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Persuading others to play FE..


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my cousins, a few friends at school who had the wrong impression that First Person Shooters were better than RPGs, and some random guy who overheard me talking about the series

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No...I don't like it, so it's kinda hard to make them like it.


I've gotten one friend that I can think of to play FE7. He likes it, but not quite as hardcore as me. I have a few other friends that had already played it, but I renewed their interest in it. Does that count?

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No...I don't like it, so it's kinda hard to make them like it.

Then wtf are you here for?

Yeah. Branded let me borrow PoR which got me into RD.

I kept telling him to play FE 7 and 8 but didnt have the games T_T I let him have the FE7 strategy guide though(yay for character art <3)

Im letting Faiya (Karol) borrow PoR right now

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I had my friend play FE4 for a little bit when he came over my house. We didn't get far for we were wisecracking about some characters such as Azel going through puberty, Sigurd having a incestuous crush on Ethin and thinking Midyale was a woman.

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Okay, anyone who responded to my comment. I wasn't kidding, I don't like Fire Emblem anymore, and haven't for...a while, not sure how long exactly...but...

Fox: I haven't liked FE for a while, really. I still post in FE forums, and occasionally discuss it, but I am not exactly a fan.

TLS: Nope.

MaSu: try reading. I am here for THE PEOPLE

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It's nice to know most of you are able to spread the word about this game.

Like Zephiron, people I know find it boring at the start. I guess it's unfamiliar territory for a few gamers. And it's not like FE has a huge franchise backing behind it, it's purely about the game.

I personally found it boring the first time (with blazing swords). I got up to just after recruiting sane and kent, and played FF Tactics for a month. After tactics bored me I picked up FE again with a fresh mind and I was captivated by the story and character development.

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I fail at trying to get people into it.

I showed it to two friends, they let Roy died (I only had a rom of Sword of Seals at the time) and just gave up.

Besides, they only know Roy because of SSBM. Besides me, only one other cousin plays it as much as I did.

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