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Feh battery drainage

Prince Endriu

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I pretty much can't play FEH except at home and while plugged into an outlet. I once tried playing while waiting for my car to warm up and defrost the windows at work and my phone at 45% barely lasted a single map. However, in my case my phone is older and the charge isn't holding as well as it used to, so that is part of my problem. But yes, FEH seems to eat battery life FAST. Far faster than any other app on my phone. However, I just chalked that up to the fact that you need the cell radio on to play feh. I don't get good signal where I live/work so the cell radio puts in so much work that it more than halves my phone's battery life. But maybe it wasn't the cell radio causing the rapid drain when I tried to play away from home.

Definitely interested to see others responses.

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I also have a samsung, and FEH does seem to drain the battery faster than other things, although even then I get a good few hours.

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1 hour ago, Logos said:

I've had carry around a back up supply of power if I want to play FEH anywhere other than home.

This applies to me as well. I have an iPhone 5c which is 4 years old now so that might be some of the problem but FEH kills my battery down to 20% or less with just around 30 minutes-1 hour of play. I always just try to only play when connected to an outlet. I have a cord in my purse specifically for that reason.

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