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Reasons behind my madness.

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i wanted to explain myself a little...

my love of my life left me....again...because of something I said.

and this has left me more depressed than usual. Hence my "im sorry, everyone" topic.

so...yeah. ive been really on edge lately.

im sorry for everyone i wrongly got pissed at (looks at Extreme Void)

im really sorry...and I hope you can forgive me...

but you dont have to if you dont feel that I deserve it.

Edited by Gatrie Is Over 9000
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Do you seriously want to know what your problem is?

You revolve your life around all this lovey-dovey stuff. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but making it your main thing in life is overdoing it. You're depressed, emo, and have as gone as far to killing yourself. Are you proud of it? No, I didn't think so. THEN GO OUT THERE AND FRICKEN' DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Build a bridge, and get over it.

Have you ever thought about it? You complain to us all the time, about your problems. Some of us might feel awkward about it, some might just show their sympathy. Maybe some people cared at first, and thought 'Fuck it, I don't give a damn anymore.' We're on the internet, we can't always be there to hold your hand. From my side, when I see you make a topic relating to your depression, it just screams to me 'OMFG ATTENTION WHORE.'

Quit being focused on finding that one perfect girl. Do something more productive, like, studies. Finish high school, go to a good college. Complete that, then continue on with your life. Heck, make friends or find more interests. SOMETHING. A girl isn't worth it if all you're gonna do is mope around and be depressed.

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Do you seriously want to know what your problem is?

You revolve your life around all this lovey-dovey stuff. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but making it your main thing in life is overdoing it. You're depressed, emo, and have as gone as far to killing yourself. Are you proud of it? No, I didn't think so. THEN GO OUT THERE AND FRICKEN' DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Build a bridge, and get over it.

Have you ever thought about it? You complain to us all the time, about your problems. Some of us might feel awkward about it, some might just show their sympathy. Maybe some people cared at first, and thought 'Fuck it, I don't give a damn anymore.' We're on the internet, we can't always be there to hold your hand. From my side, when I see you make a topic relating to your depression, it just screams to me 'OMFG ATTENTION WHORE.'

Quit being focused on finding that one perfect girl. Do something more productive, like, studies. Finish high school, go to a good college. Complete that, then continue on with your life. Heck, make friends or find more interests. SOMETHING. A girl isn't worth it if all you're gonna do is mope around and be depressed.

im sorry...

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Do you seriously want to know what your problem is?

You revolve your life around all this lovey-dovey stuff. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but making it your main thing in life is overdoing it. You're depressed, emo, and have as gone as far to killing yourself. Are you proud of it? No, I didn't think so. THEN GO OUT THERE AND FRICKEN' DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Build a bridge, and get over it.

Have you ever thought about it? You complain to us all the time, about your problems. Some of us might feel awkward about it, some might just show their sympathy. Maybe some people cared at first, and thought 'Fuck it, I don't give a damn anymore.' We're on the internet, we can't always be there to hold your hand. From my side, when I see you make a topic relating to your depression, it just screams to me 'OMFG ATTENTION WHORE.'

Quit being focused on finding that one perfect girl. Do something more productive, like, studies. Finish high school, go to a good college. Complete that, then continue on with your life. Heck, make friends or find more interests. SOMETHING. A girl isn't worth it if all you're gonna do is mope around and be depressed.


lol half of that is what i said XD Tnx angel

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yknow angel...your 98% correct.

i am emo. i admit it. I shoud be more productive. i should not fawn over a girl...i shouldnt tell any of you anything about my depression.

but didnt you once think that I tell you all these things because i trust you all? I cant tell anyone in my real life for fear of it spreading. i dont have that worry here. I dont mean to depress you all in the process...hell if im such a damn burden then i wish someone would tell me...because all ive been hearing is, "oh Gatrie i dont mind". if you DO mind...TELL ME and ill stop.

doesnt a water hose keep running unless someone else turns it off?

but the rest you said was correct about me...and im sorry.

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yknow angel...your 98% correct.

i am emo. i admit it. I shoud be more productive. i should not fawn over a girl...i shouldnt tell any of you anything about my depression.

but didnt you once think that I tell you all these things because i trust you all? I cant tell anyone in my real life for fear of it spreading. i dont have that worry here. I dont mean to depress you all in the process...hell if im such a damn burden then i wish someone would tell me...because all ive been hearing is, "oh Gatrie i dont mind". if you DO mind...TELL ME and ill stop.

doesnt a water hose keep running unless someone else turns it off?

but the rest you said was correct about me...and im sorry.

Vitamins are good for you. Too little and you die. Too much and you die.

You get what I'm saying? ^^

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Ehe, Angel was kind of harsh, but he's right. Before focusing your energy outward, first put all your energy into becoming who you want to be. Just keep striving for perfection, ya know? And maybe along the way, you'll find someone who fits you best. So, keep trying! Do all that you can to get where you want! Well, don't ask us for every little thing, trust yourself more! But, well, if there actually IS something difficult, we're here for ya! *waves*

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yknow angel...your 98% correct.

i am emo. i admit it. I shoud be more productive. i should not fawn over a girl...i shouldnt tell any of you anything about my depression.

but didnt you once think that I tell you all these things because i trust you all? I cant tell anyone in my real life for fear of it spreading. i dont have that worry here. I dont mean to depress you all in the process...hell if im such a damn burden then i wish someone would tell me...because all ive been hearing is, "oh Gatrie i dont mind". if you DO mind...TELL ME and ill stop.

doesnt a water hose keep running unless someone else turns it off?

but the rest you said was correct about me...and im sorry.

well instead of being the water hose that depends on others to control it why dont you be the person and control your own life?

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yknow angel...your 98% correct.

i am emo. i admit it. I shoud be more productive. i should not fawn over a girl...i shouldnt tell any of you anything about my depression.

but didnt you once think that I tell you all these things because i trust you all? I cant tell anyone in my real life for fear of it spreading. i dont have that worry here. I dont mean to depress you all in the process...hell if im such a damn burden then i wish someone would tell me...because all ive been hearing is, "oh Gatrie i dont mind". if you DO mind...TELL ME and ill stop.

doesnt a water hose keep running unless someone else turns it off?

but the rest you said was correct about me...and im sorry.

Ok, yeah, we can appreciate that you trust us all. But that takes us back to the point "We're on the internet, we can't always be there to hold your hand." You have to learn to overcome your fears. You can't depend on us all the time to help you, those around you in RL are much more helpful than we are.

And you should tell someone in real life. Find a person that you can trust and tell everything about your life to. I'm not saying that you have to find a therapist, but a good friend. We say that we don't mind, maybe some of us just don't want to hurt your feelings any further.

Doesn't a water hose keep running unless someone else turns it off? Well what if it's ruined and old, and it won't stop and just keep running? It won't turn off on it's own, that's for sure. Once it's turned off it'll be happy, to stop all those water of tears coming out. But it can't turn off through the mind of someone, but by hand of someone real. It has to be fixed and working again.

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Ok, yeah, we can appreciate that you trust us all. But that takes us back to the point "We're on the internet, we can't always be there to hold your hand." You have to learn to overcome your fears. You can't depend on us all the time to help you, those around you in RL are much more helpful than we are.

And you should tell someone in real life. Find a person that you can trust and tell everything about your life to. I'm not saying that you have to find a therapist, but a good friend. We say that we don't mind, maybe some of us just don't want to hurt your feelings any further.

Doesn't a water hose keep running unless someone else turns it off? Well what if it's ruined and old, and it won't stop and just keep running? It won't turn off on it's own, that's for sure. Once it's turned off it'll be happy, to stop all those water of tears coming out. But it can't turn off through the mind of someone, but by hand of someone real. It has to be fixed and working again.

*rides along Angel's intellect*

Yeah, what he said!

Er, well, yeah. Also, like I said earlier, instead of always relying on others, try to just step back and rationalize things. It may seem daunting at first, but after awhile, you get used to it. Emotions may be hard to control, but you shouldn't restrain them. Think on your experiences and try to learn from them. It may be cliched (I have no idea how to do that accent thingy), but it really is true. Thing is, people really aren't like hoses, they're more like...well, people. Don't always looks for other people to turn you off, just take charge and do it yourself! Friends are there to help you when times are tough and you need cheering, but we can never truly do the task for you. So, just take a hold of your life, we believe in you!

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