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Japanese man petitions to marry comic-book character

Dr. Tarrasque

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However, that seems impossible with present-day technology.
Haha, I'd love to see the original quotes from this person. Thank you for making me smile.
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nver again will i feel bad about calling a anime girl hot. At least i dont wanna FUCKING MARRY THEM. Thats just......how can he show his face in public?

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I'm not disturbed or anything, but I do feel a little sorry. They won't be able to ask permission to marry from the actual characters, so I guess they'd have to ask the creators, but I doubt they'd allow it anyway.

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I hope this doesn't lead to having an imaginary Anime baby or something :blink:

That would be really disturbing...

Person A: So, I hear at the office that you have a newborn huh?

Person B: Yes, she's the cutest thing there is, wanna see her? She's asleep in her room.

Person A: Uh sure... *Goes into room with person B*... Why's the room empty?

Person B: *chuckle* you and you silly jokes, she's right over here. Isn't she cute?

Person A: Uh... she sure is, but listen I gotta go, I think I need to have my eyes checked. *Runs*

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Person A: So, I hear at the office that you have a newborn huh?

Person B: Yes, she's the cutest thing there is, wanna see her? She's asleep in her room.

Person A: Uh sure... *Goes into room with person B*... Why's the room empty?

Person B: *chuckle* you and you silly jokes, she's right over here. Isn't she cute?

Person A: Uh... she sure is, but listen I gotta go, I think I need to have my eyes checked. *Runs*

I laugh if that did happen :lol:

That article I find really bizarre. Why are some people a bit crazy over comic books?

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I'm not disturbed or anything, but I do feel a little sorry. They won't be able to ask permission to marry from the actual characters, so I guess they'd have to ask the creators, but I doubt they'd allow it anyway.

Think about how many requests Intelligent Systems would get. XD

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