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Waaah ;_;


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Whyyyy do I keep getting sick?! What is this?! Are the Evil Doings (Zihark, my MP3 player, my algebra and biology homework) plotting things behind my back again?!

Aaaargh! What, so since I revealed what I do for fanfic inspiration Zihark somehow found out and is forming some kind of evil alliance behind my back? What must I do to rid of these bothersome cretins for good?! I am tiring of their insolence! I am tired of getting siiiick... !

My dad saved my life today. When I felt like horrible shit this morning from throat and coldy thingy he offered me lemon tea with honey in it. It worked like an elixir in getting me feeling school-ready in no time. I thanked him with much fervent passion and I love him.

Ho hum... I hope it isn't my complex emotions/stress lately. I might wanna calm down. Siiigh. That and I've been getting as little sleep as I ever have and it's ruining me everywhere.

GOOD NEWS THOUGH <3 THE NEIGHBOR WHO GAVE ME NIGHTMARES WAS KICKED OUT OF THE HOUSE /AND/ MY MOM FOUND OUT WHY HE KEPT CALLING ME WIERD (he apparently thinks all kids besides his are wierd, which I can believe, but it still made me sad and I refrained from even taking a step near their territory whenever he was home) SO YAYAYAYAYAY, THE ASSRABBIT IS FINALLY GONE. I HOPE.


Also, chapter four is almost done. I love the beginning scene so much I want to smother it to death. Until it dies. Oh my pixie sticks, yes, I feel greeeeeeat. Besides the coldy thing. Waaah.

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Soo.... Umm.. When does the contest start? :3? And it's that time of the year when people get sick.

I usually get sick in the summer and hardly ever during fall or winter.

That and I've been getting as little sleep as I ever have and it's ruining me everywhere.

Get some sleep when you can then.

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Zihark: Does anyone have suggestions as to what we should do to her next?

Algebra Homework: We should bury her alive. That'll do it.

MP3 Player: What is it with you and killing people? Every week you want to kill her.

We should just think of more ways to annoy her.

Algebra Homework: To death?

Zihark: ...

Biology Homework: It's obvious!

Zihark: What's obvious?

Biology Homework: We make her sick! That way we annoy her without killing her.

Algebra Homework: :(

Zihark: That's a good idea actually. Alright, we'll make her sick!

MP3 Player: Hey, is anyone hungry?

Biology Homework: Yeah, I kinda am.

Zihark: I ordered pizza like an hour ago.


Zihark: That's the pizza.

How much do we owe you?

Metal Rabbit: You mean this isn't Serenes Forest?

Zihark: No.

This is our lair of evil.

Metal Rabbit: Dammit!

Sorry to bother you.

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Soo.... Umm.. When does the contest start? :3? And it's that time of the year when people get sick.

I got sick, like, once or twice last winter/fall --;;;-- Maybe it's my funky sleep schedule or something

Contest should start, like, soon sometime, maybe when I post chapter 4 (which should be later tonight or tomorrow), but if I get a few more entries (I have maybe 3 right now) then it'd be greeeat. Try to get other people to enter plz

Oh, and Metal Arc, I love you for that post

Algebra homework always wants to kill me~

Edited by Porom
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