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Spoilers for all sorts of things to go here, ranging from games, books, TV programs, anything. Keep to my format (Spoiler tags with what the spoiler is about above): GO!

Metal Gear Solid:

Big Boss (Naked Snake in MGS3) is still alive at the end of MGS4, but dies at the end.

Harry Potter:

Dobby, Fred Weasley, Severus Snape, and Voldemort are all killed during The Deathly Hallows

Sonic the Hedgehog:

Sonic is killed for the first time ever in "Sonic the Hedgehog", but is later revived by the Chaos Emeralds, and a kiss from Elise.

Fire Emblem:

Zelgius is the Black Knight and is killed by Ike close to the end of Radiant Dawn.

Ace Combat:

AC5: Captain Alvin H. Davenport, callsign Chopper, was killed during a surprise attack on the stadium the Razgriz (then known as Wardog) squadron were doing a fly-by for. Chopper was hit by a missile and heavily damaged. He waited for the stadium to clear of civilians, then planned to eject from the plane while aiming it into the centre of the stadium. He left it too long, and so his ejection systems failed. He could do nothing but pilot his damaged plane into the centre of the stadium.

ACZero: PJ, Ciphers newest wingman after Pixy defected, is killed during the final mission of the game by Pixy himself.

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Tales of Symphonia:

Kratos is Lloyd's father and Genis and Raine are the hated race of half elfs(human and elf parents)

Tales of Symphonia 2:

Lloyd just has an imposter. Hes not actually evil nor does he have anything to do with the destruction of Emil's town.

The world Ends with you:

Neku is actually killed by Joshua, his partner durring week 2. Joshua is also the main composer of the games, hence why he let himself get killed at the end of week 2. Rhyme is actually Beat's little sister.

Melty Blood

Nanaya Shiki is actually the true "Tohno Shiki" Tohno Shiki has just supressed the killing urges that Nanaya has, thus, Tohno doesn't have as great combat skill as Nanaya(story, not game wise) Warakia is actually Sion's great uncle.


Laharl's father actually died sealing away baal, the strongest demon alive, he exhausted his life doing such a feat, and he died as a result. The comic relief character who you fight multiple times, Mid boss, is actually laharl's father watching over him.

Disgaea 2:

Adel is actually a demon, despite how he always rambles on about being the last human in their world. Rozalin is actually overlord Zenon, who was just sealed inside of her by her "father" who is assumed to be zenon

Edited by Genis
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[gulcassa]WHy is there a topic about random spoilers and why is it in general and not FFtF?[gulcassa]

because its not worthless spam. Its about actual games/TVshows/books in general. GENERAL

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Castlevania order of Ecclesia:

Albus is really a good guy and Barlowe is really the bad guy who just wants you to sacrifice yourself to bring back dracula

Makai Kingdom:

Ophelia is the real "The One". Micky and Dryzen don't know it either

Edited by Boo
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WHy is there a topic about random spoilers and why is it in general and not FFtF?

Such a topic is worthy of the General boards. I did first consider FFtF for this, but it doesn't quite deserve to get lost in half the FFtF crap.

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Best plot twist ever


HAHAHA! You win the post to end all spoilers!


It's not butter!

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Dr. Eggman is actually Robotnik.


Castlevania: Lament of Innocence:

Mathias Cronqvist will later on steal Walter's soul, become a vampire and change his name to Vlad Tepes Dracula

Lol, that's all I've got for now.

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Fire Emblem 4

Sigurd dies. Julia and Julius are Celice's half brother and sister.

Metal Gear Solid 4

Ocelot was pretending to be under the control of Liquid.

Dead or Alive 4

Helena and Kororo are half sisters

Sailor Moon S

Hotaru is Mistress 9


Sylar is the brother of Peter and Nathan

Edited by Steve_Wilkos
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Sacred Stones:

Eirika is a dude.

oh man... So this whole time? oh boy...


Nicole Kidman is a ghost and Rosebud is the sled

Edited by CGV
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oh man... So this whole time? oh boy...


Nicole Kidman is a ghost and Rosebud is the sled



Mai's considered to be a "great" duelist but we never saw her win a duel at duelist kingdom... Which means there's only 1 logical explanation for how she got those star chips >_>


Felgus is Beowulf's bastard child.

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