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I'm feeling very amorous today.


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*Hugs Lyle*

It's all right. Not everyone can be as good-looking as me *flicks hair*

Lol I joke. I'm not good-looking myself, IMO.

You are pretty good looking, no homo. Though I'm not bad either. That Smashbro kids looked pretty good too. Wist is also a beast without his glasses.

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I'm just wondering what this topic is about...

I'm just in a very loving mood right now. You know, wine, flowers, a warm fire, candles. All that romantic crap.

Try the other gender then.


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Indeed. I feel like finding a woman that I can hold onto the entire night and watch as the sun sets into the sea. For one night the two of us can hold eachother in embrace and ignore the world and the troubles around us.

Ah, be still my beating heart.

*Ruins the mood by going back to play GTA4.*

Sounds more like a one night stand than a romantic get away to be perfectly honest, no offense. Poor choice of words.

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Sounds more like a one night stand than a romantic get away to be perfectly honest, no offense. Poor choice of words.

I suppose. But only if you're over-critical of it. That certainly isn't my intention. I'm not even looking for sex, really.

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You are pretty good looking, no homo. Though I'm not bad either. That Smashbro kids looked pretty good too. Wist is also a beast without his glasses.

Aye, that much is true. Wist without his glasses even made me think "Whoa, WTF Wist. Intelligence and looks."

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Treat life as one big game.

Enjoy it, but at the same time, don't give up on it. You sometimes screw up, you sometimes win. Just a matter of trying again if you fail. Or carrying on with something else.

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