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Which of the potential Druids do you prefer?  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the potential Druids do you prefer?

    • Rei
    • Sofiya
    • Niime

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Rei is pretty much the only option in this poll... Sophia is crap and lolNiime. I'm sure Niime has her uses somehow but Sophia... :(

I don't really like any of them but still.

Edited by Glenn
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Does this topic need to exist? *facepalm* -_-

I can't think of a strategy as to how I would ever use Sophia and Niime when playing even Normal Mode. Everyone knows Ray is the best. Or he would have been if he gain HM bonus.

Edit: And you spelled Rei wrong it's Ray. <_<

Edited by 安室 奈美恵
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Edit: And you spelled Rei wrong it's Ray. <_<

Both are wrong. It's actually レイ. With no English localization, spell it however you want to...

All of them suck, but Rey sucks the least, and by a fairly large margin.

Edited by Reikken
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Does this topic need to exist? *facepalm* -_-

I can't think of a strategy as to how I would ever use Sophia and Niime when playing even Normal Mode. Everyone knows Ray is the best. Or he would have been if he gain HM bonus.

Edit: And you spelled Rei wrong it's Ray. <_<

I think both are probably valid enough. Ray would be the conventional English spelling, but the direct transliteration from Japanese is Rei.

I ended up bringing Sophia with me to the end game (in normal mode) because I was frustrated with Ray's lack of magic in that particular playthrough. Ray should have been the better candidate, but Sophia worked out okay once she went up a number of levels. Her good magic and resistance were good enough to be helpful. Maybe it's just because I ended up catering my play to help make up for her shortcomings, haha.

But, yeah.... I don't think I'd use her in hard mode (unless I was going for some sort of weird challenge run) or any time that Ray is leveling up favorably.

Edited by Wist
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What frustrates me is that she requires huge amount of babying in order to catch up to your teams who should be overleveled by then. It's so annoying to train her, especially on that desert map where you get her with fog of war, Wyverns wandering on the fields, and later Brigand reinforcements. She could easily get OHKOed...

Edited by 安室 奈美恵
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I agree, the first few chapters with Sophia, especially the desert one, are really tough because she's difficult to protect but at the same time needs to be leveled up if she's to be used at all.

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What sucks is that she starts out terrible, actually manages to be hard to level up since not only does she get one-rounded by everything, but also her hit sucks, and even once you do get her leveled up, she's still pretty crappy.

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I prefer Niime out of all of those. No need to baby her, just use those staves and rock on. Sure, her HP/Def are ass, but Ray can't hold the frontline either and required shielding for so much longer. Niime can just Physic from 10 miles away. Her other stats are somewhat decent, and she makes a handy extra unit in split-group chapters with Berserk/Sleep/Silence staves about.

Hit stuff 50 times with her and she might even be able to :gaps: Apocalypse.

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Ray by far. Sophia's stats are awful. Putting that aside, she's still an incredibly annoying character. A moderately cute face isn't nearly enough to redeem her.

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Whoops, I forgot about Niime. I never really used her for much outside of a little staff use here and there. It would be nice if she actually had some HP and defense.

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I picked Sofiya simply because I don't mind doing extra work, in fact, I enjoy a challenge to be honest, plus she'll always be a stronger candidate than Niime for Dark Magic use at just a few levels into Druid training, really it's personal taste -I tend to pick just one of Lugh/Ray or Lilina/Sofiya to train, so never both mages nor shamans and always one boy and one of the girls-

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