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Who are you Supporting?


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Hm, not sure if I should support by strongest characters or one who could use a boost. Bridelia, so I can be a proper waifu-fag

Armor Emblem is going to love this since they're generally close together. I'm picturing Zephiel and Effie running through a field while holding hands as "So happy together~" plays in the background.

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Right now I'm supporting with Felicia, as for the pairs I'm doing Eirika and Felicia and F.Robin and Summer Robin.

Here's the animation for S ranking a pair if anyone wants to see it.




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I'd end up supporting no one. I can't commit in video games unless I completely have to- its partly why I stopped playing Harvest Moon (Robin and Corrin I have no problem pairing off though- because they aren't me).

As for who I'd support with each other- well I think I'd be no-fun and keep it utilitarian. But the bonuses look small enough that it wouldn't really amount to much of a boost at all for anyone, so opting for fantasies is hardly worse than optimizing things.

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Who doubted I was going to do this?




I think I'm going to make Xander and Camus to become good pals... Maybe Leo with Linde or Lyn because Hinoka hasn't showed up!!

I'm not sure actually. And about Summoner support, maybe Oboro to make her even stronger!!!

Did these supports bonus works in Arena too? Fihting and defending. Someone knows?

Btw, this is funny. Bonds between characters can work with any copy of the characters, but bonding with summoner is only for one character and doesn't work with other copies of say character... It's funny

Edited by SniperGYS
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 All my partner supports are based on my arena assault teams at the moment there's a lot of them so I don't care to list them but suffice it to say they're 100% synergy based and nothing else same with my Summoner support.

As for my Summoner Support I chose my number one MVP in the arena Cecilia, may switch it to Julia someday but for now it's Cecilia. Brave Lyn is great and all but doesn't enjoy the stat boosts as much and I won't be using her in the normal arena after this season (she just doesn't fit on my team main arena team  while letting me keep my score range) plus it will help with my - atk IV on Cecilia (yeah I upgraded her before I started looking at iv's thank goodness she happened to be plus speed at the very least she's worked out very well for me though so -atk really isn't a big deal for her).

Edited by Locke087
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Okay for I supported with Ike, who is supporting with Hector for arena teams because Ike like Repositioning Hector.

For my second, I went with Hector so he can smash things in the mini-TT. He's supporting with Olivia, who he will be Pivoting around with.

Also supported Brave Ike with Summer Tiki to take advantage of double SP.

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5 minutes ago, SniperGYS said:

Who doubted I was going to do this?


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I think I'm going to make Xander and Camus to become good pals... Maybe Leo with Linde or Lyn because Hinoka hasn't showed up!!

I'm not sure actually. And about Summoner support, maybe Oboro to make her even stronger!!!

Btw, did these supports bonus works in Arena too? Fihting and defending. Someone knows?


Yeah it works in Arena, I think it works for the defenders as well, but I didn't see any visual indication that the enemy is getting support bonus so it's had to tell.

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2 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

Edit: Someday I'll probably change it to Caeda.

Ok, I lied. After much internal debate I'm just going to roll with Caeda; practicality can go off and cry in the corner somewhere (though tbh she could really use that stat bump...).

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Oh...it doesn't seem like the stat bonuses affect other players' games. At any rate, a friend and I both have summoner support with our lead units and the stat bonuses are not visible when tapping into their character screens.

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Choosing who to Summoner Support is going to be... difficult. I appreciate the ability to change it later on, even at the cost of resetting it, in case a more desirable character is summoned.

1 hour ago, Falcom said:

For me, Lucina and Minerva.

Both of them end up in the same team no matter what. So screw it.

Though if anyone has Lucina and Masked Marth/Bunny Lucina, etc. Please pair them up. I'm interested to see how that goes. XD

Not sure who I'll have everyone else support with, but I will gladly do this for my Masked Marth and Brave Lucina, and if I get a regular Lucina, I will save her for a possible Bunny Lucina rerun. Thank you for this perfect idea.

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I'll let you guys take a guess who i decided to support with XP

im intrigued how characters will be able to do in arena now when they can have a sudden boost.

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