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The Bionicle Thread!


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I forced my dad to take me to Toys R Us every week to get another bionicle. I wanted 1 of each. My favorite was the red/orange one.


I actually had all of them.

Edited by Ronnie
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47 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

I still MOC a bit in my free time, though I don't post them online as much as I used to.

Right now I have a couple of MOCs based on Fire Emblem's Hero and General classes.

Yeah. I personally always preferred making my own characters within my own world with my own lore.

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About time someone made this thread, I entered the series around 2006 to the time it ended. Having four of the original six toa. With hundreds for pieces next to  my bed. I also connected the last ten comic issues foe the series. I have a fun childhood.

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"Unity, duty, destiny." -The creed of the Bionicle in the first three movies

I love Bionicle. Started collecting them in the mid 2000's. I've still got two shelves full of them on display in my room, and I even got all four direct-to-DVD movies. A little cheesy, but they're actually not that bad. Like Ronnie, my favorite figure is Tahu Mata (the original red/orange one with the flame sword).

"It was in those days [as a Toa], I learned our destinies are not written in stone; we have to find them for ourselves. I found mine. Now it's time for you to make new legends, for that is the way... of the Bionicle." -Turaga Vakama at the end of Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows

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Dude, Bionicle was my jam as a kid. Wasn't able to get many of them, but I'm pretty sure Bionicle was my introduction to the concept of an expanded universe.

Also, obligatory meme.




Well I went and found this on Youtube. Damn did Bionicle have good music.


Edited by RedRob
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3 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

This thread was created at the request of a certain @DefaultBeep.

Hey now, don't pin this whole thing on me! Although I'm certainly not complaining about it's creation.

23 minutes ago, RedRob said:

Also, obligatory meme.

How have I never seen this.

Comparing this to their portrayal in the books is kinda hilariously. This would've given a whole different tone to that story arc. Add this to the list of stupid rap songs I need to memorize, along with the rap in The Rugrats Movie.


I wasn't particularly into the series until 2010, although I had a few sets here and there. Since then though, I have spent... more money and time than I particularly want to admit, trying to increase my collection thanks to Ebay. The only full sets of Toa I have are the Toa Mata and Toa Mahri, although I was able to snag all the Glatorian/Legends and Stars sets since those were still out at the time. I have at least one Toa from every set except the Toa Nuva (ironically enough) and Toa Mistika, although I've got Phantoka Kopaka at least. I'm more into it for the story aspect, but the sets are still great fun, and I still mess around with making some simple MOCs every now and then.

...Great, thanks Sully, now I'm gonna have to go on Ebay again and try to find some cheap sets. This one's on you, friend.

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59 minutes ago, Baron the Shining Blade said:

"Unity, duty, destiny." -The creed of the Bionicle in the first three movies

More like the values of the BIONICLE throughout the entire series. They actually did a pretty good job of holding on to them throughout like over a decade.


I collected and messed around with these marvels for the majority of my life, starting back when the Rahkshi just came out around 2003 - I can actually be found on the Wikias I'm in as Rahkshimaster999 as an homage to that major part of my childhood. I also still keep a Kanoka Disk on my headboard, a Power 5 Le-Metru Enlarge Disk that I got from a Vahki Vorzahk set. I think I may also have a Power 7 Ko-Metru Remove Poison Disk(Vahki Kuurahk) lying around somewhere, though, so in theory I could forge at least a Rau if I had access to a Mask Maker's Forge and the proper tools, though it would probably be powerless as the Enlarge Disk isn't strong enough. I've also spent waaaay too much time on the wikis for BIONICLE, am one of the nerds who always capitalize the entire word BIONICLE, and have somehow never really taken any pictures of any of my creations. Guess that'll need to change soon, probably starting with my archer guy who is currently nameless. I also have Vezon the Kind-Of Piraka on my headboard at all times, though Fenrakk doesn't fit so it stays on one of my shelves with Nocturn and a couple Hero Factory sets I picked up when they were a thing.

Anyways, huzzah for this thread!

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I was wondering if someone else would mention it. I still have a large collection sitting at home and the only reason they're sitting there is because I can't really take any out right now. I have had a lot of fun with these over the mary years.

Of course, it's got some great design work behind it for the setting and the sets and for what it was, that G1 lore was actually pretty great at it's best. It even made CCBS work well imo, so it being gone again was sad.

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Really loved building these as a kid. Think I had like 3 shelves filled with them on my room. Ah, the time I didn't need to think about what to ask for around my birthday....

I don't remember watching more then 2 movies though, so I guess I stopped a bit earlier then most people here.

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6 hours ago, Bartozio said:

Really loved building these as a kid. Think I had like 3 shelves filled with them on my room. Ah, the time I didn't need to think about what to ask for around my birthday....

I don't remember watching more then 2 movies though, so I guess I stopped a bit earlier then most people here.

There were a total of four movies - one for the Mask of Light, one for Metru Nui, one for the Toa Hordika, then they skipped the movie idea for waaay too long(I really wanted to see the Piraka in a movie) and finally came out with The Legend Reborn, which covered Mata Nui's journey on Bara Magna.

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Bionicle! Man, does that bring back some memories! Ah, I remember my first set (though I needed to look up the name) - Nokama, the blue one from the 2005 Web of Shadows series. To date, those six are the only set I managed to complete, though I came close with the desert Gladitorian ones. Still wish the mini Mata Nui came with a sword as well as a shield.

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