can't use staves?! But I thought you used a warp staff to escape Archanea! Twice!

ZyMLR0k.png That was just dumb luck! All I did was wave the staff around, pretending to write my home address on the air!

BKi1eRT.png Well, maybe that is how you use a staff... you made it back home both times, did you not?

ZyMLR0k.png Actually, the first time I don't even know where I landed. It wasn't my room, that's for sure. It just so happened to be yet another videogame nerd's room. There was some weirdo behind the couch, but other than that, I could at least play some games before Rody dragged my ass back.

LghVj9q.png I guess the second time was just pure dumb luck.

BKi1eRT.png Great. That's... great news.

ZyMLR0k.png While I figure out how to use this thing... there is one thing I would like to know.

BKi1eRT.png Yes?

ZyMLR0k.png Before you... left... you were telling the chump and I how you ended up working for Marth... could you finish the story?

BKi1eRT.png ...

BKi1eRT.png It happened a long time ago, when I was a knight for my old kingdom. There was a rebellion and my liege ordered me to suppress it. But what I met was no army... They were poor peasants, unable to survive the harsh winter due to the poor harvest.

BKi1eRT.png They didn't intend to fight. But, in order to survive... they had no choice but to make themselves heard. My liege understood that and ordered me to slay them to set an example. And I... followed that order.

ZyMLR0k.png !!

ZyMLR0k.png That's...

BKi1eRT.png I used to think absolute loyalty to one's liege was a knight's most important duty. But, I was mistaken. So, I left my liege and spent a long time wandering...

ZyMLR0k.png You didn't have much of a choice, did you? So why blame yourself?

BKi1eRT.pngI... can't forgive myself. "I was just following orders... It wasn't my fault..." I could tell myself that endlessly, but deep inside I'd never be convinced. And it would not erase my sins. I can't forgive myself more than anyone.

ZyMLR0k.png ...

BKi1eRT.pngA liege I could swear loyalty to from the bottom of my heart... I searched far and wide for such a liege and finally I found him. Prince Marth is my liege. As long as I fight for him, I can be a true knight.

ZyMLR0k.png I see...

BKi1eRT.png A knight isn't a puppet that blindly follows orders. That is not loyalty. To fight for a cause I believe in, under a liege I believe in. That is what it means to be a knight.

ZyMLR0k.png ...that was beautiful...

GlhBh58.jpg?1 O-oh! It's reacting!

BKi1eRT.png I can see that! Are you sure it's going to get us back?

GlhBh58.jpg?1 I-I have no idea! I forgot to wave it around! It just started to glow for no reason!

BKi1eRT.png What!? Be c--


Part 50 - Time-space mayhem

A couple of things. Yes, I did forget to give the last update a title. Screw me, unnnh...

Also, that dialogue with Arran was copy-pasted directly from his base conversation. I figured, since I'm utterly desecrating his character, I might as well use this as a second chance to show off his amazing supports. Go and read the real thing on serenes, I had to remove a couple lines for continuity's sake.

Archanea's cast may not be as well fleshed out as those of the other games in the series, but in my humble opinion, Arran is one of the best, if not the best, "loyal knight" kind of characters in Fire Emblem, and definitely one of the highlights of FE12's base conversations. He's so great, even him dying before the end of the game concludes his story in a satisfactory way.

And they just couldn't let this end well, right? They just had to fuck it up. Because it's fair that ctr+z works two times just fine, enough for me to forget about the chance of it erasing half the update (why that's a thing is beyond me) but then BOOM, right at the end, half an hour worth of work is gone and THAT, of course, cannot be undone. Can somebody bring a glass to me so I can break it?

On 3/12/2017 at 8:36 PM, Franp3 said:

Remember when Ruben's greatest fear was having to LTC Matthis' chapter? Good times indeed.

Bwahahahah, to think he'd end up being my uncontested MVP for almost the entire game... I still cannot believe it to this day!

Undertanding her is already a pain 90% of the time, and I still have no idea what "Vun Voman" means. Maybe she's refering to some children the bandits have captured?

Vun Voman, Vun Voman... now that you say it, I have no idea either! I never stopped to really think about it.

After reading: I was right! Sort of, because Athena just kind of vanishes at the end of the map.

Yeah, it's best for everybody to assume she got out of dodge early.

Oh no! He's starting to learn his lesson! Quick, somebody praise Pretzel!


You are, in fact, mistaken.

Ogma cannot be considered a "swordie", his sword is bigger than him for crying out loud!

Another dumb theory: What if the phantoms you can summon in FE8 are actually the ghosts of all the Roros that died during FE12?

Eh... Knoll's...

No, what the hell, Knoll cannot be Etzel, it makes even less sense than Yodel being Yodel from FE6!

So, Etzel is responsible for yet more innocent deaths. How horrible!

...Etzel...? How in the world is Etzel to blame for any of this?


On 3/12/2017 at 9:04 PM, Dayni said:

Rubenio's NMotE: Where Matthis destroys the world.

At least, I think that was what happened.......

More or less, yes. History is written by the victors, after all.

I assume "Wee ones", which is referring to little kids.

It's an archaic phrase, doesn't come up much any more.

Huh. Well, would you look at that, it actually makes sense. Now try to explain Kleine's typo.

If that was just a joke and you did get it, apologies.

Not much sense in clarifying that I wasn't joking if I was joking, is there?

Now things get wild. This of course means things won't end well. For anyone. Of course, that means Wrys died twice.


Twice? I don't remember him ever dying before. Or dying now, for that matter. Wrys has not bitten the dust yet! I believe in him, and so should you!

YOU WERE NOT KIDDING. I DIDN'T THINK THIS WOULD BE THE CASE. WHAT IS BALANCE, RIGHT? What was the person who thought adding Imhullu to a map was the right idea on?

To be honest, the map would be impossible without the two overpowered juggernauts.

Then again, that opens up a bigger question: Why would you make the second half of a map basically a glorified cutscene where two overpowered juggernauts destroy everything and you only move them closer to the enemy without any sort of strategy?

So, the timeline's strung out like a piece of melted cheese, Ruben's about to screw up leaving and we still don't know how this is supposed to resolve everything. 

Who wants to bet on Pretzel being the hero we needed?

Well, this time, I think I've figured out how to end the whole thing, so... yeah. Place your bets. And let's see who's wronger right.


On 8/12/2017 at 3:32 AM, KnightOfNohr said:

Actually, "much more" is considered acceptable when the object it refers to is a continuous variable. (e.g. much more apple juice). The usage of it in this chapter is still incorrect, however.

Good, thank you, CHNOTT (Certified Huge Nerd Of The Thread)



Isn't this the longest "pre-bonus chapter library plot"? I think it is.

GlhBh58.jpg?1 Arran! Where are you?

BKi1eRT.png Glub glub...

GlhBh58.jpg?1 A-Arran! Hold on... I'm coming for you!


BKi1eRT.png Ahh... I almost drowned there... unnh... why do I always land on water? Even back in the desert, I just had to end up in the one oasis as far as the eye could see...

BKi1eRT.png Wait, where is Ruben?

GlhBh58.jpg?1 Arrglurb... heeeelglubglub...

BKi1eRT.png Unbelievable...


This is more or less true, except Ogma isn't a level 20 Hero in this. In fact, this DLC chapter differs from the others in that we won't be getting an overpowered prepromote.


Omigosh, who is it?


...when did Matthis reclass to Myrmidon?


Oh, it's the edgelord.


Ogma destroys Navarre without even swinging his sword.


In retaliation, Navarre comes out of the closet.


Pffft! Navy, you ain't helping your case.


Okay, that's enough homophobism.


Is this really how people talked back in the Middle Ages of Anime?


If you look real hard, you'll notice a couple pixels around Navarre's mouth have changed slightly. That's meant to look like a smiling Navarre.


Oh, peanuts! Navarre has spoken a cliche! How can Ogma possibly recover from that?


Why of course, by mocking Navarre's favoured manner of speech!


Oh no, Navarre's worst enemy: women!


We'll see about that.


Navarre is, surprisingly enough, slightly better than Ogma... except for that crippling -5 HP. They both die to 3 hits from the other, so it's really up to who attacks first.


The axe bros are hilariously bad. They get 2-shot by Barbarians and Berserkers and 3-shot by pretty much everything else. Surprisingly enough, Bord is better than Cord this time around. Since it's only one chapter, Bord's higher axe rank is infinitely better than Cord's growths.


Lastly, unexpected characters! These two are just hangin' around. Maris is, funnily enough, the tankiest unit in the chapter, while Dice is way better than either Bord or Cord.


As always, there are battle quotes, but... I forgot to crop the map out of them, and when I tried to do it in imgur...

a04TlqW.png?1 I'm Bord, Captain Ogma's subordinate. Hope you're prepared!



See, this is why Cord is worse than Bord. One more point of strength. That's all you needed.


Bah, we'll worry about that when we've no other choice. For now, let's ensure Navarre survives.


Bord gets attacked because he's the more useful bro.


Cord, too.


We retaliate on cue, and somehow, nobody misses. Good work, you two.


Then Ogma gets stabbed in the Guh...!t.

Nah not really, he's just feeling queasy. You should probably not have eaten so much before going to battle, my man.


Wow, wow, wow, back off, edgy! Aren't you the oh-so-honorable edgeman who shan't ever turn his sword against a woman?






Suddenly, damisels in distress!... except...


Yeah, this time around, Caeda has come to save the hero.


And Norne is here for pretty much no reason at all. Remember her? She's the Archer I tried to use, but she died in the same chapter I first started to use her.

You also mentioned her when talking of characters more forgettable than Tomas, Franp. It was hilarious.


Norne is about as bad as she always was, but she can do some decent damage with her steel bow. Caeda is okay, but the amount of enemies she can use the wing spear on is reduced to just about... that Knight over there, and some Knight reinforcements that will show up later, unless I'm forgetting someone.


Aaaaand there we go, more nonsensical character motivations. What is this task you speak of? Why are you here? Why were you following Caeda around? What the heck!?


Having fought valiantly, the axe bros are rewarded with healing.


Yeah, out of her way, Ogma won't be able to tank hits forever!


...only for a really...


...really long time.


Boy, I sure will miss screwing up the timing and taking screenshots of ugly, empty boxes.


While I was distracted taking awful screencaps, the axe bros moved north a little to bait Navarre's initial entourage.


Ogma seems to have grown tired of having his face cut, and decided to get back at the edgeman.


GlhBh58.jpg?1 Oh, no, not again...

BKi1eRT.png He's collapsed. He's dead.

GlhBh58.jpg?1 W-what now?

BKi1eRT.png ...Sir Ogma and Lady Caeda are talking... if I'm quick... I might be able to slip past them and...

ZyMLR0k.png And what? Hate to break it to you, Arran, but you can't sacrifice yourself like Wrys. You look nothing like Navarre.

BKi1eRT.png ...not yet.


GlhBh58.jpg?1 Arran! What the hell? Why did you shove your head into the mud--


J4rw67y.png I-it was necessary! I-I needed to cover my clothes in blood s-so they looked like Navarre's!

GlhBh58.jpg?1 ...yuck...

J4rw67y.png What, you think I liked to do that?! I at least hope my disguise is convincing enough...

GlhBh58.jpg?1 Quite, yes... I-I'd say they'll buy it.

J4rw67y.png Then, I shall take my leave swiftly. Goodbye, Ruben. May we meet again.

GlhBh58.jpg?1 ...

GlhBh58.jpg?1 ...

GlhBh58.jpg?1 ...baaaarf...


GlhBh58.jpg?1 Oh, boy, here we go... Arran! Be edgy!


That's not going to work.


That's not going to work either. C'mon, Navarre, by now you should be familiar with Caeda's methods.


I have to wonder who in the world would consider a sociopathic murderer their "comrade".


She pulled the same exact trick on him she did last time.


ZyMLR0k.png Don't fight it, Arran... go with them for now...


Look at her, she's so smug, she knows what she's doing.


ZyMLR0k.png ...phew... that was tense.


And now, the newly allied swordfighters run back to Navarre's starting island in order to assist the axe bros.


The latter run away to heal.


One of them, that is. The better one is busy.


All you need, my friend. All you need.


Next time, Ogma gets ready to defend the bridge, while the others do things of varying importance.


And th--GAAAH!


GlhBh58.jpg?1 O-oh God, what do I do now?!?


A-anyway, let's just pretend that didn't happen, all right?


Best to worry about the plethora of problems at hand.


Like this dastard over here!


Jeez, he destroys everybody! It doesn't help that all the guys who wouldn't be doubled are wounded.


Whoa, defense! If only you could use something other than the iron axe...


Caeda, Navarre and Ogma can survive one hit if they're fully healed.


There goes the vulnerary. I do hope no more Berserkers show up...




She's not relevant anyways, is she?!


Caeda fights fiercely to avenge her companion. Her levels, too, fight fiercely against adequancy. And they're winning!


Oh, for crying out loud!

She wasn't relevant either! Right?!


oKIMJ2G.png What in the world are you doing, Ruben...


Allies! I need allies!    

 heahhf4lKk2K.png              hahjtbY5maY.pngnbvxnb               bxcBcyXsB0.pngpepjlt

                       ppheññhaec0dBF1C.pngbb ngftr          rec9ilfL0.png21tgear eMfTiYF.png


No! What are you doing?! When did I tell you to atack your dad!?!


No! No! Why!? Why did you do that?!


oKIMJ2G.png Something is amiss... get out of there, Ruben!


Irrelevant! Irrelevant! The universe remains undangered! I'm... sure of it!


Ogma! No! NO WAY!!


GlhBh58.jpg?1 G̢͢wá̀h̶?!́̕͡

AkLPWx7.png G̴̴̵̘̹̬̫͉̠̹͉͇̭̣̟͍̰̮͍͈̒ͥͯ̒̀ͅY̨̯̜̩͖̺̰͇͓͇̮̮̳̖̥͑ͣͮ̌̈ͧͯ̈̄ͨͣ͘ͅA̶͎̠̲̙͈̪̝̜͓̺̖͍̦̪̣ͯ̆ͪ̇̓̿̔̆̒̋ͭ̐̀͡͞ͅĄ̴͚̙̘̥͎͎̼̟̩̥͈̙̺̤̘̪̣̲̃ͨͦͥͪͤͨͯͣ̉̇͊̓̓̚͝͠Ả̶̷̡̻̯͇͉̱̠̙̼̼̪̗̼͈̫̬ͮ͂̌̀ͥ̄̊̈ͬͮ̈́ͥÄ̡̹͖͉͎̹͍̯̱̙́̆̍̉͌̇ͪ͐ͮͥ̋ͫ̄̄͑̒̚͠Aͭ́̐̿̾ͩ҉̨̲̯̰͇͕͓̻̥̝̙͜͝Ḁ̷̧̠̳͛ͫ̈́̄͐̾͊̐̓̂̑̏͟A̷̧͖͍̦͕̥̫̞̗̞̯͔̝̘ͩ̈͒ͣ̈́̒ͣͣ͌̋̃ͥ̀̌͘A̛ͧ̓̉̽͋͢͏̗̥̳̭͖̤͓̪̳̖̱̖̮̬͙̟Ą̸̨̨͖̘͚̹̤͓͖͔͕̝̮̣̲ͥ̉͛ͤ̾͑ͧͧ͝Ȁ̶̧̼̝̪̻͇̼̹̰̗͉̇́̓̊ͯ̏̉̉͆̆̒ͫͩ͑͘͢A̿̒ͫͪͤͬ̊̄ͣ͒ͯ̉̎͛̑̅̚͜͝͏̛̭̱̻̜̠̟̠̣̣̹̘̭́ͅƯ̵̡͍͖̳͔̆͊̌̓͘͢U̷̖̖̖̣̹̳̺̫̬̥̘̞̜͙͕ͭ͋ͩ̿͊͞Ų̧͕̰̩͉̣̘̩͕̗̭̼̤͔͚͈̔͂ͣ͆ͦ̋ͩ̂̑̈ͧ̂̆̏̊ͪͤ̈͢͝U̪̜͕͖̯ͯͤ͒̊͆̔ͤͫͩ̊̀̚Uͦͯ͗̽ͪ̆̓̍̂ͯͤ̌́̚͜͠͏͔̥̣̤̹͇̠̻̞̩̤͇̞͕̙͙̙̻͜Ũͥ͒ͨ͋͌̆͛͐͊̈͆ͤ̅̑̎͒ͩ͢҉̷̢̛͚͖̪̟͔͎͎̳ͅÛ͉̖̞͓͔̮̜̼̼̹̰̭͇͈͈͍ͤ̑̃̊ͣ̾͑̚͘͟U̷̡̺͍̤̠͇͖͎͙͙͍͍̻͍͖̒ͫ͒͒̍͆̚͘R̰̻̘͖̜̜̦̱ͬͭ̽͋̈ͭ̀͋̔̓́̕͝͡͡G̶̶͖̬̤̗̜̞̘͗ͣ̈́͆̒ͪ̔ͪ̋̈́̒̾̾ͥ͊͞͡H͊̔̇̅̇̊͏͏̗̝͙̳̠̫̫ͅH̡ͮ̽̃̓̎͠͏̡̠̪̘̣͞!̢͒͒̒ͥ̏̉́̓̇̐̈ͧ̌́͊͢͢҉̞̠̮͉̤͚̭͈̣ͅ!̷̢̨͚̦̭͇̳̠͕̗ͤ̓̓̾͋̋ͧͥ͟͞!̅͂̄̾̃̄̊҉̯̥̖̦͍͍̤̹͝




GlhBh58.jpg?1 W-what is going on?!


This sure is a good time to go back to the usual commentary, is it not?


But I want to show you guys the chapter's end. It's great, even if it starts with the customary "are you well?" that was missing from the chapter.


I mean, he's a very strong unit. It's only normal he'd look intimidating on the battlefield.


I sense backstory. Can you guys?


But first, some Navarrisms.


Get ready for an emotional speech. Ogma's been thinking this one up all day long.



Shut your trap, wench! You just don't interrupt a man in the middle of an emotional speech!


Not really. You didn't have a choice, and when you were given one, you quit that life without thinking twice. Navarre's just insane.


"Something far more important"? Oh, Caeda, you wouldn't have dared... then again, Roger...


Just say "best friend".


Except you won't even have the time to marry, because you didn't kill Gharnef hard enough.


GlhBh58.jpg?1 A-a-ahhh! No-not aga--

7ejL4V1.png ⍢ͮ̽ͣ̒ ̘̝̹̻ͩ̇͟⍣͇͈̣̦͑ͩ̉ͅ ̵̮̞̯̰̺̘̠ͯͣ̈⍤͗̒ͮ̈͊̐̃ ̞̟̹ͬ̈ͥ͋̊͒̍⍥̛̱̝̭͒̅̿͗ͫ̊ ̧̹̋̅̿ͬ⍨̘̣̮̫͖͐ ̻ͤ̑͌̋⍩̢̦̳̞̻̮͋̾̅̄͐̏ͭ ̜̫͎̊́̌ͤͦ̔⍦̱͈͖̳͒̆ͭ͟ ̝̭̫͜⍧͉͉͉̏͂ͭ͑̓̈́̓ ̈́͆̿ͩ͌͒́⍬̭̹̖̺̈ͯ͒ͤ̚͝ ͉͇̐ͯͅ⍿̨̠̹̤̼̲͚̃ͅ ̥̦͉̬̗̯̒̂ͭ̒̃͛̃⍪̴̣͍̳̘̇̅́ ͎̗̪͓̲ͫ̃̍̀̔ͪ́͢⍮̜͉̈́͛̿̀ ͉͍͖̜̣͚͛̾̎ͤͨ͢⍫̬̥̪͍̩͊ͅ ̟̮̜̝̎͌̎͠⍱̩̹ͥ̅͗̉ͩ ̡͕̥͊̅̚̚⍲͖̞̥̹͔̰̠͆̓̌̔̆ͤͫ́ ̗̗̮͌ͨ͋̌́ͧ⍭͓͔̪̲̭͇̙̀͒̒̊̚͡ ̪̌̇̋̈ͩ͟⍳̄͌̏ͪ̽̽̎͏̯̪̼̝͈̩̼ ̬̳̣̕⍴̜̮̭̻̟̺̖ ̧̦̠̙͉̪͍͒̅̊⍵̴̹̱̼͆ͤͫ̀̑̃ ̩̣̟̗̞̮͑͟⍶ͥͫ̿̈̚ ̿̑̈͑ͥ̽̅⍷̫̕ ̷̲̞̣̯͎̽̃ͫ̓̾ͫ̅⍸̘̞͍͇͗̈́͟ ⍹̥͙̽̎̉ ̯͈̭̬͖̏̏ͧ̌́̑̚⍺̧͚̗͔̝̞̪̖͐ ͦ̓̍̏͛ͯ̎⍼̎́͏̱͖̦̜̝ ̉̏ͪ̾̄̆͡⍽̵̞͇̺̳̮̘ͫ͋ͯ̿ͮͅ ͓͎͈̺ͧͩͪ̀ͅ⍾̲͚̯͍̠̺̟ ̭̥̜̣͚̲͈̌ͧͨ͌̒⎀̠̹͔͍̹̮̘̈́ͬ̇ ̢̙̪͚͕͕̲̳̑̈́ͥ⎁̯̬̦̯̟̤ͤ̀ ̠͎͙ͨ͐⎂̠̲̼̹̜̺̹ ̖̈̃̃̾̍̽⎃̦͚͖̑͂̈́̈͜ ̴̙̘̯̫̈́̈́̓̓⎄̱̤̬̮ ̖̤̜͎̪͔ͤ⎅͉̝̩͚̟̜̾ ̭̹̳̊̑̆́⎆͙͉̟̘ͦͫ̈͒̎̊̈ ̟͉̰̺̤̭̓̓͑ͤͬ⎉̰̽̈ ̧̥̟͙̤̫⎊͇̜̻̺ ͉̑̋̂̔̄͆̀⎋̻̓̒̈͋ ̝̯̯͍̬͡⎍̭͚͚̹̦̜̠̔̑͆͑͠ ̘͍̘̲͍̖͈ͭͫ͊͒͑̒⎎̡̗͈͚̗̼̮̒̍ ̞̲̙̹̬̃̔̿⎏̺͆̂̄ ̜̜̋̀⎐̙̓̒ ̾̔̔̎̆͠⎑̬̈́ ̷̗̮͙ͫ̓ͨ͌ͯ⎒̩̞̜͌͗̑̿͂̌́́ ̖̱̯̇͑̀̉̍ͅ⎓̘̐̆̑ ͔̮̙̮͑̕ͅ⎔̢̜̰͙ ̹̲͉ͧͯ̅⎕̷͈̯̩̼̲̂ͥ̈̐ͤ ̸̗̑ͪ͌̓⏣̢̱̘͍



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2 hours ago, Rubenio said:



Aaaaand there we go, more nonsensical character motivations. What is this task you speak of? Why are you here? Why were you following Caeda around? What the heck!?

I'd guess that Marth started circling the guards, went "Alright, I'll entrust the task of guarding my fiancee to......" and then chose the person he was pointing at when he stopped.

It's not like he hadn't other options to pick from who'd have worked out better.

2 hours ago, Rubenio said:

J4rw67y.png I-it was necessary! I-I needed to cover my clothes in blood s-so they looked like Navarre's!

This is not something I expected to see today.

And I know it's not the pain meds, I'm not taking anything that strong.

2 hours ago, Rubenio said:


Navarre's face is great. It's almost like he realised he'd been dancing in.... oh wait.

That's a great edit if it is though.

2 hours ago, Rubenio said:


GlhBh58.jpg?1 W-what is going on?!

Okay, now I might have been wrong about earlier.

Am I actually high after all?

2 hours ago, Rubenio said:

̢͘ ͞ ̡̛ ̷ ̸̨ ͏ ͜ ̨ ͢ ̀ ̛̕͘ ͜ ҉̢͝ ̴ ̡ ̶ ̨͏ ̛͞ ͟͝ ҉̨̛ ̶̛͝

OHO Ominous!

So this is a mad update and I just don't see how this will end as of yet.

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2 hours ago, Rubenio said:

Ogma cannot be considered a "swordie", his sword is bigger than him for crying out loud!


2 hours ago, Rubenio said:

...Etzel...? How in the world is Etzel to blame for any of this?

He's the one messing around with time travel, remember?


2 hours ago, Rubenio said:

...when did Matthis reclass to Myrmidon?


I thought it was the appropiate time to share this. (From my FE11 playthrough)

2 hours ago, Rubenio said:


Ogma is unimpressed at Navarre's weak attempt at a comeback.


2 hours ago, Rubenio said:

Is this really how people talked back in the Middle Ages of Anime?

I'm by no means an expert in this time period, but it's safe to assume they talked in japanese.


2 hours ago, Rubenio said:


I have to say, Arran does a great Navarre impersonation.


2 hours ago, Rubenio said:

She's not relevant anyways, is she?!

Who are you talking about?


2 hours ago, Rubenio said:


Even after the fabric of timespace has broken into pieces, Navarre finds ways to be edgy.

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Finally caught up on this beautiful trainwreck! I don't think I've ever seen someone turn an LP so catastrophically played into a conceivable plot about the effects of such terrible decision making by someone with the power of tactician! Ruben, I salute you, and I would never emulate your strategies in a million years :P

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GlhBh58.jpg?1 A door? What is a door doing in this hellhole?

GlhBh58.jpg?1 Well, it isn't as if I have anything to lose...


GlhBh58.jpg?1 C'mon... almost... there... rrgh!


GlhBh58.jpg?1 Got--- GAAAH?!







Part 5̬̲̺̼ͬ͒͂ͧͮ́1̐ͯ͑́ - The grand finale.










































































You know the drill, battle music yada yada... God, I love this theme.














And so, our tale draws to a close...















And that was it! The LP is, at last, really over. It feels almost nostalgic.

I'd like to thank everybody who's been with me during this trainwreck. In particular, KnightofNohr, Franp (I just noticed you quoted me in your signature. When did you do that? In any case, I am honored), Dayni and everyone else who's posted on the thread. You guys made this a great experience for me.

Feel free to tell me anything you feel could be improved in a potential future LP. I wouldn't want the next thing to suck as much ass as this one.

I can't think of much else to say now, so...

I fare you all well until the next time we meet. And I sure do hope that I don't kill half the cast or the universe then.

Edited by Rubenio
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Well, this ended pretty well. Except for Matthis.

Ruben will never catch that break after all. Who knows where he stops running? I don't.

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