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1 minute ago, XRay said:

WWYDI a bird 100 feet directly above you takes a dump? Would you wash your hair? Not do anything because you did not notice it landing on the roof of your car or building you are in? Laugh because it landed on the pedestrian next to you because it is really windy?

It would probably land on the roof of the building I'm in.

WWYDI you found a baby dragon?

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Ask if it's name is Blue Eyes, Norberta, Toothless, Minerva, Nowi, Spyro, or Dragoncat.

WWYDI a group of strangers knocks on your door and swears fealty to you to become your retainers?

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Have them do all the cleaning in my apartment.

1 minute ago, XRay said:

Ask if it's name is Blue Eyes, Norberta, Toothless, Minerva, Nowi, Spyro, or Dragoncat.

You forgot Saphira and Smaug. And Flayn!

WWYDI a mime was following you around?

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Depends on if the mime is a hot chick or not. If she is a hot chick, I probably would not mind. If it is anyone else, I will drop my pants, bend over, and let it rip in their face to scar them for life so they would stop following me.

WWYDI you found out your poop has the potential to be a biological weapon of mass destruction?

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Tell the United States government they can have it if they are willing to pay the right amount for it.  And the more they want out of me, the more they are going to have to invest in my body being able to produce the poop they want more of.  Ideally I should be able to retire really nice when the deal is done.

WWYDI Ian Sinclair was picked to voice Sigurd in an FE4 remake and he has to deliver the line, "A fate in which I cannot kiss you is a fate I will not recgonize!" with a completely straight face?

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Mail it back.

WWYDI you walk into someone's office and you hear their computer making hanky panky sounds?

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Depends on if they're in there or not. If they're there, I leave awkwardly. If not, I laugh and turn the computer off.

WWYDI you saw cows in a McDonalds drive thru?

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Do burger patties count as cows? I just eat them. If you are talking about live cows, then I guess I will feel bad.

WWYDI your pet joined you under your blanket, but you have to fart? I usually just fart; sometimes my cat is just like "nope" and comes back out and sometimes she just stays there. I sniff my fart too, but I do not think there is a correlation between how aromatic my fart is and when my cat nopes away, so either she comes out because the fart sound surprised her, or that what she finds is smelly is different from what I find is smelly.

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Tell him to use Google Maps.

WWYDI you can read people's minds, but only after you eat something that has their DNA (it can be hair, nail clippings, saliva, etc.)?

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Not read people's minds.


WWYDI The GBA fe game remakes actually made enemy dark magic users not weak? (Ch.17 in SS has druids with 6 mag. Depressing)

Edited by Benice
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Cool, I can finally try tofu and see if it's really as bad as people say it is and not have an allergic reaction!

WWYDI you gathered your family to watch tv today to flip through channels and you happened upon one of the death scenes from the '73 movie Blood Freak?

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WWYDI your butt is replaced with a turkey butt? You pee and poop out the same hole, but you do have a feathery butt to keep your butt warm.

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I think I will save Edelgard.

WWYDI you can procreate asexually via budding? Like, I guess mini you would just grow from your waist and detach itself once it reaches sufficient size.

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