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Which of the potential Druids do you prefer?  

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  1. 1. Which of the potential Druids do you prefer?

    • Rei
    • Sofiya
    • Niime

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Will someone please closed this already? This topic was like brought back 2 times...

As long as a discussion is still going, there's no need to close it. Besides, if you that's all you have to say, you really have no need to post.

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So far I've used Niime more often than Ray (because of her A in staves and that nice magic rating for great staff range) but I definitely prefer Ray.

Uh huh. She would also be great in using the Saint Staff.

I think Ray is the best of the three. Niime is useful as a staff user since she has A rank in staffs. Sophia is difficult to raise so I don't use her.

You really cannot raise her without boss abuse and a good amount of Skill Books. But their better to be given to some better units such as Gonzales and Lilina.

I prefer Sophia, Rei lacks of magic is a bit disappointing.

The only thing good about her is that she is cute, grows Res and Mag. But she will never get any good at battling by herself without supporting her with Fa, and that she only caps in Mag by 29 upon which Lilina caps at 30.

She's just like Lilina; and nobody has a problem with using Lilina as far as I can see.

Oh my god. She is nothing like Lilina..at all. She carries heavier tomes, has much lower Speed and Skill than Lilina.



Though I will admit that she grows more Hp,Skill and Def than Lilina will, but her Heavy tomes make up for it, and that she won't be able to one round anything but with Flux, and even with that, she will need a Body Ring. Until she promotes, she will have 2 Speed taken from her with the use of even Flux and only starting out with 3 Con.

She also will have 18.4 Speed upon average upon which Lilina will have 20.2 upon average.


She isn't like Lilina completely, but with those heavy tomes and low Speed and Con doesn't make her durability better than Lilina's. Also joins too late to be hardly any useful, can't really raise her without boss abuse with her poor Skill and that she only averages 19.1 in it. The only thing good that she has going for her is her looks.

The averages stated are their LV20/20 averages. Of course it'll be even lower than that, as Sophia won't ever get that high anyway with her late joining time. But with Lilina, she gets enough time to reach that level, Sophia...well doesn't.

sofiya has very crap con, flux alone whipes out 5 speed points; plus, everyone w/ stat boosts would be better, for the same reason Ray + power ring should pwn Sofiya also in magic; oh well Niime personality-wise would pwn everyone

Um it wipes only two speed from her. But with her low Speed; she won't double anything. ;_;

Go with Niime. She already starts out great, and will get even better with an Angelic Robe. =]


Niime. She already starts with good base stats, and that if you don't feel like training Lilina, you can use her to heal your units and that she is great to heal your units with a Physic Staff, and that she is great at using status inflicting staves. She probably is the second best healer in the game.

Sophia is terrible, and that Ray has terrible base stats, and that sadly, he does not get any HM bonuses even though that he starts out as an enemy unit.

Edited by Laylea
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You really cannot raise her without boss abuse and a good amount of Skill Books. But their better to be given to some better units such as Gonzales and Lilina.

I usually get Sophia to level 20 unpromoted by chapter 17. Not that hard. Sophia's a better unit than Lilina anyway.

The only thing good about her is that she is cute, grows Res and Mag. But she will never get any good at battling by herself without supporting her with Fa, and that she only caps in Mag by 29 upon which Lilina caps at 30.

Dark magic has more MT than anima. Also, 55 mag growth, while still lower than Lilina's, is still very awesome and gives Sophia a lot of firepower.

Oh my god. She is nothing like Lilina..at all. She carries heavier tomes, has much lower Speed and Skill than Lilina.



What? Averages? Screw the averages, Sophia is definitely better. She also finds herself a Guiding Ring.

Though I will admit that she grows more Hp,Skill and Def than Lilina will, but her Heavy tomes make up for it, and that she won't be able to one round anything but with Flux, and even with that, she will need a Body Ring. Until she promotes, she will have 2 Speed taken from her with the use of even Flux and only starting out with 3 Con.

You say first that Sophia gets lower skl, then you say that she gets higher? Sophia's slighly lower avoid is compensated by her higher concrete durability, which is more reliable anyway. There's nothing wrong with feeding Sophia that Body Ring so that she doesn't lose AS, plus she has access to Nosferatu for self-healing whereas Lilina can't risk it.

She isn't like Lilina completely, but with those heavy tomes and low Speed and Con doesn't make her durability better than Lilina's. Also joins too late to be hardly any useful, can't really raise her without boss abuse with her poor Skill and that she only averages 19.1 in it. The only thing good that she has going for her is her looks.

Level 1 in chapter 14 is neither too late nor too underleveled. I don't know what you're talking about.

The averages stated are their LV20/20 averages. Of course it'll be even lower than that, as Sophia won't ever get that high anyway with her late joining time. But with Lilina, she gets enough time to reach that level, Sophia...well doesn't.

Um it wipes only two speed from her. But with her low Speed; she won't double anything. ;_;

I've gotten Sophia to 20/20 in every playthrough, but Lilina only makes it to 20/12 or so.

Niime and Ray suck.

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I usually get Sophia to level 20 unpromoted by chapter 17. Not that hard. Sophia's a better unit than Lilina anyway.

Well, she will get one shotted by any foe upon her joining time, so will Lilina, but I'm sure that your teasing me. There is no way that Sophia is any good, she joins too late to be of any use.

Dark magic has more MT than anima. Also, 55 mag growth, while still lower than Lilina's, is still very awesome and gives Sophia a lot of firepower.

But Lilina grows more of it alot faster.

What? Averages? Screw the averages, Sophia is definitely better. She also finds herself a Guiding Ring.

I'm not going to even comment on this.

You say first that Sophia gets lower skl, then you say that she gets higher? Sophia's slighly lower avoid is compensated by her higher concrete durability, which is more reliable anyway. There's nothing wrong with feeding Sophia that Body Ring so that she doesn't lose AS, plus she has access to Nosferatu for self-healing whereas Lilina can't risk it.

Lilina is easier to raise. Sophia is battling enemies that are way above her calibur, and that you cannot possibly use her at all without boss abuse, or that you would have to promote her at LV10, because getting her to 20 would take too long, because you get less time to develop her Rod level than with Lilina, and that she starts at E level in staves when she classchanges.

Level 1 in chapter 14 is neither too late nor too underleveled. I don't know what you're talking about.

Many of the enemies are Wyvern Knights, and that even mages with Thunder can one round her, and that her Luck starts out terrible, and that she probably will get critted by them. But with Lilina, she starts off to fighting much weaker enemies, and her High Mag growth makes her easier to raise than with any other Mag user.

I've gotten Sophia to 20/20 in every playthrough, but Lilina only makes it to 20/12 or so.

Tell me that this is a joke.

Niime and Ray suck.

Niime is the only one worth using. Good Staff level, good enough base stats for both of the difficulty settings, and that Ray is terrible upon starting at LV12 getting less time to grow than with Sophia. Sophia sucks major ass. Period.

Edited by Laylea
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Well, she will get one shotted by any foe upon her joining time, so will Lilina, but I'm sure that your teasing me. There is no way that Sophia is any good, she joins too late to be of any use.

Lilina has very similar joining conditions, so it either applies to both or it applies to neither; pick one. I think Sophia's joining situation isn't that bad. She can damage anything on the desert map except for magic users, which means she can get kills and get a shitload of EXP from them, and her movement is unhindered, so it's not like Cecilia who can't do anything on that map.

But Lilina grows more of it alot faster.

Sophia has 1 higher mag base and Flux has 2 more MT than Thunder. They're both packing the same punch for a long while, if you ask me.

Lilina is easier to raise. Sophia is battling enemies that are way above her calibur, and that you cannot possibly use her at all without boss abuse, or that you would have to promote her at LV10, because getting her to 20 would take too long, because you get less time to develop her Rod level than with Lilina, and that she starts at E level in staves when she classchanges.

I disproved this; Sophia gains like 70 EXP per unpromoted kill and a full level per promoted kill, and she can damage damn near everything on the map. I get her 8 levels on chapter 14, easy. There's no need to promote her early. Mage -> sage also only gives E staves, so Lilina's at an equal disadvantage here.

Many of the enemies are Wyvern Knights, and that even mages with Thunder can one round her, and that her Luck starts out terrible, and that she probably will get critted by them. But with Lilina, she starts off to fighting much weaker enemies, and her High Mag growth makes her easier to raise than with any other Mag user.

So? Keep Sophia away from the mages and have her snipe at the WKs. Duh. Isn't that what you do with Lilina? Sophia has damn good mag growth and access to more powerful tomes, so she's easy to raise for a magic user too.

Tell me that this is a joke.

I assure you, it is not. I love Sophia and this is always the case.

Niime is the only one worth using. Good Staff level, good enough base stats for both of the difficulty settings, and that Ray is terrible upon starting at LV12 getting less time to grow than with Sophia. Sophia sucks major ass. Period.

Niime --/18 Flux, no supports: 25 HP, 29 MT, 15 AS, 5 def, 18 res, 45 avo

Sophia 20/10 Flux, B Fa C Roy: 33.8 HP, 34.8 MT, 14.4 AS, 9.2 def, 25.0 res, 47 avo

Hmm hmm who's better now? This isn't even a level 20 comparison, in which case Sophia wins by even more.

Sophia > Niime >>> Ray

Edited by dondon151
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Niime --/18 Flux, no supports: 25 HP, 29 MT, 15 AS, 5 def, 18 res, 45 avo

Sophia 20/10 Flux, B Fa C Roy: 33.8 HP, 34.8 MT, 14.4 AS, 9.2 def, 25.0 res, 47 avo

Hmm hmm who's better now? This isn't even a level 20 comparison, in which case Sophia wins by even more.

Sophia > Niime >>> Ray

Niime has 21 magic when she joins, and has an A rank in staves. Thanks for conviently forgetting this. And why do Roy and Fa want Sophia's support? Why is Fa being deployed enough for her to get a B support with Sophia? IMO, there are better supports that could be built up than these.

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Niime has 21 magic when she joins, and has an A rank in staves. Thanks for conviently forgetting this. And why do Roy and Fa want Sophia's support? Why is Fa being deployed enough for her to get a B support with Sophia? IMO, there are better supports that could be built up than these.

Usually Sophia has higher mag and B staves for me, which means she only loses out on Fortify and Warp. And you're right Sophia should have B Fa B Igrene for a sweet support triangle. My bad.

ps read between the lines

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Niime doesn't use up one of those guiding rings, which is definitly a plus, seeing as guiding rings are a very in-demand item.

You're completely missing his point.

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Lakche what?

She comes at the beginning of her generation. Nothing like Sophia.

Altenna maybe? Even she comes somewhat early.

You're thinking in the wrong square.

I'm referring to people who will argue absolutely anything for a certain character to make them look like the fourth coming of Harry Houdini. Even if it's stupid, assumes ridiculous favoritism for said character, and makes no sense whatsoever.

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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I'm referring to people who will argue absolutely anything for a certain character to make them look like the fourth coming of Harry Houdini. Even if it's stupid, assumes ridiculous favoritism for said character, and makes no sense whatsoever.

Sorry, but Meg? Doesn't seem right.

She's too ugly to be liked..

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