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Boss Battles - Complete (Spoilers)


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How about that Ridley? Some say he's Master Hand in disguise.

that's a damn good disguise. What i hate is porky's beam that does like a gazillion damage, especially in intense. how do you avoid that?

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that's a damn good disguise. What i hate is porky's beam that does like a gazillion damage, especially in intense. how do you avoid that?

jump air dodge, land, quickly jump air dodge. Really freakin' hard.

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I remember when I tried air dodging Tabuu's Red Ring of Death... It didn't work out so well.

How about that Ridley? Some say he's Master Hand in disguise.

Does that make Crazy Hand Meta Ridley? 0_o

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  • 3 months later...

I can get to Tabuu with Marth or Ike, but then I die. Some OHKO moves, and my % is about 50% all the time when I get to him, so I die fast. D:

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I can get to Tabuu with Marth or Ike, but then I die. Some OHKO moves, and my % is about 50% all the time when I get to him, so I die fast. D:

You don't even know what you just did.....how did you find this?

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Oshi, just realized now. =X Fuck me sideways. I thought I saw it as most recent post, but I just remembered I saw a guest was reading it. D: Being sleep depraved will be the death of me. And warn. And ban. >_>

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Oshi, just realized now. =X Fuck me sideways. I thought I saw it as most recent post, but I just remembered I saw a guest was reading it. D: Being sleep depraved will be the death of me. And warn. And ban. >_>

I was looking at it...for a never to be known reason. Ah well, I resolved the problem. Guess I'll move this to the Brawl boards.

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Hard- toon link

Very Hard-?

Intense- :(

I can't beat those no matter what i try.

These and some multiman brawl are the trophys i need. plus some trophys on the coin launcher

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Can Tabuu's ring attack be countered?

I gues but what about the other 2. (I assume that you are talking about the killer waves.

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I would hope that Marth can either recover enough to counter or dodge them, or that countering the ring would murder Tabuu.

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Wow, surprised I didn't get warned for that. O_O

Anyway, yeah, Tabuu's rings are easy to get out of, so are a majority of his attacks. The only thing that makes me cry is the light rope, as it's almost impossible to dodge unless you're already out of range and in the air, which is rare. And even air dodging doesn't work usually, as it's range is so unpredictable. You'll not be near it, and next thing you know he's smacking you around like a rag doll. D:

But yeah, I've beaten all of them except Intense with Marth. =/

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Fun Fact: Before Tabuu's red ring's were called Off Wave's. The fan nickname was the Red Ring's of Death, a pun directed to Microsoft's XBOX360 due to the red ring you would get if the 360 died

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  • 3 weeks later...


I beat boss battles on very hard but not on intense.

It's hard even with marth althoug i kill about 6 monsters. I killed 8 once but porky or was it Duon? killed me :(

Anyways the hardest one is Duon

the easiest are both hands since i can kill them without getting hit.

Something stranged that happened was that i was able to survive Tabuu's Off waves on very hard. I had about 30 damage with charizard

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I managed to beat intense with Charizard. This mode is the reason why I got good with Air dodging/Sidestepping lol.

Duon and Porky are annoying because the do the most damage.

Petey and the Hands are easiest to me

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