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I'm feeling very amorous today.


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Indeed. I feel like finding a woman that I can hold onto the entire night and watch as the sun sets into the sea. For one night the two of us can hold eachother in embrace and ignore the world and the troubles around us.

Ah, be still my beating heart.

*Ruins the mood by going back to play GTA4.*

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Indeed. I feel like finding a woman that I can hold onto the entire night and watch as the sun sets into the sea. For one night the two of us can hold eachother in embrace and ignore the world and the troubles around us.

Ah, be still my beating heart.

*Ruins the mood by going back to play GTA4.*

Ur late. I already hit on bianchi earlier, spoke with princess and fox and cynthia. XD

If anyone takes this seriously i'll find where you live and slap you in the face

Edited by Genis
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Yeah, well, I have one, so fuck you.

Lol...Mmm. You're...what..19?! Go out and do it for fuck's sake.

Hopefully Lyle isnt willing to jump in bed with the first willing person with a vagina and breasts. I aint doing it like that either, gotta be together for at least a year and both agree to it.

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who would ever neglect you?????



*Hugs anyway.*

Hopefully Lyle isnt willing to jump in bed with the first willing person with a vagina and breasts. I aint doing it like that either, gotta be together for at least a year and both agree to it.

Yeah...I'm not like that. For me, it's when the woman says it's okay. And even then, I'm not sure if I myself would be ready to jump into bed with someone. Besides, that's not what I'm after here. I'm just looking for someone to hold.

I like how you ran the mood there


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Yeah...I'm not like that. For me, it's when the woman says it's okay. And even then, I'm not sure if I myself would be ready to jump into bed with someone. Besides, that's not what I'm after here. I'm just looking for someone to hold.

Shouldn't you look outside for some1 to hold?

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You really need to get to a university and live there in the halls. I can walk just two floors up to the girl's corridors and hug a random girl from there. But I won't.

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You really need to get to a university and live there in the halls. I can walk just two floors up to the girl's corridors and hug a random girl from there. But I won't.

yeah YOU can cuz ur not ugly

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*Hugs Lyle*

It's all right. Not everyone can be as good-looking as me *flicks hair*

Lol I joke. I'm not good-looking myself, IMO.

I remember at least 3 of the girls here complementing your looks when you posted your picture *weeps*

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