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Fire Emblem Character Personality Analysis Thread


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I used IBM Watson Personality Insights to analyse Micaiah's personality. Basically I copied and pasted a large portion of Micaiah's lines until I got enough words for the analyzer to give a good assessment. Here is what I got. 



You are unaggressive.

You are empathetic: you feel what others feel and are compassionate towards them. You are appreciative of art: you enjoy beauty and seek out creative experiences. And you are self-controlled: you have control over your desires, which are not particularly intense.

Your choices are driven by a desire for well-being.

You consider both independence and helping others to guide a large part of what you do. You like to set your own goals to decide how to best achieve them. And you think it is important to take care of the people around you.

Below you can find the text I used and can easily copy and paste it into the website to get more information.


Micaiah:Hush, Yune! Please, don't cry. If they hear you, you'll give us away.
Micaiah: Sothe...
Micaiah: Right. Yune!

Micaiah: Don't worry. He'll be here.
Micaiah: Edward, you know that's not how it works. I foresee some things, but I
    don't get to choose what I see.
Micaiah: Where is the Imperial Occupation Army this time? How can they keep the
    peace when they're nowhere to be found?
Micaiah: They're worse than useless! We'll be glad to help you. Just find 
    someplace to hide, and leave those bandits to us.
Micaiah: Yune, it's dangerous here. Go find someplace safe for now.
Micaiah: No matter the manner of man, the goddess judges with an even hand.
Micaiah: Leonardo! How did you find us?
Micaiah: I'm sorry, Leonardo. We couldn't just leave the helpless villagers to
    these monsters. Please, help us fight them.
Micaiah: These people work hard to feed their families mere scraps. Then you 
    come along and steal what little they've earned.
Micaiah: Yune, come here.
Micaiah: I'm sorry. We have to leave.

Micaiah: How should we explain yesterday to Sothe and Nolan?
Micaiah: Sothe! And Nolan, too! Welcome back. I'm glad you made it in one 
Micaiah: And Begnion soldiers spotted us as we made our escape. I'm sorry. We 
    only wanted to help. We were careless.
Micaiah: I'm afraid so.
Micaiah: I know, Sothe.
Micaiah: There are more coming up behind us! We'll be trapped if we don't move
Micaiah: The stairs by the church lead to the marketplace. We can break through
Micaiah: We'll be careful.
Micaiah: Step aside!
Micaiah: Nico!
Micaiah: Thank you so much! 
Micaiah: Wait! Something terrible is about to happen!
Micaiah: ...No! We have to go back.
Micaiah: ...Mmm...
Micaiah: I'm so fond of Nevassa. It's where we all met. It feels like my only 
    real home. We will return...someday.
Micaiah: Because you're always there to help me get it, Sothe.

Micaiah: Oh, Edward, it's not that bad!  The forest is so beautiful and serene.
    I'd almost rather be out here. Right, Yune?
Micaiah: The Dawn Brigade, at your service! I'm sure we can help you and your
Micaiah: Sothe, do you know the layout of the manor?
Micaiah: Then the medicine will be there, too.
Micaiah: Of course not! Danger is part of our work. Leave everything to us!
Micaiah: I'm afraid I have to disappoint you.
Micaiah: Wait! Laura's missing! She was just with me.
Micaiah: ...Hm, the forest is huge. We can cover more ground if we search 
Micaiah: Let's rendezvous at Kunu Swamp in three marks' time.
Micaiah: Somebody's near by...
Micaiah: Where is Laura?
Micaiah: Laura! Let her go! She isn't one of us...
Micaiah: No! Yune, fly away!
Micaiah: I've got a bad feeling about this...

Micaiah: I hope the others escaped...
Micaiah: Hm? Oh, you're right! I've been so distracted, I didn't even notice...
Micaiah: Thank you very much. I don't believe we've met. I'm Micaiah.
Micaiah: Why are you two in here?
Micaiah: Thank you most kindly. I'll try it.
Micaiah: I am. I know it will work. Thank you for sharing your medicine.
Micaiah: I hear something!
Micaiah: Sothe!
Micaiah: Yune! I'm so glad you're both all right!
Micaiah: You two know each other?
Micaiah: By all means!
Micaiah: Well then, Kurth, after you.
Micaiah: Nolan! Edward! Leonardo! It's so good to see you all.
Micaiah: A Begnion soldier?
Micaiah: Surprise, surprise! They found us!
Micaiah: My tome! How did you get it?
Micaiah: Well done, Sothe. Now I can pull my weight and fight.
Micaiah: Sothe, that's a tome of lightning magic.
Micaiah: I give up. You just grabbed at random, didn't you?
Micaiah: Ilyana? If you're not up to it, don't feel pressured to fight. We can
    handle the soldiers. You look a little woozy. Are you sure you're going to
    be all right?
Micaiah: But...
Micaiah: This girl takes her food pretty seriously. Interesting.
Micaiah: Don't be so sure. This isn't our first fight, and it won't be our
Micaiah: What do you mean by that?
Micaiah: Then, what should we do? What can we do to save our country?
Micaiah: No, I want to know! If there is a shred of hope for us, tell me.
Micaiah: Really? Is that true?!
Micaiah: So where is this orphan?
Micaiah: ...In the desert...an important encounter awaits us. It shall be one
    that changes the shape of our future.

Micaiah: I'm not sure. I sense...something. There's a presence here that calls
    out to me.
Micaiah: They do seem to be very old, indeed. I wonder who built them...
Micaiah: What makes you say that?
Micaiah: I suppose that's true... But what surprises me most is not that these
    could be laguz ruins, but you, Sothe. You've changed, haven't you?
Micaiah: I remember a time when you used to refer to them laguz as
    "sub-humans." Such an ugly word. Now look at you.
Micaiah: Honestly. Here I thought you were saying something enlightened, and
    you're just talking about him again?
Micaiah: Sothe, sometimes, every other thing you say is like an ode to Ike. I
    know you fought beside him. I know you owe him your life. And I know you
    want to be just like him... But to the people of Daein, he's the man who
    crushed us three years ago. Some would even call him our archenemy. If we
    hadn't lost the war to that man, Daein wouldn't be in the mess it's in now.
    You know that.
Micaiah: Yune? What is it? Where are you going?
Micaiah: Incredible!
Micaiah: Consider it done!
Micaiah: Listen up! We did not intentionally intrude on your territory.
Micaiah: We do not want your treasures, and we mean no ill will. Step back, and
    we will not harm you.
Micaiah: Yune? Yune, where are you? You can come out now!
Micaiah: You're just jealous. Wait, I hear something.
Micaiah: Someone's singing. It's coming from over there.
Micaiah: You! Hello! Who are you?
Micaiah: No. But I heard a voice that guided me here as well. Someone or
    something may want us both here.
Micaiah: Hello. And you are?
Micaiah: Right. Lord Ike, "hero" of the Crimean Liberation, leader of the
    Greil Mercenaries, and father of Sothe's children...

Micaiah: Sothe, have you noticed…
Micaiah: Hmm, I can’t sense any malice. Whoever it is doesn’t seem to mean us any harm, but… Yes, let’s do it.
Micaiah: There, now we can see your face.
Micaiah: No! Wait! Please don’t run!
Micaiah: My name is Micaiah. Don’t be afraid.
Micaiah: It’s all right. She’s not after us.
Micaiah: Thie is my…brother, Sothe. We’re from Nevassa.
Micaiah: And you are?
Micaiah: All by yourself?
Micaiah: What a coincidence. We’re also looking for someone in the desert. Would you like to come along?
Micaiah: Of course.
Micaiah: That’s it then. Welcome aboard, Meg. You’re one of us now.

Micaiah: Aimee, Muston. How may I help you?
Micaiah: Do you carry tomes?

Micaiah: Hello, Jorge. Hello, Daniel.
Micaiah: So, what do you have, Daniel?
Micaiah: Umm…yes. Thank you.

Micaiah: What are you doing out here, Kurth?
Micaiah: Is this your first time in the desert?
Micaiah: I see.
Micaiah: I’m sorry?
Micaiah: You seem to not want to talk about yourself. Am I right?
Micaiah: That’s why no one asks. People can tell when someone wants privacy. Many of us desire privacy too. Kurth, you are not our enemy. I know that much. You’re kind and gentle. That is all I need to know.

Micaiah: We have to go back to the desert. We still have something we need to
Micaiah: I'm not sure what it is. I see a lot of images, stacked on top of each
    other. It's hard to see what they all are. There's danger, battles, and
    terrible sadness, but also...hope. Whatever our destiny is, I know we'll
    find it in the desert. Let's go.
Micaiah: What is it, Volug? Is something wrong? Volug says he senses beorc to
    the south. A lot of beorc.
Micaiah: Whoever it is, we have to help them!
Micaiah: Really? Well then, all the more reason to help them. Let's hurry!
Micaiah: What is Begnion doing out here in the desert? Is there something or
    someone in these ruins that you're interested in?
Micaiah: Excuse me!
Micaiah: What do you mean?
Micaiah: Wait a moment! I appreciate the offer, Izuka, but I'm afraid I cannot
    accept. I have no war experience and no knowledge of battle tactics. Daein
    needs a general with both.
Micaiah: Exactly.
Micaiah: ...Prince Pelleas...I will.
Micaiah: And in return, will you ensure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Daein
    will be freed from the rule of the Begnion Empire?
Micaiah: I trust in your word.
Micaiah: Sothe, why are you so angry about this?
Micaiah: When we were separated during the war, you changed, Sothe. And I
    changed too. I want to protect Daein more than anything. Our people must be
    saved, and if I can help in that effort, I will.
Micaiah: Yes. But that isn't all. Prince Pelleas cherishes the same wish that I
    do. I can feel it. Deep in his heart, he wants to save Daein. If we work
    together, I know that we can do it.
Micaiah: It's all right, Sothe. The visions I see spreading out before us...
   most of them shine with hope.
Micaiah: What?
Micaiah: I know that! Why do you think you need to say it?
Micaiah: ...Thank you, Sothe.

Micaiah: How did we do?
Micaiah: Great! That’ll help a lot.
Micaiah: Sothe, 10,000 is plenty. We just need enough money to live on. More than that, and the soul becomes impoverished.

Micaiah: Yes, we must go back.
Micaiah: What? But…
Micaiah: I appreciate that, but…
Micaiah: No, no. It’s not what you think. Please don’t apologize. It’s just that…
Micaiah: Yes? Volug? What’s going on?
Micaiah: What?!
Micaiah: Queen Nailah, I appreciate you help–
Micaiah: How could you call Volug a dog?!
Micaiah: That is not what I meant.
Micaiah: I will. Thank you. Volug, is she always so…blunt?

Micaiah: So, you are an old friend of Laura’s?
Micaiah: Please don’t worry about it. After all, you saved us.
Micaiah: Excuse me?
Micaiah: No, we’re not ban–
Micaiah: …Bandits?

Micaiah: Hm?
Micaiah: Oh, no, I couldn’t possibly…
Micaiah: …
Micaiah: Mm.
Micaiah: It’s not that. It’s just… Oh, never mind.

Micaiah: No. Talrega is no good.
Micaiah: The timing is wrong. Because of the rains, we won't be able to advance
    well, let alone fight.
Micaiah: ... Terin... We'll have better luck in Terin.
Micaiah: No!
Micaiah: ...Everyone, throw down your weapons.
Micaiah: Yes. Now we must reinforce them and help save the hostages!
Micaiah: Making hostages of the helpless. Is that how knights of the great
    Begnion Empire operate?
Micaiah: Dear boy, I'm sorry you had to suffer on our account.
Micaiah: General Lanvega? From the song? "Bryce, Tauroneo, Gawain, and
    Lanvega... Four Riders of Daein, one country, one king, While they bear our
    banner, A free Daein shall sing." You're THAT General Lanvega's daughter?
Micaiah: No, quite the opposite. You are these people's steward, and you chose
    the course that would protect them. But now, Begnion is willing to
    sacrifice innocent children to maintain their grip over our country. We
    cannot allow that. That is why we are asking you to lend your strength to
    the Liberation Army. Together, we can reclaim our country.

Micaiah: Kurth?
Micaiah: Kurth, I’m leaving for Terin. I know this is sudden. To tell the truth, I’m surprised too.
Micaiah: Yes.
Micaiah: Kurth, I’m not fighting because I enj–
Micaiah: …
Micaiah: What is it?
Micaiah: What? So suddenly?
Micaiah: Will I ever see you again?
Micaiah: I suppose we must.

Micaiah: Excuse me, but shouldn't Prince Pelleas be here?
Micaiah: I'm not sure that's--
Micaiah: What are you saying?! Poison is inexcusably vile! I will agree to no
    such plan.
Micaiah: No matter how misguided the enemy may be, we must fight with
    compassion and consideration for the innocent.
Micaiah: I apologize too, General Tauroneo. He stormed out because I--
Micaiah: Yes, you're right. In that case, what do you think of this strategy?
Micaiah: Perfect. That should make it easier for us to eliminate their
    defenses, seize the camp, and free the prisoners.
Micaiah: Eh?
Micaiah: Who in the world are they?
Micaiah: We are the Daein Liberation Army! We demand you free the hostages...
    or face the consequences!
Micaiah: If that's how you really feel, then....
Micaiah: Um...
Micaiah: Of course...General Ike...again.
Micaiah: Nothing. Don't mind me. So, anyway, what is this investigation Sothe
    requested of you?
Micaiah: That Sothe... He looks happy, for some reason.
Micaiah: That must be it... Oh, Sothe, ever since he was small, he's tried to
    act more grown up than the grown-ups... I've taken care of him so long, and
    still I've never seen him smile so easily before.
Micaiah: What are you--
Micaiah: Oh... Oh no...

Micaiah: It’s quite all right.
Micaiah: I’m fine, thank you. What did you want to speak with me about?
Micaiah: Can you tell me why you stopped showing up at our meetings?
Micaiah: You are the leader of this army! You cannot simply leave all the decisions to someone else!
Micaiah: Why? You’re the prince. Why should you need any man’s permission, much less your own advisor’s?
Micaiah: I see. You were alone…
Micaiah: And then Izuka reunited you with your mother, gave you a place to stay, and provided you with a reason to live. And you feel you owe him a debt of gratitude for ending your loneliness. That is why you try to do as you are told–as Izuka wishes.
Micaiah: I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to–That was inappropriate.
Micaiah: Amazing?
Micaiah: …
Micaiah: Prince Pelleas!
Micaiah: That mark…
Micaiah: What is it?
Micaiah: I… see.
Micaiah: What?
Micaiah: You saw…
Micaiah: Do you think this mark is really the Spirit’s Protection?
Micaiah: No.
Micaiah: Pardon?
Micaiah: I don’t know about that…
Micaiah: What are the “Branded”?
Micaiah: …
Micaiah: Oh… sorry. I think I understand more about you now, and about the marks we share…
Micaiah: Certainly.
Micaiah: What is it?
Micaiah: Shouldn’t you give it to the soldier you deem most worthy?
Micaiah: I understand. You must have so much on your mind.
Micaiah: Prince Pelleas…
Micaiah: Hear, hear!

Micaiah: …
Micaiah: Oh, sorry.
Micaiah: Sothe, Muarim knows that I’m older than I look.
Micaiah: Yes, I’m sure of that. Muarim seems very trustworthy. But, what about everyone else? What would they think if they knew all of my abilities came from the mixed blood running through my veins? Blood they consider cursed!
Micaiah: Right now, when they look at me, they have love and affection in their eyes, but would they look at me the same way if they knew? I don’t want to find out, Sothe. I don’t think I could bear the truth.
Micaiah: What do you mean?
Micaiah: You’re right. I knew it would turn out like this. Despite that, I accepted the job. I can’t stop now.
Micaiah: Listen, Sothe. I realized something after Daein lost the war.
Micaiah: I realized how much I loved my country.
Micaiah: During the war, I spent a lot of time with the people of Daein while I was waiting for you to return. After we lost the war, all our cities and towns had been reduced to ruins. We had to help each other to cope. We supported and comforted each other. That’s how we survived.
Micaiah: I’ve been secluded so long, I had no idea people were so strong… and kind. No one knew who I was, but they helped me because I was from Daein. They were so… loving. They were my friends.
Micaiah: I was touched by their kindness. Now, I’m scared to lose it. Very scared.
Micaiah: I suppose this isn’t the time to worry about such things. If my power is needed to liberate Daein, I will stand my ground and fight.
Micaiah: Sothe…
Micaiah: …All right. Thank you, Sothe.

Micaiah: Help who? What's going on? Calm down and tell me.
Micaiah: It may indeed be a trap. But if we don't investigate, we risk a mass
Micaiah: ...I understand. And that's why I won't take any troops. Only
    myself...and my old friends will go.
Micaiah: If you refuse them your permission, I will go alone. 
Micaiah: Stop!
Micaiah: We are the Daein Liberation Army! Everyone, hold tight! You'll be safe
Micaiah: So...it's a trap after all.
Micaiah: Lady Nailah! Volug!
Micaiah: Rafiel, even you came to help?
Micaiah: What happened just now? What was that strange song?
Micaiah: Queen Nailah, are you sure it's all right involving not only you, but
    Rafiel, as well?
Micaiah: I understand. I will.
Micaiah: Rafiel...why did you come? I thought herons abhorred fighting...
Micaiah: Yes, I heard you singing to Queen Nailah and Volug earlier. We are
    blessed to have you at our side.
Micaiah: So you will help us?
Micaiah: You have my thanks.
Micaiah: How many innocent, defenseless people have you ordered killed...just
    to lure me here?
Micaiah: We're nearly back to camp. I wonder if the prince will overlook the
    fact that I insisted on this mission?
Micaiah: Sothe...do you hear a noise coming from the canyon? Is it...people
Micaiah: What could they be celebrating?
Micaiah: I'm no hero... But I see what you mean. 
Micaiah: Sothe, after all those soldiers cheering... I feel like I'm doing real
    good here...
Micaiah: "Them"? One of "them"? One of who?
Micaiah: Rafiel...
Micaiah: What was that song? It was different than when he sang before...
Micaiah: I feel...odd. Maybe it was the song... I'm shaking, for some reason...
    But I'm truly glad that Muarim will be all right...
Micaiah: Then it was you! You secretly gave Muarim the drug to turn him into a
    Feral One!
Micaiah: You twisted maniac! You are the lowest--
Micaiah: Prince Pelleas...
Micaiah: Let him go...

Micaiah: I completely understand. This is my fight, and mine alone. Please keep the prince safe, General Tauroneo.
Micaiah: What a peculiar staff… What power does it possess?
Micaiah: Thank you, General Tauroneo. We will return safely.

Micaiah: Hello, Vika. Can I help you?
Micaiah: Vika!
Micaiah: You always run away from me… Did I do something to offend you?
Micaiah: Oh…
Micaiah: It’s all right. Sorry to bother you.
Micaiah: Hm?
Micaiah: But…
Micaiah: Of course I forgive you! Thank you, Vika. I’d be honored to have your friendship.
Micaiah: What a beautiful figurine. The goddess looks so serene.
Micaiah: Thank you, Vika. I’ll cherish it.

Micaiah: Really?
Micaiah: Does that mean the fighting is over? That we've won?
Micaiah: What kind of man is he?
Micaiah: It's Izuka, isn't it? You don't want to come because he'll be with the
Micaiah: All right...but wait here! We'll come right back once we've announced
    the good news.
Micaiah: ...Whew... Yune! What is it? You didn't need to slip away from the
    banquet, too.
Micaiah: Silly you! You're kind of a mysterious bird, you know that? How is it
    you can fly around even at night? 
Micaiah: Oh, Yune...for some reason...I feel so tired lately. ...But it won't
    be long... I'll go back home to Nevassa...and then...save Daein...
Micaiah: Hm? What? Oh! Begnion soldiers!
Micaiah: General Jarod?! Why are you here?
Micaiah: Even if you kill me, the kingdom of Daein will be reborn. As long as
    the prince survives, the people will fight.
Micaiah: Ah!
Micaiah: Who are you?
Micaiah: I will. I know I can trust you.
Micaiah: Sir Knight, how did you know I was in danger?
Micaiah: No, I'm all right.
Micaiah: I know you won't. Thank you.
Micaiah: Stop! Stop it, both of you! A man has died protecting you. Don't
    waste his sacrifice!
Micaiah: No. It's not.
Micaiah: He is not ours to judge. He belongs to the apostle now. I suppose he
    must bury his fallen friend and pray before facing her.
Micaiah: You have my thanks for saving me.
Micaiah: Sothe! It's OK. This knight just saved my life!
Micaiah: Everybody knows who he is, Sothe! He is the Black Knight. One of the
    Four Riders under King Ashnard, and the strongest swordsman--
Micaiah: Sothe, General Jarod was here a moment ago. If the Black Knight hadn't
    stepped in, Jarod would have killed me.
Micaiah: Yes. There was another soldier who sacrificed his life protecting
    Jarod. I presume Jarod's burying him now. Oh! Oh, no...
Micaiah: I see a dark cloud... It's dimming the light of hope... By letting
    Jarod go, I may have allowed something terrible to happen...
Micaiah: Sothe, I hadn't told you, but I haven't been feeling well lately. My
    mind feels...foggy. Things I could always see clearly are now dim and
    vague. I may have committed us to an irreversible fate.
Micaiah: Sothe, stop that! In King Ashnard's War, you severed below General
    Ike, and you and the Black Knight were enemies. But now, you are comrades
    with the same goal--Daein's restoration. Listen to me. The Black Knight was
    Daein's strongest general. We need him.
Micaiah: Sir Knight... That you should come to us now, is surely the will of
    the goddess. I thank you for your aid just now, and ask you to lend us your
    strength a while longer.
Micaiah: General Jarod! Your occupation army has caused untold suffering to the
    people of Daein... The time has come! You must atone for your deeds!

Micaiah: Hello, Jill. What are you doing here?
Micaiah: I’m just exhausted from talking to so many people. But there’s no need for concern. I just need some time to myself.
Micaiah: I don’t want Sothe and the others to know how tired I am. They worry too much.
Micaiah: We’ve always lived by ourselves, just the two of us. I don’t think he can help it.
Micaiah: Oh, no, that won’t be necessary! Do you see that tree? I’ll be resting over there. I should recover in no time.
Micaiah: I’ll be safe. We’re still in camp. Besides, don’t you have an errand of your own to take care of? It must be really important to leave the feast so early in the evening.
Micaiah: To the man you told me about? The one you run a wyvern delivery service with?
Micaiah: You’re going to tell him that the fighting is over, right?
Micaiah: Really?
Micaiah: What an… interesting fellow. Well, you should write him and let him know it’s safe to return.
Micaiah: I’m fine. Please, don’t worry about me.
Micaiah: What is it?
Micaiah: Thank you, Jill. I will.

Micaiah: Prince Pelleas! We have to do something. We must liberate Nevassa and
    save the people from this brutal attack!
Micaiah: If you will not help, we will go by ourselves. Again. 
Micaiah: Can't I?
Micaiah: Oh...
Micaiah: Prince...
Micaiah: Sir Knight?
Micaiah: Very well, my prince. We are at your service.
Micaiah: Company, at attention! Our objective is to save the town and take the
    keep! Now, move out!
Micaiah: I wonder where Jarod is?
Micaiah: That shout...that's Jarod! For Daein's sake, this time I swear I will
    put an end to him.
Micaiah: Thank you for your concern, Sir Knight. But I am going to fight. You
    and everyone else are putting your lives on the line. I will not shirk my
Micaiah: What?
Micaiah: ...
Micaiah: Pardon, Sir Knight. I wanted to thank you. Thank you for fighting
    beside us.
Micaiah: When our fighting is done...will you remain in Daein?
Micaiah: Never mind. It's none of my business. It's only... If you were here
    with us, we could take heart in--
Micaiah: Oh! But why?
Micaiah: General Jarod, the battle is over. Surely you can see it. You never
    believed Daein could do it, did you? But here you stand, broken, defeated
    by my countrymen and friends.
Micaiah: I will not lose to you. More importantly, the people of Daein will not
    lose to you!

Micaiah: We won! We've taken back our country! Daein is under our control once
Micaiah: I didn't do it alone. We did it--everyone fighting together.
Micaiah: ...I see. And I accept. It is with great honor that I assume this
    office. This battle may be over, but the fight to return Daein to its
    former glory will take time and effort. If my support can be of service,
    then I am honored to assist.
Micaiah: ...It feels...odd.
Micaiah: I will.

Micaiah: Of course. What can I help you with?
Micaiah: Yes, that’s right.
Micaiah: For me? Are you sure?
Micaiah: We’re lucky to have you. And thank you. I’ll use this tome well.
Micaiah: I agree. So many things have happened along the way, but I am glad to be here now. I feel happy… and very proud.
Micaiah, please lead us to victory.
Micaiah: …Yes. Together, we shall see victory!

Micaiah: Volug, where– How did you get this?
Micaiah: From the ruins of the desert? Oh, you got it when we were there before?
Micaiah: No? Then… how? When?
Micaiah: What? It’s for me?
Micaiah: Wait! Volug? Did he go back to the desert just to get this…?

Micaiah: Are you really leaving already? Stay...at least for the feast tonight.
    You've done so much, you deserve some celebration! Nothing I can say will
    convince you to break bread with Lord Izuka?
Micaiah: What do you mean?
Micaiah: That's terrible! I can't believe I never noticed. Tormod, I'm so
Micaiah: Muarim, before you go... I just want to thank you. Thank you for not
    telling anyone about my brand.
Micaiah: No. I know nothing of my parents. But just before she died, the old
    woman who raised me told me what the brand was and what it meant.
Micaiah: This is proof that the blood of both beorc and laguz course through
    me. And so, I am anathema to both. She told me never to let anyone see it,
    and to be always on my guard.
Micaiah: I've avoided people most of my life to conceal my brand...and my
    powers. But there's no way to hide how very slowly I age. I just keep
    moving through Daein. The same holds true now... I won't be able to stay
    in this army long.
Micaiah: Yes... Just as you have Tormod.
Micaiah: Vika! My thanks go to you too. Sothe and I will visit you in the
Micaiah: Vika, I said I'll come, and I will.
Micaiah: That's awful... I can't believe you're all leaving us at once.
Micaiah: I'm embarrassed... I didn't mean...to cry... It's been so nice meeting
    you all...
Micaiah: What was that sound?
Micaiah: Volug! Lady Nailah... Did she send you back to guard me, Volug?
Micaiah: Sothe, we freed our country from tyranny together. But it's not over
    yet. We'll have to work hard for a long time to return Daein to its former
    grandeur. I know it won't be easy, but if I have you two with me, I know we
    can do it.

Micaiah: You called for me, Your Majesty?
Micaiah: Your Majesty. My room in the castle is much to lavish for my taste.
    I'd rather be in town helping with the reconstruction. It's good work, and
    it makes me happy to help our people.
Micaiah: Another war? Against who?
Micaiah: The Daein Royal Army will answer Begnion's request and attack the
    Laguz Alliance at the Ribahn River. Those are our orders from King Pelleas.
    As his subjects, we will obey him.
Micaiah: I don't know. I do know that King Pelleas wants what's best for
    Daein...just like us. He must know something we don't. I trust him. He's
    changed since the coronation, though. He doesn't smile or laugh anymore.
    Maybe it's because Izuka and the Black Knight vanished.
Micaiah: Well, with a few exceptions, the soldiers are excited about hunting
    down the laguz... They've been promised a large bounty for each one they
    kill. It's certainly raised morale.
Micaiah: ...I don't want to fight.
Micaiah: What choice do I have?! I'm the general of this army. It doesn't
    matter how I feel. Besides, I can't let the king or the soldiers down. My
    duty ultimately lies with them... I'm sorry.
Micaiah: Sothe, you don't have to do this. I heard that your friend Ike is
    fighting on the side of the Laguz Alliance. Go, fight with them. Or don't
    fight at all. But don't let me force you into anything.
Micaiah: Sothe...
Micaiah: Thank you. I know this isn't easy. But if one side must fall, I will
    do all I can to make sure it is not Daein. I have no other choice.

Micaiah: I wonder what this is?
Micaiah: How do you use it?
Micaiah: Someone who has refined their skills. I see. So, not everyone can use it.
Micaiah: All right.

Micaiah: Here you go, Jill. This weapon is for you.
Micaiah: King Pelleas has decided to come to the aid of Begnion.
Micaiah: …I don’t know.
Micaiah: I believe in our king. That’s all I can say.

Micaiah: Edward, I have something for you…
Micaiah: It’s a gift from King Pelleas. One of Daein’s national treasures, the blade Caladbolg.
Micaiah: Um… Listen, Edward, this war… Daein really shouldn’t be…
Micaiah: Oh, never mind. It’s nothing. Forget I said anything.
Micaiah: Oh, Edward…

Micaiah: Leonardo, King Pelleas asked me to present you with this bow. This is Lughnasadh. It’s been stored away in the vaults of Daein, waiting for someone worthy enough. It’s more powerful than the purest silver bow.
Micaiah: Yes, I suppose we do.

Micaiah: Hello, Nolan. A gift from King Pelleas has arrived for you.
Micaiah: I know you will, Nolan. King Pelleas does too. That’s why he’s chosen to give it to you.
Micaiah: Nolan, I–
Micaiah: Oh, Nolan… Thank you so much.

Micaiah: Not yet. Wait for them to get closer. Everyone, stay quiet...
Micaiah: Everyone! Take your positions! Attack!
Micaiah: Sir Knight! You're safe! But where have you been?
Micaiah: For that, you have my thanks.
Micaiah: I understand. Then I shall not ask you why you have been absent. I
    want you to know, I'm happy to see you again. I am very glad you're safe.
Micaiah: This is pointless. The Gallian soldiers just keep coming, no matter
    how many we take down. If we keep this up, both sides will take horrible
Micaiah: All troops, lower your weapons! I'm going to propose a cease-fire to
    the Laguz Alliance.
Micaiah: Are you the general of this army? I am Micaiah, a general of the Daein
    Royal Army.
Micaiah: My king, Pelleas, has decided to answer Begnion's request for help in
    fighting the Laguz Alliance. You have no chance for victory. Further
    bloodshed is meaningless. Please surrender while you can.
Micaiah: Behind you lies the Begnion army. In front of you is the Daein army.
    You've nowhere to run.
Micaiah: What in the goddess's name was that?!
Micaiah: Wait!
Micaiah: ...
Micaiah: General Tauroneo! What brings you out here? Has something happened to
    the king?
Micaiah: Sothe, you know what that means. If we end up fighting beorc...
Micaiah: Sothe. Tell me more about Commander Ike.
Micaiah: I want to know more about the man I'll be fighting against. What kind
    of a person is he?
Micaiah: I see. He sounds...quite different from King Pelleas.
Micaiah: ...That may be, but I believe in King Pelleas. His heart is in the
    right place. I believe in his virtuous nature and his commitment to being a
    good king...
Micaiah: Sothe, we've been through this. I know we're about to fight Ike and
    the Greil Mercenaries, but I...
Micaiah: Without the advantage of an ambush, this fight is sure to be tougher
    than our last one.
Micaiah: Sothe? No! Sothe, please! Hold on, I'm coming over to you!
Micaiah: Thank goodness you're all right! But, Sothe, go back and rest. You
    can't fight with a gaping wound like that... Promise me that you'll go back
    and get some rest.
Micaiah: Just as you have a reason to fight, so do we.
Micaiah: Who are you? Your wings look just like Rafiel's.
Micaiah: I know how you feel... Though I owe a debt to Rafiel, I cannot do what
    you ask. It's not that I don't want to! I think this whole war is madness!
    But I must keep fighting.
Micaiah: This fight is my king's will. I cannot stop fighting just because I
    don't agree with him. If we don't pull together under our new king, Daein
    will fall apart again, just as it did before its liberation. I believe in
    King Pelleas. I believe that our king will lead the people of Daein to
Micaiah: What? What do you mean?
Micaiah: Yes... 
Micaiah: Who are you? You're... You're just like me!
Micaiah: You are so...cold. It's like you're cloaked in frost. Is there even
    blood in your veins?
Micaiah: Your heart is frozen, but I feel a warm core trying to melt through
    that ice. I see... You have someone you cherish very much. Someone you rely
Micaiah: I finally meet my own kind, and he is an enemy... ...I will not
    retreat. I won't let you go any further!
Micaiah: You're...
Micaiah: You must be Ike, of the Greil Mercenaries.
Micaiah: I feel like I know you already. Maybe it's because Sothe has told me
    so much about you.
Micaiah: ...Good. I prefer it that way. Prepare yourself!
Micaiah: My wounds... They're nothing! They're nothing compare to what my
    people have suffered! We won't lose! We'll never give up!
Micaiah: Even the hawk tribe is here? The Begnion army never told us that they
    had moved out...
Micaiah: Staying will only increase casualties. Let's retreat.
Micaiah: I have. We shall retreat! I will not let all of you die in vain!
Micaiah: ...You're right. 
Micaiah: Sothe, don't... Just act...normal. Everyone...is watching...

Micaiah: All right, then.. Order a retreat.
Micaiah: Inspector... With all due respect, Daein soldiers will also die if we
    destroy the bridge now.
Micaiah: Inspector. While I respect your opinion... The final decision is up to
    me, as commander in chief of this army. Sothe, order the retreat. Get those
    men out of there before they're routed.
Micaiah: Pompous fool...
Micaiah: I...I'm sorry, I...
Micaiah: What's happening? I was doing so well...for a while... I feel
    like...fog is clouding my mind... Am I...losing my powers?
Micaiah: Funny... I always wished that I didn't have this farsight... It often
    feels like such a burden... But this clouded vision seems so strange. Now,
    I miss the clarity... Ironic, isn't it, Yune?

Micaiah: What is...a blood pact?
Micaiah: Please tell me, Your Majesty. What is a blood pact?
Micaiah: It's all true, Sothe.
Micaiah: King Pelleas and Queen Almedha are telling us the truth. It's hard to
    believe, but I can see it... My power hasn't gone away. It was just
    weakened from exhaustion. This is all so horrible... Now Daein can never be
    free from the senate's leash.
Micaiah: But without me, who would hold our forces together? Leaving the army
    would be the same as abandoning the people of Daein. I won't do it.
Micaiah: You heard me. The only way to really be doomed is to give up.
Micaiah: Look for a way out. I know Duke Lekain says the pact can't be broken,
    but of course he'd say that! King Pelleas, you have the resources of an
    entire country to draw on, and the best of reasons to do so. Check the
    royal library! Check the archives! Somewhere, I'm sure you'll
Micaiah: We can make time. If we take on the empress and the laguz forces,
    it'll look as if we're obeying the senate. In the meantime, you can
    research the pact.
Micaiah: Of course. We'll do our best to hold them back...whatever it takes.
Micaiah: Are the rocks ready?
Micaiah: [looks to the cliff] All forces, get in position! Our target is the
    apostle. We will attack her while General Ike is distracted. If we let her
    through, her army will cross into Begnion. That will surely anger the
    senate, and the senate will move to destroy Daein. We must fight with
    everything we have so that Daein may live on!
Micaiah: The apostle's army has incredible numbers. We wouldn't stand a chance
    taking them head-on. They would march right through us. We need to give
    Pelleas more time, but if we hold back, the senate will know we're up to
    something. For now...let's just try to draw this out a bit and stop the
    apostle's army.
Micaiah: All right. Thank you.
Micaiah: Yes, I know. 
Micaiah: ...Prepare to move to the next phase. Archers, get ready! There's no
    more time for doubt.
Micaiah: Don't let the apostle escape! Archers, mages! Bring down that pegasus!
Micaiah: Sothe! No, please! All units, cease fire! Now!
Micaiah: Tell him to let Sothe go!
Micaiah: We can't. We won't retreat or negotiate. Regardless of what you
    believe, the only choice we have is to fight.
Micaiah: But we can't!
Micaiah: NOOO! SOTHE!
Micaiah: Oh, thank the goddess. Sothe...

Micaiah: Please be careful.
Micaiah: I can feel how you’ve suffered. You’ve had to endure it all alone for so long. It’s ghastly.
Micaiah: No! You didn’t know! I will protect Daein. I’ll protect our country from harm, no matter what happens. You have my word.
Micaiah: Yes.
Micaiah: …

Micaiah: Conventional tactics won’t slow them down. They’ll easily break through our lines. …What should we do?
Micaiah: …
Micaiah: I’ll try.

Micaiah: Who? Oh, Nico!
Micaiah: Oh, it’s all right. I’m still the same simple girl from Daein you met before. Nothing’s changed. So, are things well with you?
Micaiah: Is that what they say? I see… Listen to me, Nico. You can believe in us. I promise we’ll keep you safe.
Micaiah: Yes… good-bye, Nico.
Micaiah: I… I want to save them all. The world is a better place with people like them in it.
Micaiah: I know. I don’t want to see anyone die. It’s ironic… I’m killing with no malice, because I don’t want anyone to be killed. I… What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to stand back and let all of Daein perish? Is that the “just” thing to do?
Micaiah: If that’s what it takes to be just, then I want nothing to do with justice. I’d rather be hated and feared like Mad King Ashnard. I’d rather the dark god take my soul. I’m going to save my people, Sothe. If the rest of the world paints me as a beast to be reviled and hated, so be it.

Micaiah: You can't be serious, Your Majesty!
Micaiah: ...I cannot go through with it.
Micaiah: I can't! I thought I made up my mind... I thought I'd do anything for
    Daein! But then I saw Sothe taken from me, and I saw him fall... I was
    powerless to do anything! I'd taken so many lives as a general, and yet,
    when I thought of Sothe dead...
Micaiah: No, I can't! I can't do it! Don't make me do this, please!
Micaiah: Please! Please don't ask me to do such a horrible thing.
Micaiah: All right... I'll do it... I'll do it for you, and for Daein.
Micaiah: ...I will, Your Majesty.
Micaiah: Your Majesty. Sniff...what have I done?

Micaiah: Ahh…
Micaiah: No, I’m fine. The air is nice out here. It’s calm, quiet even. I don’t remember the last time it was this quiet. It’s almost relaxing, isn’t it? I hate to say it, but I feel like the world is back to the way it ought to be, finally. I know that sounds horrible. But that’s how I honestly feel. Like all debts have been settled, and everything is properly arranged.
Micaiah: Sothe… I’m scared. I don’t want to get used to this. It’s too comfortable. Like our mother’s come home.

Micaiah: Ahh…
Micaiah: No, I’m fine. The air is nice out here. It’s calm, quiet even. I don’t remember the last time it was this quiet. It’s almost relaxing, isn’t it? I hate to say it, but I feel like the world is back to the way it ought to be, finally. I know that sounds horrible. But that’s how I honestly feel. Like all debts have been settled, and everything is properly arranged.
Micaiah: Sothe… I’m scared. I don’t want to get used to this. It’s too comfortable. Like our mother’s come home.
Micaiah: …Hey.
Micaiah: Here, look at this.
Micaiah: Do you think it’s because of the air? Or Yune’s influence on my body?
Micaiah: I don’t know. With all that’s happened, I’d forgotten about the blood pact. But I shouldn’t forget. The people of Daein are still in danger.
Micaiah: Mmm, wouldn’t that be nice? I have a few other wishes you can grant, as well.

Micaiah: Hello, Muston. I would like to purchase some weapons.
Micaiah: You have something for me, then?
Micaiah: That’s a thunder tome. The most powerful of its kind, too! How did you get it?
Micaiah: How much are you asking for it?
Micaiah: Yes. Yune told me that the goddess Ashera would do everything in her power to stop us. I have no idea what to expect, but I’m certain the battle ahead won’t be easy. We have to be prepared. For anything.
Micaiah: What? But why?
Micaiah: I believe that, too. Thank you, Muston. With your tome in my hand and your hope in my heart, I’m sure we’ll succeed.

Micaiah: Is something wrong, General Skrimir?
Micaiah: It’s a satori sign. What about it?
Micaiah: Oh, so that’s it…
Micaiah: No, but I saw a vision in a dream. Rays of light fell from the sky, wriggling into the ground and burying themselves.
Micaiah: Yes… I think so. Somewhere…

Micaiah: King Naesala. You are by yourself today?
Micaiah: He’s just hesitant to show his emotions.
Micaiah: Then don’t insult my family.
Micaiah: We’re not related, but we’re very close. Perhaps like you and Princess Leanne.
Micaiah: Yes, I can sense your emotions. I also know that you just closed up to keep me from looking in.
Micaiah: I’m sorry.
Micaiah: Excuse me?
Micaiah: No! I didn’t try to read your mind intentionally. I just felt that your feelings for Princess Leanne were very warm, and that’s all I saw.
Micaiah: What do you mean by that?
Micaiah: King Naesala!
Micaiah: This is a tome of light…
Micaiah: Naesala…

Micaiah: Yes, I’m fine. How about you, Sothe? Are you all right? You’re not hurt?
Micaiah: Show me your hand.
Micaiah: Look at your hands. They’re so big… They were so small when we met.
Micaiah: It’s all right, Ike. How can we help you?
Micaiah: I’m sorry about that.
Micaiah: …A long time. I met him when I was hiding out in the back alleys of Nevassa, over ten years ago. He was so skinny, but his gaze was so piercing… I wondered how such a young boy could look like that. One day, I noticed he was standing close to me, just watching. He continued like that for a few days. One day, I held out my hand. He was suspicious of me, but came over anyway. He looked like a scared animal. Then his little hand slipped into mine. It was shaking. His fingers were so thin and frail. I couldn’t let go after that.
Micaiah: After that, we traveled together all over the continent. No matter where we went, we were always together.
Micaiah: I…I tried to leave him behind. When we went to Crimea, I split off from him and took a ship to Begnion. But when I reached Begnion, war had broken out between Crimea and Daein. I knew I had to return to Daein to look for him. I couldn’t find him, so I went to Crimea. But I still couldn’t find him… We found each other again after the war, in Daein. In the back alleys of Nevassa, where we first met.
Micaiah: When I told him why I’d disappeared, he got so angry… I’d never seen him get so emotional before.
Micaiah: I thought I was reaching the limit of how long I could stay with him. He grew each and every day, but I remained the same… I didn’t want him to be harmed by the curse I lived with. Can you imagine how hard that would have been on him?
Micaiah: So you knew. Did you find out from the boy who’s always beside you?
Micaiah: Yes. He and I are both Branded.
Micaiah: People. You’re just like Yune. You call both laguz and beorcs people.
Micaiah: … Sothe talks that way, too. His time with you changed him. Thank you, Ike. I’ve made up my mind.
Micaiah: I thought I might travel to a far-off place after all of this was over. But I won’t. I’ll go back to Daein. No matter what happens, I’ll have Sothe by my side. I have nothing to fear as long as he’s with me.
Micaiah: Oh, um… May I have some medicine?
Micaiah: Yes. I know.

Micaiah: If it’s that important, maybe we should go somewhere else. Other people might hear us.
Micaiah: What!?
Micaiah: That’s horrible!
Micaiah: Kurth…

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  • Icelerate changed the title to Fire Emblem Character Personality Analysis Thread

For Camilla I got



You are unaggressive, generous and heartfelt.

You are empathetic: you feel what others feel and are compassionate towards them. You are appreciative of art: you enjoy beauty and seek out creative experiences. And you are altruistic: you feel fulfilled when helping others, and will go out of your way to do so.

Your choices are driven by a desire for belongingness.

You are relatively unconcerned with achieving success: you make decisions with little regard for how they show off your talents. You consider helping others to guide a large part of what you do: you think it is important to take care of the people around you.

And the lines used for the story of Birthright, Conquest and Revelation and supports omitting s-rank:


Camilla: I would never let you down, darling. Now, everyone follow me.

Camilla: You are mistaken. Avatar is my sweet little brother/sister. You may not have him/her.

Camilla: Are you all right, Avatar? Did you get hurt at all during practice? If you did, let me know right away so I can take extra-special care of you...

Camilla: Well, I for one think her cheer is a good complement to this gloomy kingdom, Leo.

Camilla: Yes. It means you can finally leave this drafty fortress. You must have been so lonely all this time, separated from the rest of the world... But now you'll be free!

Camilla: Our Avatar does love animals. Such a kindhearted soul... Why, he/she even nursed an injured baby bird back to health one time!

Camilla: Please, Avatar, don’t fight him… My dear, sweet Avatar…

Camilla: It was, but I doubt this will be the last we hear of this. Father never forgets a slight.

Camilla:We play different roles, that's all. I am the doting older sister they can come to with their troubles. You, meanwhile, are the stoic pillar of the family, attentive to the war above all else.

Camilla:That much was evident. I was shocked at your memory for details. You knew everything about my favorite foods, Elise's hobbies, Leo's pet peeves... Even Avatar's favorite scents, which I was certain I alone knew. You had a ready answer for every question, no matter how insignificant. Some of those details even I didn't know.

Camilla: Well, both... There's a real sense of accomplishment in crafting something with your own hands. Especially, say, a fine garment for Avatar! He/She was so pleased with the handmade cape I gave him/her the other day.

Camilla: Again... If you expect to become proficient at this in only one day... You are in for a rude awakening. Sewing is an art—it will take time to master.

Camilla: I'm not the enigma you believe me to be. I'm kind to my allies and cruel to my enemies in equal measure.

Camilla: Why should I show mercy to my enemies? They are obstacles to be eliminated.

Camilla: ...It wasn't precisely a compliment. But so long as you never betray me, you will always have my favor.

Camilla: What do you mean? I love Avatar! He's/She's a sweetie! Plus, he/she had a terrible childhood. I think he/she deserves a little kindness now!

Camilla: Of course I would! Who would leave a cute, little puppy out in the cold?

Camilla: I know what you thought! She's royalty! She must be happy! Her life is perfect! You're wrong! I wasn't born in the slums, but my childhood wasn't all roses either.

Camilla: Oh. Didn't you know? Xander is the only one of my siblings born to the queen. The rest of us—Leo, Elise, and I—we're all children of King Garon's mistresses. Different mistresses, I might add. He loved to pit our mothers against each other.

Camilla: Our mothers were the lowest of the low, trying to claw their way to a better status. Naturally, they used us as bait in all of their conflicts.

Camilla: You said I was pathetic, and you were right! My mother loved me, but only as a pawn. Do I dote on Avatar? Yes, I do! I remember what it feels like to be alone!

Camilla: I didn't tell you all this so you could apologize. I want you to think twice before you judge someone else unfairly!

Camilla: Leo, if you can't make sense of them, what makes you think I'll have a chance? You were always the brighter student, remember?

Camilla: Please, spare me. You've always been the talented little brother. Even when you were a child, I was learning from you, and not the other way around.

Camilla: I'm sorry you feel that way, Leo. But I really am proud of you. Please believe me. It's true that I love Elise, Xander, and Avatar too... But I have plenty of love to give. More than enough for you.

Camilla:Look, to be honest, I've been a little more hands off with you than the others. But that's because I didn't want to get in your way! You're going to do great things in this world, Leo. And I'm going to sit back and watch.

Camilla: You work so hard, Leo. And you worry too much. But part of that is my fault. I should have been more vocal with my support. Please forgive me. I will be a better sister from now on.

Camilla: You know I would. I would cry until I had no tears left to mourn with. But in the unlikely event such a thing would come to pass... I would also consider cutting off your legs so that you could not leave me.

Camilla: Hmph. I was in a melancholy mood. I've been dwelling on how you came to me like a bolt from the blue. And how you might disappear just as suddenly...

Camilla: Pay it no mind, dear. I'm sure these fears are utterly baseless.

Camilla: Hmm. I see. So you want to come back, but these awful people are still confusing your little head. Don't worry, darling. Big Sister is here to take care of these monsters for you!

Camilla: Don't worry, Elise. I promise to save our precious Avatar. Once I've killed all his/her friends, he's/she's sure to remember his/her true family. Right? Right!

Camilla: Awww, I can't stand to see you upset like this. Come over here, and I'll just put you to sleep for a little while. I won't hurt you! I just need you to stay calm while I kill these fiends...

Camilla: I see. Well, I suppose it would be wonderful if we could all get along... I think I understand what you're trying to do. I hope you can make it happen.

Camilla: Yes...I can imagine it now. Xander, Leo, Elise, and...the Hoshidan Prince/Princess Avatar. We could all have a picnic! And there would be games, and food, and... Oh, dear...I'm feeling a bit woozy...

Camilla: Now, now, you two. I'm sure he/she didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm certain he/she would remember, given more time. You simply must forgive him/her. Now that all that's settled, let me introduce my lovely retainers to you, Avatar. Say hello to Selena and Beruka. Aren't they tough yet adorable?! I love them so.

Camilla: Heh heh, well, in a sense. Xander and Leo are taking care of it for me. They really liked the idea of me coming to help you. That's our little secret, OK? Now I can destroy any nasty people try to harm my darling baby brother/sister.

Camilla: My, what a rude little boy you are. I should beat some manners into you. Take back what you just said, or that's exactly what I'll do...

Camilla: Let him go, Avatar. He's clearly got issues. And not to brag, but Xandar received the Rainbow Sage's power ages ago. If we stick together, there's no way we'll lose to the Hoshidan army.

Camilla: I hear your words, but Father has demanded that you be put to death. Avatar, I love you so much—from the very bottom of my heart. But that doesn't mean I can disobey a direct order from Father. It's a tragic end of things, but since you betrayed Nohr... I have no choice.

Camilla: I can't imagine that the others all trust me yet, though. Do you know if it's Hoshidan tradition to listen in on the conversations of others?

Camilla: Azura's mother, Queen Arete, was Father's second wife. However, there were many in the nobility who supported Queen Katerina. My mother was one such person. She constantly told me not to talk to Azura. Of course Xander, being Queen Katerina's child, was told the same thing. Later, when Leo was born, he was also kept away from her. We were dutiful children, so we obeyed. But we always wished we could spend time with you, like real siblings. We never forgot about you. You are our adorable sister, after all...

Camilla: No, he's right; you have every reason to be wary of me. We were just fighting a moment ago, after all. But you don't need to worry. From this point forward, I will do nothing that would upset Avatar. Though, if Avatar asks, I wouldn't object to taking one or two of you out.

Camilla: Elise, you silly thing. I did not use wiles of any kind, love. But you may have a point about them hating Nohr. Long ago, their village was attacked by Faceless, sent there by Nohrian mages. That said, I'm afraid there's probably little we can do to win the over

Camilla: This armor is now called Grossartig Mond. It holds the spirit of the moon itself... Thinking of it that way gives the armor an identity, and helps me solidify mine. I feel like I've gained a clearer picture of the warrior and the ruler I want to be... And that's because of you, Odin. Thank you.

Camilla: Of course. We can't have one of our strongest warriors fret over such frivolities.

Camilla: Not at all. Once we establish a rapport, your skittishness around me will be gone. Unless... Are you afraid to be alone with little old me?

Camilla: Haha, then you'll have to learn the first lesson mature people all know. We must gratefully accept what the world decides to give us and make the most of it. Fussing over what things you can't change won't help anything.

Camilla: Hm... I think the most important thing to have is an open mind.

Camilla: Yes. An open mind and a tolerant heart that's full of kindness. A mature lady must also learn to be merciful and forgiving.

Camilla: Yes. If it weren't for you, I might have lost hope a long time ago. Nohr is a dark place, and your innocence is one of the few lights in it. Whenever I see you, I remember why we fight. To protect that light.

Camilla: Yes. So have a bit more confidence. You are exactly who you need to be. If you must change, let it happen naturally. But never force it. You're too precious for us to lose...

Camilla: It's all right, Arthur. Don't be too hard on yourself. From what I've heard, you aren't the luckiest fellow in our kingdom. And yet it seems you never back down from a challenge. That's an admirable quality.

Camilla: Hmhmhm. I thought as much. You're adorable when you're pitiful. Shall we be going, then? Follow me.

Camilla: I agree with Leo. After all, we've done nothing wrong. Why should we flee? You're one of us, Avatar. that's worth fighting for!

Camilla: That’s odd… Where could she have run off to?

Camilla: His first speech as king! Let’s listen very quietly, Elise.

Camilla: So are you to be the next queen of Hoshido, Hinoka? That’s lovely. You’ll make a truly stunning queen.

"Wouldn't it be delicious if we teamed up together in battle?"

"No matter what happens, you must keep your wits about you and stay alive!" 

“Seeking stronger weapons? Well then, you've come to the right place.”

“How dare you insult me with this slop! Take it away at once!”

“I don't feel bad for these prisoners. They're getting exactly what they deserve.”

“I've always wondered what it would be like to meet an Einherjar of myself...”

“You're so cute---putting up such a good fight over this! Normally, I'd never go on a trip without my dear Avatar. But my retainers begged and begged and begged... They really want me to go. And who am I to deny them?”

“I know many places far more terrifying than this silly old haunted mountain. For instance, the mansion of the dead deep in the Woods of the Forlorn. Or the Carnivale, a glade of trees that eat people whole. Oh, the games we played there when I was a girl...”

“Remember how we made ice sculptures at the fortress to cheer up Avatar? He/She began to cry when he/she saw them begin to melt, day by day... So we asked Felicia and Flora to halt their slow thawing. Do those sculptures still stand? Surely they're lost their shapes by now...”

Camilla: Avatar! I've been looking all over for you

Camilla: No, no, of course not. Now, I'll just sit down first, and...I'm all ready!

Camilla: That's right—it's time for you to rest your precious little head in my lap. Would you like a lullaby as well? I know how hard it is to fall asleep sometimes.

Camilla: Are you sure? It seems like yesterday to me. I could just sit and stare at your cute little sleeping face for hours. C'mon! I promise I won't kiss your cheeks while you're sleeping. Oh, who am I kidding? I can't promise that!

Camilla: So you're worried about what people will think, is that it?

Camilla: Certainly. Going forward, I will treat you as the adult brother you have become. Now then, I was thinking we deserve a small break from all this action. Shall we pop off to the local hot springs for a spell? Do a bit of a "spa fortnight," as I like to call it?

Camilla: Oh, I suppose not. It's just that I feel terrible about your wretched past. Being locked away for so long...unable to run wild with the other boys. Let alone experience life's simplest pleasures! Like splashing in the ocean...or playing knights and dragons with your friends. Father didn't allow that sort of thing, did he.

Camilla: You're right, I'm being ridiculous. Letting my emotions overtake me like that. Just give me a moment...

Camilla: Of course, my silly little Avatar! I mean...of course, Avatar. Is everything all right? You seemed so distressed the other day. And then you just ran off...

Camilla: First on the list is this field of flowers here. It's absolutely sublime—a living work of art. This circle is a cavern filled with sparkling crystals and mysterious rock formations. And, last but not least, a secluded hot spring not far from our current location...

Camilla: Oh, certainly! I can wait. I mean, I've already been waiting for years. Take your time, brother. This will be like the blink of an eye.

Camilla: Hello, Jakob. How fortunate to run into you like this. I've been meaning to thank you for all that you do for Avatar.

Camilla: Jakob, did you launder these clothes for Avatar?

Camilla: Jakob, do you have a moment? I feel I must apologize for the other day.


Pretty accurate, except the unaggressive part.

As for Tharja:



You are inner-directed, unconventional and informal.

You are philosophical: you are open to and intrigued by new ideas and love to explore them. You are appreciative of art: you enjoy beauty and seek out creative experiences. And you are melancholy: you think quite often about the things you are unhappy about.

Your choices are driven by a desire for discovery.

You consider both independence and helping others to guide a large part of what you do. You like to set your own goals to decide how to best achieve them. And you think it is important to take care of the people around you.



Tharja: Death comes for all of us eventually. Why invite it early, fighting for a cause I don't believe in?

Tharja: Let's just say I'm keeping my options open. I mean, long live the king and all, but I'd like to keep living as well. And I have a bit of a rebellious streak, I'm afraid. A...dark side.

Tharja: ...You would trust me? What if this is all just a ploy to plunge a dagger in your back?

Tharja: Well, that's odd... Usually when I bring up the backstabbing bit the discussion is over. All right, then - consider me your new ally. ...For now.

"Have I mentioned you've been acting odd lately? Why do you wander off from camp?"

"Dreaming is dull. Who wants to walk around with sparkles in their eyes? Not me." 

"I feel ickier than usual today... Splendid! Oh, the curses I could hex up now..." 

“Stop grinning, you shameless fools! ...You want to make me smile, too?”

“Forget saving the world--I just want you. Gods have mercy on anyone who interferes!”

“How dare you steal my toolkit. I would have GIVEN you my gold. But the lock of Avatar's hair in that pouch was...priceless. Return it now, or I will kill you a thousand times over!”

“This place reeks of blood and death... What a marvelous place to weave a horrific curse! But... another part of me wants to get far, far away... as fast as I can.”

“It's not my problem if some stupid merchants wandered into a deathtrap. But Avatar has me twisted around his/her little finger... *sigh* If he/she says "Leap over a pit of hot magma," what can I answer but "How high?"”

“Why is everyone having so much...ugh, gag me...so much FUN? This "resort" nonsense will only lead to trouble. I must distract myself... You there... Prepare to be cursed in Avatar's name!”

Tharja: What a taskmaster. I thought he'd never finish. Look at Robin with those fools... I hope they realize he/she belongs to me. I suppose I could curse them all. ...Gods, that would take forever. It would be easier to just curse Robin. A stink spell, perhaps? If he/she caused people to pass out and retch, I'd have him/her all to myself! ...Except that he/she would smell like an outhouse. Hmm... Maybe a different plan...

Tharja: That's impossible. A victim of a curse enters a trance state with no memory or awareness of his actions.

Tharja: But you've been doing everything I demand without hesitation! Are you playing me for a fool? Because that would make me...angry.

Tharja: I'm not going to hurt Robin. I just find him/her fascinating. You on the other hand...

Tharja: Gods, you men are all the same. Completely obsessed with appearances. My attraction to Robin is something I experience on a higher plane. It's a meeting of the minds.

Tharja: I'd have a better chance conversing with a donkey. ...Now go away before I decide to stab you.

Tharja: Nothing is more intimate than having a hex cast upon you. The spell creates a bond between the mage and victim—a resonance of souls. You WERE eager to connect with me on this level, were you not? And besides, being a toad might increase your intellectual capacity.

Tharja: You thought I might be a Plegian spy? Yes, I figured as much. But you should know I never liked that dastard Gangrel. What kind of king would sacrifice his realm to suit his own twisted goals? It's a travesty he ever took the throne.

Tharja: I have been loyal to Chrom from the very beginning. Not that I imagine any of you sad sacks will believe me.


Tharja: If I wanted friends, I would conjure them forth from the black abyss!

Tharja: Right. Well, nice talking to you, quiet man. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a letter to mail.

Tharja: I come from a family of powerful mages. They can usually take care of themselves. But times like these... Well, who knows?

Tharja: Why do you care about my family? It's kind of creepy. But if you must know, it's from my parents and everyone is just fine. ...And your family?

Tharja: Hee. That's good news.

Tharja: Is Lissa hosting again? Maybe she'll make more of those little honey cakes. Oh, hold on. You've got a bug stuck in your hair...

It is not unusual for powerful incidents to grip our hearts for many years after. You aren't cursed by mortal means, Lon'qu—the memory IS the curse.

Tharja: ...No. But I'll tell you why I CAN'T teach you. My own powers are not fully developed, so I'm in no position to instruct anyone.

Tharja: Just because I'm a powerful dark mage doesn't mean my training is complete. I have many hexes yet to learn, and even the ones I know don't always work.

Tharja: That seems like a rather dangerous attitude for a mage. Although... Hmm... That actually might be fun... All right. I'm going to start experimenting with new and unknown magic. I'll go out to the woods alone and cast every curse and hex I've ever heard of! ...Hee.

Tharja: Life would be dull if everyone was happy and polite. Also, don't tell anyone about this. I have an image to maintain.

Tharja: I like the way I am.

Tharja: It was meant to help you see my good side.

Tharja: Age has nothing to do with it. I'm just not interested in talking.

Tharja: You want to be friends with me? Then prove your loyalty. Give me nail clippings and a lock of hair so I can cast a spell that sticks.

Tharja: Your mother and father are both...doing well. They worry about you all the time and can't wait to see you again.

Tharja: All right. You weren't crying. I was clearly mistaken. ...Oh, I almost forgot. I decided to look into your future the other day.

Tharja: You survive the war, and you end up living a very happy life. Every day is full of laughter, and you're never lonely again.

Tharja: Oh? A priest wants to sacrifice himself for the greater good? Shocker... 

Tharja: Sure, whatever. I accept anyway. Just don't blame me if it all goes horribly wrong. 

Tharja: When hearts and minds come together, they sometimes change each other. It's like a spell of sorts—if one side is transformed, the other is, too. 

Tharja: Maybe you should just focus on being happy for a bit, you know? Now you can face life without all that pain dragging you down.

Tharja: Because I have nothing further to learn from you. Once you know someone's secret pain, curses become a bit too easy. 

Tharja: Perhaps you'd be willing to teach a trick or two to a fellow dark mage?

Tharja: Thank you, I get the picture. What's with the smiling, anyway? No one's going to trust you if you're grinning like the village idiot.


Tharja: Ugh... Hale? Hearty? Have you no respect for our ancient profession? We're supposed to be harbingers of pestilence and famine and doom!

Tharja: Yes. Now, if you do not speak the truth, you will DIE! Answer me clearly and without hesitation. Are you a foreign spy?

Tharja: I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand affairs of the heart. In any case, you may go. I have no further use for you.

Tharja: You want me to use my magic powers to do something for you, right? For weeks, you've been running hither and yon, collecting specimens. At first it was just amusing, but you've actually proved to be quite helpful. So then? Name your price. What do you want in return?

Tharja: I think this is going to be a very useful arrangement. ...Particularly for me.


Tharja: They might think I did it for some kind of...common good... Or out of the goodness of my heart. *shudder* I only did it to thank you for the help you've given me. If people think I've gone soft, I'm finished as a dark mage...

Tharja: It still doesn't make sense. But then again, none of this does. Why wouldn't my future self have taught you how to properly curse people? If I was swallowed up in research, I'd never turn away a useful assistant...

Tharja: Hardly a problem. I was instructed in the dark arts from infancy. Even my umbilical cord was cut with a curse.

Tharja: Meh heh heh... Well, no matter. That just means it falls on me to shape you into something useful. Oh, and I shall teach you... Whether you wish it or not. Heh... Meh heh heh.

Tharja: You have a frightening amount of talent. Your innate magical potential is vast. Even that talisman I made turned you into an entirely different person! One couldn't hope for a greater vessel to shape into a curse slinger. ...And you could never be in my way.

Tharja: I don't want you dealing in hexes. The dark arts carry with them tremendous risks. My future self knew as much...

Tharja: That's why I've been watching your every...single...move. Yesterday you read two books and part of a third. You snacked on an apple. And last night, you turned over 12 times in your sleep. ...Well below your average.

Tharja: Oh yes. I realized it the first moment we locked eyes. "He isn't like the others," I thought. "He's the one I've been seeking!"

Tharja: Indeed! And it worked! I'm perfectly normal now! Ho ho! My yes, so typically normally plain.

Tharja: Robin? ...You all right? Robin, you're shaking like a leaf! And your forehead's on fire! Okay, Tharja, think. We need cold water and a spell to bring down the fever...

Tharja: Aw, how sweet. He's sleeping. Sleeping and...helpless. Hee hee hee hee!

Tharja Is it so strange for me to want to be by your side every moment of the day?

Tharja Hmph. I suppose I am showing a bit more skin than usual. But I confess I was blissfully unaware of it until you brought it up... Ugh. This is mortifying.

Tharja Half-naked?! How dare you! Did you not notice my cloak? It's not like I'm strutting around in my underwear like these...beach strumpets!

Tharja Is that all? If that's what's bothering you, maybe I can help. We are...allies, after all.

Tharja They're common brigands. I hardly worked up a sweat. ...Do you want something? Fawning makes my skin crawl.

Tharja Hmph. I don't see what you find so fascinating about me.

Tharja I drink my fill of wine, and I touch whatever sweets I please.

Tharja May the gods strike me where I stand if they ever catch me wearing pink. Can you honestly imagine me in anything other than black?

Tharja Let me get this straight: In this hypothetical dance, you would play second fiddle to me? You being a dancer, and me being someone who doesn't, in point of fact, dance? Look, when I told you to forget it, I meant it. ...But that doesn't mean I wouldn't be willing to help you perform.

Tharja Gods. Where do you learn such things? One moment I'm dealing with a simpering innocent, and the next... *sigh*

Tharja Why are you even asking ME, anyway? There must be others with more *ahem* "boingy" bits than me.

Tharja ...Hm? Did I just doze off in the middle of a battle? Curious. I must be even more tired than I thought. Still, it was a wonderful dream... Fancy Robin showing up! Hee hee. Ooh, the fun we had...

Tharja What do you mean, quite a snooze? Why in the world didn't you wake me up? We're in the middle of a battle!

Tharja Noire... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have led you on like that. Your mother hasn't come back to life. I'm not her.

Tharja Tears? Really? What am I supposed to...? Listen, I don't have much time. But while I'm here, I'm going to make the creatures who tried to hurt you pay. Out of respect for your real mother, if nothing else.

Tharja Now, let's pick out the perfect curse for your vengeance, shall we? And let's make it a real humdinger. After all, what's the point in coming to another world if I can't let my hair down? Hee hee hee...


Edited by Jingle Jangle
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Decided to try based off Canas.

Lines here:


Pardon me! I was speaking with an old sailor a few moments ago. He told me that you’re planning to travel to Valor. Is that so? Really? And that’s why you’re playing tag with these pirates? ……I see. In that case, would you mind if I joined you? My name is Canas. I’m a scholar of sorts… I’ve been seeking passage to Valor, but none will take me. My proposal probably sounds somewhat selfish, no? You should know, I can help in combat. I’ve some skill with a form of elder magic… Some call it dark magic, a rather biased term, if I must be blunt. But at the very least, I can take care of myself, and perhaps others.

Actually, this is quite fascinating. Mark, the Nabata wasteland is a bit of a paradise to magic adepts. Stories tell of the many magical artifacts lost in these sands. I’ll keep my eyes open. Of course, I’ll be fighting as well.

Ah, what a shame. There was so much more that I wanted to learn…

Mother… Forgive me… Take care… of…Hugh…

…It’s just an old ruin.

Who are you?
Wa-Wait! Who in the–
No, he’s not.
It’s a talisman. Why would I need it?
She’s gone.What a mysterious girl.

Who is it? What are you doing there!?
A bishop!? Forgive my rudeness…
No, we stand opposed to them. …This is a battleground. You should stay here, Your Excellency. This battle is nothing that need concern you.
Thank you.
Thank you. You as well, Your Excellency.

W-What is it?
Err, well… I do dabble in the dark arts…
Ah, well it’s quite interesting, really. You see, there are several types of magic in this cosmos. Monks practice light magic, mages practice anima magic, and we shamans practice elder magic, which some call dark!
W-What’s the matter?!
I-I apologize. Did I use… hard words?
No, err, I never meant– No.
Righto. Have fun… I guess…

Why, hello there!
Oh, this one? Yes… Well it’s actually… a rather fascinating excursion into cryptopaleontology…
Oh, right.
Ah, no. Actually this is not a dark tome…
Well, no good at all, I suppose.
Why, for the thrill of new knowledge, I guess. Man lives for the joy of new ideas, doesn’t he?
Yes, well…perhaps. I suppose.
Well…I shall try. Err, thank you.

Yes, well, I am a bit fatigued, actually. You know, scholars are not used to such strenuous activity.
Yes… I suppose that’s one way of putting it.
Ah, no! Please. Really, I don’t think–
A-A book?
…… Are you…going to…eat it?
No! Nothing of the sort!
Why…yes! You’re probably right… Well, it seems I may have much to learn from you. I look forward to it…

…Mmm. I wonder where it went? If I dropped it, it should be around here…
Excuse me…that book…
No, that’s perfectly fine… I just…didn’t know you had an interest in ancient magic. You look more like one who specializes in the magics of nature.
Oh, well… My knowledge is but a candle to your mastery’s blaze. …Are you not Lord Pent, the mage general of Etruria?
Wow! Goodness! In the flesh? Well, my wife will not believe this!!
Oh, I am Canas. I have only just become a shaman…
Yes. Why, she just thinks you are the bee’s knees!
Well, I guess that’s true… I am still just a scholar in heart… That is my, err, true calling…
Well, you see, it all started…

Afternoon, Lord Pent!
I am glad it pleased you.
…I do believe this is the last surviving copy of this book. …As I told you before… Knowledge of the ancient magics has been passed down in our family for generations… Even this book…was to be passed to one of my three brothers.
Oh, no! They are alive! But…barely. They merely subsist… As you know, elder magic is based on the forces of darkness… It is even more powerful than nature magic, which is often called anima. But to use this magic, you must invite the dark forces within you. The temptation to submit to the darkness is…great. …Unfortunately, the darkness took my brothers… They live…and breathe…their eyes open and close… But…they do not move. And they do not speak.
There is no guarantee that I will not join them… …… Truthfully, it scares me… However, I must see the other side. My curiosity pushes me ever deeper. It will be my undoing.
I knew you would understand. If it pleases you, keep that book.
Yes, but it was written by my mother. If I ask her, she will write it again…
Her name is Niime. She is an odd character. She is known to some as the Mountain Hermit…
…You know of her?
What is the matter?

Hello. Why, you’re little Nino, aren’t you?
Oh, yes… It’s Roland the Hero.
Well, Roland was a hero who fought dragons a long time ago, about a thousand years ago.
You… You would? Nino… I’m so glad to have you in this army…
You see, books take us to fascinating new places… Oh, I really do think you and I will be fast friends…sniff…
Here! I would like you to have this book! And please, take any of these you would like!
Oh…I see. Well, then why don’t I teach you?
Of course not. You see, teaching illuminates the minds of both master and student… I will teach you everything I can!

Ah…Nino. You certainly look well today. How was the book I lent you?
…Ahh, anima magic is quite wondrous… Its polished magic system and refined theory are quite elegant…
My wife and I are magic users like yourself. When I look at one of my wife’s tomes, it truly lightens my heart… Anima is the magic of nature… This communion with the spirit of all things unleashes the heart. This magic makes us feel free… The elder magic that I use requires great strength to master its forces.
When I show my son the dark tomes, he just becomes frightened and cries… Perhaps our ancient lineage of dark mages will end with me… My mother has tried all sorts of hexes to prepare the child, but nothing works…
He will be two this year.
Hmmm, maybe you are right. I guess my mother did pressure me a bit much as a child… But my brothers and I were all raised that way and we seem to have turned out well…
Oh, all right. But since I am still on a quest for knowledge, I can’t just return home now…
Oh… I feel so ashamed.

All right… Now, who’s this?
…What a lovely family.
That is…good. But…this Iris…How interesting…
Well, my wife had a sister named Iris. Unfortunately, I heard that she had died…
Perhaps, you know, Nino, you might be our niece…
Well, it is not an uncommon name, but… Well, perhaps… It would be an interesting coincidence…
And I would certainly be happy to have such a studious young girl like yourself as a niece… That would truly be grand…

Ah, excuse me. You are…on our side, are you not? Fighting with us?
It is an honor. I am Canas. I have a question.
Ah, yes, well, excuse my manners. But I am on a journey to gather knowledge…
Yes. Well… For the moment, I am more like a shaman traveling to hone my skill in the ancient magic. But at heart, I am still just a scholar, as you say. I heard, Bishop, that you have been to the Dread Isle… Could you perhaps tell me a little about it? About the creatures to be found there? About the ones with eyes of gold?
Ah! So you do know of them! Where did you learn that name?
Bishop, I must ask you… Do you think these morphs have souls?
Yes. I am dreadfully curious to know. The Elimineans say that all creatures possess souls… All those created by the gods, that is. But what of those created by man? And these manufactured beings… do they dream? Do they think–and suffer–as we do? Or must their emotions be…crafted…by another?

Did you know that the word morph appears even in a few ancient texts? Brought to life by man, crafted to resemble him… I never thought any of us would actually have seen one.
Renault, where did you first learn of these morphs? Are they mentioned in the Eliminean scripture?
Oh. Well that is… truly unfortunate. You see, we know so little of Nergal.
Why, for example, did he begin creating morphs? After his falling out with the Archsage Athos, did he feel alone in the world? Did he need the company of someone who could understand him? Was he forced to…create…such a being?
Renault… How do you know so much?
Nergal began creating morphs centuries ago. Even Athos knows so little… So…how could you…?

Ah, Renault! Wait for me! I must ask you something!
…… Now, I ask you this, only for the sake of knowledge… Knowledge…is the reason for my journey… I understand there are some things you would rather the others did not know… So, please do not answer if you do not wish to.
Please tell me… These morphs Nergal has created… How can you know so much about beings that are centuries old?
I will give you the answer I suspect may be true. You know, because you were there. Nergal was alone after he and Athos separated. The only ones around him were his morphs… Perhaps then, you are…
…… …I have never thought one should back away from knowledge, but…I hesitate to ask…
…… Before…I would have said that I do not know… But now, perhaps I do… Morphs…do have souls… That is what I believe…
Bishop Renault, are you saying–

Oh, hello there. I am called Canas.
Ah, yes. This is The Dragon-Human War: An Annotated Chronicle. It’s about the war one thousand years ago between humans and…
Oh. I see. Forgive me.
Ahh… Pardon me.

Vaida, it has been a while.
No, I never do stop studying! Knowledge is its own reward, Vaida! By the way, this is Dark–
Ah. Forgive me.
Hey! That’s a very rare book! And it’s mine!
No, please don’t… Ohh… Ohh… Why does he have to devour it as if it were so…appetizing?

Ah, er… Hello, Vaida. I am indeed reading. This is–
Ah. Well, excuse me. I thought I would bring a book today that you might find interesting… It is about wyvern-mounted combat…
Yes. Do you know of them? They are rather mysterious creatures. According to this book, they are all white and normally appear in lakes… And it says that they cry Scraw! from time to time. Just once, I sure would like to see a real one…
Hm? Was my description inaccurate?
Oh dear, not again! And he finds that one… positively irresistible, doesn’t he…

Let this battle be forgotten by history… That is all I ask.

Mm… This is the best outcome, is it not?

I see. No better than average, are you?

You seem to lack even basic skills.

Assessment here (It's a little off imo):



You are inner-directed, genial and helpful.

You are philosophical: you are open to and intrigued by new ideas and love to explore them. You are appreciative of art: you enjoy beauty and seek out creative experiences. And you are empathetic: you feel what others feel and are compassionate towards them.

Your choices are driven by a desire for discovery.

You are relatively unconcerned with both achieving success and taking pleasure in life. You make decisions with little regard for how they show off your talents. And you prefer activities with a purpose greater than just personal enjoyment.

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It's time for an analysis of Peri



oh! I found you, you little traitor!

Not a traitor? But Lord Xander said you were... I'm Peri! No offense, but I'm going to kill you now.

“Huh...that's strange. Usually, I'm the one doing the stabbing and killing. I need to retreat and think about this...”

“Are you ready to die? If not, I'll give you 10 seconds to get ready. Times up!”

“I'm sorry I disobeyed you, Lord Xander. So this is what death feels like...”

“Oh sweet! Finally some half-decent opponents! I'm Peri, and I love a good fight to the death! Your death, specifically! Lord Xander will heap praise on me for doing you in.”

“What? I looooooost... I won't forget this!!”

“I'm still on duty right now. Are you sure about this?”

“Sell whatever you want. Just buy me something!”

“Can I get you anything else? Come on! It's just me-Peri!”

“The weapon I create will cleave my foes in twain.”

“I love the lottery. Too bad I can't play while I'm on the clock!”

“Of course I won! How could I possibly lose to one of these arena weaklings?”

“No! I lost! Get out of my way! I've got to get back in there!”

“I tell ya... I know my way around a kitchen! My knife skills are pretty amazing.”

“Nooooooooooo! It tastes terrible. I wish I knew where I went wrong.”

“Who cooked this? It's so good that I just can't stand it!”

“To be honest, I think my cooking is way better than this.”

“Come out of those cards, you cowards! I won't lose to a stupid Einherjar!”

“I milked some cows! They were nice, too, so don't go chopping them into steaks!”

“Let's make gingerbread cookies—so we can bite their little heads off!”

“I love fruit! Especially the berries that look like they’re bleeding when you squish ‘em!”

“I skin the fishie while it's still twitching. That's how you know it's tasty!”

“Cutting rocks is tough work. I did wind up finding some ore, but it was pretty boring.”

“I never lose! Never, never! Lord Xander will win. And I heard this island has pretty-pretty seashells. He's going to bring some back for me. And you're not going to stop him!”

“Listen here, ghosts. I've got one word for you! Boohoohoo! *sniffle* When I don't get enough sleep, I'm so emotional! Wah!”

“Eeeeek! It's a ghoul! Don't curse me- I couldn't bear to spend my life cursed! Waaaait... that's mummies I'm thinking of. You're just a regular ol' monster. And that's not scary at all! Get ready to die-again!”

“Heehee! Who cares about this junk? I just wanna get to the fighting! Are you suuuuuure we can't kill them, Lord/Lady Avatar?”

“Wow...a bunch of brothers who all look alike. That's really something! You won't mind if I kill six or seven, right? You'll hardly notice they're gone!”

Peri: I'm Peri! P for pulverize, E for eviscerate, R for ruin, I for impale! Kee hee! Laslow and I are Lord Xander's retainers. He's really worried about you! That's why he sent us to kill things on his behalf. Best job ever!

Peri: It's no use. I know that look in his eyes... it's the same one I have! It means he's raring to fight.

Peri: Hee hee, then let's gut these fools quickly and save our princess! I'm gonna stabby-stab every last one of them! It'll be SO FUN!

Peri: All the ones who made me cry! They're dead meat!

Peri: Allies... Lord Xander said it's important to have those. In that case, I guess it's safe to tell you.

Peri: I'm sad because everyone looks at me like I'm weird.

Peri: Yeah. But of course I'm different! I come from a really noble family.

Peri: I do! Me and Laslow are Lord Xander's top retainers. Lord Xander's great because he gives me lots of chances to bathe.

Peri: Lord Xander doesn't look at me weird, but everyone else sure does. Every soldier at the castle kept their distance from me

Peri: Thanks for listening. I feel a lot better! Here, you can have this in return. I baked it myself!

Peri: I know! People still look at me funny... But now they all want to try my snacks!

Peri: I know what you did for me. You talked to them all and told them how good my snacks are.

Peri: What a great day! I'm going to keep churning out treats for everybody. Especially for you, Lady Avatar!

Peri: Yup! I like being your ally. You were nice to me, so I'll be nice to you. Like when you listened to my problems.

Peri: Don't worry, I've got plenty! I won't miss one or two pieces.

Peri: Thanks! Sweets like this are a piece of cake. I'll have to make you some of my really special treats sometime.

Peri: Yep! There's no way I could refuse someone who loves my treats as much as you! Buuut if I'm gonna do all that baking, I'm gonna need more compliments!

Peri: Huh? No, I just sort of dabbled as a girl. Everyone liked my treats so much that I just never stopped making them.

Peri: Heehee. You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait 'til I make you some savory dishes. I loooove cooking with meat!

Peri: Bingo! I think today's batch is even better than usual, too! It's delish.

Peri: Aw, shucks. I love it when you compliment me!

Peri: Teehee! Really? I was so nervous, my heart was beating like crazy!

Peri: Hmm... I know! I'll have tea with you!

Peri: Yep! You're a cool guy, after all.

Peri: Teehee, you're beet red! Have you struck out with EVERY girl you try to talk to?

Peri: Come on—let's go get that tea! We need to hurry back to Lord Xander afterward.

Peri: You're making this too complicated. Do you always think about hard stuff like this when you fight?

Peri: That stuff you were saying before? About how it must feel to lose a family member? I realized I know what that's like.

Peri: Yep. My mommy was killed when I was little.

Peri: I remember finding her lying there, covered in blood, on the floor of our kitchen. At first I thought someone had spilled a lot of tomato juice. ...It was one of the servants. He loved my mommy so much, he wanted to keep her forever for himself.

Peri: Laslow? Are you crying?

Laslow: Cry all you want. It's OK. Your mother lives in you, even now.

Peri: Really? That's great! Speaking of Mommy's cooking, I can make it now! Is that 'cause she's inside of me?

Peri: Neat! We're two of a kind! That must be why we're partners.

Peri: OK... I might not remember all the time, but I'll try to think about it.

Peri: Hehehe! I feel better after a good cry! You really are my best friend, Laslow!

Peri: Ooh, it's Niles! I heard you can make anyone feel bad using only words. I wanna hear it for myself. Do me! Do me!

Peri: Well...I lived in a really big mansion. It was kind of hard to miss. And my parents told me that someone broke in once! So I was wondering if it might have been you.

Peri: Whoa! Nothing! I'm just curious. I just thought it would be kind of a cool coincidence, that's all.

Peri: Haha! That's so cool! So, what did you steal? I don't remember anything ever going missing.

Peri: That is CRAZY! We never had a doll like that in our house! Believe me, if we did...I would have played with it nonstop!

Peri: Oh! Wait, no. What are you getting at?

Peri: Wow! So you broke into my house to steal ME! Hahahaha! That's so funny!

Peri: Selena! Hey, Selena! You hate it when you're not the best at everything, right?

Peri: Then I'm automatically the best at it! Hooray for me!

Peri: Yikes! Ease off! I-I didn't mean it! Waaaaaaaaah! Selena is bullying me!

Peri: A cook-off! That's a great idea! You know I'll win, right? Can you handle that?

Peri: Don't just groan about it! I want to hear what you think! Is it yummy? Gross? Tell me!

Peri: Aww, aren't you going to make your funny crying face this time?

Peri: Hey, we agree on something!

Peri: You're...not happy to be friends...? *sniff* *sob* Waaaaaaaaah! Why are you such a meanie?!

Peri: OK...I'll believe you.

Peri: They're icky. They're all wriggly and they get everywhere and ruin your food! *shudder* I get chills just thinking about them.

Peri: Huh? No, I wub widdle butterflies! They're adorable.

Peri: What?! No way! Though now that you mention it, I guess I remember my tutor saying that. But I'm not sure. I sort of stopped paying attention when he said "caterpillar." I always get so distracted if I'm not interested in something right away.

Peri: I just ask the people around me to kill all of the bugs they see!

Peri: Yeah. They're not scary. They're just... disgusting.

Peri: Because I'll call for you each time a bug bothers me! Then you can save them. But if you don't come quickly enough, I'll just have someone else kill them for me.

Peri: *grumble* Fiiiine. But you'd better run each time I call! Or else—squish! Hehehehehe.

Peri: ...OK, you asked for it. Everyone keeps yelling at me!

Peri: They say...they say I... They say I'm a bad retainer! *sob*

Peri: It's because I'm not... What was it again? Oh yeah. Not respectful. They say I don't respect you enough. That I talk too casual to you. Like that's a bad thing!

Peri: I really do appreciate all you've done for me! But people say I don't. They say if I was really grateful, I would act like it. But this is how I've always talked! I don't even know how to change! I don't know what to doooooo! *sob*

Peri: Huh... I...I want to try learning. I'm sick of getting nagged about it! If this keeps up, anyone who talks to me about etiquette will need a tourniquet!

Peri: Whaaat?! That was wrong? I don't get it... This is too hard!

Peri: How can I?! I don't get it at all! You lied, Lord Xander! This is WAY too hard to keep straight!

Peri: I mean, I know how much I appreciate you! What does it matter how I act as long as my feelings are real? ...Does that make sense, Lord Xander?

Peri: I've always wondered, Lord Xander... Why did you bring me to the castle? I didn't win the tourney. I came in, what, third? Fourth? Why call me up instead of the champion?

Peri: Like, in school? But I never graduated...

Peri: Well, first off, some cute clothes and accessories. Then I want to buy some candy to give to everyone as a present!

Peri: Hmm, I need to thank you somehow for helping me out. How about if I buy you something while we're shopping!

Peri: Booooo! Sure it did! I picked it out special. Why would you say it doesn't fit you?!

Peri: Isn't it awful? I suppose I could just...talk it out with them. But...but... *SOB*

Peri: This isn't the right blade at all! This one's so small and dull! Yick! I could barely skin a fruit with this, much less a person! I knew it was too good to be true... *sniffle* I've just learned a valuable lesson about life and trusting people. Thank you, Arthur.

Peri: Wow... That doesn't make too much sense to me, but it's pretty impressive!

Peri: I guess... Maybe some things CAN be solved without stabbing. Sometimes. I mean, I'm sure it's still rare, but... it happens! Thank you for teaching me that, Arthur. You're good people.

Peri: ... Charlotte is weird.

Peri: I'm not acting! What are you talking about?

Peri: Of course not! I'm as direct as they come!

Peri: But you're so strong on your own! I've seen you take out tons of enemies with just a swing of your axe. It was so cool to see! If being your ally means seeing you do that more, I'm in! You're not limiting your allies to just men, right?

Peri: Why pretend? I'm me and only me.

Peri: I don't understand... Aren't you already you?

Peri: Yup! So I've decided to learn from you so that I can become a better everything! I'll just copy what you do, and that'll make me better. Great idea, huh?

Peri: I won't give up! I'll try that tea again and become a better fighter, just like you! But not today. My mouth actually hurts from drinking that. I'll come by another time. Better have some tea ready when I do!

Peri: What? Never! I'm trying to learn! I'm really serious about improving myself! I just...can't handle how bitter this is...

Peri: It was in the dead of night. You were sneaking up on an enemy sentry line... They had no idea you were there. You got right up behind the bad guy, and as he turned...you flicked your blade out! It was too fast to even see, and the enemy seemed paralyzed by the blow! When you drew your sword back, a fountain of blood erupted from the man! It was amazing!

Peri: B-but...it was so cool! Anyway, most fighting is pointless! In the end, it's either you or them. And I always side with myself in that situation!

Peri: Now do you understand why I admire you so much? I want to become stronger! I know that you're the right person to learn from! You're so graceful and beautiful...

Peri: What's a common decency? I've never heard of that, so it can't be as common as you say...

Peri: Unspoken?! Then how am I supposed to know?

Peri: Nah, no need. I make enemies all the time! People I hate a lot are enemies, right?

Peri: You brought me candy because I asked... I'm moved to tears! Waaaaaaaaah! Th—*sniff*— thank you, Benny.

Peri: That was then! NOW I want sour stuff!

Peri: I guess I'll accept your candy. But only out of pity for your looks. Thanks for trying, Benny!

Peri: Great! I'll hold you to that!

Peri: Ooh, me too! I wanna come!

Peri: *sob* Keaton's mad at me again!

Peri: Rumors? Heehee, you act like I have a bad reputation or something!

Peri: I still don't understand...but if you say I should forget it, then OK.

Peri: OK... It's your funeral... Take this! And that! And some of these!

Peri: Yeah, I guess not. I'll just work them harder, too! We'll all feel good together!

Peri: What?! You can't refuse! You're a butler! All the butlers I've ever run into do exactly what I say.

Peri: Not fair! Not fair! I don't believe you! Pour me some tea right now!

Peri: You...you think so? You aren't just saying that.

Peri: Wow... You really think I'm that amazing?

"Yes! I'm totally tougher now!"

"Hey, look what I found! I wonder what we should do with it..."

"Hrmph, I don't have time to go shopping. This is stressful-where's a butler?"


Assessment: It's kind of off.



You are unaggressive and generous.

You are melancholy: you think quite often about the things you are unhappy about. You are modest: you are uncomfortable being the center of attention. And you are cautious of others: you are wary of other people's intentions and do not trust easily.

Your choices are driven by a desire for belongingness.

You consider both helping others and independence to guide a large part of what you do. You think it is important to take care of the people around you. And you like to set your own goals to decide how to best achieve them.


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