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"The food bank is 10 minutes to the left, the mental asylum is 5 minutes past that. And bring a GPS next year."


WWYDI Lethe announced that she was going to date Ike?

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Give him a stern warning but ultimately just tell them to be happy and have fun(well if it was my sister my mom is another story)

WWYDI: you became an isekai protagonist 

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I would ask him which sword he is referring to.

WWYDI if Inigo asked you to find out which sword of his is well oiled?

55 minutes ago, Benice said:

... I didn't know Soren was transgender.

Ike is actually the mother.

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Look for them.

WWYDI the 4th wave of DLC for 3H showed more about the Agarthans, saints, and Nabateans...but Thales had a massive harem to the point that Kronya and all of her generation was his kid, and Solon joined up with the player to overthrow Thales and take his harem?

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Sounds fun. Might make even make delay getting a new laptop in favor of a getting a Switch first.

WWYDI you have to run a marathon?

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Ask how it is doing, and if it is found near my house, warn it about my cat.

WWYDI you found gnome?

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Save the chicken and give it a nice long bath. And then have it be my pet.

WWYDI you won a life time supply of one of your most hated food? You get one ton of it every month delivered to your door.

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Happy, since that means my car can drive itself and I do not have to pay to get a self driving car.

WWYDI Thanos snapped his fingers, but nobody disappeared, but everyone is missing a testicle or ovary?

8 hours ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

WWYDI you woke up hearing some weird loud noises near your bed and then turned around to see it was Eirika riding her brother's tribute with force?

That sounds naughty.

Edited by XRay
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1 hour ago, XRay said:

WWYDI Thanos snapped his fingers, but nobody disappeared, but everyone is missing a testicle or ovary?

Not notice until the guys started noticing and freaking out about it. And then be "meh" but also "you poor boys"

WWYDI you saw Mario climbing out of a manhole?

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I do not know my neighbors very well and I would help them kidnap my stepmother and offer her entire family as payment. I love you, Flame Emperor.

WWYDI the CIA gave you a murder pass so you get to go on a murder spree with no legal repercussions?

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No idea, because I do not watch Rick and Morty. I do plan to buy the Rick and Morty D&D box though and check it out. Maybe I will be more interested in the show then.

WWYDI you can do gravity bending?

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