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Idea for IS's Possible Teased Town-Building Mode: A Mine + More


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Remember in the survey how IS asks people if they would like a town building mode? I'd like it a lot if it incorporated features like a mine.

I'm thinking of the whole town itself being something like a mix of the My Castle from Fates and Poke Pelago from Pokemon Sun/Moon and Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon. Poke Pelago gives use to all those Pokemon you have sitting in your boxes.

Similarly, this Heroes town would let you give more use to all those units you don't bother to use that sit in your barracks. 5 stars you don't use much, fodder that hasn't been used yet, etc. Here are features I'd add to it:

- Firstly, the mine I put in the title. It would be like the Poke Pelago island where you can send Pokemon to search for stuff like evolution stones and rare treasures. The Heroes Mine would function like that, but it would cost you a few orbs to build, and then more orbs to upgrade. You would find stuff like refining stones, shards, crystals, and maybe crests and badges too. You send four units to go look for junk there and they'll return in a few hours or so. At first, the mine would only drop a few things per run. And afterward, there's a cooldown, unless you choose to use orbs or stamina potions to bypass the cooldown. Upgrading the mine would allow for bigger and rarer drops. Rare drops could be dew and blessings, perhaps. Where a default mine would drop only a few shards or stones, a fully upgraded mine could drop you maybe twenty or thirty of each (except the rarest stuff like blessings/dew).

- Next, a shop. This should be an obvious one. You can choose a unit to run it, and depending on that unit's color and weapon, the shop would offer different stuff, like the shop in the My Castle. The stronger the unit running it, the better stuff you can buy. However, stuff would be more expensive then too, and the currency used would be sacred coins, or maybe something new. You can buy certain skills, weapons, dueling crests, Light's Blessings, AA items, stuff like that. Skills and weapons would be the most expensive.

- Friend Arena. Here, you can battle one of the teams your friends have set up. Team will be chosen randomly. You'll get extra SP here, but not exp. It could also have a PvP feature and/or just AI controlled friend team, I wouldn't mind one or both so long as the PvP part is done right. We do need more uses for that friends list in any case.

- Lottery! No, you don't have to spend orbs here like you do in summoning. Just go here once every day to see what prize you win! You'll always get something, be it a couple orbs, a blessing, a few stones, shards, crystals, whatever, you'll get a few of something.

Also, players can visit their friends' towns to earn even more stuff, maybe!

Then I guess maybe we can also get to add little knick-knacks like pretty decorations, or handy items to increase the potential of any of the town facilities or game modes, or whatever. This stuff could also be found in the shop mentioned above or maybe a separate facility geared toward the town's improvement. Probably the latter.

So...what do you guys think?


Edited by Anacybele
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I like it. It sounds pretty fun. I definitely like the skill and Weapon buying

Edited by XRay
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Sounds pretty nice! I'd be more than fine if the town IS released is something like this, it gives the game some extra flavor while not being intrusive enough to change it's core. Sadly I'm kind of pessimistic in this regard and can only imagine IS making some sort of Clash of Clans/Farmville clone which would be the most annoying thing ever.

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1 hour ago, Alexmender said:

Sounds pretty nice! I'd be more than fine if the town IS released is something like this, it gives the game some extra flavor while not being intrusive enough to change it's core. Sadly I'm kind of pessimistic in this regard and can only imagine IS making some sort of Clash of Clans/Farmville clone which would be the most annoying thing ever.

I have no idea what those things are, but yeah, I wouldn't want it to be annoying either.

Glad people like my ideas so far!

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